54 research outputs found
Obraz bitwy o Poznań (1945) w świetle dokumentów i materiałów niemieckich
Wydział HistorycznyBitwa o Poznań w styczniu i lutym 1945 roku była wydarzeniem, które zapisało się na kartach historii Polaków, Rosjan i Niemców. Przez lata znane nam było zarówno polskie jak radzieckie spojrzenie na wspomniane wydarzenia. Niemiecki punkt widzenia pozostawał nieco na uboczu i był nieznany- a wręcz nawet ignorowany. Dopiero pod koniec lat 80. i w latach 90. XX wieku zaczęto zauważać istotę niemieckich relacji, pozostawiając je wciąż jednak na marginalnej pozycji.
Praca ta ma za zadanie ukazać w możliwie jak najszerszym aspekcie udział niemieckich żołnierzy w walkach o Poznań. Możemy dzięki niej poznać epizody z walk, które do tej pory były mało znane (np. powietrzne zaopatrzenie Poznania w czasie walk przez samoloty Luftwaffe lub też ucieczki żołnierzy niemieckich z otoczonego już miasta). Jak również takie działania, które ze względu na szczupłość źródeł lub ich brak, były wręcz błędnie interpretowane.Battle of Poznan in January and February of 1945, was a main event that Has been written in the history of Poles, Russians and Germans. For years we only knew only Polish and Russian point of view at mentioned battle. The German point of view was aside for many years- unknown and even ignored. In late 80’s and 90’s of the twentieth century the importance of the German reports was seen by the historians - but still it was not treated as the Polish o Russian eyewitnesses.
The main task of this work is to show as much as possible the role of the German soldiers during the battle of Poznan. Now we have the opportunity to realise of some episodes that we did not knew about (i.e. the airlift operations of the German Luftwaffe over Poznan, or the escapes of the German soldiers from the surrounded city). This also gives us a possibility to see and understand some German actions that were misinterpreted
Changes in the area of urban green space in cities of western Poland
Extensive and continuous areas of urban greenery are essential for the proper functioning of cities and for achieving optimal natural conditions. The aim of our study was to investigate the changes in the areas of public green space of Szczecin, Poznań and Wrocław in the years 1996-2013, and compare data on public greenery with demographic data and changes in the spatial development of the described cities. We used a linear regression and exponential regression to explain the results. In our opinion, it is necessary to establish the appropriate proportion of public greenery to the built-up areas in cities. Otherwise, we will be observing an adverse reduction of green areas in relation to residential areas. Surveys also indicate the need for action to prevent the outflow of population to the suburban areas.
Rodzinne ogrody działkowe jako element zielonej infrastruktury na terenie aglomeracji poznańskiej
Family allotment gardens are an important component of urban green areas, fulfilling many important functions both in the city and its inhabitants. In the past 10 years it has been a decline in the number of allotments in all provinces. Contemporary gardens are losing production functions for decorative and recreational activities. The article presents the status of quantitative and qualitative spatial allotments in the area of the agglomeration, analyzing the data of the Polish Association of Allotment and the results of surveys conducted among gardeners and residents. Based on the information gathered, it was an attempt to formulate policy recommendations for spatial agglomeration. In light of the long and rich tradition of allotment gardens and the experience of developed countries in the field of urban agriculture, should be avoided liquidation allotments and look for them new functions of both a social and productive. In politics, spatial agglomeration specify the functioning of allotment gardens, especially those in urban centers, closely formulating the terms of use and nature of the shape of the space – with particular emphasis on the aesthetic and the context of the neighborhood.Rodzinne ogrody działkowe stanowią ważny składnik terenów zieleni miejskiej, pełniąc wiele istotnych funkcji zarówno w mieście, jak i dla jego mieszkańców. W ostatnich 10 latach odnotowuje się spadek liczby ogrodów działkowych we wszystkich województwach. Współczesne ogrody tracą funkcje produkcyjne na rzecz ozdobno-rekreacyjnych. W artykule przedstawiono stan ilościowy, jakościowy i przestrzenny ogrodów działkowych na obszarze aglomeracji poznańskiej, poddając analizie dane Polskiego Związku Działkowców oraz wyniki ankiet przeprowadzonych wśród działkowców i mieszkańców. Na podstawie zebranych informacji podjęto próbę sformułowania rekomendacji dla polityki przestrzennej aglomeracji. W świetle długiej i bogatej tradycji ogrodów działkowych oraz doświadczeń krajów wysoko rozwiniętych w zakresie rolnictwa miejskiego należy zapobiegać likwidacji ogrodów działkowych oraz poszukiwać dla nich nowych funkcji o charakterze zarówno społecznym, jak i produkcyjnym. W polityce przestrzennej aglomeracji należy określić sposób funkcjonowania ogrodów działkowych, zwłaszcza tych w centrach miast, ściśle formułując zasady użytkowania i charakter kształtowania tej przestrzeni – ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem aspektów estetycznych oraz kontekstu sąsiedztwa
The development of buildings as a threat to the integrity of the edwardowo estate in the city of Poznan
The Edwardowo estate in the city of Poznan suffers from intense anthropopressure. Once calm and situated on the city’s outskirts, the estate is surrounded with establishments which interfere with its integrity nowadays. The aims of the paper were: to identify the threats rising from progressing urbanization, to determine a scale of historic value destruction and to make revalorization recommendations. The achievement of those aims was possible after analytical methods were used. The applied methods allowed for the creation of scientific analysis and 3D models. Despite the fact that the historic value of the Edwardowo estate is under threat, it is suitable for restitution
The morasko estate – an example of historic value degradation caused by ownership changes and plot dismemberment
The historic estate in Morasko has been the subject of transformation for years. Both owners as well as functions have been changing. New plots, existing after estate plot dismemberment, were covered with new buildings, which dominated both the manor and palace and changed the historic spatial design as well. The aims of the study were: to identify the threats rising from plot dismemberment and ownership changes, to determine the scale of historic value destruction and to determine the revalorization possibility. The achievement of those goals was possible after research and analytical methods were used. The applied methods allowed for the creation of scientific analysis and 3D models. Despite the fact that Morasko estate historic value is remarkably destroyed it is still suitable for partial restitution
Recombinant expression and characterization of the endochitinase Chit36-TA from Trichoderma asperellum in Komagataella phaffii for chitin degradation of black soldier fly exuviae
The natural polymer chitin is an abundant source for valuable N-acetylchitooligosaccharides and N-acetylglucosamine applicable in several industries. The endochitinase Chit36-TA from Trichoderma asperellum was recombinantly expressed in Komagataella phaffii for the enzymatic degradation of chitin from unused insect exuviae into N-acetylchitooligosaccharides. Chit36-TA was purified by Ni–NTA affinity chromatography and subsequently biochemically characterized. After deglycosylation, the endochitinase had a molecular weight of 36 kDa. The optimum pH for Chit36-TA was 4.5. The temperature maximum of Chit36-TA was determined to be 50 °C, while it maintained > 93% activity up to 60 °C. The chitinase was thermostable up to 45 °C and exhibited ~ 50% activity after a 15 min incubation at 57 °C. Chit36-TA had a maximum specific enzyme activity of 50 nkat/mg with a Km value of 289 µM with 4-methylumbelliferyl-N,N′,N″-triacetyl-β-chitotrioside as substrate. Most tested cations, organic solvents and reagents were well-tolerated by the endochitinase, except for SDS (1 mM), Cu2+ (10 mM) and Mn2+ (10 mM), which had stronger inhibitory effects with residual activities of 3, 41 and 28%, respectively. With a degree of hydrolysis of 32% applying colloidal shrimp chitin (1% (w/v)) and 12% on insect larvae (1% (w/v)) after 24 h, the endochitinase was found to be suitable for the conversion of colloidal chitin as well as chitin from black soldier fly larvae into water-soluble N-acetylchitooligosaccharides. To prove scalability, a bioreactor process was developed in which a 55-fold higher enzyme activity of 49 µkat/l and a tenfold higher protein expression of 1258 mg/l were achieved
Yellow Mealworm Composition after Convective and Freeze Drying—Preliminary Results
Insects are a potential source of food and feed for humans and livestock, and they can be consumed in different forms. A combination of freezing, blanching, and drying methods are often recommended to prolong the shelf life of insect-based foods and reduce their microbial loads. However, these processes affect the quality of the end product. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the extent to which various drying methods influence the selected physical and chemical parameters of yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor L.) larvae. Insects were blanched (for 60 and 120 s) and dried with the use of two methods: convective drying (at a temperature of 60 °C and 80 °C) and freeze-drying (−30 °C) for 12, 16 or 24 h. Blanched and dried insects were subjected to laboratory analyses. The examined samples were characterized by low moisture content in the range of 3.15% to 5.47%, and they differed considerably in water activity (0.06–0.55). Moisture content and water activity were substantially higher in larvae blanched for 60 s and freeze-dried than in larvae dried with the use of the remaining methods. However, no significant changes in the protein, fiber, or fat content of insects were found when drying parameters were modified. Therefore, nutritional composition and microbial loads in dried mealworm larvae should be investigated in the future
Once sacred, profane today – the farmer evangelic cemeteries of the city of Poznan and the surrounding area
Cmentarze stanowią jedną z najcenniejszych form dziedzictwa kulturowego. Współcześnie odzwierciedlają także poziom tolerancji i wrażliwości obecnego pokolenia w stosunku do innych kultur czy narodowości. Dotyczy to między innymi nieczynnych już cmentarzy poniemieckich, które na ziemiach Wielkopolski są licznie jeszcze spotykane. Dziś, zdecydowana większość cmentarzy poewangelickich jest nie tylko zaniedbana, ale także zniszczona w wyniku świadomej działalności okolicznych mieszkańców i zaniedbania lokalnych władz. Tylko nieliczne cmentarze dawnych niemieckich osadników, których kultura jest przecież częścią naszej historii, są uporządkowane lub w ich miejscu postawione zostały obeliski upamiętniające dawne przeznaczenie miejsca. Część z nich, na przykład w Poznaniu, już nie istnieje. W pracy zajęto się badaniami 6 poznańskich parków przekształconych z cmentarzy ewangelickich oraz 2 dawnymi cmentarzami poniemieckimi, przedstawionymi jako pozytywny przykład działań zmierzających do ich zachowania.The cemeteries are one of the most valuable forms of cultural heritage. Nowadays they reflects the level of tolerance and sensitivity of current generations in relation to other cultures or nationalities. That refers to already inactive former German cemeteries, which were common in the region of Wielkopolska. Today, the vast majority of the post‐protestant cemeteries is not only neglected, but also damaged as a result of deliberate negligence of local residents or local authorities. Only a few cemeteries of the old German settlers, who are the part of our history, are arranged or the monuments commemorating the former designation of those places were risen. Some of those cemeteries, for example in the city of Poznań, no longer exist. The paper presents the results of the research conducted both in six post‐protestant cemeteries in the city of Poznan as well as in two post‐evangelical cemeteries, presented as a positive example of the efforts to preserve them
Koncepcja utworzenia ścieżki dydaktyczno-przyrodniczej: „Oczka wodne w krajobrazie rolniczym”
Powyższy artykuł jest propozycją utworzenia ścieżki dydaktyczno-przyrodniczej „Oczka wodne w krajobrazie rolniczym” na terenie Parku Krajobrazowego im. Gen. Dezyderego Chłapowskiego. W skład ścieżki wchodzić będzie 13 małych zbiorników wodnych różniących się pod względem położenia w krajobrazie, wielkości, stopnia eutrofizacji czy występowania roślinności litoralnej. Planuje się zainstalowanie na każdym zbiorniku tablicy informacyjnej z krótkim opisem oczka, natomiast na większości obiektów proponuję się umieszczenie tematów dotyczących definicji, funkcji, zagrożeń i ochrony małych zbiorników śródpolnych. Wymiernym efektem utworzenia ścieżki będzie propagowanie podstaw edukacji ekologicznej wśród młodzieży szkolnej, oraz rozwój turystyki na terenie Parku Krajobrazowego im. Dezyderego Chłapowskiego
The Future of Climate-Resilient and Climate-Neutral City in the Temperate Climate Zone
The urban heat island (UHI) effect is the main problem regarding a city’s climate. It is the main adverse effect of urbanization and negatively affects human thermal comfort levels as defined by physiological equivalent temperature (PET) in the urban environment. Blue and green infrastructure (BGI) solutions may mitigate the UHI effect. First, however, it is necessary to understand the problem from the degrading side. The subject of this review is to identify the most essential geometrical, morphological, and topographical parameters of the urbanized environment (UE) and to understand the synergistic relationships between city and nature. A four-stage normative procedure was used, appropriate for systematic reviews of the UHI. First, one climate zone (temperate climate zone C) was limited to unify the design guidelines. As a result of delimitation, 313 scientific articles were obtained (546 rejected). Second, the canonical correlation analysis (CCA) was performed for the obtained data. Finally, our research showed the parameters of the UE facilities, which are necessary to mitigate the UHI effect. Those are building density and urban surface albedo for neighborhood cluster (NH), and distance from the city center, aspect ratio, ground surface albedo, and street orientation for street canyon (SC), as well as building height, material albedo, and building orientation for the building structure (BU). The developed guidelines can form the basis for microclimate design in a temperate climate. The data obtained from the statistical analysis will be used to create the blue-green infrastructure (BGI) dynamic modeling algorithm, which is the main focus of the future series of articles
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