152 research outputs found


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    A study was conducted to determine the effect of dietary natural humic acids as feed supplements in the diet on a sow’s reproductive performance. During the survey, there were followed 26 pregnant and later farrowed sows together with their litters, divided into two groups, 12 of them belonged to the control group and 14 to the test group. In the test group, one month before the expected farrowing of sows (late gestation) to weaning, a commercial feed supplement from dietary humic acids was given. The prevalence of TPWL in the CG was 22.62%, while in the TG it was 17.19%. The prevalence of PWM was 8.45% in the CG, while in the TG it was 3.65%, but without a statistically significant difference. Depending on the sow’s dietary treatment, there did not find a statistically significant influence on reproductive performances between the groups. A balanced sow’s diet in the most sensitive period from farrowing to weaning is of great importance for obtaining improved reproductive performances in sows

    Aggressive intraabdominal fibromatosis

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    Background. Intraabdominal or mesenteric fibromatosis is a rare benign nonmetastatic neoplasm that appears as a sporadic lesion or in patients with familiar polyposis. Its evolution is unpredictable. About 10% of the cases show a very aggressive growth. Case report. We presented a 22-year-old woman in whom an aggressive intraabdominal fibromatosis had appeared during the first pregnancy as a well circumscribed ovoid tumor, involving the terminal ileum, the caecum, the ascending colon, the right kidney, the ureter, and the right common iliac artery. The tumor was excised with right colectomy, nephroureterectomy and resection of the involved artery using arterial reconstruction with graft interposition. Two years after the surgery the patient developed an inoperable tumor recurrence with a fatal outcome. Conclusion. In spite of a successful surgical excision during the original surgery intraabdominal or mesenteric fibromatosis might have an aggressive evolution leading to an inoperable tumor recurrency and a fatal outcome

    Analysis of K-ras gene codon 12 mutation in pancreatic tissue of patients with pancreatic cancer

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    Ovo istraživanje je imalo za cilj da se analizira prisustvo mutacije u kodonu 12 gena K-ras u pankreasnom tkivu pacijenata sa karcinomom pankreasa i da se proceni da li ova mutacija predstavlja potencijalni molekularni marker za karcinom pankreasa u srpskoj populaciji. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo analizu 40 uzoraka tkiva pankreasa pacijenata sa kliničkom dijagnozom karcinoma pankreasa. Prisustvo mutacije u kodonu 12 gena K-ras analizirano je metodom PCR-RFLP (polymerase chain reaction - restriction fragment length poly­morphism). Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da je mutacija u kodonu 12 gena K-ras u tkivu pankreasa prisutna sa visokom učestalošću (66 %) kod pacijenata sa karcinomom pankreasa.The aim of this study was to analyze K-ras codon 12 mutation in the pancreatic tissue of Serbian patients with pancreatic cancer and assess whether the given mutation can be used as a molecular marker for this disease. The study was performed on pancreatic tissue samples obtained from 40 patients with clinical diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. The presence of K-ras codon 12 mutation was analyzed by the polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method. Our study showed that K-ras mutation is present with a high frequency (66%) in the pancreatic tissue of patients with pancretic cancer

    Вински туризам - скрипта

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    Оваа скрипта има за цел да понуди сублимирање на литературата и концептите за винскиот туризам и запознавање на студентите со можноста тие концепти на најуспешен начин да се применат во областа на туризмот и угостителството во Македонија. Во разработката на скриптата, користена е соодветна литература од познати автори и институции од областа на винарството, лозарството, туризмот и угостителството, како и Интернетот, како извор на податоци. Скриптата е структуирана на следниот начин: Вовед, Прва, Втора и Трета глава. Првата глава, која е насловена: „Поим и дефинирање на винскиот туризам“, опфаќа: поим за винарство и лозарство, дефинирање на винскиот туризам, историски развој на винскиот туризам, фактори за постоење и развој на винскиот туризам, понуда и побарувачка на вински туризам. Посебно внимание е дадено на материјалот кој се однесува на суштината на винскиот туризам, како дегустацијата на вино и посета на винариите, винските манифестации, винските музеи, винските саеми и винските патишта. Во Втората глава се обработува материјата поврзана со винските региони и винскиот туризам во светот. Овој дел го опфаќа истражувањето во кое се содржи материјалот поврзан со: економските показатели на светската винска индустрија, винските региони во Европа, винските региони кај Балканските земји, винските региони во Америка, Африка и Австралија. Третата глава е посветена на потенцијалите за развој на винскиот туризам во Македонија. Во овој дел се претставени: историскиот развој на винарството во нашата земја, винската култура и винските региони. Исто така, даден е преглед на винарии од винските региони кои развиваат вински туризам и нудат можност за дегустација на вино. Покрај тоа, опфатени се и останатите аспекти на винскиот туризам во земјата како манифестации, музеи, вински саеми, продавници, патишта и др. Скриптата е наменета за потребите на студентите на Факултетот за туризам и бизнис логистика за подготвување на испитот по предметот Вински туризам. Содржината на скриптата ја опфаќа потребната материја за предавањата по предметот Вински туризам, според Наставната програма на насоките: Гастрономија и исхрана во втора година (4 семестар, 4 кредити, 2+1+1 фонд на часови) и Туризам во втора година (4 семестар, 4 кредити, 2+1+1 фонд на часови). Скриптата можат да ја користат сите студенти на останатите факултети каде што се изучува предметот Вински туризам, ученици во средните туристички училишта, но и останатите стручни кадри кои ја проучуваат оваа проблематика и се занимаваат со винскиот туризам. Скриптата е изготвена со цел да се унапреди наставата по предметот Вински туризам и да се подобри квалитетот на знаењето на студентите. Искажуваме благодарност и до сите наши колеги и соработници кои дадоа придонес во обезбедувањето на материјалите кои беа неопходни за комплетирање на содржината на оваа скрипта. Имајќи предвид дека е ова прво издание, ненамерно, можеби, сме пропуштиле некои карактеристики на винскиот туризам. Мислењата и забелешките можат да се упатуваат по електронски пат. За сите забелешки, авторите ќе ви бидат благодарни и ќе ги земат предвид при создавањето на следното дополнето издание на скриптата. Воедно, искажуваме јавна благодарност до рецензентите вон. проф. д-р Тања Ангелкова Петкова и доц. д-р Оливер Филипоски, за корисните сугестии при изработката на скриптата

    Expression of p53 protein in Barrett’s adenocarcinoma and adenocarcinoma of the gastric cardia and antrum

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    Background/Aim. Most studies of esophageal and gastric adenocarcinomas have shown a very high rate of p53 gene mutation and/or protein overexpression, but the influence of the tumor site upon the frequency of p53 protein expression has not been evaluated (gastroesophageal junction, Barret's esophagus, and antrum). The aim of our study was to analyze the correlation between the selected clinico-pthological parameters, and p53 protein overexpression in regards to the particular tumor location. Methods. The material comprised 66 surgical specimens; 10 were Barrett’s carcinomas, 25 adenocarcinomas of the gastric cardia (type II adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction - EGJ), and 31 adenocarcinomas of the antrum. Immunostaining for p53 protein was performed on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections, using the alkaline phosphatase - antialkaline phosphatase (APAAP) method. The cases were considered positive for p53 if at least 5% of the tumor cells expressed this protein by immunostaining. Results. There was no significant difference observed between the studied groups in regards to age, sex, Lauren’s classification and tumor differentiation. There was, however, a significant difference observed in the depth of tumor invasion between Barrrett’s adenocarcinoma and adenocarcinoma of the cardia compared with the adenocarcinoma of the antrum. Namely, at the time of surgery, both Barrett’s adenocarcinomas and adenocarcinomas of the cardia, were significantly more advanced comparing with the adenocarcinomas of the antrum. Overexpression of p53 was found in 40% (4/10) of Barrett’s adenocarcinomas, 72% (18/25) of adenocarcinoma of the cardia and 65% (20/31) of adenocarcinoma of the antrum. No significant differences in p53 expression in relation to sex, type (Lauren) of tumor, depth of invasion, lymph node involvement, or tumor differentiation were observed in any of the analyzed groups of tumors. Patients with more advanced Barrett’s adenocarcinoma and in the cases of lymph node invasion revealed tendency for the greater p53 positivity compared with the early forms and lymph node-negative cases; however, this difference was not significant according to the statistical analysis. With regard to adenocarcinoma of the cardia, higher rates of p53 positivity were recorded in poorly differentiated, more advanced cases with lymph node invasion. Nevertheless, none of these differences was statistically significant. On the contrary, in the patients with adenocarcinoma of the antrum, greater p53 positivity was revealed in early forms without lymph node involvement, but the observed difference was not statistically significant. Conclusion. No significant differences in p53 protein expression in terms of sex, type (Lauren) of tumor, depth of invasion, lymph node involvement, or tumor differentiation were observed in any of the analyzed groups of tumors (Barrett’s adenocarcinoma, adenocarcinoma of the cardia and adenocarcinoma of the antrum)

    Congenital intestinal lymphangiectasia

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    Background. Congenital intestinal lymphangiectasia is a disease which leads to protein losing enteropathy. Tortous, dilated lymphatic vessels in the intestinal wall and mesenterium are typical features of the disease. Clinical manifestations include malabsorption, diarrhea, steatorrhea, edema and effusions. Specific diet and medication are required for disease control. Case report. A 19-year old male patient was hospitalized due to diarrhea, abdominal swelling, weariness and fatigue. Physical examination revealed growth impairment, ascites, and lymphedema of the right hand and forearm. Laboratory assessment indicated iron deficiency anaemia, lymphopenia, malabsorption, inflammatory syndrome, and urinary infection. Enteroscopy and video capsule endoscopy demonstrated dilated lymphatic vessels in the small intestine. The diagnosis was confirmed by intestinal biopsy. The patient was put on high-protein diet containing medium-chain fatty acids, somatotropin and suportive therapy. Conclusion. Congenital intestinal lymphangiectasia is a rare disease, usually diagnosed in childhood. Early recognition of the disease and adequate treatment can prevent development of various complications

    Influence of humic acids as a feed supplement on the health status of suckling piglets

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    Over the last decades, antimicrobial additives in livestock feed are used as growth promoters for increased weight gain and better feed conversion. Additionally, they decrease the risk for disease occurrence in the livestock herds. Therefore, antimicrobial feed additives have an economic role in livestock production for optimization of nutritional strategies to generate profit. The most used antimicrobial feed additives are antibiotics, but recently their uncontrolled use in livestock production lead to bacterial resistance, including pathogens that cause diseases in humans and animals. For that reason, nowadays antibiotics are more perceived as a risk than are growth promoters in livestock production. One of the alternatives for the replacement of antibiotic use as feed supplements (antibiotic-free range) is humic acids, which are widely used in broiler production, and recently their use is expanded in pig production. Humic acids are defined as a group of organic acids naturally contained in the humus. They originated from the decomposition of organic substances, especially plants in the soils. The use of dietary natural humic acids as feed supplements in swine production is increasing the expectations for the better health status of herds as a result of immunological system stimulation and their antibacterial and antiviral effects. Until now, there are huge gaps in knowledge of the biological effect of humic acids in animals. The main aim of the performed survey was to evaluate the effect of natural humic acids used as feed additives on health records in piglets

    Significance of KIT and PDGFRA mutations in gastric gastrointestinal stromal tumor imatinib-naive surgically treated patients

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    BACKGROUND: /Aim. KIT (KIT proto-oncogene receptor tyrosine kinase) and PDGFRA (platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha) gene mutations represent major molecular forces inside the gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST). Aim of this study was to evaluate these mutations in the patients who underwent surgical resection of gastric GIST, but without imatinib mesylate treatment. Methods. Retrospective clinical study included patients who were operated on due to gastric GIST from November 2000 till November 2016. A molecular analysis of paraffin embedded tumor tissue was performed, and the patients with the presence of KIT and PDGFRA mutations were further evaluated, with regard to the pathological tumor stage, disease recurrence and overall survival. Results. Out of 45 patients in total, 43 patients had KIT and PDGFRA mutations, and 2 patients were classified as the wild type GIST. After curative resection, 11 patients were classified as a low risk GIST, 8 as an intermediate risk and 26 as a high risk GIST. The KIT mutations were present in 37 patients, most commonly as deletion in exon 11. The PDGFRA mutations were present in 6 patients. The presence of KIT mutation had a strong statistical correlation with the mitotic index (p = 0.021). After the ten-year follow-up, all patients with the PDGFRA mutations were alive, while those with the KIT mutations had a survival rate of 71% (p = 0.31). Conclusion. The presence of KIT exon 11 deletion in the patients with primarily resected gastric GIST is associated with the higher mitotic index and worse overall survival than those present with the PDGFRA mutations. This results suggest prognostic significance towards more aggressive behaviors