44 research outputs found

    Análisis de la cobertura mediática de los refugiados Entre las costas de El País y The Daily Telegraph

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    Treball Final de Grau en Periodisme. Codi: PE0932. Curs acadèmic: 2015/2016There always have been refugees. The movements of groups, since Prehistory, have been changing, as the reason of their movements. Besides, there is always have been a political sight, a social one and an international view of a refugee crisis. However, the vision of the main characters, if they are taking into account, is smaller because of the media meet the demand of a western interests. The last big shift of people appeared in our newspapers and tv news in an explicit and continuous way from August 2015. Since then, this refugee crisis experienced changes –and still it does– as different stages: arrival, stay and expulsion. In the same way, the information flow has experienced changes too. Our Project study that changes on two newspapers, El País and The Daily Telegraph. In the first stage, the spotlight is deeper than the others, offering us a coverage that maybe could fill up the readers and spectators. In the second one, the interest is keeping, but the media highlight those news which cause a big scoop in the public. The third stage only will highlight the moment when it produces the expulsions. This Project does a qualitative analysis of the sources and social actor and other quantitative analysis of the news. Our aim is to examine how the media treat the refugees in their news, the lexical they use, the sources, the identity they made of them and the way they arrive to the western public, who is consumer of the news media

    Impacto do trabalho temporário nas empresas do setor privado da região centro de Portugal

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    Todas as empresas, independentemente da sua dimensão ou área de atividade, possuem como objetivo fundamental o alcance dos objetivos previamente delineados. No entanto, o aumento da globalização e a evolução tecnológica são fatores que provocam alterações no mercado de trabalho e no nível de competitividade entre empresas. As empresas necessitam de se ajustar às exigências que são impostas pelo mercado de trabalho. Na maioria das vezes estas exigências estão diretamente relacionadas com os níveis de produção da empresa, consoante a lei da oferta e da procura que regula o mercado de trabalho. Estes picos de produção traduzem-se em aumento de trabalhadores e a sua consequente redução. Neste sentido, o presente estudo visa compreender o impacto que o trabalho temporário possui nas empresas, bem como analisar os fatores pelos quais estas recorrem ao serviço. Numa primeira fase, foi elaborado um breve enquadramento teórico que analisa o tema em estudo, bem como as suas vantagens e desvantagens na ótica dos trabalhadores e das empresas. Numa fase posterior executou-se um estudo com a finalidade de analisar se a população considera o serviço benéfico para o desempenho da empresa. Tendo em linha de conta a obtenção de respostas por parte da população, elaborou-se um estudo empírico fazendo uso do método quantitativo, através de inquéritos por questionário com foco na região Centro de Portugal. Numa fase final, analisou-se os resultados obtidos através das respostas fornecidas pela amostra. Conclui-se, após a análise dos resultados obtidos, que o trabalho temporário está presente nas empresas da região Centro de Portugal e os dados sugerem que os perfis recrutados com maior regularidade pelas empresas de trabalho temporário são para cargos operacionais que não requerem habilitações mínimas. A dimensão do departamento de recursos humanos das empresas utilizadoras de trabalho temporário apresenta-se como sendo um fator decisivo para estas recorrerem ao serviço, uma vez que a empresa de trabalho temporário dispõe de profissionais qualificados na área de recursos humanos e habilitados para gerir os trabalhadores. Outro motivo fulcral para a empresa recorrer ao serviço, prende-se pelo facto da empresa de trabalho temporário assegurar os custos laborais dos trabalhadores e tornar os custos fixos, habitualmente associados aos trabalhadores internos, em custos variáveis. Atualmente, devido às flutuações no mercado de trabalho as empresas recorrem ao serviço de trabalho temporário, pois consideram que no momento de dispensar colaboradores, este apresenta um carácter facilitador de rescisão contratual. No entanto, globalmente, com as alterações marcadas estes últimos anos e após o mundo atravessar uma pandemia, o trabalho temporário veio trazer flexibilidade e novas oportunidades profissionais aos trabalhadores

    Evaluation of sustainability in the social housing’s project through indicators: the case of Plan dignidad in El Martillo neighborhood, Mar del Plata

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    En la actualidad, con el avance de los problemas ambientales, la exigencia de incorporar criterios tendientes a la sustentabilidad en los proyectos urbanos y arquitectónicos con el objetivo de disminuir el impacto en el medio ambiente es apremiante. En el caso de los conjuntos de vivienda de interés social, su masividad y la rapidez con que se llevan a cabo los vuelven casos significativos en los que contemplar la sustentabilidad. Pese a que en los últimos años, a nivel local, se ha logrado reducir en alguna medida el déficit habitacional, las viviendas producidas no han contemplado estos criterios. El presente trabajo pretende identificar las principales problemáticas de sostenibilidad de la vivienda de interés social a través del estudio de caso del conjunto habitacional barrio El Martillo, dentro de la operatoria Plan Dignidad realizado en Mar del Plata (2007), mediante la aplicación de una serie de indicadores agrupados en tres ejes de análisis definidos en estudios antecedentes: i) Implantación y Emplazamiento; ii) Funcionabilidad y Durabilidad; iii) Desempeño de la envolvente y Tecnología. A partir de los resultados obtenidos se destaca la importancia de evaluar la sustentabilidad de las viviendas sociales previo a la construcción de los proyectos, dado que de esa forma se pueden identificar las cuestiones que requieren especial atención e implementar alguna modificación al proyecto para tener un mayor rendimiento y evitar costos innecesarios a realizar para su rehabilitación una vez construidos.Nowadays, with the advance of environmental problems, the need to incorporate sustainable criteria in urban and architectural projects aiming to reduce the impact on the environment is urgent. In the case of social housing units, their massiveness and the speed in which they are carried out, make them significant cases where to apply sustainability principles. Although in the last few years several social housing initiatives have been made, they certainly have not contemplated basic sustainability principles. This paper aims to identify the main sustainability issues of social housing through the study of the case of the neighborhood El Martillo within the operation Plan Dignidad that was carried out in Mar del Plata city (2007), through the application of a series of indicators divided into three central themes for its analysis, that were defined in previous researches: i) Implantation and Location, ii) Functionality and Durability, iii) Performance of the Building Envelope and Technology. The results obtained with this work emphasized the importance to evaluate the sustainability of social housing before the construction of the projects, since by doing this it would be possible to identify the issues that require special attention and to incorporate changes into the project that will result in a better energy performance of the building, avoiding the unnecessary costs for rehabilitation once it were built.Fil: Díaz Varela, María José. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño. Centro de Estudios de Diseño; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata; ArgentinaFil: Tomadoni, Micaela María. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño; Argentin

    Social sustentability in state-produced housing: Construction of evaluation indicators through the Social Housing Project Quinta Monroy (Elemental, 2002, Iquique, Chile)

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    En general, la problemática del déficit habitacional que acontece a los países latinoamericanos, tiene como respuesta del Estado la construcción de vivienda de interés social. Sin embargo, en estos proyectos no siempre se consideran aspectos sociales de importancia. El objetivo de este trabajo reside en profundizar el concepto de sustentabilidad social en la vivienda de producción estatal para la construcción de criterios de evaluación de proyectos, buscando a su vez complementar los indicadores para la evaluación de la sustentabilidad desarrollados por las autoras en estudios antecedentes. Para ello se plantea la observación de las características principales de sustentabilidad social presentes en el proyecto profesional “Quinta Monroy” realizado por el estudio Elemental liderado por el arquitecto Alejandro Aravena (2002, Iquique, Chile), significativo en el contexto latinoamericano por haber obtenido resultados satisfactorios en la vida de las familias que las habitan. El procedimiento metodológico fue el estudio de fuentes bibliográficas que describen sus principales características y la experiencia de los habitantes del conjunto, así como el análisis de su documentación gráfica. Se destaca que de la observación de la experiencia post-ocupacional en casos emblemáticos de viviendas de interés social se obtienen importantes aportes para la construcción de indicadores de evaluación de la sustentabilidad, especialmente en su esfera social.In general, the state’s response to the housing shortage in Latin American countries is the construction of the so-called social housing projects. However, these projects do not always take into account important social aspects. The goal of this research is to go deeper into the concept of social sustainability in state-produced housing in order to build criteria for the evaluation of social housing projects, aiming at the same time at improving the sustainability evaluation indicators developed by the authors in previous studies. The approach to achieve these goals was the observation of the main characteristics of social sustainability found in the professional project Quinta Monroy designed by Elemental studio led by architect Alejandro Aravena (2002, Iquique, Chile), of significant interest in the Latin American context because of the satisfactory results experienced among its inhabitants. The proposed research methodology is the study of bibliographic references that analyze its main characteristics and the experience of the families who inhabit them, as well as the observation of the architecture drawings. It is emphasized that from the evaluation of the post occupancy experience in outstanding cases of social housing projects important information can be acquired for the construction of indicators for sustainability evaluation, especially in its social dimension.Fil: Tomadoni, Micaela María. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño. Instituto de Hábitat y Medio Ambiente; ArgentinaFil: Díaz Varela, María José. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño. Centro de Estudios de Diseño; Argentin

    Social housing’s sustainability in Mar del Plata: a methodology for its evaluation through indicators

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    En la actualidad la problemática habitacional en Argentina así comoen el resto de Latinoamérica no ha logrado revertirse. Una forma deenfrentarla ha sido la intervención Estatal para financiar o construirvivienda social. La vivienda social deviene de las necesidades de unapoblación determinada y surge como iniciativa destinada a sectores debajos recursos. Se encuadra dentro de normativas específicas paravivienda económica y de protección social.Pese a que en los últimos años se han generado distintas iniciativas eneste sentido, las viviendas producidas no han contemplado principiostendientes a la sustentabilidad. Se entiende que para la construcciónde un hábitat sustentable es necesario considerar una serie de criteriosorientados a disminuir los impactos sobre el ambiente.En este marco, el presente trabajo pretende construir una metodologíade evaluación de la sustentabilidad a nivel de proyecto arquitectónico,mediante indicadores. Se definieron 18 indicadores posibles de aplicar aviviendas de interés social unifamiliar agrupada, radicadas en la ciudadde Mar del Plata, que se agruparon en tres ejes de análisis: Implantacióny Emplazamiento, Funcionalidad y Durabilidad, Desempeño de laenvolvente y Tecnología. Se espera que los aportes realizados permitanofrecer un instrumento útil para la toma de decisiones.Nowadays, housing problems not only in Argentina but in all Latin America have not yet been solved. One way of facing this issue has been allowing the State to interfere financing or building social housing. This kind of housing is developed around determined population’s needs and comes around as an initiative focused on low income groups. It also adjusts to specific regulations made for economical and socially secured housing. Although in the last few years several social housing initiatives have been made, they certainly have not contemplated basic sustainability principles. With this is being said that in order to build a sustainable habitat it is necessary to consider several criteria aimed to diminish the environmental impact. In this context, this study’s purpose is to build a methodology to help the evaluation of the sustainability in the architecture project through indicators. Eighteen useful indicators were defined in order to be applied to grouped single-family social housing projects, located in Mar del Plata, which were divided into three central themes for its analysis: Implantation and Location, Functionality and Durability, Performance of the building envelope and Technology. It is hoped that the data discovered would be a useful instrument in the decision making process.Fil: Tomadoni, Micaela María. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño; ArgentinaFil: Díaz Varela, María José. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño. Centro de Estudios de Diseño; Argentin

    Metodología para el análisis del proyecto de concursos de vivienda desde la perspectiva de los modos de habitar contemporáneos.

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    This paper aims to study housing architecture competitions, by articulating the theoretical frameworks of the design process and the ways to inhabit. It seeks to generate systematization tools for analyzing the housing project by applying categories for its evaluation. A qualitative method of housing analysis is used to study, survey, analyze, compare, and identify the main characteristics of the different housing prototypes. This tool allows to evaluate the different variables througha graphical synthesis and qualitative observations. The importance of understanding the competitions as a relevant study object lies in being able to analyze housing from different perspectives, including the participants and inhabitants. Contrasting  the design process and its relationship with the theoretical-social context in each case, allows us to interpret the complexity of the housing problem  and to generate answers according to the social demands.Este trabajo tiene como objeto el estudio de los concursos de arquitectura de vivienda, a partir de articular los marcos teóricos del proceso proyectual y los modos de habitar. Se busca generar herramientas de sistematización para el análisis del proyecto de vivienda mediante la aplicación de categorías para su evaluación. Se recurre a un método cualitativo de análisis de la vivienda a partir de estudiar, relevar, analizar, comparar e identificar las características principales de los diferentes prototipos de vivienda realizados. Esta herramienta posibilita valorar las distintas variables a través de una síntesis gráfica y observaciones cualitativas. La importancia de entender a los concursos como un objeto de estudio relevante, radica en poder analizar la vivienda desde diferentes perspectivas, que incluyen a los participantes y habitantes de las mismas. Contrastar el proceso proyectual y su relación con el contexto teórico-social en cada caso, permite interpretar la complejidad de la problemática habitacional y generar respuestas acordes a las demandas sociales

    The role of limbic structures in financial abilities of mild cognitive impairment patients

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    Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) patients experience problems in financial abilities that affect everyday functioning. To date, the neural correlates of decline in this domain are unclear. This study aims at examining the correlation between the pattern of brain atrophy of MCI patients and performance on financial abilities. Forty-four MCI patients and thirty-seven healthy controls underwent structural magnetic resonance imaging, and assessment of financial abilitiesby means of the Numerical Activities of Daily Living Financial battery (NADL-F). As compared to healthy controls, MCI patients showed impaired performance in three out of the seven domains assessed by NADL-F: Item purchase, percentage, and financial concepts. The patients\u2019 performance in the NADL-F correlated with memory, language, visuo-spatial, and abstract reasoning composite scores. The analysis also revealed that volumetric differences in the limbic structures significantly correlated with financial abilities in MCI. Specifically, the patients\u2019 performance in the NADL-F was correlated with atrophy in the left medial and lateral amygdala and the right anterior thalamic radiation. These findings suggest that completing daily financial tasks involves sub-cortical regions in MCI and presumably also the motivational and emotional processes associated to them. Involvement of altered limbic structures in MCI patients suggests that impairment in financial abilities may be related to emotional and reflexive processing deficits

    When social movements fail or succeed: social psychological consequences of a collective action’s outcome

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    Collective actions occur all around the world and, in the last few years, even more frequently. Previous literature has mainly focused on the antecedents of collective actions, but less attention has been given to the consequences of participating in collective action. Moreover, it is still an open question how the consequences of collective action might differ, depending on whether the actions are perceived to succeed or fail. In two studies we seek to address this gap using innovative experimental studies. In Study 1 (N = 368) we manipulated the perceptions of success and failure of a collective action in the context of a real social movement, the Chilean student movement from last decade. In Study 2 (N = 169), in addition to manipulating the outcome, we manipulated actual participation, using a mock environmental organization aiming to create awareness in authorities, to test the causal effect of both participation and success/failure on empowerment, group efficacy, and intentions of future involvement in normative and non-normative collective actions. Results show that current and past participation predict overall participation in the future, however, in Study 2 the manipulated participation was associated with having less intentions of participating in the future. In both studies, perception of success increases group efficacy. In Study 1, we found that when facing failure, participants increase their willingness to participate more in the future as opposed to non-participants that actually decrease theirs. In Study 2, however, failure increases the perception of efficacy for those with a history of non-normative participation. Altogether these results highlight the moderating role of the outcome of collective action to understand the effect of participation on future participation. We discuss these results in light of the methodological innovation and the real world setting in which our studies were conducted

    Multiproxy paleosol evidence for a rain shadow effect linked to Miocene uplift of the North Patagonian Andes

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    Climate changes related to orographic barrier uplift have been in the research spotlight over recent years. Several works have focused on the interactions between climatic and tectonic processes in order to understand the development of a rain shadow. Patagonia is an ideal region in which to analyze such interactions, since a Miocene climate change, from wetter to drier conditions, has mainly been associated with Andean uplift. In this work, we analyzed a succession of stacked paleosols recorded in a Miocene North Patagonian foreland basin in order to understand how the paleosol moisture regime related to the atmospheric humidity changes caused by the uplift of the Patagonian Andes. Based on macromorphological, micromorphological, and geochemical studies, and supported by a high-resolution chronostratigraphic scheme based on U-Pb geochronology and magnetostratigraphy, the paleosols were characterized with corresponding mean annual paleoprecipitation (MAP) and mean annual temperature values. Alfisol-like paleosols were identified at the base of the foreland infill (15–14.6 Ma) with a MAP of 1229 ± 108 mm/yr. The Andisol-like paleosols recognized in the middle section of the sequence (14.6–12.75 Ma) exhibited a MAP of 1053 ± 108 mm/yr, whereas the Aridisol-like paleosols occurring in the upper section of the infill (12.75–11.5 Ma) presented a MAP of 677 ± 108 mm/yr. The determined Miocene mean annual temperatures (∼11 ± 2.1 °C) were similar to the present-day values (11 °C). Based on the complete tectonic record of the Patagonian Andes, the observed decrease in MAP was assigned to the rain shadow effect created by the uplift of the North Patagonian Andes. Results indicate that although the process started around 19 Ma, the rain shadow effect was not effectively recorded before ca. 14.6 Ma.Centro de Investigaciones Geológica

    When social movements fail or succeed: social psychological consequences of a collective action’s outcome

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    Collective actions occur all around the world and, in the last few years, even more frequently. Previous literature has mainly focused on the antecedents of collective actions, but less attention has been given to the consequences of participating in collective action. Moreover, it is still an open question how the consequences of collective action might differ, depending on whether the actions are perceived to succeed or fail. In two studies we seek to address this gap using innovative experimental studies. In Study 1 (N = 368) we manipulated the perceptions of success and failure of a collective action in the context of a real social movement, the Chilean student movement from last decade. In Study 2 (N = 169), in addition to manipulating the outcome, we manipulated actual participation, using a mock environmental organization aiming to create awareness in authorities, to test the causal effect of both participation and success/failure on empowerment, group efficacy, and intentions of future involvement in normative and non-normative collective actions. Results show that current and past participation predict overall participation in the future, however, in Study 2 the manipulated participation was associated with having less intentions of participating in the future. In both studies, perception of success increases group efficacy. In Study 1, we found that when facing failure, participants increase their willingness to participate more in the future as opposed to non-participants that actually decrease theirs. In Study 2, however, failure increases the perception of efficacy for those with a history of non-normative participation. Altogether these results highlight the moderating role of the outcome of collective action to understand the effect of participation on future participation. We discuss these results in light of the methodological innovation and the real world setting in which our studies were conducted