101 research outputs found


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    The southern Neotropical cetoniine genus Neocorvicoana Ratcliffe and Micó new genus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Gymnetini) is established for three species previously placed in Corvicoana Strand, 1934 (nomen nudum) and Gymnetis MacLeay, 1819: N. chalybea (Kirby), N. reticulata (Schürhoff), and N. tricolor (Schürhoff), new combinations. The type species of the new genus is N. reticulata (Kirby). Corvicoana rudolfi (Frölich) is transferred to the genus Gymnetis. Corvicoana suavis (Schürhoff) and C. castanea (Schürhoff) are junior synonyms of N. chalybea. We include a taxonomic key to the species, nomenclatural history, descriptions, illustrations, and commentary. Se establece el género Neocorvicoana Ratcliffe y Micó genero nuevo (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Gymnetini) para tres especies de Cetoninos del sur de la región Neotropical, anteriormente incluidos en Corvicoana Strand, 1934 (nomen nudum) y Gymnetis MacLeay, 1819: N. chalybea (Kirby), N. reticulata (Schürhoff), y N. tricolor (Schürhoff), combinaciones nuevas. La especie tipo del nuevo género es N. reticulata (Kirby). Se transfiere Corvicoana rudolfi (Frölich) al género Gymnetis. Corvicoana suavis (Schürhoff) y C. castanea (Schürhoff) son sinónimos de N. chalybea. Se aporta una clave taxonómica de las especies, revisión histórica de la nomenclatura del grupo, ilustraciones y comentarios

    Descripción de dos especies crípticas de Anomala Samouelle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae) de Costa Rica

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    Two new species of Anomala Samouelle from Costa Rica are described: Anomala moroni new species and A. parvaeucoma new species. Habitus, protibia, distribution map, and male genitalia (aedeagus and endophallus) of each species are illustrated. A key for the dorsally setose species from the Neotropical region is provided.Se describen dos nuevas especies de Anomala Samouelle de Costa Rica: Anomala moroni nueva especie y A. parvaeucoma nueva especie. Se ilustra una vista dorsal, protibia, el mapa de distribución y las genitalias masculinas (edeago y endofalo) para cada especie. Se proporciona una clave dicotómica para la identificación de las especies dorsalmente setosas de la región neotropical.Financial support was provided by the Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID) projects A/4426/05, A/6788/06, A/019887/08, A/023060/09 and a PhD grant to V. Filippini from the Spanish Ministry of Education

    Checklist and identification key of Anomalini (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae) of Costa Rica

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    A checklist and identification key for the species of the tribe Anomalini in Costa Rica are presented. The Anomalini species are important economically, as they have larvae that are or can become agricultural pests, as well as ecologically, having potential as bioindicators. In spite of their importance and richness, identification tools for the group in the Neotropics remain scarce. The Costa Rican fauna comprises six genera (Anomala, Anomalorhina, Callistethus, Epectinaspis, Moroniella, and Strigoderma) and a total of 120 species. Anomala contusa Filippini, Micó, Galante, 2015 is proposed as a synonym of A. inbio (Ramírez-Ponce, Bitar, Curoe 2014); Anomala limon nom. n. is proposed as a new name for A. inbio Filippini, Galante, Micó, 2015, a homonym of A. inbio (Ramírez-Ponce, Bitar, Curoe, 2014); Anomala cinaedias nom. n. is proposed as a new name for A. chloropyga Ohaus, 1897, a homonym of A. chloropyga Burmeister, 1844; and Anomala chrysomelina is moved to the genus Callistethus.Presentamos el listado y la clave de identificación de las especies de la tribu Anomalini de Costa Rica. Las especies de Anomalini son importantes económica, con larvas que son o pueden ser plagas agrícolas, y ecológicamente, con un potencial como bioindicadores. A pesar de su importancia y riqueza, los instrumentos de identificación para el grupo para el Neoptrópico son todavía escasos. La fauna de Costa Rica está compuesta por seis géneros (Anomala, Anomalorhina, Callistethus, Epectinaspis, Moroniella y Strigoderma) y un total de 120 especies. Anomala contusa Filippini, Micó, Galante, 2015 se propone como sinónimo de A. inbio (Ramírez-Ponce, Bitar, Curoe, 2014); Anomala limon se propone como nuevo nombre de A. inbio Filippini, Galante, Micó, 2015, homónimo de A. inbio (Ramírez-Ponce, Bitar, Curoe, 2014); Anomala cinaedias se propone como nuevo nombre de A. chloropyga Ohaus, 1897, homónimo de A. chloropyga Burmeister, 1844; Anomala chrysomelina se mueve al género Callistethus.Financial support was provided by the Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID) projects A/4426/05, A/6788/06, A/019887/08, A/023060/09 and a PhD grant to V. Filippini from the Spanish Ministry of Education

    The genus Callistethus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae) in the Neotropics: new data and new species from Costa Rica

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    The species Callistethus carbo sp.n., C. flavodorsalis sp.n., C. fuscorubens sp.n., C. lativittis sp.n., C. levigatus sp.n., C. macroxantholeus sp.n., C. microxantholeus sp.n., C. multiplicatus sp.n., C. parapulcher sp.n., C. pseudocollaris sp.n. and C. stannibractea sp.n. from Costa Rica are described. Synonymy of Callistethus kolbei (Ohaus, 1897) with Callistethus specularis (Bates, 1888) is proposed. A phylogenetic analysis based on the genes 16S, COI and 28S is carried out for Costa Rican species and diagnostic morphological features for the genus are tested on it for phylogenetic signal. An identification key for Callistethus species of Costa Rica is provided. The distribution patterns of Callistethus species in Costa Rica are discussed.Se describen las especies Callistethus carbo sp.n., C. flavodorsalis sp.n., C. fuscorubens sp.n., C. lativittis sp.n., C. levigatus sp.n., C. macroxantholeus sp.n., C. microxantholeus sp.n., C. multiplicatus sp.n., C. parapulcher sp.n., C. pseudocollaris sp.n. y C. stannibractea sp.n. de Costa Rica. Se propone una nueva sinonimia de Callistethus kolbei (Ohaus, 1897) con Callistethus specularis (Bates, 1888). Se realiza un análisis filogenético basado en los genes 16S, COI y 28S con especies de Costa Rica y sobre el árbol resultante se comprueba la señal filogenética de los caracteres morfológicos diagnósticos del género. Se proporciona una clave para las especies de Callistethus de Costa Rica. Se discuten los patrones de distribución del género en Costa Rica.Financial support was provided by the Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID) projects A/4426/05, A/6788/06, A/019887/08, A/023060/09 and a PhD grant to V. Filippini from the Spanish Ministry of Education. The research stay at the Natural History Museum, London received support from the SYNTHESYS Project http://www.synthesys.info/ that is financed by European Community Research Infrastructure Action under the FP7 ‘Capacities’ Program

    Description of eight new Anomala species from Costa Rica (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae)

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    Eight new species of Anomala from Costa Rica are described: A. arthuri new species, A. cupreovariolosa new species, A. ferrea new species, A. nigroflava new species, A. semilla new species, A. solisi new species, A. volsellata new species, A. zumbadoi new species and a distribution map of each is given. The male genitalia (aedeagus and endophallus) of the species covered are illustrated.Financial support was provided by the Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID) projects A/4426/05, A/6788/06, A/019887/08, A/023060/09 and a PhD grant to V. Filippini from the Spanish Ministry of Education

    Protaetia (Eupotosia) affinis (Andersch, 1797) y Protaetia (Eupotosia) mirifica (Mulsant, 1842) in the south west of Salamanca province (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Cetoniidae, Cetoniini)

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    Esta investigación fue financiada en parte por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (CGL2011-23658), Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (CGL2012-31669) y Generalitat Valenciana (proyectos PROMETEO/2013/03412 y ACOMP/2014/140). A. R. H. agradece la beca predoctoral del programa Santiago Grisolía de la Generalitat Valenciana (GRISOLIA/2010/080)

    First record of the genus Sernokorba Kamura, 1992 from the Iberian Peninsula with new data on Sernokorba tescorum (Simon, 1914) (Araneae: Gnaphosidae)

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    Se cita por primera vez para la Península Ibérica el género Sernokorba Kamura, 1992 (Araneae, Gnaphosidae). Se ilustra la distribución de la especie y se aportan datos sobre la morfología de ambos sexos, la fenología y su aparente preferencia por zonas con arbolado como son los bosques de quercíneas.The presence of the genus Sernokorba Kamura, 1992 (Araneae, Gnaphosidae) is recorded for the first time for the Iberian Peninsula. The distribution of the species is illustrated and data are provided on the morphology of both sexes, its phenology and its apparent preference for wooded areas such as Quercus forests.Estudio parcialmente financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (CGL2011-23658)

    El ecosistema de dehesa como reservorio de diversidad de insectos saproxílicos (Coleoptera y Diptera: Syrphidae) y factores que determinan sus ensambles

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    The “dehesa” (grassland with scattered oak trees) is a typical Mediterranean ecosystem from west Iberian Peninsula that has resulted from the transformation of the forest by clearing and brushwood removing and the landscape is maintained mainly bulls and/or Iberian pigs. This ecosystem is characterized by the presence of old scattered trees that are considered as “keystone-structures”, which favor the presence of a wide range of biodiversity, especially those species that are wood-dependent (saproxylic insects). Saproxylics are a diversified group involved in the recycling process of nutrients in forest, and thus they are considered as a bioindicator group of the quality and conservation status of habitats, including a wide number of species under some categories of threat according the IUCN criteria. It is widely recognized the importance of studying the main factors that determine the structure and distribution of species assemblages at both spatial and temporal scales, nevertheless, the saproxylic assemblages has been poorly studied from the temporal dimension. With this study we provide knowledge about the effect of the “dehesa” heterogeneity, species seasonality and distribution on this habitat and we highlight the importance of the maintaining of traditional practices as a tool for saproxylic insect diversity and conservation.Esta investigación fue financiada por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (CGL2011-23658), Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (CGL2012-31669) y Generalitat Valenciana (proyectos PROMETEO/2013/03412 y ACOMP/2014/140). A. R. H. agradece la beca predoctoral recibida por la Generalitat Valenciana a través del programa Santiago Grisolía (GRISOLIA/2010/080)

    Saproxylic Beetle Assemblage Selection as Determining Factor of Species Distributional Patterns: Implications for Conservation

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    The knowledge of the distributional patterns of saproxylic beetles is essential for conservation biology due to the relevance of this fauna in the maintenance of ecological processes and the endangerment of species. The complex community of saproxylic beetles is shaped by different assemblages that are composed of species linked by the microhabitats they use. We evaluate how different the species distribution patterns that are obtained can be, depending on the analyzed assemblage and to what extent these can affect conservation decisions. Beetles were sampled using hollow emergence and window traps in three protected areas of the Iberian Peninsula. Species richness, composition, and diversity turnover were analyzed for each sampling method and showed high variation depending on the analyzed assemblage. Beta diversity was clearly higher among forests for the assemblage captured using window traps. This method collects flying insects from different tree microhabitats and its captures are influenced by the forest structuring. Within forests, the assemblages captured by hollow emergence traps, which collect the fauna linked to tree hollows, showed the largest turnover of species, as they are influenced by the characteristics of each cavity. Moreover, the selection of the forest showing the highest species richness strongly depended on the studied assemblage. This study demonstrates that differences in the studied assemblages (group of species co-occurring in the same habitat) can also lead to significant differences in the identified patterns of species distribution and diversity turnover. This fact will be necessary to take into consideration when making decisions about conservation and management.Financial support was provided by ‘Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación’, Spain (CGL2011-23658), ‘Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad’, Spain (CGL2012-31669) and ‘Generalitat Valenciana’, Spain (Prometeo/2013/03412Project). Financial support of A.García-López during the writing of this paper was given by ‘Fondo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología’ (FONDECYT) from the ‘Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología’, Chile (3140322)