33 research outputs found
In Vitro Anti-Helicobacter Pylori and Antioxidant Activities of Plants used in Algerian Traditional Medicine for Gastrointestinal Disorders
It has been recognized that gastric colonization with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) induces a risk of developing ulcer disease and gastric cancer. The interest of this research relates for the first time to the study of the Anti-Helicobacter pylori activities of three medicinal plants methanolic extracts, namely Allium sativum, Allium cepa and Foeniculum vulgare. The activity of the methanolic extracts was assessed against two strains of H. pylori (SAN158 and 26659) by the disc diffusion method on Muller Hinton agar. The content of phenolic compounds (TPC) was determined by the Folin-Ciocalteu test and the antioxidant activity was evaluated through the FRAP method (Ferric reducing antioxidant power). All plants extract were inhibitory towards both strains, with F. vulgare’s showing the strongest activity. The highest TPC, along with the best antioxidant capacity, was exhibited by the F. vulgare methanolic extract (1.44 mg GAE (gallic acid equivalents) / g ± 0.2 and 0.009 mg EAA (ascorbic acid equivalent) / g ± 0.001, respectively). This study showed that Allium sativum, Allium cepa and Foeniculum vulgare bioactive substances may be effective against Helicobacter pylori
Total phytochemical analysis of Thymus munbyanus subsp. coloratus from Algeria by HS-SPME-GC-MS, NMR and HPLC-MSn studies
In this article, we report a comprehensive characterization of volatile and polar constituents extracted from the aerial parts of Thymus munbyanus subsp. coloratus, a shrub that is used as culinary ingredient and as traditional medicine in Algeria, mainly to treat respiratory and gastrointestinal disorders and endocrine dysfunctions. Headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used to assess volatile constituents, whereas the phytochemical composition of solid residues obtained from extraction with solvents at diffrent polarity was obtained by an integrated Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MSn) approach. Fourty-five apolar ccompounds were identified, mainly oxygenated monoterpenes (65.8%), sesquiterpene hydrocarbons and nonoterpene hydrocarbons (18.6 and 14.5%, respectively). On the other hand, LC-MSn and NMR analyses revealed the presence of aglyconic and glycosilated flavonoids, phenylpropanoid derivatives and triterpenoid acids related to oleanolic acid, mainly in the methanol, dichloromethane and hexane extracts. Overall, these data indicate that Thymus munbyanus subsp. coloratus could be a potential source of antioxidants and bioactive compounds, and our results represent a starting point for further research on this plant species
Climate Change Impacts Can Be Differentially Perceived Across Time Scales: A Study Among the Tuareg of the Algerian Sahara
Unidad de excelencia MarĂa de Maeztu CEX2019-000940-MAs an Indigenous community of Algeria and the broader Sahel, the Tuareg hold unique ecological knowledge, which might contribute to broader models of place-based climate change impacts. Between January and April 2019, we carried out semi-structured interviews (N = 23) and focus group discussions (N = 3) in five villages of the province of Illizi, Algeria, to document the local Tuareg community's timeline and ecological calendar, both of which are instruments used to understand place-based reports of climate change impacts. The livelihoods of the Tuareg of Illizi are finely tuned to climate variability as reflected in changes reported in the cadence of events in their ecological calendar (marked by cyclical climatic and religious events). Participants reported rain and temperature irregularities and severe drought events, which have impacted their pastoral and semi-pastoral livelihoods. These reports are aligned with scientifically measured climate observations and predictions. Paradoxically, although participants recall with detail the climatic disasters that happened in the region over the last century, the Tuareg do not explicitly report decadal trends in the frequency of extreme events. The differential perception of climate change impacts across scales can have important implications for undertaking climate change adaptation measures
A comparative karyological study of Helianthemum (Cistaceae): karyotype size, karyotype symmetry and evolution of chromosome number
In this study we assessed karyotype size and symmetry for a comprehensive taxonomic and geographic representation of Helianthemum and reconstructed chromosome number evolution in the genus. Using root tips, we photographed mitotic metaphase spreads to obtain chromosome number, total haploid (monoploid) length of the chromosome set (THL), karyotype formula, Stebbins’ classification of karyotype asymmetry, interchromosomal coefficient of variation of chromosome length (CVCL) and intrachromosomal mean centromeric asymmetry (MCA) using MATO (Measurement and Analysis Tools). We found that shifts in chromosome number are not a major driver in the evolution of Helianthemum, whose chromosome number evolved at a constant rate of single chromosome gain or loss. Karyotype asymmetry is very low and little variable in all taxonomic categories studied, with a predominance of metacentric and submetacentric small to medium-sized chromosomes about 3 μm at the genus level. However, total karyotype length varies from 16.91 μm to 47.84 μm at the species level, with a cytogenetic signature that is not conserved within subgenera and most sections. Overall, H. subg. Plectolobum shows both the longest and the most symmetrical karyotypes. We hypothesize that the variation in karyotype size in Helianthemum is likely a consequence of chromosome rearrangements that have occurred under selective pressures
Učinak Echinops spinosus (Teskra) i PGF2α na reproduktivnu učinkovitost krava s kliničkim endometritisom
The efficacy of Echinops spinosus (Teskra) and PGF2α in the treatment of clinical endometritis (CE) on clinical recovery and reproductive performance was evaluated. A total of 20 Holstein-Friesian cows with CE that were 21-40 days in milk (DIM) were assigned to one of two experimental groups. Cows in the PGF group (n=10) received two doses of d-cloprostenol (analogue of PGF2α) 14 days apart. Cows in the Teskra group (n=10) received a decoction of Teskra root administered orally once daily for three days. The control group consisted of 20 clinically healthy cows (n=20; HE group). The clinical recovery rate was 70% and 40% in PGF and Teskra groups, respectively (P>0.05). The proportion of pregnant cows at first service was 35%, 40%, 20% in the HE, PGF, and Teskra groups, respectively (P>0.05). However, the conception rate until 120 DIM was significantly higher in the HE group compared to the Teskra group (P0.05). Except for CFSI, no significant differences were found between the HE and PGF groups for any of the tested parameters. The results indicate that endometritic cows treated with PGF2α had nearly the same reproductive performance as healthy cows and Teskra was not effective in treating CE in dairy cows.Procijenjena je učinkovitost Echinops spinosus (Teskra) i PGF2α u liječenju kliničkog endometritisa (CE), s obzirom na klinički oporavak i reproduktivnu sposobnost. Ukupno 20 holštajn-frizijskih krava u danima od 21.-40. proizvodnje mlijeka u laktaciji (engl. days in milk- DIM) s kliničkim endometritisom (CE) podijeljeno je u dvije eksperimentalne skupine. Krave u skupini PGF (n=10) primile su dvije doze d-kloprostenola (analog PGF2α) u razmaku od 14 dana. Za Teskra skupinu (n=10), uvarak Teskra korijena primjenjivan je jednom dnevno tijekom tri dana oralno. Dvadeset (n=20; HE skupina) klinički zdravih krava ostalo je kao kontrolna skupina. Klinička stopa oporavka bila je 70 % i 40 % za PGF, odnosno Teskra skupinu (P>0,05). Omjer gravidnih krava nakon prvog osjemenjivanja bio je 35 %, 40 %, 20 % za HE, PGF, odnosno Teskra skupinu, (P>0,05). Međutim, stopa koncepcije do 120. dana proizvodnje mlijeka u laktaciji (DIM) bila je značajno veća u HE skupini u usporedbi s Teskra skupinom (P0,05). Osim za prosječni broj dana od teljenja do prvog osjemenjivanja (CFSI), nisu pronađene značajne razlike između HE i PGF skupina za niti jedan ispitani pokazatelj. Rezultati ukazuju na to da su krave s endometritisom liječene s PGF2α imale gotovo istu reproduktivnu učinkovitost u usporedbi sa zdravim kravama, a da uvarak Teskre nije bio učinkovit u liječenju kliničkog endometritisa mliječnih krava
Flore endemique, rare et menacees de l'Atlas Tellien Occidental de Tiaret (Algerie)
This study is aims at the knowledge and research of endemic, rare and endangered plants of the Western Tell Atlas of Tiaret. The research was guided by data existing in the literature to find the endemic and rare plants cited for the region of Tiaret. We used our field data (287 foristic records) as well as other targeted research to locate endemic taxa. This allowed us to identify 32 endemic plants (7 strict endemic of Algeria, 11 of Algeria-Morocco, 4 of Algeria-Tunisia, 1O of North Africa). The research also identiied 36 rare taxa, 4 Trigger species and 17 threatened (protected) taxa. Several taxa listed in the bibliography for the region have not been found, which raises questions about the conservation status and the existence of these taxa in an environment that
is highly disturbed by devastating human activity.Cette étude vise la connaissance et la recherche des plantes endémiques, rares et menacées de l’atlas tellien occidental de Tiaret. Les recherches ont été guidées par les données existantes dans la littérature afin de retrouver les plantes endémiques et rares citées pour la région de Tiaret. Nous avons exploité nos données de terrain (287 relevés floristiques) ainsi que d’autres recherches ciblées afin de localiser les taxons endémiques. Cela nous a permis d’identifier 32 plantes endémiques (7 endémiques strictes Algérie; 11 Algérie-Maroc; 4 Algérie-Tunisie; 10 Afrique du Nord). Les recherches ont permis également de reconnaitre 36 taxons rares, 4 Trigger species et 17 taxons menacées (protégés). Plusieurs taxons cités dans la bibliographie pour la région n’ont pas été retrouvés ce qui laisse à s’interroger quant à l’état de conservation et l’existence de ces taxons dans un environnement très fortement perturbé par l’action anthropique dévastatrice
Analyse floristique de la végétation steppique dans la région de Djelfa, Nord-Ouest algérien
This study is a floristic investigation of the steppe region of Djelfa located in northern Algeria, with the aim of characterizing and analysing the wild flora of this region. Four stations were chosen according to a stratified sampling method and phyto-ecological surveys were carried out in 32 plots of 100m2 each. This allowed us to identify 127 taxa of plants belonging to 33 families dominated by Asteraceae (29%) and Poaceae (12%). The analysis of biological types has shown the dominance of annual Therophytes (56%) in this flora, which indicates the presence of the phenomenon of Therophytization in these regions. This phenomenon was also measured by calculating the perturbation index. The analysis of chorological types has shown the dominance of the Mediterranean element (48%), with an interesting number of endemic taxa. However, all the endemic taxa cited in the literature for this region have not been found, which reinforces our fears about the state of conservation of these taxa of biological and heritage value
Flore endemique, rare et menacees de l'Atlas Tellien Occidental de Tiaret (Algerie)
Cette étude vise la connaissance et la recherche des plantes endémiques, rares et menacées de l’atlas tellien occidental de Tiaret. Les recherches ont été guidées par les données existantes dans la littérature afin de retrouver les plantes endémiques et rares citées pour la région de Tiaret. Nous avons exploité nos données de terrain (287 relevés floristiques) ainsi que d’autres recherches ciblées afin de localiser les taxons endémiques. Cela nous a permis d’identifier 32 plantes endémiques (7 endémiques strictes Algérie; 11 Algérie-Maroc; 4 Algérie-Tunisie; 10 Afrique du Nord). Les recherches ont permis également de reconnaitre 36 taxons rares, 4 Trigger species et 17 taxons menacées (protégés). Plusieurs taxons cités dans la bibliographie pour la région n’ont pas été retrouvés ce qui laisse à s’interroger quant à l’état de conservation et l’existence de ces taxons dans un environnement très fortement perturbé par l’action anthropique dévastatrice
Etat des connaissances et conservation de flore endemique dans la region d’Oran (Algerie occidentale)
ResumeCette étude est une première exploration régionale visant la recherche des plantes endémiques de la région d›Oran en vue d›une éventuelle évaluation de leur état de conservation. Les recherches se sont basées essentiellement sur les 124 relevés phytoecologiques réalisés à travers les secteurs O1 et O2 ainsi que certains sorties ciblant les stations de présence des espèces endémiques signalées pour la région d›Oran dans la littérature. Ces recherches de terrain ont conduit à l›identification de 17 taxons endémiques dont certains sont très rares comme Brassic aspinescens et Helianthemum maritimum. D’autres espèces ayant été ciblées par les recherches n’ont pas été retrouvées ce qui renforce l’hypothèse de disparition de certaines d’entre elles. En plus de cette première liste des endémiques réellement observés dans la région depuis l’indépendance du pays, les données sur leurs aspects chorologiques, écologiques et biogéographiques sont exposées et discutés. Mots clés: Endémique, flore, chorologie, conservation, inventaire, Oran, rare. AbstractThis study is a first regional exploration for plants research of the Oran region for a possible evaluation for their conditions of conservation. The research were basically based on 124 phytoecological records carried out across the sectors O1 and O2 as well as some data targeting endemic species presence stations reported for the region of Oran in the literature. This field searches led to the identification of 17 endemic taxa some of which are very rare like Brassica spinescens and Helianthemum maritimum. Other targeted species were not found, which reinforces the hypothesis of the disappearance of some of them. In addition to this first list of endemics actually observed in the region since the independence of the country, the data on their chorological, ecological and phytobiogeographical aspects are exposed and discussed. Key words: Endemics, flora, chorology, conservation, inventory, Oran, rare