140 research outputs found

    Bioremediation of water recirculation in white shrimp culture using autochthonous microbiota of red mangrove

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    La actividad acuícola en el cultivo del camarón blanco utilizando agua recirculante deteriora la calidad del agua por la acción hidrodinámica aguametabolitos- materia orgánica, que generan impactos negativos en la producción del crustáceo. El objetivo de esta investigación es demostrar que la microbiota autóctona extraída del mangle rojo estimula la biorremediación. Para este fin se sometió la microbiota a un proceso de bioaumentación que enriquece su biodiversidad, de tal forma que al ser utilizada garantice la actividad biorremediadora. La aplicación del tratamiento se inicia con el diagnóstico de calidad del agua en las diferentes etapas del proceso, a través del monitoreo de compuestos tóxicos como, amonio, nitritos y nitratos y la evaluación de la biodiversidad microbiana utilizando técnicas metagenómicas como la Prueba de Reacción de la Polimerasa, Electroforesis en la comprobación del ADN y su secuenciación mediante la técnica ILLUMINA. Los resultados revelan que los parámetros tóxicos mantienen niveles óptimos de calidad con la aplicación de la microbiota compuesta por 1780 especies microbianas. Estadísticamente se demostró la disminución significativa de niveles de compuestos tóxicos que comprueba la hipótesis, de que la microbiota del mangle rojo actúa eficazmente en la biorremediación del agua en el cultivo de camarón blanco.The aquaculture activity in the white shrimp culture using recirculating water deteriorates the quality of the water by the hydrodynamic action of watermetabolites- organic matter, which generate negative impacts on the production of the crustacean. The objective of this research is to demonstrate that the autochthonous microbiota extracted from the red mangrove stimulates bioremediation. For this purpose, the microbiota was subjected to a process of bioaugmentation that enriches its biodiversity, so that when used, it guarantees bioremediation activity. The application of the treatment begins with the diagnosis of water quality in the different stages of the process, through the monitoring of toxic compounds such as ammonium, nitrites and nitrates and the evaluation of microbial biodiversity using metagenomic techniques such as the Reaction Test of the Polymerase, Electrophoresis in DNA testing and sequencing using the ILLUMINA technique. The results reveal that the toxic parameters maintain optimum levels of quality with the application of the microbiota composed of 1780 microbial species. Statistically it was demonstrated the significant decrease of levels of toxic compounds that the hypothesis proves, that the red mangrove microbiota acts efficiently in the bioremediation of water in the white shrimp culture

    Cap-Gly Proteins at Microtubule Plus Ends: Is EB1 Detyrosination Involved?

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    Localization of CAP-Gly proteins such as CLIP170 at microtubule+ends results from their dual interaction with α-tubulin and EB1 through their C-terminal amino acids −EEY. Detyrosination (cleavage of the terminal tyrosine) of α-tubulin by tubulin-carboxypeptidase abolishes CLIP170 binding. Can detyrosination affect EB1 and thus regulate the presence of CLIP170 at microtubule+ends as well? We developed specific antibodies to discriminate tyrosinated vs detyrosinated forms of EB1 and detected only tyrosinated EB1 in fibroblasts, astrocytes, and total brain tissue. Over-expressed EB1 was not detyrosinated in cells and chimeric EB1 with the eight C-terminal amino acids of α-tubulin was only barely detyrosinated. Our results indicate that detyrosination regulates CLIPs interaction with α-tubulin, but not with EB1. They highlight the specificity of carboxypeptidase toward tubulin

    Custom Made Candy Plug for Distal False Lumen Occlusion in Aortic Dissection: International Experience

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    Objective: To evaluate early and midterm outcomes of the Candy Plug (CP) technique for distal false lumen (FL) occlusion in thoracic endovascular aortic repair for aortic dissection (AD) in a more real world cohort of patients from an international multicentre registry. Methods: A multicentre retrospective study was conducted of all consecutive patients from the contributing centres with subacute and chronic AD treated with the CP technique from October 2013 to April 2020 at 18 centres. Results: A custom made CP was used in 155 patients (92 males, mean age 62 ± 11 years). Fourteen (9%) presented with ruptured false lumen aneurysms. Technical success was achieved in all patients (100%). Clinical success was achieved in 138 patients (89%). The median hospital stay was 7 days (1 – 77). The 30 day mortality rate was 3% (n = 5). Stroke occurred in four patients (3%). Spinal cord ischaemia occurred in three patients (2%). The 30 day computed tomography angiogram (CTA) confirmed successful CP placement at the intended level in all patients. Early complete FL occlusion was achieved in 120 patients (77%). Early (30 day) CP related re-intervention was required in four patients (3%). The early (30 day) stent graft related re-intervention rate was 8% (n = 12). Follow up CTA was available in 142 patients (92%), with a median follow up of 23 months (6 – 87). Aneurysmal regression was achieved in 68 of 142 patients (47%); the aneurysm diameter remained stable in 69 of 142 patients (49%) and increased in five of 142 patients (4%). A higher rate of early FL occlusion was detected in the largest volume centre patients (50 [88%] vs. 70 [71%] from other centres; p = .019). No other differences in outcome were identified regarding volume of cases or learning curve. Conclusion: This international CP technique experience confirmed its feasibility and low mortality and morbidity rates. Aortic remodelling and false lumen thrombosis rates were high and support the concept of distal FL occlusion in AD using the CP technique

    Abejas nativas sin aguijón en Tumbes, Perú: Caracterización genómica y comunidad bacteriana

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    “Abejas nativas sin aguijón” se encuentran en bosques secos de la Reserva de Biosfera del Noroeste Amotapes Manglares, Tumbes, Perú, y poblaciones rurales cercanas. Estas abejas cumplen un rol importante como polinizadoras de cultivos agrícolas, forestales y como proveedoras de miel y polen", siendo Melipona mimética la especie más importante. Los objetivos del estudio fueron: la identificación molecular usando tres locis genéticos distintos (Citocromo c oxidasa, 28S ribosomal RNA y gen 16S rRNA), la Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa (PCR) y análisis bioinformático, identificándose a los géneros: Cephalotrigona sp., Geotrigona sp., Lestrimelitta sp., Melipona sp., Nannotrigona sp., Oxytrigona sp., Plebeia sp., Scaptotrigona, sp., Trigona sp. y Trigonisca sp. Y haciendo uso de Metagenómica y secuencias cortas del gen 16s DNAr, comprobado en NCBI, se encontró a especies bacterianas en: huevos 139, larvas 31, pupas 154 y adultos 39, siendo las más importantes Clostridium spp., Lactobacillus camelliae, Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus manihotivorans, Lactobacillus paracollinoides, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus pontis, Lactobacillus reuteri, Lactobacillus sakei, Lactobacillus suebicus, Lactobacillus vaccinostercus, Lactobacillus vaginalis, Pediococcus acidilactici, y a través de técnicas dependiente e independiente de medios de cultivo a: Bacillus subtilis subsp subtilis en larva, Paenibacillus xylanilyticus en pupa y adulto: Humibacter sp., Acinetobacter sp., Acinetobacter nectaris y Fructobacillus sp. La identificación genómica y comunidad bacteriana es relevante, por tratarse del primer estudio de estas especies en Perú