206 research outputs found

    Tożsamość kosmopolitycznych kobiet – mit piękna w dyskursie horoskopowym

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    The present dissertation constitutes a critical analysis of the discourse of the beauty myth which manifests itself in the Cosmopolitan ideology. The linguistic analysis was conducted on a sample of the above-mentioned discourse, realised by daily horoscopes of the Cosmopolitan magazine. These Cosmopolitan horoscopes constitute a research material in the thesis. The aim of the work is the study of discourse and the beauty myth understood as a compilation of false convictions concerning femininity, social roles of women, their identity and sexuality. The essential assumption in the research is that myth is a type of speech and, therefore, a discursive phenomenon, and that it persuasively shapes and reinforces the socio-cultural-linguistic image of women and femininity in order to fulfil the expectations and requirements of contemporary consumer reality embedded in patriarchal culture. The work consisting of theoretical background, a research part and conclusions has been divided into eight chapters, preceded by Introduction presenting fundamental aims and the scope of the research. Chapter 1 concerns discourse analysis and presents horoscope as a genre representing the discourse of the beauty myth. Chapter 2 describes myth as a discourse phenomenon, attempts at defining the concept of myth and discusses the mechanism of its functioning. Chapter 3 presents the linguistic-cultural picture of the contemporary woman and the woman-body-identity relation as approached from the feminist perspective. It also explains the beauty myth phenomenon in contemporary consumer society. Chapter 4 includes the characteristics of the research, outlines aims and the methodology of the analyses conducted in the work, it also explains the reasons for applying Cosmopolitan horoscopes as a research sample. Chapter 5 reveals the discursive dimension of the beauty myth. The analysis embraces a qualitative and quantitative study of the texts in question. Different aspects of discourse, such as discourse community and context have also been discussed here. Furthermore, the chapter presents lexical, syntactic and compositional manifestations of the language of success in the corpus. Chapter 6 focuses on the axiological dimension of the discourse of the beauty myth and is an attempt at explaining the mechanism of this phenomenon. To an extent, the chapter is simultaneously a critical consideration of the beauty myth, although the actual criticism of the discourse is included in the last chapter. Chapter 7 is an attempt to create a prototypical Cosmopolitan horoscope. This specific summary of the research is simultaneously an introduction to the author’s own interpretation of the mechanism of the beauty myth. Chapter 8 constitutes the summary of the dissertation and includes conclusions which indicate the presence of the beauty myth in the discourse represented by Cosmopolitan ideology, and realised through horoscopical texts and the context in which they are embedded. The discourse of the beauty myth is critically approached due to its detrimental influence on the socio-cultural construction of female identity in contemporary patriarchal culture dominated by consumerism, and targeted at financial benefits and the maintenance of particular power relations. Lastly, the dissertation includes Bibliography, Index of tables, Index of figures and Appendix

    Poverty of families in Poland in the last ten years based on selected studies

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    The paper presents some aspects of poverty and exclusion in the Polish society. The authors are interested in those manifestations of poverty which pose a current or potential challenge for social work. Cultural imperatives and authorities' interests have for a longer time been focused around the issue of material and social situation of children and single mothers. It is observed a departure from the patriarchal model of marriage and family, emancipation (social, cultural, political, economic) of women and even their advantage in education (better results, numerical superiority at the third level of education) or employment (feminization of services). The disappearance of the tutelary function exercised by women (mothers, grandmothers, aunts) in traditional families and the dysfunctions that follow (social orphanage, socialization shortages, physical and emotional neglect, behavioural disorders, alcohol and drug dependency, violence in peer groups etc.) cause an increased interest of state, self-government and non-governmental agencies in the situation of children and adolescents

    Implementacja dyrektywy Omnibus do polskiego porządku prawnego – kilka wybranych uwag do projektu ustawy o zmianie ustawy o prawach konsumenta oraz niektórych innych ustaw

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    Opracowanie stanowi ocenę wybranych przepisów projektu ustawy o zmianie ustawy o prawach konsumenta oraz niektórych innych ustaw. Autorzy przyjęli w nim praktyczny punkt widzenia, nie wdając się przy tym w daleko idące rozważania teoretyczne, a kierując się kryteriami utylitaryzmu prawnego i możliwością zastosowania prawa w praktyce. Krytyczne uwagi zawarte w tekście mają na celu przybliżyć, w jakim kierunku może pójść praktyka i judykatura, jeśli przepisy w proponowanym kształcie zostaną uchwalone i wejdą w życie. Wreszcie autorzy formułują postulaty de lege ferenda, mające na celu poprawę projektu w takim stopniu, aby nie stał się w przyszłości martwym prawem

    Human Resource Management Practices in Polish Companies During the Economic Slowdown

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    The objective of the paper is to present how companies operating in the Polish market faced challenges in the field of HR-function during the economic slowdown. As a source of data for the analysis two empirical studies have been used, which were conducted in 2009. In both studies structured questionnaires were used. The first study deals with turnover and retention issues and the second one focuses on trends in reward systems. Efforts have been made in the paper to examine how companies adapt their HR policies and practices while coping with changes in the environment. After presenting some general adaptation strategies, the authors will focus on two issues mentioned above. The findings of the empirical research indicate that typical reactions of the examined companies as a response to the crises in the financial markets were: freezing of recruitment actions, cuts in training budgets, changes in reward systems, limitations of benefits as well as restrictions of HR-departments budgets. The research evidence reveals that changes in the labor market caused by economic slowdown forced 46% of the firms to plan reductions of employment but on the other hand 41% did not plan to do that. The uncertainty in the business context of HRM makes HR-professionals rethink practices they have been using so far.Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie sposobów radzenia sobie przez przedsiębiorstwa z wyzwaniami w obszarze funkcji HR w okresie spowolnienia gospodarczego. Źródłem danych wykorzystanych w analizie były dwa badania empiryczne z wykorzystaniem techniki ankiety, przeprowadzone w 2009 roku. Pierwsze z nich dotyczyło kwestii płynności i retencji pracowników, a drugie trendów w systemach wynagrodzeń. W obu tych badaniach podjęto próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie: w jaki sposób przedsiębiorstwa dostosowują politykę i praktykę zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi do zmian zachodzących w ich otoczeniu, w szczególności na rynku pracy. Autorzy przedstawili w kolejności ogólne strategie adaptacji praktyk HR do zmian by następnie skoncentrować się na wspomnianych wcześniej dwóch kwestiach tj. retencji i rotacji pracowników oraz systemach wynagrodzeń. Wyniki badań wskazują, że do typowych działań w okresie spowolnienia gospodarczego należały: blokady etatów, cięcia budżetów szkoleniowych, zmiany w systemach wynagrodzeń, ograniczenia świadczeń dodatkowych, tzw. benefitów. Badania wskazały też, że zmiany na rynku pracy spowodowane spowolnieniem gospodarczym doprowadziły do redukcji zatrudnienia w 46% badanych firm, z drugiej strony w 41% badanych firm nie planowano takich działań. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań można stwierdzić, że zmiany w otoczeniu biznesowym funkcji HR powinny skłaniać menedżerów i specjalistów do spraw zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi do krytycznego spojrzenia na stosowane praktyki w dziedzinie funkcji HR


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    This work shows the possibility of using spectral analysis in order to detect characteristic points in recorded images. The specific point is a marker in the form of a diode that flashes at a certain frequency. Main assumptions of the processing algorithm are the recording of a sequence of images and treatment change of level of brightness for each pixel as a time signal. The amplitude spectrum is determined for each time signal. The result of data processing is an amplitude image whose pixels brightness corresponding to the intensity of source of pulsating light emitting specific frequency. This new data representation is used  to detect position of markers. The algorithm was re¬searched in order to select optimal marker colors and pulsation frequency. The results are described in a summary

    Internet, social welfare and participatory democracy

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    Uogólnione schematy i reguły wnioskowania w logice rozmytej

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    In Chapter 1 we recall the most important notions in the theory of fuzzy sets. In Chapter 2 we give some basic facts regarding approximate reasoning. In the main part of the thesis we consider functional equations and inequalities mentioned above when one function is given - usually a t-norm T (or a semicopula or any other generalization of a classical conjunction). Therefore we show some solutions for chosen families of fuzzy im- plications. In Chapter 3 we focus on hypothetical syllogism - there are solutions for (CRI-GHS), (BK-GHS) and (HS), but also we present here some algebraic properties of a composition sup-T. Chapter 4 contains information regarding solutions of (CRI-GMP), (BK-GMP) and (MP). In Chapter 5 analogous facts for (CRI-GMT), (BK-GMT) and (MT) can be found. Solutions for (CRI-GRA), (BK-GRA) and (RA) have been described in Chapter 6. In Chapter 7 we shortly give some remarks concerning some other possible functional equa- tions that might be received when combinig rules of inference and different fuzzy relations. In last Chapter 8, we present a different method of reasoning - similarity based reasoning. Also we give some remarks for two main strategies in approximate reasoning - FITA (First Infer Then Aggregate) and FATI (First Aggregate Then Infer) with respect to some proven theorems

    Some Remarks on the Generalized Scheme of Reduction to Absurdity and Generalized Hypothetical Syllogism in Fuzzy Logic

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    In this paper we investigate two generalizations, in fuzzy logic, of classical scheme of reduction to absurdity. We compare them with two possible generalizations of classical hypothetical syllogism (in fuzzy logic) and we show that generalized hypothetical syllogism is more general. We present new results concerning solutions of an inequality and an equation connected directly with generalization of scheme of reduction to absurdity in fuzzy logic

    Problem ubóstwa w krajach Grupy Wyszehradzkiej w latach 2004–2019. Analiza porównawcza

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    Grupa Wyszehradzka została założona w 1991 roku. Jest organizacją o charakterze politycznym. Ma również wymiar kulturowo-społeczny oraz naukowy. Od 2004 roku Czechy, Polska, Słowacja i Węgry należą do Unii Europejskiej. Problemy społeczne w tych krajach różnią się od tych problemów w innych krajach UE. Analiza ubóstwa w krajach Grupy Wyszehradzkiej wskazuje na pozytywne zmiany. We wszystkich krajach ubóstwo zmniejszyło się od 2004 roku. Największe zmiany zaszły w Polsce. Nastąpiła znaczna poprawa w materialnym położeniu najuboższych grup etnicznych (Roma) na Węgrzech. Różnorodne wskaźniki zagrożenia ubóstwem i nierówności społecznych w sposób spójny wskazują na polepszenie się sytuacji społeczno-ekonomicznej najbiedniejszych kategorii ludności