16 research outputs found

    Random walks with asymmetric time delays

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    We studied simple random-walk models with asymmetric time delays. Stochastic simulations were performed for hyperbolic-tangent fitness functions and to obtain analytical results we approximated them by step functions. A novel behavior has been observed. Namely, the mean position of a walker depends on time delays. This is a joint effect of both stochasticity and time delays present in the system. We also observed that by shifting appropriately fitness functions we may reverse the effect of time delays - the mean position of the walker changes the sign

    Non-periodic long-range order for fast decaying interactions at positive temperatures

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    We present the first example of an exponentially decaying interaction which gives rise to non-periodic long-range order at positive temperatures.Comment: 7 pages, Late

    Decomposing Noise in Biochemical Signaling Systems Highlights the Role of Protein Degradation

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    AbstractStochasticity is an essential aspect of biochemical processes at the cellular level. We now know that living cells take advantage of stochasticity in some cases and counteract stochastic effects in others. Here we propose a method that allows us to calculate contributions of individual reactions to the total variability of a system’s output. We demonstrate that reactions differ significantly in their relative impact on the total noise and we illustrate the importance of protein degradation on the overall variability for a range of molecular processes and signaling systems. With our flexible and generally applicable noise decomposition method, we are able to shed new, to our knowledge, light on the sources and propagation of noise in biochemical reaction networks; in particular, we are able to show how regulated protein degradation can be employed to reduce the noise in biochemical systems

    Mathematical models of ion transport through cell membrane channels

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    We discuss various models of ion transport through cell membrane channels. Recent experimental data shows that sizes of some ion channels are compared to those of ions and that only few ions may be simultaneously in any single channel. Theoretical description of ion transport in such channels should therefore take into account stochastic fluctuations and interactions between ions and between ions and channel proteins. This is not satisfied by macroscopic continuum models based on the Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations. More realistic descriptions of ion transport are offered by microscopic molecular and Brownian dynamics. We present a derivation of the Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations. We also review some recent models such as single-file diffusion and Markov chains of interacting ions (boundary driven lattice gases).Such models take into account discrete and stochastic nature of ion transport and specifically interactions between ions in ion channels

    Scale-free graphs with edge deletion

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     Praca rozszerza klasyczny model Barabasiego-Alberty o możliwość usuwania krawędzi. Pokazano, że wykładnik w prawie potęgowym rozkładu stopni wierzchołków zależy od liczby krawędzi dodawanych w każdym kroku procesu budowy grafu.We extend the classical Barabási-Albert preferential attachment procedure by allowing edge deletion. We prove that unlike in the original model, power-law exponents of degree distribution of scale-free graphs with edge deletion depend on the number of attached edges in one step of the growing process

    On spins and genes

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    Naszym celem jest zrozumienie i przewidywanie zachowania się układów wielu oddziałujących obiektów, takich jak cząstki i spiny w fizyce statystycznej czy geny i białka w biologii molekularnej. Jako matematycy pragniemy udowadniać twierdzenia i wyprowadzać analityczne wzory. Bardzo szybko okazuje się, że w istotnych zastosowaniach jest to niemożliwe. Co robić? Część z nas ucieka w wyrafinowane symulacje komputerowe. Czy nie ma innej drogi? Czy jesteśmy ograniczeni do wyboru pomiędzy Matematyką i Mathematicą? Na pomoc przychodzi metoda samouzgodnionego pola średniego. Ferromagnetyczny model Isinga i samoregulujący się gen zilustrują nam tę niezwykle uniwersalną metodę otrzymywania przybliżonych rozwiązań analitycznych.Many processes in natural and social sciences can be modeled by systems of interacting objects. It is usually very difficult to obtain analytic expressions describing time evolution and equilibrium behavior of such systems. Very often we rely only on computer simulations. Fortunately, in many cases one can construct useful approximation schemes and derive exact results which capture some specific features of a given process. A frequent approach is to replace interactions between objects by a mean interaction. Here we illustrate a self-consistent mean-field approximation in two examples: the Ising model of interacting spins and a simple model of a self-regulating gene

    Overlap distributions for deterministic systems with many pure states

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    We discuss the Parisi overlap distribution function for various deterministic systems with uncountably many pure ground states. We show samples of trivial, countably discrete, and continuous distributions.

    Modelling aspects of cancer growth:insight from mathematical and numerical analysis and computational simulation

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    The aim of this volume that presents Lectures given at a joint CIME and Banach Center Summer School, is to offer a broad presentation of a class of updated methods providing a mathematical framework for the development of a hierarchy of models of complex systems in the natural sciences, with a special attention to Biology and Medicine. Mastering complexity implies sharing different tools requiring much higher level of communication between different mathematical and scientific schools, for solving classes of problems of the same nature. Today more than ever, one of the most important challenges derives from the need to bridge parts of a system evolving at different time and space scales, especially with respect to computational affordability. As a result the content has a rather general character; the main role is played by stochastic processes, positive semigroups, asymptotic analysis, kinetic theory, continuum theory and game theory