222 research outputs found

    A Time-composable Operating System

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    Time composability is a guiding principle to the development and certification process of real-time embedded systems. Considerable efforts have been devoted to studying the role of hardware architectures - and their modern accelerating features - in enabling the hierarchical composition of the timing behaviour of software programs considered in isolation. Much less attention has been devoted to the effect of real-time Operating Systems (OS) on time composability at the application level. In fact, the very presence of the OS contributes to the variability of the execution time of the application directly and indirectly; by way of its own response time jitter and by its effect on the state retained by the processor hardware. We consider zero disturbance and steady behaviour as those characteristic properties that an operating system should exhibit, so as to be time-composable with the user applications. We assess those properties on the redesign of an ARINC compliant partitioned operating system, for use in avionics applications, and present some experimental results from a preliminary implementation of our approach within the scope of the EU FP7 PROARTIS project

    Inflammatory status and metabolic changes at dry-off in high-yield dairy cows

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    Our study investigates metabolic changes occurring at dry-off and the contribution of milk yield (MY) in such alterations. Thirteen Holsteins were dried off at 55 days from expected calving day (assumed as 0 days from dry-off, DFD) and divided in two groups according to their average daily MY in the last week of lactation, assuming a cut-off of 15 kgĀ·dāˆ’1: low MY (7 cows) and high MY (6 cows). From āˆ’7 to 34 DFD dry matter intake (DMI) and rumination time were measured. Blood samples were collected at āˆ’7, 2, 7, 27 and 34 DFD to assess an haematological and metabolic profile and at āˆ’7, 7 and 34 DFD to test functions of circulating white blood cell (WBC) through ex vivo challenges. Data were included in a mixed model for repeated measures assuming MY at dry-off, time and their interaction as fixed effects. After dry-off, DMI was reduced and rumination time was increased in all the animals. High MY cows had greater DMI and rumination time than low MY cows. In blood, WBC counts decreased at 7 DFD and increased the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines at 7 and 34 DFD. Plasmatic concentrations of liver enzymes indicators, positive acute phase proteins (APPs); and nitrogen species increased after dry-off. Conversely, negative APPs and antioxidant species decreased. Those alterations were more marked in high MY animals. This study suggests that dry-off decreased liver function, triggered a systemic inflammation and depleted antioxidant systems, especially in the group of cows with high MY at dry-off.HighlightsInflammation, liver dysfunctions and altered redox balance has been detected after dry-off in all the animals.Cows with highest milk yield before halting of milk removal faced the most severe metabolic challenges.Such founding indicates the management of dry-off as a key point for dairy cows health. Inflammation, liver dysfunctions and altered redox balance has been detected after dry-off in all the animals. Cows with highest milk yield before halting of milk removal faced the most severe metabolic challenges. Such founding indicates the management of dry-off as a key point for dairy cows health

    Trust-Based Mechanisms for Robust and Efficient Task Allocation in the Presence of Execution Uncertainty

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    Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) mechanisms are often used to allocate tasks to selfish and rational agents. VCG mechanisms are incentive-compatible, direct mechanisms that are efficient (i.e. maximise social utility) and individually rational (i.e. agents prefer to join rather than opt out). However, an important assumption of these mechanisms is that the agents will always successfully complete their allocated tasks. Clearly, this assumption is unrealistic in many real-world applications where agents can, and often do, fail in their endeavours. Moreover, whether an agent is deemed to have failed may be perceived differently by different agents. Such subjective perceptions about an agentā€™s probability of succeeding at a given task are often captured and reasoned about using the notion of trust. Given this background, in this paper, we investigate the design of novel mechanisms that take into account the trust between agents when allocating tasks. Specifically, we develop a new class of mechanisms, called trust-based mechanisms, that can take into account multiple subjective measures of the probability of an agent succeeding at a given task and produce allocations that maximise social utility, whilst ensuring that no agent obtains a negative utility. We then show that such mechanisms pose a challenging new combinatorial optimisation problem (that is NP-complete), devise a novel representation for solving the problem, and develop an effective integer programming solution (that can solve instances with about 2Ɨ105 possible allocations in 40 seconds).

    Administration of an Immune Stimulant during the Transition Period Improved Lipid Metabolism and Rumination without Affecting Inflammatory Status

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    Omnigen-AF (OAF) increases leukocyte functions in immunosuppressed animal models and reduces incidence of infectious diseases in early lactating dairy cows, although its mode of action is still unclear. This study aims to provide a wider perspective of the metabolic eect of OAF to test its potential as a strategy to address metabolic disorders of the transition period. A group of 10 Holstein dairy cows were divided into 2 groups: The treated group (IMS; 5 cows) received 32.5 g of OAF twice a day (65 g d1) as top-dress in the morning and afternoon feeds from 55 to 42 days from calving (DFC), whereas the control group (CTR; 5 cows) received no supplementation. From 62 to 42 DFC, body condition score, body weight, dry matter intake, rumination time and milk yield were measured; blood samples were collected weekly to assess a wide hematochemical profile and to test white blood cell functions by ex-vivo challenge assays. At 30 DFC, rumen fluid was collected and analyzed for pH, volatile fatty acids composition, urea nitrogen, and lactate contents. Data were submitted to ANOVA using a mixed model for repeated measures, including treatment, time, and their interaction as fixed eects. OAF decreased blood nonesterified fatty acids and beta hydroxybutyrate concentrations and increased rumination time in early lactation. Leukocytes from IMS cows had lower lactate production and lower glucose consumption after ex-vivo stimulation. OAF did not reduce the acute phase response indicators and reduced the blood concentrations of albumin and antioxidants after calving, suggesting impairment of hepatic functions related to protein synthesis and antioxidant management. Nevertheless, the lack of eect on bilirubin and liver enzymes refutes the possibility of severe liver damage occurring with OAF supplementation. Positive eects in reducing mobilization of body fats and ketogenesis and in increasing rumination time after calving suggest OAF eectiveness in preventing metabolic disorders of the transition period

    Immunopathogenesis of sarcoidosis and risk of malignancy: a lost truth?

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    The hypothesis of a relationship between sarcoidosis and malignancy was firstly formulated in 1972 by Brincker. He documented an association of sarcoid reactions or sarcoidosis with 19 lymphomas and associated malignancies. Based on various epidemiological studies, for more than 20 years sarcoidosis has been considered as a condition at increased risk for cancer, particularly lymphoproliferative disorders. The existence of a sarcoidosis-lymphoma syndrome was therefore proposed, highlighting, as a potential mechanism, the uncontrolled lymphocyte proliferation and mitotic activity. A reduced ability to eliminate an antigen and chronic inflammation have been suggested as triggering events. Leading to a reduced tumor immune surveillance, a diminished myeloid dendritic cells (mDC) function, despite up-regulated co-stimulatory and maturation markers, was also raised as potential mechanism. However, some subsequent studies have questioned the presence of a close association between the two entities and have explained those previously published as the result of selection bias and misclassification. Recently, a Swedish population-based cohort study documented a significant overall excess incidence of cancer among sarcoidosis patients, especially those with multiple hospitalizations or admission in older age, emphasizing again a potential neoplastic risk. Therefore, currently, whether these patients have an increased risk of developing malignant lesions is still debated. Larger and unbiased studies are needed before drawing definite conclusions

    Factors associated with apoptosis in symptomatic and asymptomatic carotid atherosclerotic plaques.

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the differences that are present between apoptosis in symptomatic (with symptoms of cerebral ischemic attack) and asymptomatic carotid atherosclerotic plaques. The apoptotic process in macrophages and smooth muscle cells was evaluated. Cellular markers and products of immune cells in symptomatic and asymptomatic atherosclerotic plaque and endoarterectomy specimen were analyzed by immunohistochemistry. No statistically significant differences were present regarding the mean SMC actin-positive area. Using double staining of Ī±-smooth muscle actin and TUNEL techniques, the number of smooth muscle cells in apoptosis was statistically higher in symptomatic plaque as compared with asymptomatic plaque. Statistically significant differences (p=0.009) were also found in the CD45-positive cells in the inflammatory infiltrate. The CD68-positive macrophages showed statistically significant differences (p=0.0001). Similarly, the double staining with CD68 and TUNEL revealed that apoptotic macrophages were mainly present in asymptomatic plaques rather than symptomatic plaques. Statistically significant differences (p<0.001) were found in the Bcl-2 expression, with higher values in asymptomatic plaques. Our data showed that the increase of the inflammatory cells contributes to plaque instability and that death due to apoptosis of smooth muscle cells in symptomatic plaques could contribute to their destabilization and explains their tendency to fracture

    Trust-based mechanisms for robust and efficient task allocation in the presence of execution uncertainty

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    Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) mechanisms are often used to allocate tasks to selfish and rational agents. VCG mechanisms are incentive-compatible, direct mechanisms that are efficient (i.e. maximise social utility) and individually rational (i.e. agents prefer to join rather than opt out). However, an important assumption of these mechanisms is that the agents will always successfully complete their allocated tasks. Clearly, this assumption is unrealistic in many real-world applications where agents can, and often do, fail in their endeavours. Moreover, whether an agent is deemed to have failed may be perceived differently by different agents. Such subjective perceptions about an agentā€™s probability of succeeding at a given task are often captured and reasoned about using the notion of trust. Given this background, in this paper, we investigate the design of novel mechanisms that take into account the trust between agents when allocating tasks. Specifically, we develop a new class of mechanisms, called trust-based mechanisms, that can take into account multiple subjective measures of the probability of an agent succeeding at a given task and produce allocations that maximise social utility, whilst ensuring that no agent obtains a negative utility. We then show that such mechanisms pose a challenging new combinatorial optimisation problem (that is NP-complete), devise a novel representation for solving the problem, and develop an effective integer programming solution (that can solve instances with about 2Ɨ105 possible allocations in 40 seconds)

    La sarcoidosi: vecchie certezze e nuove prospettive

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    Summary Introduction Sarcoidosis is the paradigm of the internistic disease. It virtually affects every organ and tissue and is characterized by the presence of noncaseating granulomas. A holistic view is needed for the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. The authors provide an overview on several recently published studies, which pose new perspectives on the approach to the disease. Materials and methods The authors reviewed the scientific literature focusing on new etiopathogenetic, diagnostic and therapeutic data. Results and discussion A multimodal approach is appropriate and effective in the diagnosis and treatment of systemic diseases such as sarcoidosis. In this context, the internist plays a key role more than any other specialist
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