146 research outputs found

    New procedures to estimate soil erodibility properties from a hole erosion test record

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    The estimation of representative values of the properties quantifying soil erodibility (critical shear stress and coefficient of soil erosion) is of great difficulty. The difficulty lies in the complexity of the phenomenon in question in addition to the uncertainty of the used experimentation (hole erosion test). In this paper, the procedure used to estimate these properties is presented, and two new procedures are proposed. The proposed procedures are more accurate for the quantification as well as to detect the initiation of the internal erosion. It is found that the erodibility properties depend on the hydraulic charge and that for one soil sample, it is possible to find more than one pair of solutions (critical shear stress, coefficient of soil erosion) which explains the non-observation of significant relationship between these two properties and other soil properties

    Commande Vision/Force de robots parallèles.

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    National audienceIn this paper, force and position control of parallel kinematic machines is discussed. Cartesian space computed torque control is applied to achieve force and position servoing directly in the task space within a sensor based control architecture. The originality of the approach resides in the use of a vision system as an exteroceptive pose measurement of a parallel machine tool for force control purposes

    Phase boundary between Na-Si clathrates of structures I and II at high pressures and high temperatures

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    Understanding the covalent clathrate formation is a crucial point for the design of new superhard materials with intrinsic coupling of superhardness and metallic conductivity. Silicon clathrates have the archetype structures that can serve an existant model compounds for superhard clathrate frameworks "Si-B", "Si-C", "B-C" and "C" with intercalated atoms (e.g. alkali metals or even halogenes) that can assure the metalic properties. Here we report the in situ and ex situ studies of high-pressure formation and stability of clathrates Na8Si46 (structure I) and Na24+xSi136 (structure II). Experiments have been performed using standard Paris-Edinburgh cells (opposite anvils) up to 6 GPa and 1500 K. We have established that chemical interactions in Na-Si system and transition between two structures of clathrates occur at temperatures below silicon melting. The strong sensitivity of crystallization products to the sodium concentration have been observed. A tentative diagram of clathrate transformations has been proposed. At least up to ~6 GPa, Na24+xSi136 (structure II) is stable at lower temperatures as compared to Na8Si46 (structure I)

    Le chordome sacrococcygien: à propos d´un cas

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    Le chordome sacrococcygien est une entité pathologique rare, rapporté dans seulement moins de 3% des cas. Nous allons rapporter l´observation d´une patiente prise en charge au Centre Régional d'Oncologie d'Oujda au Maroc ayant présenté un chordome sacrococcygien localement avancé. Le traitement a consisté en une radiothérapie exclusive sur la tumeur, la chirurgie d´exérèse n´était pas possible. Actuellement la patiente est à 2 ans de recul, la tumeur est d´aspect stable cliniquement et radiologiquement avec un bon état général

    Cancer du sein sur tissu mammaire ectopique: à propos de 2 cas

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    Le cancer du sein sur tissu mammaire ectopique est une tumeur rare qui représente 0,2 à 0,6% de l´ensemble des cancers du sein. Les auteurs en rapportent 2 cas pris en charge dans 2 centres d´oncologie marocains. Il s´agit de 2 patientes âgées de 31 ans et 47 ans présentant un cancer du sein sur tissu mammaire ectopique en situation axillaire. Une tumorectomie avec curage ganglionnaire axillaire homolatéral a été réalisée chez les 2 patientes dont une après une chimiothérapie néoadjuvante. Le traitement adjuvant a compris une chimiothérapie, radiothérapie puis une hormonothérapie. Après un recul de 12 mois et 20 mois respectivement, les 2 patientes sont en rémission complète.Pan African Medical Journal 2012; 13:5

    Pressure induced stability enhancement of cubic nanostructured CeO2

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    Ceria (CeO2)-based materials are widely used in applications such as catalysis, fuel cells and oxygen sensors. Its cubic fluorite structure with a cell parameter similar to that of silicon makes it a candidate for implementation in electronic devices. This structure is stable in a wide temperature and pressure range, with a reported structural phase transition to an orthorhombic phase. In this work, we study the structure of CeO2 under hydrostatic pressures up to 110 GPa simultaneously for the nanometer-and micrometer-sized powders as well as for a single crystal, using He as the pressure-transmitting medium. The first-order transition is clearly present for the micrometer-sized and single-crystal samples, while, for the nanometer grain size powder, it is suppressed up to at least 110 GPa. We show that the stacking fault density increases by two orders of magnitude in the studied pressure range and could act as an internal constraint, avoiding the nucleation of the high-pressure phase.Fil: Paulin, Mariano Andrés. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Área de Energía Nuclear. Instituto Balseiro. Archivo Histórico del Centro Atómico Bariloche e Instituto Balseiro | Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Balseiro. Archivo Histórico del Centro Atómico Bariloche e Instituto Balseiro; ArgentinaFil: Garbarino, Gaston. European Synchrotron Radiation; FranciaFil: Leyva, Ana Gabriela. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Centro Atómico Constituyentes; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Escuela de Ciencia y Tecnología; ArgentinaFil: Mezouar, Mohamed. European Synchrotron Radiation; FranciaFil: Sacanell, Joaquin Gonzalo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Unidad Ejecutora Instituto de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología. Unidad Ejecutora Instituto de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología - Nodo Constituyentes | Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Unidad Ejecutora Instituto de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología. Unidad Ejecutora Instituto de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología - Nodo Constituyentes; Argentin

    Crystalline polymeric carbon dioxide stable at megabar pressures

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    The nature and stability of carbon dioxide under extreme conditions relevant to the Earth’s mantle is still under debate, in view of its possible role within the deep carbon cycle. Here, the authors perform high-pressure experiments providing evidence that polymeric crystalline CO2 is stable under megabaric conditions

    Microdiffraction et microtomographie in situ des transformations hétérogènes du C sous haute pression et haute température

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    Le diagramme des phases du C60 continue d'être un sujet de discussion et de controverse, malgré la grande quantité de travaux expérimentaux et théoriques fait au fil des ans. Ceci est principalement dû au manque d'études in situ, a l'existence d états désordonnés présentant des pics de diffraction très mal résolus et à la coexistence de plusieurs polytypes de faible densité. Ce manuscrit présente une étude systématique in situ des transformations hétérogènes du C60 sous haute pression et haute température dans la gamme 1-10 GPa et 300-1200 K. Afin de discriminer les poly(a)morphes de densité similaire dans des échantillons hétérogènes, nous avons utilisé une combinaison de micro-diffraction et micro-tomographie. Les échantillons ont été synthétisés dans une cellule Paris-Edimbourg et caractérisés à l'aide de diffraction des rayons X in situ en dispersion angulaire. Des images tridimensionnels à haute résolution ont été obtenus sur des échantillons trempés par la méthode de micro-tomographie de diffraction/diffusion. Cette méthode permet l'analyse 3D de l'intensité de diffusion reconstruite à partir de séries de projections 2D. Une telle analyse est non destructive et offre une grande sensibilité (0,1% en volume), une haute résolution spatiale ( m3) et peut être multimodale, fournissant des données quantitatives sur la morphologie, la densité, la composition élémentaire ou la structure des matériaux. En outre, nous décrivons le développement d un système de micro-tomographie in situ sous haute pression et haute température en utilisant une nouvelle cellule rotative Paris-Edimbourg (RoToPEC), combinée avec le rayonnement synchrotron. La capacité à tourner complètement la chambre de l'échantillon sous charge, surmonte la contrainte d'ouverture angulaire limitée des cellules ordinaires et permet l'acquisition de projections tomographiques pour l'imagerie de plein champ ainsi que pour l'imagerie par micro-diffraction. Cette méthode innovante permet l étude des matériaux sous conditions extrêmes de pression, température ou stress, et pourra être appliquée dans des domaines variés tels que la physique, la chimie, la science des matériaux ou la géologie. Le potentiel de cette nouvelle technique expérimentale est démontré par l'étude de la polymérisation de C60 sous haute-pression et haute température. Mots-clés: C60, diagramme de phase, diffraction, micro-tomographie, haute pression et haute températureThe C60 reaction diagram continues to be a subject of discussion and controversy, despite the vast amount of experimental and theoretical work done over the years. This is mainly due the lack of in situ studies, the highly disordered-states showing poorly resolved diffraction peaks and the coexistence of several low-density polytypes. This manuscript presents a systematic in situ study of high-pressure high-temperature forms C60 in the range of 1-10 GPa and 300-1200 K. In order to discriminate poly(a)morphs with similar densities in heterogeneous samples, we used a combination of microdiffraction and microtromography. The samples were synthesized in a Paris-Edinburgh cell and characterized using in situ angular dispersive X-ray diffraction. Three-dimensional submicron images were obtained on quenched samples using diffraction/scattering microtomography. This method provides 3D analysis of the scattering intensity reconstructed from sets of 2D microdiffraction projections. Such analysis is non-destructive and provides high sensitivity (0.1% volume), high spatial resolution ( m3) and can be multi-modal providing quantitative information on the morphology, density, elemental composition or structure of materials. Additionally, we describe the development of in situ high-pressure high-temperature microtomography using a new rotating Paris-Edinburgh cell (RoToPEC) combined with synchrotron radiation. The ability to fully rotate the sample chamber under load, overcomes the limited angular aperture of ordinary high-pressure cells for acquiring tomographic projections in both, full-field imaging or microdiffraction modes. This innovative method enables dynamic studies of materials under extreme pressure-temperature-stress conditions, impacting areas such as physics, chemistry, materials science or geology. The potential of this new experimental technique is demonstrated on the in situ investigation of of high-pressure high-temperature polymerization of C60 . Keywords: C60, phase diagram, diffraction, microtomography, high-pressure high-temperatureSAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    High pressure and high temperature in situ X-ray diffraction studies in the Paris-Edinburgh cell using a laboratory X-ray source

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    International audienceWe have developed a new laboratory experimental set-up to study in situ the pressure-temperature phase diagram of a given pure element or compound, its associated phase transitions, or the chemical reactions involved at high pressure and high temperature (HP-HT) between different solids and liquids. This new tool allows laboratory studies before conducting further detailed experiments using more brilliant synchrotron X-ray sources or before kinetic studies. This device uses the diffraction of X-rays produced by a quasi-monochromatic micro-beam source operating at the silver radiation (λ(Ag)Kα1,2 ≈ 0.56Å). The experimental set-up is based on a VX Paris-Edinburgh cell equipped with tungsten carbide or sintered diamond anvils and uses standard B-epoxy 5 or 7mm gaskets. The diffracted signal coming from the compressed (and heated) sample is collected on an image plate. The pressure and temperature calibrations were performed by diffraction, using conventional calibrants (BN, NaCl and MgO) for determination of the pressure, and by crossing isochores of BN, NaCl, Cu or Au for the determination of the temperature. The first examples of studies performed with this new laboratory set-up are presented in the article: determination of the melting point of germanium and magnesium under HP-HT, synthesis of MgB2 or C-diamond and partial study of the P, T phase diagram of MgH2