105 research outputs found

    Comparative study of the price penalty factors approaches for Bi-objective dispatch problem via PSO

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    One of the main objectives of electricity dispatch centers is to schedule the operation of available generating units to meet the required load demand at minimum operating cost with minimum emission level caused by fossil-based power plants. Finding the right balance between the fuel cost the green gasemissionsis reffered as Combined Economic and Emission Dispatch (CEED) problem which is one of the important optimization problems related the operationmodern power systems. The Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm (PSO) is a stochastic optimization technique which is inspired from the social learning of birds or fishes. It is exploited to solve CEED problem. This paper examines the impact of six penalty factors like "Min-Max", "Max-Max", "Min-Min", "Max-Min", "Average" and "Common" price penalty factors for solving CEED problem. The Price Penalty Factor for the CEED is the ratio of fuel cost to emission value. This bi-objective dispatch problem is investigated in the Real West Algeria power network consisting of 22 buses with 7 generators. Results prove capability of PSO in solving CEED problem with various penalty factors and it proves that Min-Max price penalty factor provides the best compromise solution in comparison to the other penalty factors

    Brain Structures Segmentation by using Statistical Models

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    Background: Automatic segmentation of brain structures is a fundamental step for quantitative analysis of images in many brain’s pathologies such as Alzheimer’s, brain’s tumors or multiple sclerosis. The goal of our work is to implement an automatic brain’s structures segmentation method, to evaluate its use in computer aided diagnosis tools, and to compare their performances. Methods: The proposed method consists of the segmentation of brain’s structures that uses the active shape models (ASM) and active appearance models (AAM) techniques. Results: The experimental results demonstrate the superiority of method AAM over the other method ASM. Conclusion: In this paper, we have evaluated and compared two methods using several comparison criteria, to identify the best one. After several performance measures, we can conclude that the AAM is better than the AS

    Islamic financial technology and its role in promoting growing of Islamic finance

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    تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى إبراز الدور الذي يمكن أن تؤديه حلول التكنولوجيا المالية الإسلامية في تعزيز تنامي التمويل الإسلامي وتحسين جودته. وقد تم الاعتماد في هذه الدراسة على المنهج الوصفي للتعرف على موضوع التكنولوجيا المالية وأهم محطات تطورها وأبرز مجالاتها، وكذا المنهج التحليلي لرصد تطورات نمو حجم الصناعة المالية الإسلامية في ظل التحولات الرقمية وارهاصات الثورة الصناعية الرابعة. وقد خلصت الدراسة إلى أن الصناعة المالية الإسلامية آخذة في النمو والتوسع ويمكن الرفع من وتيرة هذا النمو من خلال قيام الهيئات التنظيمية في الدول الإسلامية بتطوير النظام البيئي للمؤسسات المالية الإسلامية وجعله يتماشى مع مستجدات الثورة الصناعية الرابعة باستخدام أدوات التكنولوجيا المالية المتوافقة مع أحكام الشريعة الإسلامية.This study aims to highlight the role that Islamic financial technology solutions can play in promoting the growth and quality of Islamic finance. This study was based on a descriptive approach to identifying the subject of financial technology and its most important development and area, as well as an analytical approach to monitoring developments in the size of the Islamic financial industry in the context of digital transformations and the foundation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The study concluded that the Islamic financial industry is growing and expanding and that this growth can be accelerated through the development by the regulatory bodies of Islamic States of the ecosystem of Islamic financial institutions and bringing it into line with the developments of the Fourth Industrial Revolution using financial technology instruments compatible with Islamic Sharia Principles

    On a two-strain epidemic model involving delay equations

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    We propose an epidemiological model for the interaction of either two viruses or viral strains with cross-immunity, where the individuals infected by the first virus cannot be infected by the second one, and without cross-immunity, where a secondary infection can occur. The model incorporates distributed recovery and death rates and consists of integro-differential equations governing the dynamics of susceptible, infectious, recovered, and dead compartments. Assuming that the recovery and death rates are uniformly distributed in time throughout the duration of the diseases, we can simplify the model to a conventional ordinary differential equation (ODE) model. Another limiting case arises if the recovery and death rates are approximated by the delta-function, thereby resulting in a new point-wise delay model that incorporates two time delays corresponding to the durations of the diseases. We establish the positiveness of solutions for the distributed delay models and determine the basic reproduction number and an estimate for the final size of the epidemic for the delay model. According to the results of the numerical simulations, both strains can coexist in the population if the disease transmission rates for them are close to each other. If the difference between them is sufficiently large, then one of the strains dominates and eliminates the other one

    Proizvodnja bioetanola iz otpadnih voda prerade maslina primjenom imobiliziranih stanica

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    Physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of a local traditional olive mill wastewater, at Ennakhla-Chlef in northern Algeria, were evaluated. The olive mill wastewater samples had slight acidity of 0.65 % with a pH = 4.88, and electrical conductivity of 34 mS cm–1. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) and the biological oxygen demand (BOD5) reached up to 183 g l–1 and 7 g l–1, respectively. In addition, the samples showed 1.72 g l–1 of total phenolic compounds. Preliminary microbiological analysis of the wastewater showed the presence of various microorganisms represented especially by lactic acid bacteria and Enterococcus sp. to the aim of this work was to investigate the possibility of using yeast strains isolated from olive mill wastewater in the fermentation of the latter. The results shown that fermentation with yeast can produce ethanol at an extent of 1.4 % (v/v). This can constitute a strategy for treating mentioned wastewater and transforming it into valuable biomolecules. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.U ovom radu analizirane su fizikalno-kemijske i mikrobiološke karakteristike otpadnih voda tradicionalnih postrojenja za preradu maslinova ulja u Ennakhla-Chlefu u sjevernom Alžiru. Uzorci otpadne vode imali su slabu kiselost od 0.65 % uz pH = 4,88 i električnu provodnost od 34 mS cm–1. Vrijednosti kemijske i biološke (BPK5) potrošnje kisika kretale su se do 183 odnosno 7 g l–1. Nadalje, uzorci su sadržavali 1,72 g l–1 ukupnih fenola. Preliminarna mikrobiološka analiza ukazala je na prisutnost raznih mikroorganizama, osobito bakterija mliječne kiseline i Enterococcus sp. Ovo djelo je dano na korištenje pod licencom Creative Commons Imenovanje 4.0 međunarodna

    Anaesthetic management for awake craniotomy in brain glioma resection: initial experience in Military Hospital Mohamed V of Rabat

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    The awake brain surgery is an innovative approach in the treatment of tumors in the functional areas of the brain. There are various anesthetic techniques for awake craniotomy (AC), including asleep-awake-asleep technique, monitored anesthesia care, and the recent introduced awakeawake- awake method. We describe our first experience with anesthetic management for awake craniotomy, which was a combination of these techniques with scalp nerve block, and propofol/rémifentanil target controlled infusion. A 28-year-oldmale underwent an awake craniotomy for brain glioma resection. The scalp nerve block was performed and a low sedative state was maintained until removal of bone flap. During brain glioma resection, the patient awake state was maintained without any complications. Once, the tumorectomy was completed, the level of anesthesia was deepened and a laryngeal mask airway was inserted. A well psychological preparation, a reasonable choice of anesthetic techniques and agents, and continuous team communication were some of the key challenges for successful outcome in our patient.Keywords: Awake craniotomy, brain glioma resection, control target infusion, laryngeal mask airway, scalp nerve bloc


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    The study aims to highlight the fragility of Cistus plant formations according to flammability and water content of plant species that colonize. The variation between the flammability and water content is irregular for tested plant taxa which leads us to affirm we can say that during the spring season the water content is not the only factor that affects the flammability of plant species, but it is strongly on the rise of the sensitivity of the latter, plant physiology returned as an element associated with it including the composition of volatile organic compounds to determine the hatching phenomenon of forest fires. The statistical treatment by factor analysis (FA) clearly shows that plant communities based on Cistus of the study area are very vulnerable and susceptible to fire. Finally, according to our results the High degree of flammability and water content characterizes the majority of plant taxa, the prevention and long-term forecasting is an essential step in the fight against forest fires

    Place de la laparoscopie dans la prise en charge des anomalies de différenciation sexuelle: à propos de 4 cas

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    Les troubles de la différenciation sexuelle sont à l'origine d'une discordance entre le sexe proprement dit (phénotypique) et le sexe génétique (génotypique) ce qui pose un problème de détermination du sexe. Dans les pays de faible niveau socio-économique où le diagnostic anténatal est souvent absent et les plateaux techniques insuffisants, la prise en charge médico-chirurgicale est difficile. Le but de ce travail est de préciser la place de la laparoscopie dans la prise en charge de l'ambiguïté sexuelle à travers l'observation de 4 cas et une revue de la littérature.Pan African Medical Journal 2016; 2

    Anesthesia for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography: target-controlled infusion versus standard volatile anesthesia

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    Abstract Background Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is a technique used both for diagnosis and for the treatment of biliary and pancreatic diseases. ERCP has some anesthetic implications and specifi c complications. Th e primary outcome aim was to compare two protocols in terms of time of extubation. We also compared anesthetic protocols in terms of hemodynamic and respiratory instability, antispasmodics needs, endoscopist satisfaction, and recovery room stay