83 research outputs found

    Kepulauan Aru dan Integrasi Kebangsaan dalam Perspektif Sejarah dan Budaya

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    National integration is a central issue in the context of the management of the foremost islands in Indonesia. Aru Islands is one of the areas in Moluccas which became the region’s leading Indonesian island. This paper aims to address issues related to the Aru Islands national integration as one of the leading regions in Indonesia. Discussions focused on the perspective of history and culture as one of the approaches in addressing the issue of national integration. Therefore, use literature to illustrate the historical and cultural Aru Islands. The results of the discussion of an understanding that the similarity of historical and cultural background of the Aru Islands and surrounding areas provide awareness of the importance of national integration in the management of the outer islands in Indonesia.Integrasi kebangsaan merupakan isu sentral dalam konteks pengelolaan pulau terdepan di Indonesia. Kepulauan Aru adalah salah satu wilayah di Maluku yang menjadi kawasan bagi pulau terdepan di Indonesia. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menjawab permasalahan terkait isu integrasi kebangsaan bagi Kepulauan Aru sebagai salah satu wilayah terdepan di Indonesia. Pembahasan difokuskan pada perspektif sejarah dan budaya sebagai salah satu pendekatan dalam menjawab isu integrasi kebangsaan. Oleh karena itu, digunakan studi pustaka untuk memberi gambaran historis dan kultural Kepulauan Aru. Hasil pembahasan memberi pemahaman bahwa kesamaan latar belakang historis dan kultural Kepulauan Aru dan sekitarnya memberi kesadaran akan pentingnya integrasi kebangsaan dalam pengelolaan pulau-pulau terdepan di Indonesia


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    Good governance is an unanswered area, the eternal search for optimal social order. Throughout time, good governance changed its appearance depending on many elements (political, economic, social, legal, moral, etc.). Good governance implies a responsibility of authority at all levels, respecting guaranteed rights and freedoms The paper analyses executive authority in some countries of Southeast Europe. And how they exist concerning executive power at the local level and towards citizens. The normativity, comparative, historical method and methods of analysis and synthesis were used


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    U radu su proučena načela u politici genetičkog inženjeringa. Načela su sadržana u matičnoj uredbi, Uredbi (EC) br. 178/2002, po pitanju propisa o hrani. Učinjena je detaljna raščlamba svakog od propisanih načela. Osim pojedinačne raščlambe, na kraju se kritički pristupa navedenim načelima kako bi se analizirala iscrpnost djelovanja navedenih, odnosno potreba mijenjanja tekućih ili uvođenja novih načela.The paper studied the principles of politics of genetic engineering. The principles contained in the system, Regulation (EC) no. 178/2002, in terms of food regulations. We performed a detailed analysis of each of the prescribed principles. In addition to individual analysis, at the end of a critical approach to the principles set out to analyze the exhaustive effects of the above, or need to change the current or the introduction of new principles

    Sasadu: Arsitektur Tradisional Jailolo Halmahera Barat

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    Penelitian ini mengkaji arsitektur tradisional masyarakat Jailolo, yakni rumah adat sasadu. Rumah adat ini merupakan tempat dilaksanakannya ritual masyarakat Jailolo Halmahera Barat. Rumah adat sasadu berlokasi di Desa Taraudu, Kabupaten Halmahera Barat. Konstruksi rumah adat sasadu didirikan langsung di atas tanah. Bangunan ini berbentuk bidang geometris empat persegi panjang yang mencerminkan bentuk kebudayaan masyarakat Jailolo pada masa lalu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengungkap bentuk dan fungsi ruang, struktur bangunan, ragam hias, dan kosmologi dalam asrsitektur sasadu. Metode penelitian yang digunakan bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, pengamatan, dan studi pustaka. Hasil peneltian menunjukkan bahwa bangunan sasadu berbentuk bidang geometris empat persegi panjang yang terbagi atas susunan antara lain (1) Ruang tengah; (2) Ruang samping, dengan susunan konstruksi atas terdiri atas atap samping dengan kemiringan rendah berpaut pada pinggir atas ruang tengah yang bersudut atap lancip. Letak bangunan arah timur-barat. Sasadu terdiri atas susunan atas dengan kemiringan rendah memiliki atap tengah berbentuk segi tiga sama kaki yang tinggi lancip. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa sasadu memiliki tipologi geometris dalam bentuk empat persegi, dengan susunan atap lancip berbentuk segi tiga dan hiasan najung perahu pada kedua puncak ujung bubungan yang mencerminkan falsafah hidup masyarakat Jailolo pada umumnya


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    The aim of this paper is to present the composition and functioning of the EU institutions involved in receiving, analysing, approval or rejection of the application for the use of genetically modified organisms. The manner of participation of each institution is presented by using the comparative and historical method, as well as the method of analysis. The advantage of these methods is a detailed analysis of the rights and responsibilities of all participants in the approval process for genetically modified organisms. The paper analyses all the EU institutions that are directly or indirectly associated with the approval procedure, and those are: European Food Safety Authority, European Parliament, European Commission and Court of Justice of the European Union. The problem of the whole institutional framework is an insufficient contribution of the constituent activity of the EU member states and their national authorities and whole process should be based more on the principle of subsidiarity


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    Cruising represents a multifunctional tourism offer with respect to providing both tourist and transport services. Nautical tourism has generally experienced high development rates in the past period which has created the opportunity for further development and improvement of cruises and for a quality of package tours offered on the market. In this paper, an analysis of the phases of planning cruises is carried out and the obtained results are synthesized with the objective of detecting its advantages and disadvantages. In particular, the analysis focuses on the organizational, economic, legal and social elements as components of creating the content of the package tour that directly affect the quality and appeal of the final product. The methodology of work includes data collection in the phases of creating cruising package tours and their analysis and synthesis. The purpose of this paper is to implement the synthesis of the phases in creating tourist cruising arrangements in order to elicit the opportunities to improve business activities of travel agencies. The study results indicate that travel agencies devote a long time to detailed planning and execution of cruising tours and at the same time stay alert to rapid changes on the market as well as changes in the preferences and needs of their clients

    Restorative Justice from the Perspective of Criminal Justice Professionals

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    Restorativna pravda pokret je aktualan od 70-ih godina prošlog stoljeća u kaznenopravnom sustavu u svijetu, no u Hrvatskoj je relativna novina i u primjeni je od 2003. godine. Izvansudska nagodba prvi je model restorativne pravde implementiran u hrvatsko zakonodavstvo te se pokazao uspješnim u svom provođenju. Unatoč tome, daljnja implementacija i održivost restorativne pravde je otežana, između ostalog, stavovima stručnjaka u sustavu pravosuđa. Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja je istražiti percepciju restorativne pravde iz perspektive državnih odvjetnika i njihovih zamjenika kako bi se postavio istraživački temelj za povećanje spremnosti za održivost izvansudske nagodbe, ali i eventualnu implementaciju novih mjera restorativne pravde u pravosudni sustav. Istraživanje se provelo nad uzorkom državnih odvjetnika putem online upitnika. Dobiveni rezultati su uglavnom potvrdili rezultate stranih istraživanja o stavovima prema restorativnoj pravdi. Stručnjaci se načelno slažu s restorativnim načelima, ali nisu dovoljno informirani o svim aspektima i mogućnostima restorativne pravdeRestorative justice is a movement current in criminal justice system since the 70s, but in Croatia the movement is relatively new and it has been in use since 2003. Out-of-court settlement for juvenile offenders is the first implemented model of restorative justice in croatian legislation and it is proven to be successful in its outcomes. Nevertheless, further implementation of restorative justice is hampered. One of the reasons are the views of professionals in the criminal justice system. The main goal of this research is to explore the views of criminal justice professionals on restorative justice with the purpose of setting up research bases to increase the willingness for sustainability of out-of-court settlement for juvenile offenders and for potential implementation of other restorative justice measures in the criminal justice system. The research was carried out over state attorneys via online questionnaire. The results manly confirmed the results of foreign research on attitudes towards restorative justice. Justice professionals agree in principal with the restorative justice principles, but are insufficiently informed about all of the aspects and possibilities of restorative justic


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    The title of the writing of this law is strengthening the authority Regional Representatives Council Republic of Indonesia in the legislative process by constitutions of the Republic of Indonesia year 1945. Writing the law begins from the understanding of the author about existence of a legislative function that owned by high institutions in Indonesia especially in the sector of legislation. Regional Representative Council is a state agency that exist at national level that represent an district or provinces. The principle of check and balances between institutions and in the branches of legislative power itself would be achieved by the presence and balance function of this institution. In fast nowadays the legislative function of the Regional Representatives Council reduced with a variety of existing arrangements so that the Regional Representatives Council can’t perform its role properly. It is undenieable the cause of the limited authority of the legislation Regional Representatives Council is about arrangements the Regional Representatives Council in the constitutions of 1945, followed by the legislations derivatives Based on this legal it writing will try to describe about the ideal legislative function and efforts that can be done in order to strengthen the legislative function of the Regional Representatives Council in order to bring the check and balance among state institutions especially in branch of legislative itself