329 research outputs found

    A History of Curating—Past and Present

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    Given all the new publications dealing with things curatorial, even though these certainly do not exhaustively represent the current discourse in all its heterogeneity, we get the impression that the curator’s role displays a history which, until the 1990s, was dominated by a successive line of pioneering figures.Over these past 25 years, the historiographical situation has changed. This change is not due solely to the appearance of female curators, but also and above all to the quantitative ..

    A History of Curating – Past and Present

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    Angesichts eines Sets von Neuerscheinungen zu Aspekten des Kuratorischen drängt sich – auch wenn es den aktuellen Diskurs in seiner Heterogenität sicher nicht vollständig repräsentiert – der Eindruck auf, dass die Rolle des Kurators eine Geschichte aufweist, die bis in die 1990er Jahre von aufeinander folgenden Pionieren bestimmt wurde. Seitdem, also über das letzte Vierteljahrhundert hinweg, hat sich die Situation aus Sicht der Historiographen nicht zuletzt durch das Auftauchen von weibliche..

    Histoire curatoriale – Passé et présent

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    Au vu de l’ensemble des nouvelles parutions traitant de l’aspect curatorial, bien que celles-ci ne représentent certainement pas de manière exhaustive le discours actuel dans toute son hétérogénéité,  s’impose l’impression que le rôle du curateur fait montre d’une histoire qui fut dominée, jusque dans les années 1990, par un nombre successif de figures pionnières. Pendant ces vingt-cinq dernières années, la situation historiographique a changé. Ce changement n’est pas seulement dû à l’apparit..

    Mon cerveau est localisé dans mon encrier

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    L’article porte sur la relation entre écriture et dessin dans les pratiques graphiques de C. S. Peirce. Les manuscrits de Peirce comportent environ cent mille pages qui présentent une spectaculaire variété de textes et figurations graphiques. Le caractère transdisciplinaire de sa réflexion se reflète dans l’emploi de graphismes qui vont de graphes de démonstrations logiques à des études topologiques, à des feuillets de calculs, à des représentations figurales. Les études peircéennes demeurent focalisées sur l’analyse des textes (traités au sens étroit d’une inscription de la langue), alors que les pratiques graphiques du philosophe sont rarement considérées comme un médium de sa pensée. De ce fait, ses manuscrits n’ont guère été pris en compte en tant qu’objets de recherche. Or, la relation entre écrit et image ouvre la voie à l’étude des fonctions épistémiques des pratiques graphiques et à celle des représentations visuelles qui jouent un rôle essentiel dans la démarche théorique de Peirce.This article studies the relationship between writing and drawing in Charles S. Peirce’s graphic practices. Peirce’s manuscripts contain about a hundred thousand pages that offer a spectacular variety of texts and graphics. The cross-disciplinary character of his thought is reflected in his use of graphics that range from logical demonstration graphs to topological studies, pages of calculus, and figural representations. Peircean studies remain focused on text analysis (addressed in the strict sense of a language inscription), whereas the philosopher’s graphic practices are rarely considered as his thought medium. Owing to this this, his manuscripts have seldom been treated as research objects. The relation between writing and image opens the way for a study of the epistemological functions of graphic practices and of the visual representations that play an essential part in Peirce’s theoretical approach.Este artículo trata de la relación entre escritura y dibujo en las prácticas gráficas de Charles S. Peirce. Los manuscritos de Peirce comportan alrededor de cien mil páginas que presentan una variedad espectacular de textos y figuraciones gráficas. El carácter transdisciplinario de su reflexión se refleja en el uso de grafismos que van desde los grafos de demostraciones lógicas hasta los estudios topológicos, hojas de cálculos y representaciones figurales. Los estudios sobre Peirce siguen estando focalizados en el análisis de los textos (considerados en el sentido estrecho de una inscripción de la lengua), mientras que las prácticas gráficas del filósofo son muy poco tomadas en cuenta en tanto que medium de su pensamiento. Es por ello que sus manuscritos no han sido prácticamente nunca considerados como un objeto de estudio. No obstante, la relación entre escritura e imagen abre una vía para el estudio de las funciones epistémicas de las prácticas gráficas y para el de las representaciones visuales que juegan un papel esencial en el enfoque teórico de Peirce.Zum Verhältnis von Schreiben und Zeichnen in der graphischen Praxis von Charles S. Peirce. Der Nachlass von Charles S. Peirce (1839-1914) umfasst ca. 100.000 Manuskriptseiten, auf denen sich neben handschriftlichem Text eine erstaunliche Vielfalt graphischer Hervorbringungen findet. Seine transdisziplinäre wissenschaftliche Praxis spiegelt sich in einer grossen Bandbreite seiner Graphie wieder : von logischen Graphen über topologische Studien bis zu Computationsbögen und gegenständlichen Zeichnungen reichen die graphischen Artefakte. Wohl auch in Folge der Fixierung auf Text (in einem engen Sinne verstanden als geschriebene Sprache) als Medium der Philosophie wurde die Peircesche graphische Praxis bislang kaum beachtet und den Manuskripten im Rahmen der Peirce-Forschung keine eigene Signifikanz beigemessen. Für die Untersuchung der Manuskripte sind neben der Frage nach dem Verhältnis von Schreiben und Zeichnen die epistemischen Funktionen der graphischen Praxis sowie die Selbstreferenzialität des visuellen Denkens im Hinblick auf die Peirce’sche Zeichen- und Erkenntnistheorie besonders relevant.O artigo trata da relação entre escrita e desenho nas práticas gráficas de Charles S. Peirce, cujos manuscritos ascendem a cerca de cem mil páginas com uma espetacular variedade de textos e figurações gráficas. A natureza transdisciplinar do seu pensamento reflecte-se na utilização de grafismos que variam desde gráficos de demonstrações lógicas até estudos topológicos, folhas de cáculo, representações figurativas. Os estudos piercianos concentram-se na análise dos textos (tomados no sentido estrito de registo linguístico), mas as práticas gráficas do filósofo raramente são consideradas como um veículo do seu pensamento. Por isso, os manuscritos praticamente não têm sido considerados como objetos de pesquisa. No entanto, a relação entre escrita e imagem abre o caminho para estudo das funções epistémicas da prática gráfica e das representações visuais, que têm um papel essencial no posicionamento teórico de Peirce.Aroposito del rapporto tra scrittura e disegno, il saggio esplora la pratica grafica di C. S. Peirce. I materiali manoscritti di Peirce comprendono all’incirca un centinaio di migliaia di pagine, che conservano una straordinaria varietà di testi e di figurazioni grafiche. La natura interdisciplinare della riflessione di Peirce si riflette nell’uso di forme grafiche che vanno da grafie di dimostrazioni logiche a studi topologici, fogli di calcoli, rappresentazioni figurali. Gli studi di Peirce privilegiano il versante dell’analisi dei testi (visti sostanzialmente come testimoni dell’iscrizione della lingua) ; laddove il versante delle pratiche grafiche del filosofo è di rado considerato come tramite del suo pensiero. Per tale ragione, i suoi manoscritti sono difficilmente presi in considerazione come oggetti di studio. La relazione tra scrittura e immagine apre la strada allo studio delle funzioni epistemiche delle pratiche grafiche e a quelle delle rappresentazioni visive che giocano un ruolo essenziale nell’approccio teorico di Peirce

    Keine Garantie für Nachhaltigkeit

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    Digitaler Strukturwandel steht teils im Konflikt mit mehr Nachhaltigkeit, teils kann er positiv dazu beitragen. Welcher Effekt überwiegt, hängt ganz wesent­lich von den Anwendungsbedingungen ab. Dies wird anhand des Strukturwan­dels in der Produktion und eines sich stark verändernden traditionellen Sek­tors, der Druckindustrie, erläutert

    Finding the right partners: institutional and personal modes of governance of university–industry interactions

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    We study two different governance modes of university–industry interactions: in the institutional mode, interactions are mediated by the university through its administrative structures (such as departments or dedicated units such as technology transfer offices), while in the personal contractual mode interactions involve formal and binding contractual agreements between firms and individual academics, carried out without the direct involvement of the university. We argue that the choice of which form of governance to adopt involves different decision-making processes for firms and that both governance forms have important roles to play in the context of university–industry knowledge transfer. Relying on a representative sample of firms in the Italian region of Piedmont, we examine the characteristics and strategies of firms that interact with universities under different governance modes. Our results indicate that ignoring personal contractual arrangements with individual researchers, as the previous literature does, amounts to overlooking at least 50% of university–industry interactions. The econometric estimations suggest that personal contractual interactions are used relatively more by small firms involved in technology and open innovation strategies, while institutional interactions are mostly used by large firms that vertically integrate R&D activities

    Smoothing the Lies: The Distinctive Effects of Patent Characteristics on Examiner and Applicant Citations

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Azagra‐Caro, J. M., Mattsson, P., & Perruchas, F. (2011). Smoothing the lies: The distinctive effects of patent characteristics on examiner and applicant citations. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 62(9), 1727-1740., which has been published in final form at http://doi.org/10.1002/asi.21574. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving."Patent citations added by examiners are often used as indicators of technological impact and knowledge flows, despite various criticisms. In this study we analyze the distribution of examiner patent citations according to patent characteristics in order to show their limitations. According to our findings, the number of applicant citations included is dependent on the science-base of the technology. However, this gets masked by the citations added by patent examiners, who smooth the distribution of citations across technology classes and include the same number of citations regardless of whether applicants cite any references. Some researchers have called for the use of applicant rather than examiner patent citations as indicators of technology impact and knowledge flows. Nevertheless, we show that the former also have important caveats, because applicants may increase the number of citations in international patents and when there are coapplicants. The implication is that analysts should consider a context-driven use of citation-based indicators.We thank the Valencian R&D Consultancy Council for funding the data gathering on which the study relies. The academic exploitation and analysis took place under the framework of ERAWATCH, a joint initiative of the European Commission's Directorate General for Research and the Joint Research Centre - IPTS. We thank Rene van Bavel and Xabier Goenaga for their support; Puay Tang for a substantial revision of an early draft of the paper; Ignacio Fernandez de Lucio for exchanging ideas; Liney Manjarres for database matching; and Raquel Ortega Argiles for advice on statistics. The views expressed in this article are those of the authors; they do not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission (EC). Neither the EC nor anyone acting on behalf of the EC can be held responsible for the use that might be made of the information.Azagra Caro, JM.; Mattsson, P.; Perruchas, FDX. (2011). Smoothing the Lies: The Distinctive Effects of Patent Characteristics on Examiner and Applicant Citations. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 62(9):1727-1740. doi:10.1002/asi.21574S1727174062

    Visual Complexity and Its Effects on Referring Expression Generation

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    Speakers’ perception of a visual scene influences the language they use to describe it—which objects they choose to mention and how they characterize the relationships between them. We show that visual complexity can either delay or facilitate description generation, depending on how much disambiguating information is required and how useful the scene’s complexity can be in providing, for example, helpful landmarks. To do so, we measure speech onset times, eye gaze, and utterance content in a reference production experiment in which the target object is either unique or non-unique in a visual scene of varying size and complexity. Speakers delay speech onset if the target object is non-unique and requires disambiguation, and we argue that this reflects the cost of deciding on a high-level strategy for describing it. The eye-tracking data demonstrates that these delays increase when the speaker is able to conduct an extensive early visual search, implying that when a speaker scans too little of the scene early on, they may decide to begin speaking before becoming aware that their description is underspecified. Speak- ers’ content choices reflect the visual makeup of the scene—the number of distractors present and the availability of useful landmarks. Our results highlight the complex role of visual perception in reference production, showing that speakers can make good use of complexity in ways that reflect their visual processing of the scene