1,994 research outputs found

    Corrigendum: The quest for EEG power band correlation with ICA derived fMRI resting state networks

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    Contains fulltext : 136233.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)[This corrects the article on p. 315 in vol. 7, PMID: 23805098.].2 p

    Modellering van kennisverbruik in die graan en oliesade sektore van Suid-Afrika

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    A Partial Equilibrium (PE) model is developed to model fertiliser use in the grain crop and oilseed sectors to assess the impact of changes in the physical and economic environment on production and fertiliser use. Since the adoption of a policy of trade liberalisation and the shift towards a free market for agricultural products, the actual cropping patterns of grain crops have moved closer to the expected optimum production pattern. It is shown that the total area cultivated will decrease by 2,4 percent. Results show that except for the area under sunflower (that remains unchanged) and yellow maize that increases, the area utilised by other crops will decrease. Fertiliser use is directly correlated with production patterns in the provinces. A comparison of the base-case scenario and optimum solution revealed that the movement from a base to an optimum solution results in a drop in total area cultivated, production and exports. Fertiliser use correspondingly decreases.'n Parsiële Ewewigsmodel is ontwikkel om kunsmisverbruik in die graan en oliesade sektore te modelleer en om die impak van veranderinge in die fisiese en ekonomiese omgewings op produksie en kunsmisverbruik te bepaal. Sedert die aanvarding en implementering van 'n beleid van handelsliberalisering en 'n vryemark vir landbouprodukte het die werklike produksiepatrone nader beweeg na die verwagte optimum produksiepatroon. Resultate toon dat die totale area onder bewerking met 2.4 persent sal daal, en dat behalwe vir sonneblomproduksie waar die area benut word onveranderd sal bly, dat dié van geelmielies sal toeneem en dat die area benut deur ander gewasse sal afneem. Kunsmisverbruik is direk gekorreleerd met produksiepatrone in die provinsies. 'n Vergelyking van die basisgeval scenario en die optimale oplossing toon aan dat 'n beweging vanaf die basis na 'n optimale oplossing 'n daling in die totale area onder bewerking, produksie en uitvoere sal veroorsaak. Kunsmisverbruik sal dienooreenkomstig afneem.Article was written before M.C. Breitenbach joined the University of Pretoria.http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ragr20hj2020Economic

    Positive Pion Production from the Bombardment of 11-B, 12-C, and 40-Ca by 146-159 MeV Polarized Protons

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    Supported by the National Science Foundation and Indiana Universit

    Measurement of Charged Pion Yields from Nuclei in (p,Pi+) Reactions Very Near Threshold

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    This work was supported by National Science Foundation Grants PHY 76-84033A01, PHY 78-22774, and Indiana Universit

    Entanglement in SU(2)-invariant quantum spin systems

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    We analyze the entanglement of SU(2)-invariant density matrices of two spins S⃗1\vec S_{1}, S⃗2\vec S_{2} using the Peres-Horodecki criterion. Such density matrices arise from thermal equilibrium states of isotropic spin systems. The partial transpose of such a state has the same multiplet structure and degeneracies as the original matrix with eigenvalue of largest multiplicity being non-negative. The case S1=SS_{1}=S, S2=1/2S_{2}=1/2 can be solved completely and is discussed in detail with respect to isotropic Heisenberg spin models. Moreover, in this case the Peres-Horodecki ciriterion turns out to be a sufficient condition for non-separability. We also characterize SU(2)-invariant states of two spins of length 1.Comment: 5 page
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