
We analyze the entanglement of SU(2)-invariant density matrices of two spins S1\vec S_{1}, S2\vec S_{2} using the Peres-Horodecki criterion. Such density matrices arise from thermal equilibrium states of isotropic spin systems. The partial transpose of such a state has the same multiplet structure and degeneracies as the original matrix with eigenvalue of largest multiplicity being non-negative. The case S1=SS_{1}=S, S2=1/2S_{2}=1/2 can be solved completely and is discussed in detail with respect to isotropic Heisenberg spin models. Moreover, in this case the Peres-Horodecki ciriterion turns out to be a sufficient condition for non-separability. We also characterize SU(2)-invariant states of two spins of length 1.Comment: 5 page

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