14 research outputs found
Edible Insects Diversity and Their Importance in Cameroon
Insects are known to be part of Sub-Saharan African region. Entomophagy is a common practice in Cameroon food systems. The current chapter is based on both original research and major literature review in the domain. A variety of insects species and consumable stages, as well as preference and their spatial distribution are presented in this chapter. Insects are described according to the recent taxonomy features and their bioecology is provided. Some consumption patterns, preferences and determinants are described. The role of insects consumption is also highlighted as well as some prospective investigation targeting edible insects preservation and sustainability in Cameroon. The paper points out some policy gaps that need to be addressed to harness the potentials of edible insects in Cameroon food systems
Green consumption by the community can be an effective way to minimize
negative impacts on the environment. Research related to consumer behavior in
consuming environmentally friendly products in developing countries such as
Indonesia is very little and rarely. Considering this, researchers in this study have
tried to understand consumer behavior to buy environmentally friendly products in
the context of developing countries such as Indonesia.
Based on the gaps phenomenon above, this study aims to analyze what factors
influence consumer purchasing behavior on environmentally friendly products.
And in this study using the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) variable and then
expanding the Theory of Planned Behavior using additional variables, namely
perceived value and willingness to pay and consumer buying intention as
intervening variables.
The population used in this study were female consumers of The Body Shop
who are domiciled in Semarang aged 20-60 years and purchased The Body Shop
products at the Citraland Semarang for more than 3 months. The number of
samples used in this study were 150 respondents. The method of data collection is
done through a questionnaire. This research uses Structural Equation Modeling
(SEM) analysis technique using AMOS 24.0 analysis tool.
The test results using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis
techniques indicate that the model is not in accordance with population data.
While the hypothesis testing shows that four hypotheses from six hypotheses can be
accepted and proven in this study, namely attitudes, subjective norms, and
willingness to pay affect consumer buying intention and consumer buying intention
influence consumer buying behavior. And the two hypotheses rejected in this study
are subjective norms and values that are assessed do not have an influence on
consumer buying interest
Honey beekeeping and livelihoods prospects related to fair trade in Oku Region – North West Cameroon
Oku’s White Honey has been produced for generations in the Kilum-Ijim forest, North-West region of Cameroon. Its white colour and creamy texture are bestowed by special mountainous plants, especially Schefflera abyssinica and Nuxia congesta. This honey is produced in a remote rural area where beekeeping is an important activity for the local economy. However, the trade channel needs to be improved in order to expand the market opportunities. Fair Trade might suit Oku’s White Honey and open up new market opportunities. Fair Trade standards have been internationally defined by Fair Trade Labelling Organizations (FLO) to homogenise certification processes. Athree-month survey (2012-2013) provided a deep analysis of the Oku’s White Honey production system. The social analysis revealed women empowerment and the state of child labour in Oku’s honey production system. The technical analysis highlighted the nature of traditional beekeeping in Oku. The environmental analysis underlined actions undertaken by beekeepersto protect the Kilum-Ijim forest. A description of honey drink and beeswax processing illustrates the diversification of bees-products realised in Oku. The economic analysis provides information on quantities produced, benefits and means of commercialisation. Results coming from this deep analysis are referencedat FLO’s standards and requirements in order to assess if such certification would be possible and appropriate for this production system. Investments to improve production and certification of Oku white honey may have potential benefits for the ecosystem as well as for the communities living in this particular highlands environment and some ways forward given.Key words: Honey, Oku, Fair-trade, household incom
Multivariate analysis of cranial measurements of Cameroon’s Blue Duiker (Cephalophusmonticola Thunberg, 1789)
The blue duiker (Cephalophusmonticola)isexclusively an African wild bovidae. It is a principal source of protein in the African forest zones and contributes in the nutrition of local populations. Fifteen cranial measurements on 60 skulls using the opportunist’s method as from January 2018 to December2018. Descriptive statistic and multivariate analysis were done using SPSS version 21.0software and XLSTAT-Pro version 7.5.2 software. It reveals that, there exist a significant difference between males and females skull (p>0.05): total length of skull 114.32 ± .81 and 121.71 ± 1.77; Palate maximal width 35.24 ± .75 and 44.96 ± 14.80; postorbital apophyses width 23.34 ± 1.11and 36.26 ± 1.79; Palatine length 55.31 ± 1.16 and 66.52 ± 1.86; condyle basal length 96.53 ± 1.26 and 105.43 ± 3.05 for the males and females respectively. We have a high positive correlation between the jugal teeth line length and the total skull length (0.973); between palatine length and the total skull length (0.990) and, between condyle basal length and the total skull length (0.993). The principal component analysis (PCA) enable us to see the level of genetics variabilities of blue duiker through skull measurements. These variables measurement are close together from one to another where there is a high similarity between species. Despite these similarities, the population structure of blue duiker shows three sub-species of blue duiker C1, C2 and C3 found respectively in the agro ecological zones of the Western highlands, Mono-modal humid forest and Bimodal humid forest. These three sub-species varies genetically.</p
Caractéristiques biométriques du céphalophe bleu (Cephalophus monticola, Thunberg 1789) du Cameroun
Dans le but de contribuer à la caractérisation phénotypique du Cephalophus monticola (céphalophe bleu) dans la partie méridionale du Cameroun (trois zones agroécologiques), 22 caractéristiques biométriques ont été considérés sur 180 céphalophes bleus adultes sélectionnés selon la méthode opportuniste. L’analyse des données s’est faite en utilisant la statistique descriptive à travers le logiciel d’analyse SPSS version 21.0 et XLSAT-Pro version 7.5.2. Il en résulte que les caractéristiques biométriques de la tête ne subissent aucune n’influence des zones agroécologiques. Cependant, l’envergure des cornes (EC) présente une très grande variation dans la zone V (CV=113,27%) dont la femelle avec un CV=96,55%. Pour ce qui est du tronc, la longueur du corps (LCprs) présente une grande dispersion autour de la moyenne avec des valeurs suivantes (en cm) : (71,78 ± 12,46) ; (69,13 ± 13,66) et (66,53 ± 15,54) respectivement aux zones III, IV et V. De tous les caractéristiques biométriques, la longueur de la queue (LQ), le tour du canon antérieur (TCA) présentent une différence significative (P<0,05). L’analyse en composante principale (ACP) permet de voir le niveau de variabilité génétique du céphalophe bleu à travers les caractéristiques biométriques. Ainsi deux niveaux de variabilité génétiques sont observés selon les axes F1 (46,94%) et F2 (10,81%). Les caractéristiques biométriques étudiées permettraient de différencier les céphalophes bleus dans les trois zones agroécologiques. L’utilisation des outils moléculaires ouvriraient des perspectives de mieux cerner la génétique des populations du céphalophe bleu au CamerounAbstract This study aimed at contributing to the phenotypic characterization of Cephalophus monticola (blue duiker) in 3 agroecological zones of the Southern Cameroon region. A total of 22 morphological data were collected on 180 adult blue duikers and 15 cranial measurements on 60 skulls using the opportunistic approach. Data analyses were performed using the descriptive statistics through the software SPSS version 21.0 and XLSTAT-Pro version 7.5.2. From the findings, it appears that the biometric characteristics of the head were not influenced by the agro ecological factor. However, horn width (HW) presents a large variation in zone V (CV=113.27%) which the female having an CV=96.55%. Concerning the trunk, the Body length (BL) expresses a large dispersion with the respective values (in cm): (71.78 ± 12.46); (69.13 ± 13.66) and (66.53 ± 15.54) respectively to agroecological zones III, IV and V. Three traits, tail length (TL) and fore leg girth (FLG) showed significant differences (P<0.05). The principal component analysis (PCA) displays the level of genetic variability of blue duiker through biometric characters. Then, it was observed two levels of genetic of variability according to the axes F1 (46,94%) and F2 (10,81%). The biometric traits tended to discriminate blue duikers in the three agroecological zones. This could be interesting for further investigations involving molecular tools for population genetics
Wildlife collections of Royal Palace Museums in The West Region of Cameroon with a Focus on wildlife conservation
The royal palace museums of the Grassfields’ Kingdoms of West Region of Cameroon are well recognized for the preservation of culturally significant objects and practices. To date, the role of palace museums in wildlife conservation has received little consideration. Herein, a preliminary study into the animalbased artefacts of palace museums from a wildlife conservation perspective is presented. A total of 11 chiefdom palace museums in the West Region of Cameroon were surveyed and the animal species represented in their exhibitions recorded. Parts of 32 different animal species, including locally extinct large mammals such as lion, cheetah, chimpanzee, and elephant were found. The primary purpose for inclusion of specimens in palace museums was for preservation of culture. However, potential wildlife conservation focused uses to which palace museums may also put their collections are discussed herein.
KeyWords: Grassfields, Bamileke, Bamoun, Culture, Education, Mammals.
Les musées du palais royal des royaumes des Grassfields de la région de l’Ouest Cameroun sont bien connus pour la préservation d’objets et de pratiques culturellement significatifs. À ce jour, le rôle des musées de palais dans la conservation de la faune a été peu pris en compte. Ici, une étude préliminaire des collections animales de ces musées du point de vue de la conservation de la faune est présentée. Onze musées de palais de chefferies de la région de l’Ouest Cameroun ont été étudiés et les espèces animales représentées dans leurs expositions ont été enregistrées. Des parties de 32 espèces animales différentes, y compris de grands mammifères localement disparus comme le lion, le guépard, le chimpanzé et l’éléphant ont été découverts. Le but principal de l’inclusion de spécimens dans les musées du palais est la préservation de la culture. Cependant, les utilisations potentielles axées sur la conservation de la faune auxquelles les musées de palais peuvent également mettre leurs collections sont discutées ici.
Mots clés
Qualitative traits and their effects on litter size and birth weight in sheep in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of Cameroon
This study was carried out to determine the influence of maternal qualitative traits on litter size, and birth weight of lambs in small holder sheep in Soudano-sahelian zone of Cameroon. The results of the study indicate horned ewes are rare (5%). Coat pattern was predominantly dichromic (81%); the ewes were predominantly non-wattle (90.1%) and non-supernumerary teats (95.9%). The facial profile was convex (61.2%) while the ears were largely semi-pendulous (38.8%) and pendulous (52.1%). The mean litter size and birth weight were 1.27 and 2.58 kg respectively. Although litter size was not significantly (P<0.01; 0.05) affected by supernumerary teats, coat pattern and ears orientation. However, horns significantly (P<0.01) influenced litter size, with horned ewes having more twins (1.80±0.152) than hornless ewes (1.25±0.035). Wattles and facial profile also significantly (P<0.05) influenced litter size. Indeed, litter size is higher in females without wattles and having a straight facial profile. On the other hand, wattles, horns, coat pattern, facial profile and supernumerary teats had no significant (P<0.01; 0.05) influence on birth weight of lambs, while ears orientation did (P<0.01). Lambs from pendulous ears ewes were heavier (2.71±0.114 kg) than the ones from horizontal ears ewes (2.36± 0.187 kg) at birth. Although the birth weight is higher in males than female lambs and in single birth compared to twins. However, only litter size significantly (P<0.01) influenced the weight of lambs at birth. Parity significantly (P<0.05) influenced birth weight of lambs. The higher the parity, the heavier the lambs. These results show that some maternal qualitative traits influenced both prolificacy and body weight of lambs in sheep. These may play an important role in breeding programs aimed at improving body weight and prolificacy in sheep in Cameroon. Keywords: Qualitative traits, Litter Size, Birth Weight, Sheep, Cameroon. DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/14-2-03 Publication date: July 31st 202