6 research outputs found

    Multifunctional and compact 3D FMCW MIMO radar system with rectangular array for medium-range applications

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    Miralles-Navarro, E.; Multerer, T.; Ganis, A.; Schoenlinner, B.; Prechtel, U.; Meusling, A.; Mietzner, J.... (2018). Multifunctional and compact 3D FMCW MIMO radar system with rectangular array for medium-range applications. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine. 33(4):46-54. https://doi.org/10.1109/MAES.2018.160277S465433

    A portable 3D Imaging FMCW MIMO Radar Demonstrator with a 24x24 Antenna Array for Medium Range Applications

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permissíon from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisíng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radars have been shown to improve target detection for surveillance applications thanks to their proven high-performance properties. In this paper, the design, implementation, and results of a complete 3-D imaging frequency-modulated continuous-wave MIMO radar demonstrator are presented. The radar sensor working frequency range spans between 16 and 17 GHz, and the proposed solution is based on a 24-transmitter and 24-receiver MIMO radar architecture, implemented by timedivision multiplexing of the transmit signals. A modular approach based on conventional low-cost printed circuit boards is used for the transmit and receive systems. Using digital beamforming algorithms and radar processing techniques on the received signals, a high-resolution 3-D sensing of the range, azimuth, and elevation can be calculated. With the current antenna configuration, an angular resolution of 2.9° can be reached. Furthermore, by taking advantage of the 1-GHz bandwidth of the system, a range resolution of 0.5 m is achieved. The radio-frequency front-end, digital system and radar signal processing units are here presented. The medium-range surveillance potential and the high-resolution capabilities of the MIMO radar are proved with results in the form of radar images captured from the field measurements.Ganis, A.; Miralles-Navarro, E.; Schoenlinner, B.; Prechtel, U.; Meusling, A.; Heller, C.; Spreng, T.... (2018). A portable 3D Imaging FMCW MIMO Radar Demonstrator with a 24x24 Antenna Array for Medium Range Applications. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 56(1):298-312. https://doi.org/10.1109/TGRS.2017.2746739S29831256

    Detect and Avoid (DAA) Technologie für mittelgroße UAV

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    Dieser Vortrag fasst wichtige Konzepte und Ergebnisse des Projekts MasterUAS zur Integration unbemannter Luftfahrzeuge in kontrollierten Lufträumen zusammen. Insbesondere wird auf Anforderungen zu Detect-and-Avoid (DAA) eingegangen

    Compressive-Sensing-Aided MIMO Radar Enabling Multi-Functional and Compact Sensors in Air Scenarios Using Optimized Antenna Arrays

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    We address the problem of direction-of-arrival (DoA) estimation for air targets using a compact, multi-functional radar sensor. In order to enhance the angular resolution of such sensors while exploiting the sparseness of typical air scenarios, we consider the combination of a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar approach with suitable compressive-sensing (CS) techniques. In particular, we investigate the combination of MIMO processing for two-dimensional (2D) antenna arrays with CS-based angular processing for three-dimensional (3D) target localization and 2D DoA estimation in azimuth and elevation. We analyze the benefits of randomized antenna element positions in one and two dimensions and devise optimized array geometries for practicable aperture sizes. In particular, we take physical side constraints into account, such as the smallest realizable/ desired element spacing as well as area restrictions for antenna placement within the overall aperture. The aperture area reserved by this means could be used to accommodate additional hardware components enabling a multi-functional sensor approach. Extensive computer simulation results for different 3D target scenarios illustrate the advantages of our CS-based compact MIMO radar approach with randomized antenna elements compared to fully randomized arrays, given the same number of physical antenna elements

    A system concept for a 3D real-Time OFDM MIMO radar for flying platforms

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    In this paper a new system concept for a low cost, miniaturized and real-time imaging radar system for flying platforms is presented. The proposed solution is based on the MIMO radar architecture, orthogonal signals for simultaneous transmit capabilities and highly integrated SiGe chipsets. Using beamforming techniques at the receiver together with radar processing techniques, a 3D sensing of the range, azimuth, elevation and Doppler information for an arbitrary number of objects can be estimated through a simultaneous transmission and with real-time hardware implementable FFT processing techniques. A top-level system concept and a complete parametrization is proposed for a radar system which is intended for obstacle warning for helicopters and to enhance flight safety in approach, landing and take-off phases of flight even in degraded visual conditions. The full OFDM MIMO Radar system has been implemented and tested in a MATLAB environment and simulation results are here presented. This paper is the first step towards the implementation of a compact and real-time radar system demonstrator