372 research outputs found

    Indføring af peer-assessment og øget studenteraktivitet i et kortvarigt øvelsesforløb

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    Em uma tese autobiográfica, um retorno à escola, autoficção e poesia

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    In this paper I analyze the construction of my thesis entitled "Siervas inútiles somos. Autofiction returned to the school", delving into the resources and possibilities of pedagogical autobiography, presenting it as a poetic action, from a conception of the human and the subject coming from phenomenology and hermeneutics, post-structuralism and postmodern epistemologies. The conclusions raise the possibility of advancing in the outline of a scope for a pedagogical poetics that adopts from the artistic field the reflection on the different processes of production and presentation of the works to contribute to make visible other ways of naming and creating what teachers and students live and what schools are in our continuous autobiographical construction, which is always also self-fiction and poetic production.En este trabajo analizo la construcción de mi tesis titulada “Siervas inútiles somos. Autoficción devuelta a la escuela”, profundizando en los recursos y posibilidades de la autobiografía pedagógica, presentándola como acción poética, desde una concepción de lo humano y del sujeto proveniente de la fenomenología y la hermenéutica, el postestructuralismo y las epistemologías postmodernas. Las conclusiones plantean la posibilidad de avanzar en el esbozo de un ámbito para una poética pedagógica que adopte del campo artístico la reflexión sobre los procesos distintos de producción y de presentación de las obras para contribuir a visibilizar otras formas de nombrar y de crear lo que vivimos las maestras y los alumnos y lo que las escuelas son en nuestra continua construcción autobiográfica que siempre es también, autoficción y producción poética.Neste trabalho, analiso a construção de minha tese intitulada "Siervas inútiles somos". Autoficção de volta à escola", aprofundando os recursos e possibilidades da autobiografia pedagógica, apresentando-a como uma ação poética, a partir de uma concepção do humano e do sujeito proveniente da fenomenologia e da hermenêutica, do pós-estruturalismo e das epistemologias pós-modernas. As conclusões levantam a possibilidade de avançar no esboço de um campo para uma poética pedagógica que adota do campo artístico a reflexão sobre os diferentes processos de produção e apresentação das obras para contribuir para tornar visíveis outras formas de nomear e criar o que nós professores e alunos vivemos e o que as escolas são em nossa contínua construção autobiográfica, que é sempre também auto-ficção e produção poética

    Analysis of the influence of financial education in the consumption of products in the markets of insurance, pension and capitalization of residents in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre

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    A constante transformação tecnológica e a modernização regulamentar que está sendo realizada pelos órgãos de fiscalização dos mercados de seguros, previdência e capitalização, em especial por meio da Superintendência de Seguros Privados (SUSEP), permite aos consumidores desses setores terem maior autonomia na contratação dos produtos desses mercados. Aliando isso às mudanças no cenário econômico, como a queda da taxa de juros, faz-se necessário que os consumidores tenham maior conhecimento dos produtos e fatores que os influenciam. Deste modo, para que as pessoas estejam preparadas para essas mudanças, a educação financeira se torna um assunto cada vez mais relevante. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar a influência da educação no consumo de produtos do mercado de seguros, previdência e capitalização dos moradores da região metropolitana de Porto Alegre. Para isso, foi realizada uma abordagem teórica, contextualizando esses mercados e seus produtos, a influência da redução da taxa de juros nos planos de previdência privada e aspectos que evidenciam a relevância da educação financeira nesse contexto. Além disso, por meio da aplicação de questionário, buscou-se o perfil dessa população. Através de análise descritiva foi visto que 89,46% dos respondentes classificaram entre médio e alto seu conhecimento em educação financeira e 23,14% afirmaram que nunca foram educados financeiramente. O grau de associação entre variáveis foi analisado através do coeficiente de correlação de Pearson, e de acordo com tais correlações infere-se que pessoas com maior poder aquisitivo possuem maior pré-disposição para consumirem produtos securitários.The constant technological transformation and regulatory modernization that is being carried out by insurance, pension and capitalization regulatory agencies, especially through Superintendência de Seguros Privados (SUSEP), allow consumers to have greater autonomy in contracting products. Also, changes in the economic scenario, such as the interest rates falls, requires consumers greater knowledge about the insurance products. Thus, financial education becomes increasingly relevant issue allowing people be prepared. Thus, the present study aimed to analyze the education`s influence in the context of insurance, pension and capitalization products in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre residents. Therefore, a theoretical approach was carried out in the study, contextualizing markets and their products, the influence of the interest rate reduction in the private pension plans and aspects that show the relevance of financial education in this context. In addition, through the application of a questionnaire, the profile of this population was sought. Through descriptive analysis, it was observed that 89.46% of the respondents classified their knowledge about financial education between medium and high and 23.14% stated that they were never financially educated. The degree of association between variables was analyzed through Pearson's correlation coefficient, and according to such correlations, it can be inferred that people with greater purchasing power have greater willingness to consume insurance products

    El vínculo entre principiantes y expertos en el proceso de inmersión en la práctica. Experiencia en un instituto de Formación Docente en Argentina

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    El presente trabajo pretende comunicar una experiencia llevada a cabo en un instituto de formación docente de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, desde el año 2010, en conjunto con los profesores responsables de los talleres de formación práctica, los profesores de las didácticas especiales y los docentes co-formadores. Las Prácticas y Residencias constituyen un primer contacto con el ejercicio profesional donde los conocimientos de la formación inicial se reorganizan en función de la construcción de un saber práctico, integrando esquemas interpretativos y modos de hacer específicos. Los alumnos empiezan a conocerse en el nuevo rol, a pensarse en el ejercicio concreto y recrear los modelos recibidos. Ello supone salir del trayecto habiendo conjugado saberes personales, técnico instrumentales, teóricos y metodológicos. Estos primeros pasos dejan marcas e inscripciones de las cuales los formadores somos profesionalmente responsables. En el instituto superior, la pregunta sobre cómo hacer del contacto con la práctica profesional un espacio con genuino sentido formativo, motivó la implementación de un itinerario graduado de planificación e implementación de microclases, secuencias, unidades didácticas y proyectos integradores, emplazado en un circuito de comunicación fluida que alterna instancias de asesoría-tutoría con espacios de reflexión sobre la práctica

    Narrar la experiencia educativa como formación: la documentación narrativa y el desarrollo profesional de los docentes

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    El texto propone pensar y narrar la formación de los docentes como experiencia e investigación pedagógica, y propone una modalidad particular de desarrollo profesional docente centrado en la indagación cualitativa e interpretativa del mundo escolar. La documentación narrativa de experiencias pedagógicas es una modalidad de trabajo pedagógico entre docentes, y entre docentes e investigadores, que promueve la participación en procesos de indagación, coformación y acción colectiva en el campo educativo. Esta estrategia metodológica de investigación-formación-acción docente organiza una serie de prácticas narrativas y auto-biográficas para que los participantes tengan la oportunidad de relatar historias acerca de su práctica docente, y para que esas formas de interpretación del mundo escolar sean puestas en escritura, indagación, deliberación pública y cambio. En particular le interesa activar la memoria pedagógica de la escuela y “profundizar narrativamente” el discurso público acerca de la educación.The text proposes not only to narrate the training of teachers as an experience and as a pedagogical research; but also, it proposes a particular method of professional teacher development focused on the qualitative and interpretative research of the school and its context. The importance of the narrative documentation as regards pedagogical experiences is a modality of pedagogical work among teachers, as well as among teachers and researchers, which promotes participation in processes of inquiry, cotraining and collective action in the field of education. This methodological strategy of research-training-teaching action organizes a series of narrative and autobiographical practices with the purpose of encouraging participants to have the opportunity to relate stories about their teaching practice; and consequently, to reflect, inquiry and to write about them, with the objective to share and create a public deliberation and, moreover, a change. In particular, the author is interested in activating the pedagogical memory of the school and deepening narratively the public discourse about education.Dossier: La formación docente, una trama en desarroll

    A Humanized Diet Profile May Facilitate Colonization and Immune Stimulation in Human Microbiota-Colonized Mice

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    Background: In spite of the importance of the use of gnotobiotic mice for human fecal transfer, colonization efficiency and immune stimulation after human microbiota inoculation in mice are poorly studied compared to mouse microbiota inoculation. We tested the colonization efficiency and immune responses in mice bred for one additional generation after inoculating the parent generation with either a human (HM) or a mouse microbiota (MM). Furthermore, we tested if colonization efficiency and immune stimulation could be improved in HM-colonized mice by dietary approaches: if these were fed a diet closer to the human diet either in its sources of animal fat and protein [the “animal source” (AS) diet] or in its proportions of macronutrients from the normal sources of a mouse diet [the “human profile” (HP) diet]. Results: Although significantly lower in mice with a human microbiota (30–40% vs. 61– 70%) the colonization efficiency was significantly higher in HM mice fed the HP diet (40%), and in MM mice fed AS (70%). The microbiota of mice fed HP was comparable to the microbiota of mice fed a standard rodent chow, while the microbiota of mice fed the animal source diet (AS) clustered separately. Mice inoculated with mouse fecal matter had significantly more CD4+ T cells and Cd4 expression and significantly fewer regulatory T cells (Tregs) and FoxP3 expression than human microbiota inoculated mice, but cell proportions differences were mostly apparent between mice fed the AS diet. Mice fed the HP diet had significantly higher expression of Cd8a. Conclusion: It is concluded that a diet with a humanized profile could support the establishment of a human microbiota in mice, which will, however, still elicit a lower colonization efficiency compared to mice inoculated with a mouse microbiota.The work was funded by the Innovation Fund Denmark (Grant No. 1355-00004B) and Taconic Biosciences. IM-I was funded during the experimental work by a fellowship associated to her Sara Borrell postdoctoral contract (CD12/00530), and nowadays is supported by a Miguel Servet contract (CP16/00163) both from Instituto de Salud Carlos III co-founded by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional – FEDER.Ye

    Combined Exposure to Anti-Androgens Exacerbates Disruption of Sexual Differentiation in the Rat

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess whether the joint effects of three androgen receptor antagonists (vinclozolin, flutamide, procymidone) on male sexual differentiation after in utero and postnatal exposures can be predicted based on dose-response data of the individual chemicals. METHODS: Test chemicals and mixtures were administered by gavage to time-mated nulliparous, young adult Wistar rats from gestational day 7 to the day before expected birth, and from postnatal days 1-16. Changes in anogenital distance (AGD) and nipple retention (NR) in male offspring rats were chosen as end points for extensive dose-response studies. Vinclozolin, flutamide, and procymidone were combined at a mixture ratio proportional to their individual potencies for causing retention of six nipples in male offspring. RESULTS: With AGD as the end point, the joint effects of the three anti-androgens were essentially dose additive. The observed responses for NR were slightly higher than those expected on the basis of dose addition. A combination of doses of each chemical, which on its own did not produce statistically significant AGD alterations, induced half-maximal mixture effects. At individual doses associated with only modest effects on NR, the mixture induced NR approaching female values in the males. CONCLUSIONS: Effects of a mixture of similarly acting anti-androgens can be predicted fairly accurately on the basis of the potency of the individual mixture components by using the dose addition concept. Exposure to anti-androgens, which individually appears to exert only small effects, may induce marked responses in concert with, possibly unrecognized, similarly acting chemicals

    Postnatal hematopoiesis and gut microbiota in NOD mice deviate from C57BL/6 mice

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    Neonatal studies in different mouse strains reveal that early life colonization affects the development of adaptive immunity in mice. The nonobese diabetic (NOD) mouse spontaneously develops autoimmune diabetes, but neonatal studies of NOD mice are lacking. We hypothesized that NOD mice deviate from another much used mouse strain, C57BL/6, with respect to postnatal microbiota and/or hematopoiesis and compared this in newborn mice of dams housed under the same conditions. A distinct bacteria profile rich in staphylococci was found at postnatal days (PND) 1–4 in NOD mice. Furthermore, a distinct splenic cell profile high in a granulocytic phenotype was evident in the neonatal NOD mice whereas neonatal C57BL/6 mice showed a profile rich in monocytes. Neonatal expression of Reg3g and Muc2 in the gut was deviating in NOD mice and coincided with fewer bacteria attaching to the Mucosal surface in NOD compared to C57BL/6 mice

    Neonatal microbial colonization in mice promotes prolonged dominance of CD11b+Gr-1+cells and accelerated establishment of the CD4+T cell population in the spleen

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    To assess the microbial influence on postnatal hematopoiesis, we examined the role of early life microbial colonization on the composition of leukocyte subsets in the neonatal spleen. A high number of CD11b(+)Gr-1(+) splenocytes present perinatally was sustained for a longer period in conventionally colonized (CONV) mice than in mono-colonized (MC) and germfree (GF) mice, and the CD4(+) T cell population established faster in CONV mice. At the day of birth, compared to GF mice, the expression of Cxcl2 was up-regulated and Arg1 down-regulated in livers of CONV mice. This coincided with lower abundance of polylobed cells in the liver of CONV mice. An earlier peak in the expression of the genes Tjp1, Cdh1, and JamA in intestinal epithelial cells of CONV mice indicated an accelerated closure of the epithelial barrier. In conclusion, we have identified an important microbiota-dependent neonatal hematopoietic event, which we suggest impacts the subsequent development of the T cell population in the murine spleen