39 research outputs found

    Using web 2.0 tools to create customized research portals

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    The Information Resources team within the School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR) at the University of Sheffield has a long-standing interest in the application of new and emerging Web 2.0 technologies for research, learning, and teaching. In early 2008, members of the group began to discuss the development of customized web portals, also referred to as personal start pages, to aggregate various streams of specialist information relevant to researchers within the School and in the wider National Health Service (NHS) research community. This paper documents the background to the portals, their development, and reflects on the challenges and issues the team encountered. © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

    Understanding the Patient Experience with Carcinoid Syndrome: Exit Interviews from a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study of Telotristat Ethyl

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    Purpose: Telotristat ethyl, an oral tryptophan hydroxylase inhibitor, is intended to treat carcinoid syndrome by reducing serotonin production. Telotristat ethyl was evaluated in TELESTAR, a Phase III study for patients who had carcinoid syndrome with at least 4 bowel movements (BMs) per day and who were receiving somatostatin analogue therapy. This interview substudy was conducted to provide insight into the patient experience in TELESTAR and to help understand whether reductions in BM frequency (the primary end point) and other symptoms were clinically meaningful. Methods: Participating sites were asked to invite (before randomization) all eligible patients to telephone interviews scheduled at the end of the double-blind treatment period. Patients and interviewers were blinded to treatment. Findings: All 35 interviewed participants reported diarrhea and/or excessive BMs at baseline. Patients reported that these symptoms negatively affected emotional, social, physical, and occupational well-being. Prespecified criteria for treatment response (achieving ≥ 30% reduction in BM frequency for at least 50% of the days) were met by 8 of 26 patients taking telotristat ethyl and 1 of 9 patients taking placebo. All 8 patients taking telotristat ethyl described clinically meaningful reductions in BM frequency and were very satisfied with the ability of the study drug to control their carcinoid syndrome symptoms. Overall, reports of being very satisfied were observed in 12 patients taking telotristat ethyl and 0 taking placebo. Implications: Patient interviews revealed that TELESTAR patients, at baseline, were significantly affected by their high BM frequency. Patient reports of their clinical trial experience supported the significance of the primary end point and clinical responder analysis in TELESTAR, helping identify and understand clinically meaningful change produced by telotristat ethyl

    Maternal marijuana use has independent effects on risk for spontaneous preterm birth but not other common late pregnancy complications

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    Widespread legalisation of marijuana raises safety concerns for its use in pregnancy. This study investigated the association of marijuana use prior to and during pregnancy with pregnancy outcomes in a prospective cohort of 5588 nulliparous women from the international SCOPE study. Women were assessed at 15 ± 1 and 20 ± 1 weeks’ gestation. Cases [278 Preeclampsia, 470 gestational hypertension, 633 small-for-gestational-age, 236 spontaneous preterm births (SPTB), 143 gestational diabetes] were compared separately with 4114 non-cases. Although the numbers are small, continued maternal marijuana use at 20 weeks’ gestation was associated with SPTB independent of cigarette smoking status [adj OR 2.28 (95% CI:1.45–3.59)] and socioeconomic index (SEI) [adj OR 2.17 (95% CI:1.41–3.34)]. When adjusted for maternal age, cigarette smoking, alcohol and SEI, continued maternal marijuana use at 20 weeks’ gestation had a greater effect size [adj OR 5.44 (95% CI 2.44–12.11)]. Our data indicate that increasing use of marijuana among young women of reproductive age is a major public health concern

    The use of chiropractors by older adults in the United States

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In a nationally representative sample of United States Medicare beneficiaries, we examined the extent of chiropractic use, factors associated with seeing a chiropractor, and predictors of the volume of chiropractic use among those having seen one.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We performed secondary analyses of baseline interview data on 4,310 self-respondents who were 70 years old or older when they first participated in the Survey on Assets and Health Dynamics Among the Oldest Old (AHEAD). The interview data were then linked to their Medicare claims. Multiple logistic and negative binomial regressions were used.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The average annual rate of chiropractic use was 4.6%. During the four-year period (two years before and two years after each respondent's baseline interview), 10.3% had one or more visits to a chiropractor. African Americans and Hispanics, as well as those with multiple depressive symptoms and those who lived in counties with lower than average supplies of chiropractors were much less likely to use them. The use of chiropractors was much more likely among those who drank alcohol, had arthritis, reported pain, and were able to drive. Chiropractic services did not substitute for physician visits. Among those who had seen a chiropractor, the volume of chiropractic visits was lower for those who lived alone, had lower incomes, and poorer cognitive abilities, while it was greater for the overweight and those with lower body limitations.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Chiropractic use among older adults is less prevalent than has been consistently reported for the United States as a whole, and is most common among Whites, those reporting pain, and those with geographic, financial, and transportation access.</p

    Report on the sixth blind test of organic crystal-structure prediction methods

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    The sixth blind test of organic crystal-structure prediction (CSP) methods has been held, with five target systems: a small nearly rigid molecule, a polymorphic former drug candidate, a chloride salt hydrate, a co-crystal, and a bulky flexible molecule. This blind test has seen substantial growth in the number of submissions, with the broad range of prediction methods giving a unique insight into the state of the art in the field. Significant progress has been seen in treating flexible molecules, usage of hierarchical approaches to ranking structures, the application of density-functional approximations, and the establishment of new workflows and "best practices" for performing CSP calculations. All of the targets, apart from a single potentially disordered Z` = 2 polymorph of the drug candidate, were predicted by at least one submission. Despite many remaining challenges, it is clear that CSP methods are becoming more applicable to a wider range of real systems, including salts, hydrates and larger flexible molecules. The results also highlight the potential for CSP calculations to complement and augment experimental studies of organic solid forms

    Souffrances des pères lors des divorces

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    Résumé Sous la pression des transformations des formes de la famille, des évolutions du droit, et des avancées des sciences biologiques et médicales, les repères institutionnels de la paternité ont été bouleversés. Auparavant, le père était désigné par les liens du mariage et était pourvu de la puissance paternelle. La mort du paterfamilias dans le droit et le déclin du mariage ont bouleversé ces fondements. Les pères font désormais l'objet de soupçons. De plus, la société a organisé une véritable éviction juridique des pères dans le cadre des divorces. Or, devenir père nécessite un travail subjectif, qui s'appuie sur un temps politique lié aux montages juridiques et institutionnels. La défaillance de ce système dans la période contemporaine a pu rendre ce travail difficile pour chaque père divorcé. Nos exemples cliniques montrent la résonance entre les souffrances singulières des pères et leur exclusion juridique. Mais ils montrent aussi les facteurs singuliers conscients et inconscients qui ne proviennent pas forcément du divorce. Under pressure from the transformations of the forms of family, from the evolutions of law, and from the advances of the biological and medical sciences, the institutional points of reference of the fatherhood have been changed. Before, the father was designated by the bonds of marriage and endowed with paternal power. The suppression of paterfamilias in the law and the decline of marriage changed these foundations. From then on, the fathers are the object of suspicions. Furthermore, society has organised a real legal eviction of the fathers in the framework of divorces. Now, becoming the father requires a subjective work, which depends on a political time related to legal and institutional set-ups. The default of this system, during the contemporary period could have made this work difficult for each divorced father. Our clinical examples show the echo with singular sufferings of the fathers and their legal exclusion. But they also show the singular conscious and unconscious factors, which do not necessarily come from divorce

    Réflexions sur la construction de l'arbre généalogique avec des enfants ou des adolescents

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    La construction de l’arbre généalogique tend à se répandre comme médiateur au cours d’entretiens dans des cadres aussi différents que le travail social, les enquêtes de recherche et le travail clinique thérapeutique. Mise en place de repères structurants pour l’identité singulière et familiale de la personne, outil de médiation facilitant la parole, cette technique semble présenter nombre d’avantages. Pourtant son utilisation avec des enfants ou des adolescents mérite d’être interrogée. En effet, la construction de l’arbre généalogique est un médiateur particulier car il sollicite directement les données familiales. Or, le repérage dans ces données est le fruit d’un travail d’élaboration qui nécessite un temps psychique et un cadre transférentiel qui ne peuvent être courtcircuités

    Mon enfant, ma sœur. Travail du fraternel dans le processus de construction de la parenté

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    Notre étude s’intéresse à la réactivation des enjeux à l’œuvre dans les liens fraternels lors du devenir parent. À partir d’entretiens de recherche nous explorons comment les relations fraternelles infantiles se rejouent et participent à la construction du lien parental. La présentation de deux vignettes cliniques nous permet d’en dévoiler différents enjeux, tels que les processus d’identification et les mécanismes de défense utilisés