37 research outputs found

    Productivity Gaps and Tax Policies Under Asymmetric Trade

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    We build a two-country model of endogenous growth to study the welfare effects of taxes on tradable primary inputs when countries engage in asymmetric trade. We obtain explicit links between persistent gaps in productivity growth and the incentives of resource exporting (importing) countries to subsidize (tax) domestic resource use. The exporters' incentive to subsidize hinges on slower productivity growth and is disconnected from the importers' incentive to tax resource inflows -- i.e., rent extraction. Moreover, faster productivity growth exacerbates the importers' incentive to tax, beyond the rent-extraction motive. In a strategic tax game, the only equilibrium is of Stackelberg type and features, for a wide range of parameter values, positive exporters' subsidies and positive importers' taxes at the same time

    Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging Feature Tracking: Impact of Training on Observer Performance and Reproducibility

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    BACKGROUND: Cardiovascular magnetic resonance feature tracking (CMR-FT) is increasingly used for myocardial deformation assessment including ventricular strain, showing prognostic value beyond established risk markers if used in experienced centres. Little is known about the impact of appropriate training on CMR-FT performance. Consequently, this study aimed to evaluate the impact of training on observer variance using different commercially available CMR-FT software. METHODS: Intra- and inter-observer reproducibility was assessed prior to and after dedicated one-hour observer training. Employed FT software included 3 different commercially available platforms (TomTec, Medis, Circle). Left (LV) and right (RV) ventricular global longitudinal as well as LV circumferential and radial strains (GLS, GCS and GRS) were studied in 12 heart failure patients and 12 healthy volunteers. RESULTS: Training improved intra- and inter-observer reproducibility. GCS and LV GLS showed the highest reproducibility before (ICC \u3e0.86 and \u3e0.81) and after training (ICC \u3e0.91 and \u3e0.92). RV GLS and GRS were more susceptible to tracking inaccuracies and reproducibility was lower. Inter-observer reproducibility was lower than intra-observer reproducibility prior to training with more pronounced improvements after training. Before training, LV strain reproducibility was lower in healthy volunteers as compared to patients with no differences after training. Whilst LV strain reproducibility was sufficient within individual software solutions inter-software comparisons revealed considerable software related variance. CONCLUSION: Observer experience is an important source of variance in CMR-FT derived strain assessment. Dedicated observer training significantly improves reproducibility with most profound benefits in states of high myocardial contractility and potential to facilitate widespread clinical implementation due to optimized robustness and diagnostic performance

    Zatápění hlubinného Dolu Königstein : hydraulické a geochemické modelování

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    Uranium was produced in the Königstein mine by conventional mining as well as underground in-situ leaching activity from a sandstone aquifer between 1964 and 1990. Due to the chemical mining and the secondary effect of pyrite oxidation the pore water of the rock matrix has a pH of less than 2 and a high content of among others uranium, iron and sulphate. Another source of contaminants are soluble minerals which precipitated in open mine workings. They will dissolve during the flooding and generate a contaminant peak right after the beginning of the flooding of open mine spaces. The remediation of the mine should aim for the restoration of the natural groundwater flow in the regional flow system.V letech 1964 – 1990 probíhala na Dole Königstein těžba uranu jak konvenční dobývací metodou, tak i loužením in-situ z pískovcových kolektorů. V důsledku této metody chemické těžby a sekundárního efektu - oxidace pyritu, má pórová voda horninové matrice pH nižší než 2 a vysoké obsahy uranu, železa a síranů. Dalším zdrojem kontaminace důlních vod jsou rozpustné evaporáty, jež jsou vysráženy v otevřených suchých důlních dílech. Tyto se v průběhu zatápění zpětně rozpouštějí a tvoří maximální podíl kontaminační zátěže v počátečních fázích zatápění důlních prostor. Důlní vody z ložiska jsou čerpány prostřednictvím vrtů a vyváděny k přečistění na úpravnu. Cílem sanace dolu je revitalizace hornicky postižené oblasti, tj. obnovení přírodních podmínek proudění a kvality podzemních vod

    Handbuch 1982-1986

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    Compliance in der medizinischen Behandlung und der Medikation

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    Patients' compliance depends largely upon their acceptance and understanding of their medical treatment and medication. For this, not only doctors, but also pharmacists are responsible in great measure. The patient and client orientated consultation in pharmacies must therefore be continually trained and further developed. A modularised e-learning programme for communication with patients is at present being developed by Vera Neumann, Communication & Organisation, and CBT+L (Computer Based Training + Learning plc). In particular the close links between physicians and pharmacists in the context of medicine chest contracts demand an unbroken, qualified, chain of advice and the corresponding competence, as well as the consultation with in-patients.Die Compliance von Patienten hängt wesentlich ab von ihrer Akzeptanz und ihrem Verständnis der medizinischen Behandlung und ihrer Medikation. Dafür tragen nicht nur Ärzt/innen, sondern in hohem Maße auch Apotheken Verantwortung. Die patienten- und kundenorientierte Beratung in Apotheken muss daher ständig geschult und weiter entwickelt werden. Ein modularisiertes e-Learning-Programm für die Kommunikation mit Patient/innen wird derzeit entwickelt von Vera Naumann, Kommunikation & Organisation, und CBT+L (Computer Based Training + Learning GmbH). Insbesondere die engere Vernetzung zwischen Medizinern und Apotheken im Rahmen von Hausapothekenverträgen erfordert eine lückenlose, qualifizierte Beratungskette und entsprechende Kompetenzen, ebenso die Beratung stationärer Patient/innen