98 research outputs found

    Designing Change Assimilation Process using Close-up Down Graph for Switch Based Networks

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    In today’s modern switch-based interconnected systems require high performance, reliability and availability. These switch based networks changes their topologies due to hot expansion of components, link or node activation and deactivation. Device failures in high-speed computer networks can also result in topological changes. Also, component failures, addition and deletion of components cause changes in the topology and routing paths supplied by the interconnection network. Therefore a network reconfiguration algorithm must be executed to reestablish the connectivity between the network nodes. Now we have two types of reconfiguration techniques and they are static reconfiguration and dynamic reconfiguration. Static reconfiguration techniques significantly reduce network service since the application traffic is temporally stopped in order to avoid deadlocks. But unfortunately this has negative impact on network service availability. Dynamic network reconfiguration is the process of changing from one routing function to another routing function while the network remains up and running. While performing dynamic network reconfiguration, the main challenge is to avoid deadlocks and provide network service availability along with reduced packet dropping rate. In this paper we demonstrate how dynamic reconfiguration is more efficient than the static reconfiguration for switch based networks

    Prospective clinical trial in the management of Mutrashmari through Avapidaka Snehapana and Matra Basti

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    Background: Ashmari Roga is considered as one of the Ashta Maha Gada considered difficult to cure because of its Marma Ashrayatwa, due to the involvement of Bahu Dosha and Basti, which is one of the Tri Marma, Acharyas has specifically mentioned many treatment modalities for reducing the symptoms as well as eliminating the Ashmari from its root, in which Basti and Virechana is having prime importance. So here an attempt is made to compare and study the efficacy of Basti and Virechana in Mutrashmari. Objective: To study the effect of Avapidaka Snehapana followed by Virechana and Shamanoushadhi and Matrabasti followed by Shamanoushadhi in the management of Mutrashmari. Materials and methods: 40 patients diagnosed with Mutrashmari (urinary calculus) and fulfilling the inclusion criteria were selected and randomly divided into 2 groups. In Group A: Amapachana with Hingvastaka Churna, Avapidaka Sneha with Punarnavadi Ghrita and Virechana with Trivrut Mrudvika Rasa followed by Shuntyadi Kwatha as Shamanoushadhi, In Group B: Amapachana with Hingvastaka Churna, Varunadhya Taila Matra Basti followed by Shwadamstra Kwath as Shamanoushadhi. Pain (from loin to groin), Nausea, Dysuria, Haematuria, Burning Micturation, Number of stones, Size of stones, Site of stone, Hydroureter and Hydronephrosis were assessed before and after treatment. The total duration of the study was 60 days or up to expulsion of the stone with 45 days of follow up. Results: In this study, Group A shows statistically more significant result than Group B. Conclusion: Both Group A and Group B have shown significant outcomes in all parameters with proper diet and regimen. Reoccurrence of stone was not found in a single subject

    Pengaruh Good Corporate Governance Indeks dan Financial Distress terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Manufaktur di Bei Periode 2009-2012)

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    This study aims to examine the effect of good corporate governance and the influence of financial distress index on the performance of companies in the manufacturing companies listed on the Stock Exchange. The population in this study are manufacturing companies listed on the Stock Exchange in the period 2009-2012 amounted to 140 companies. The company manufactures a sample of 35 companies. Analysis of research on the use is to use multiple linear regression equation with SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions). Based on t test showed that partial no significant difference between the financial distress of the Companys Performance in Manufacturing company. Based on t test showed that partially a significant difference between GCG on Firm Performance in Manufacturing company. Based on the coefficient of determination (R 2) for 0193.This suggests that financial distress and corporate governance at 19:30% effect on the Companys PerformanceKeywords: Financial Distress, GCG and Company Performance

    Analysis of the Smoking Behavior of Personnel at Major General HM Ryacudu North Lampung Regional Hospital, Indonesia in 2016

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    Smoking is a behavior that can endanger the health of individuals and have an impact on public health. Of the personnel at Major General HM Ryacudu North Lampung Regional Hospital in Indonesia 70% are smokers. This prevalence may be related to an individual’s predisposition as well as factors that enable and reinforce this behavior. The study aimed to determine which factors are associated with smoking behavior in hospital personnel. The study used a cross-sectional design and a survey to obtain data. Qualitative and quantitative methods were employed. The sample included 97 hospital personnel; data were analyzed using univariate, bivariate, and multivariate methods. The dependent variable is the smoking behavior of hospital personnel; the independent variable is the characteristics of the personnel: gender, marital status, educational status, knowledge, attitudes, motivations, exposure to advertising, access to cigarettes, legislation and the influence of friends and family members. No correlation was found between smoking behavior and marital status, knowledge, motivation, exposure to advertising, and access to cigarettes. The statistical analysis results showed that legislation had the greatest impact on the smoking behavior of hospital personnel (p-value = 0.001); the influence of friends also had an impact (p-value = 0.016). There is need for a common commitment to increasing awareness about the negative impact of smoking, offering informational workshops, establishingan anti-smoking task force, and designating a no smoking, cigarette-free zone in the hospital

    Identification of Risk Factors and Symptoms Pulmonary Tuberculosis of Community Health Work in Gunung Sari Area West Lombok District in 2016

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    Background: Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This bacterium is a bacterium bacillus very strong so takes a long time to treat. As a chronic disease, pulmonary tuberculosis has several risk factors of symptom Tuberculosis factor. Objective: The objective of this study is to identify risk factors and symptoms of pulmonary Tuberculosis. Methods: The design used in this study is a cross-sectional descriptive study, with a non-random sampling method, is purposive judgmental (samples consideration) with the qualitative data. The research conducted by distributing questionnaires to the respondents after informed consent. Result: the risk factors that affect the incidence of Tuberculosis is high, can be seen from public education is low, the number of society who do not have jobs, people\u27s incomes far below the standard wage area, many people who have children under five and there are still many who do not give BCG immunization, the number of people who are elderly, and home community is still high that smoke, the houses are solid, some people with Tuberculosis in the process of healing their patients with positive Tuberculosis who do not seek treatment, their pain smear + who interrupt their treatment, many people who have a family history of previously positive Tuberculosis

    The Role of Energy Supply in Economic Growth: Evidence from the Oil Importing Countries

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    The main purpose of this study is to explore and analyse relationships between energy supply and economic growth. Path analysis and structural equation modelling have been used to analyse the direct and indirect effects of energy supply on economic growth by identifying the form of the relationships between them and the role of mediating variables. Energy supply was found to be strongly correlated with economic growth and to have a number of other relationships and effects on the economy. It was also found that mediating variables had different relationships and effects on the economy based on the source of energy. This result confirms that changes in energy suppliers seem to reflect changes in the political ‎economy of the country rather than shifts in energy use. The influence of the ‎political economy and the preferential treatment of supplying energy to oil importing countries below ‎market price were found to have mixed effects on economic growth for both trade and budget path models.‎ Keywords: Energy supply, Economic growth, Structural equation, Path analysis. ‎ JEL Classifications: Q41, O4, Q43, C32. â€

    Pembuatan Komposit Carbon Nanotube-polyvinyl Alcohol (Cnt-pva) Serta Evaluasi Sifat Mekaniknya

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    Perkembangan teknologi nanomaterial mendukung teknologi komposit. Komposit yang menggunakannanomaterial menghasilkan sifat mekanik yang lebih baik daripada komposit biasa. Komposit carbon nanotubes(CNT) berpotensi memiliki kekuatan tarik yang tinggi oleh adanya struktur tabung nanonya yang baik sebagaimatrik. Komposit CNT-PVA telah dibuat dengan metode pelarutan. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) dilarutkan dalam airbertemperatur 80°C, selanjutnya material CNT ditambahkan ke dalam larutan tersebut dengan variasi fraksi massaCNT terhadap PVA sebesar 10%, 20% dan 30%. Komposit CNT-PVA terbentuk setelah dikeringkan padatemperatur 80°C. Selanjutnya sifat mekanik komposit dikarakterisasi dengan uji kekuatan tarik. Hasil ujimenunjukkan bahwa komposit CNT-PVA dengan fraksi massa 20% CNT terhadap PVA menghasilkan modulusYoung yang paling besar yaitu 137,71MPa. Ketebalan komposit 0,94 mm yang dibangun oleh tiga lapis tipiskomposit CNT-PVA menghasilkan peningkatan modulus Young hingga 107,30%

    Effects of a high-prebiotic diet versus probiotic supplements versus synbiotics on adult mental health : the "gut feelings" randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Preliminary evidence supports the use of dietary interventions and gut microbiota-targeted interventions such as probiotic or prebiotic supplementation for improving mental health. We report on the first randomised controlled trial (RCT) to examine the effects of a high-prebiotic dietary intervention and probiotic supplements on mental health. Methods: “Gut Feelings” was an 8-week, 2 × 2 factorial RCT of 119 adults with moderate psychological distress and low prebiotic food intake. Treatment arms: (1) probiotic supplement and diet-as-usual (probiotic group); (2) high-prebiotic diet and placebo supplement (prebiotic diet group); (3) probiotic supplement and high-prebiotic diet (synbiotic group); and (4) placebo supplement and diet-as-usual (placebo group). The primary outcome was assessment of total mood disturbance (TMD; Profile of Mood States Short Form) from baseline to 8 weeks. Secondary outcomes included anxiety, depression, stress, sleep, and wellbeing measures. Results: A modified intention-to-treat analysis using linear mixed effects models revealed that the prebiotic diet reduced TMD relative to placebo at 8 weeks [Cohen’s d = −0.60, 95% confidence interval (CI) = −1.18, −0.03; p = 0.039]. There was no evidence of symptom improvement from the probiotic (d = −0.19, 95% CI = −0.75, 0.38; p = 0.51) or synbiotic treatments (d = −0.03, 95% CI = −0.59, 0.53; p = 0.92). Improved anxiety, stress, and sleep were noted in response to the prebiotic diet while the probiotic tentatively improved wellbeing, relative to placebo. No benefit was found in response to the synbiotic intervention. All treatments were well tolerated with few adverse events. Conclusion: A high-prebiotic dietary intervention may improve mood, anxiety, stress, and sleep in adults with moderate psychological distress and low prebiotic intake. A synbiotic combination of high-prebiotic diet and probiotic supplement does not appear to have a beneficial effect on mental health outcomes, though further evidence is required. Results are limited by the relatively small sample size

    Possibility of Phytoxicity of Sewage Treatment Stations in the Germination of Lettuce Seed (Lactuca sativa)

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    The final treatment and disposal of sludge generated at sewage treatment plants has become a crucial step in the waste management process. The present work carried out an evaluation of the sludge toxicity after dehydration and treatment with vermicomposting, through an ecotoxicity test using Lactuca sativa as bio-indicator. The percentage of relative germination and relative growth inhibition of the primary roots was determined for 5 dilutions obtained from the sludge sample. The results of the bioassay with lactuva sativa seed showed that the treatment with vermicomposting interfered in the germination rate, increasing the same the relative growth of the roots.  This way, corroborates not to indicate the disposal of this residue directly in the soil without any type of treatment