27 research outputs found

    Büyük birleşme teorilerinde anomali hesapları

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    TEZ1483Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1994.Kaynakça (s. 86-88) var.iv, 88 s. ; 30 cm.

    Structural and Corrosion Study of Uncoated and Zn-Cu Coated Magnesium-Based Alloy

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    Zn-Cu alloy was deposited onto AZ63 substrate, and the corrosion behaviour of resulting modified electrodes was investigated in 3 wt % NaCl solution in comparison with uncoated AZ63. Electrochemical, structural, and morphological study of the coating is presented. SEM images reveal that the surface morphology of the films is uniformly small spherical grain distributions. The XRD patterns illustrate polycrystalline structure and the formation of peaks corresponding to hexagonal close-packed ε-phase of Zn-Cu with various crystallographic orientations. Cyclic voltammetry was used to determine the potential ranges where the various redox processes occur. Linear sweep voltammetry results illustrate that longer exposure of uncoated AZ63 in NaCl solution produces a greater corrosion potential shift because of the formation of an oxide layer that did not prevent the progression of corrosion attack. The corrosion resistivity of Zn-Cu coated AZ63 is approximately two orders of magnitude greater than that of uncoated AZ63

    Laryngeal cavernous lymphangioma in an adult patient

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    Introduction: Lymphangiomas are uncommon congenital lesions of the lymphatic system, and most of them are detected by the second year of life. Although head and neck region is the most common location, laryngeal involvement isextremely rare, and the literature is largely limited to few case reports. Case Report: A 51-year-old male patient was admitted to the hospital with clinical history of hoarseness. Performed direct laryngoscopy revealed a pedunculated cystic mass located in the right ventricle of the larynx. The mass was totally excised, and the case was reported as cavernous lymphangioma. Conclusion: Isolated laryngeal lymphangioma is extremely rare in adults. The other benign lesions or inflammatory processes in this region can mimic laryngeal lymphangioma. Therefore, this entity should be kept in mind in differential diagnosis especially in adults, to avoid overtreatment. © 2021 Mashhad University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved

    Tunika Vajinalis Metastazı ile Prezante Olan Okkult Hepatoid Tip Mide Kanseri: Olgu Sunumu

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    Paratesticular metastases are extremely rare. Metastases in this area usually appear in the advanced stages of a known malignancy, but are sometimes the first manifestation, mimicking a primary testicular tumor. In this article, we present a patient with metastasis to the right tunica vaginalis testis who had scrotal swelling and pain as the first manifestation of an alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)- producing hepatoid type gastric cancer.Paratestiküler metastazlar oldukça nadirdir. Bu alana olan metastazlar çoğunlukla bilinen kanserin ileri evreleri şeklinde izlenmekle birlikte nadiren de olsa primer testiküler tümörü taklit edebilir. Bu makalede, alfa feto-protein üreten hepatoid tip mide kanserinin, skrotal ağrı ve şişliğin eşlik ettiği tunika vaginalis metastazı şeklinde prezante olması sunulmaktadır

    The morphology and structural properties of InP thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis method

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    WOS: 000255998000008InP film samples were prepared by spray pyrolysis technique using aqueous solutions of InCl3 and Na2HPO4, which were atomized with compressed air as carrier gas onto glass substrates at 500 degrees C with different thicknesses of the films. The structural properties of the samples have been determined by using X-ray diffraction (XRD). It was found that the crystal structure of the InP films is polycrystalline hexagonal. The orientations for all the obtained films are along the e-axis perpendicular to the substrate. It is observed that the crystallite sizes of the films increase with the thickness of the film up to 616 rim. The changes observed in the morphology and structural phases related to the film thickness have been discussed in detail. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Investigation of structural and optical properties of InP thin films developed by using spraying method

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    6th International Conference of the Balkan-Physical-Union -- AUG 22-26, 2006 -- Istanbul, TURKEYWOS: 000246647900094Structural and optical properties of InP films developed with the solutions prepared with InCl3 and Cl2HPO4 salts having different rates by using spraying method have been investigated using the data obtained from UV spectrometer and XRD (x-ray difractometer). Band gap energy values of all samples obtained by using UV spectrometer are found in 1.60-1.85 eV range. It was observed that basic piks of all samples are in (200) plane and have a fee structure in the XRD analysis. In addition, grain size of the samples increases with the rate of indium included in samples and it is seen that the crystallization in surface structure tends to become more homogenity.Balkan Phys Union, Turkish Phys Soc, Istanbul Univ, Yildiz Tech Univ, Bogaz Univ, Dogus Univ, European Phys Soc, Govt Istanbul, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipal, Turkish Atomic Energy Author, Sci & Technol Res Council Turkey, United Natl Educ Sci & Cultutal Org, NEL Electroni

    The role of growth parameters on structural, morphology and optical properties of sprayed ZnS thin films

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    bedir, metin/0000-0001-7772-3635; Yildirim, Rabia Guler/0000-0002-8610-4649WOS: 000244455500006ZnS thin films were prepared by spray pyrolysis technique using aqueous of zinc chloride and thiourea at molar ratio of 1:1, 1:2, and 2:1. The depositions were carried out on substrates heated from 400 to 520 degrees C The films were then annealed under sulphur atmosphere for 90 min at 450 and 550 degrees C. The crystallites exhibit preferential orientation along the [002](alpha) or [111](beta) directions. The films were characterized by XRD and SEM. The structure and morphology of sprayed films are controlled by both, the substrate temperature and the precursors molar ratio in the solution. The values of optical bandgap have been determined from the absorption spectra

    Temperature and Thickness Effects on Electrical Properties of InP Films Deposited by Spray Pyrolysis

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    InP film samples are prepared by spray pyrolysis technique using aqueous solutions of InCl(3) and Na(2)HPO(4), which are atomized with compressed air as carrier gas onto glass substrates at 500 degrees C with different thicknesses of the films. The structural properties of the samples are determined by x-ray diffraction (XRD). It is found that the crystal structure of the InP films is polycrystalline hexagonal. The orientations of all the obtained films are along the c-axis perpendicular to the substrate. The electrical measurements of the samples are obtained by dc four-probe technique on rectangular-shape samples. The effects of temperature on the electrical properties of the InP films are studied in detail


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