192 research outputs found

    Interdependencia y crisis de cuidados

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    La presente investigación tiene el objetivo de profundizar en la relación de interdependencia que compartimos, y el modo en el que la gestionamos. El trabajo está estructurado en tres partes. La primera, está enfocada a examinar la crisis civilizatoria, como conflicto estructural que afecta al conjunto de la vida. En el segundo capítulo se busca plantear nuevos interrogantes en referencia a las características y conceptualización del trabajo de cuidados, que continúa siendo uno de los grandes temas de discusión y disensos. La última parte de este estudio propone un enfoque alternativo de propuestas ante la denominada “crisis de cuidados”Máster Oficial en Estudios Avanzados en Derechos Humanos. Curso 2017/2018Presidenta: Ana Manero Salvador; Secretaria: Sivina Ribotta; Vocal: Daniel Oliva Martíne

    Calcium-aluminum-silicate-hydrate "cement" phases and rare Ca-zeolite association at Colle Fabbri, Central Italy

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    Abstract Very high temperature, Ca-rich alkaline magma intruded an argillite formation at Colle Fabbri, Central Italy, producing cordierite-tridymite metamorphism in the country rocks. An intense Ba-rich sulphate-carbonate-alkaline hydrothermal plume produced a zone of mineralization several meters thick around the igneous body. Reaction of hydrothermal fluids with country rocks formed calcium-silicate-hydrate (CSH), i.e., tobermorite-afwillite-jennite; calcium-aluminum-silicate-hydrate (CASH) — "cement" phases - i.e., thaumasite, strätlingite and an ettringite-like phase and several different species of zeolites: chabazite-Ca, willhendersonite, gismon-dine, three phases bearing Ca with the same or perhaps lower symmetry of phillipsite-Ca, levyne-Ca and the Ca-rich analogue of merlinoite. In addition, apophyllite-(KF) and/or apophyllite-(KOH), Ca−Ba-carbonates, portlandite and sulphates were present. A new polymorph from the pyrrhotite group, containing three layers of sphalerite-type structure in the unit cell, is reported for the first time. Such a complex association is unique. Most of these minerals are specifically related to hydration processes of: (1) pyrometamorphic metacarbonate/metapelitic rocks (natural analogues of cement clinkers); (2) mineralization between intrusive stocks and slates; and (3) high-calcium, alkaline igneous rocks such as melilitites and foidites as well as carbonatites. The Colle Fabbri outcrop offers an opportunity to study in situ complex crystalline overgrowth and specific crystal chemistry in mineral phases formed in igneous to hydrothermal conditions

    La unión europea y las medidas de atención a los menores de edad no acompañados

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    El objetivo fundamental de este trabajo es describir y analizar la situación de los Menores de Edad No Acompañados (MENAs) en la Unión Europea, así como las políticas de la Unión respecto a estos menores, y la intervención de los diferentes Estados Miembros respecto a esta cuestión. Para ello, realizaremos una aclaración conceptual del término “MENA” y cuáles son las características principales de estas personas (nacionalidad, sexo y edad), las principales rutas migratorias por las que acceden a Europa, con el fin de arrojar luz acerca de este fenómeno y poder comprenderlo en mayor profundidad. Por otro lado, se llevará a cabo una revisión sobre el marco normativo legal de la Unión Europea sobre la acogida y el tratamiento de estas personas en los Estados Miembro. La falta de una legislación específica sobre estos menores y el tratamiento dualista existente entre los diferentes Estados Miembros, diferenciando claramente a los países del norte y a los países del sur del continente serán los elementos clave sobre los que se articulará este trabajo. Para terminar, tras el análisis legislativo mencionado anteriormente, se desarrollarán una serie de propuestas de intervención tanto a nivel legal como educativo, con el fin de favorecer la prevención, la protección y garantizar la inclusión de estas personas en la sociedad europea, salvaguardando los derechos humanos y el bien superior del menor

    Use of natural clays as sorbent materials for rare earth ions: materials characterization and set up of the operative parameters

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    Two mineral clays of the montmorillonite group were tested as sorbents for the removal of Rare Earths (REs) from liquid solutions. Lanthanum and neodymium model solutions were used to perform uptake tests in order to: (a) verify the clays sorption capability, (b) investigate the sorption mechanisms and (c) optimize the experimental parameters, such as contact time and pH. The desorption was also studied, in order to evaluate the feasibility of REs recovery from waters. The adsorption–desorption procedure with the optimized parameters was also tested on a leaching solution obtained by dissolution of a dismantled NdFeB magnet of a hard-disk. The clays were fully characterized after REs adsorption and desorption by means of X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS); the liquid phase was characterized via Inductively Coupled Plasma–Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP–OES) analyses. The experimental results show that both clays are able to capture and release La and Nd ions, with an ion exchange mechanism. The best total efficiency (capture 50%, release 70%) is obtained when the uptake and release processes are performed at pH = 5 and pH = 1 respectively; in real leached scrap solutions, the uptake is around 40% but release efficiency is strongly decreased passing from a mono-ion system to a real system (from 80% to 5%). Furthermore, a strong matrix effect is found, with the matrix largely affecting both the uptake and the release of neodymium

    Lysozyme–Mineral Clay Systems: Comparison of Interaction for Controlled Release in Feed Application

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    A synthetic approach to bond lysozyme (LY) to commercial natural carriers, namely clay minerals (bentonite, BN; and sepiolite, SP) and commercial zeolite (Phil 75((R)), PH), already in use in feed formulation, is proposed. The synthetic route, which implies solid-liquid adsorption, is a simple and effective way for preparing hybrid materials characterized by LY loadings up to 37 mg(LY)/g(carrier). By operating at pH 4.3, initial LY content of 37.5 mg(LY)/g(carrier), and reaction time of 90 min, hybrid materials with LY loadings of 37, 35, and 12 mg(LY)/g(carrier) for LY-SP, LY-BN, and LY-PH, respectively were obtained. The LY initial concentration and pH, as well as the physico-chemical properties of the carries were found to be the parameters that govern the synthesis of the materials. The driving force for an effective LY adsorption and interaction is the combined Zero Point Charge (ZPC) of the carriers, always negative (in the range between 4 and 170 mV) and the positive ZPC of LY, as well as the carrier morphology, characterized by mesoporosity (pore dimensions in the range of 5-12 nm). However, it is the interaction of charges of opposite sign that mainly affects LY loadings and bond strength. Based on SEM-EDX analysis, LY molecules are quite homogeneously spread onto the carriers' surface. TG-DTG analyses showed that the LY-carrier interaction in the hybrid materials is stronger than that in a simple mechanical mixture of the components. Specifically, in the hybrid materials, the phenomenon at 300 degrees C, associated to LY decomposition, is broadened and slightly shifted towards higher temperatures (320-350 degrees C), whereas in a mechanical mixture of the same composition, it occurs at temperatures closer to those of free LY, as if there were no or very weak interactions. At pH 3, a very little LY release, 0.03 and 0.01 mg(LY)/g(carrier), was found for LY-BN and LY-PH, respectively. The latter became larger at pH 7, 0.06 mg(LY)/g(carrier) for both BN and PH carriers, suggesting that BN and PH are better modulators of LY release. The paper provides insights for the study and the development of new optimized feed formulations for the targeted delivery of natural compounds with antimicrobial activity, alternatives to antibiotics, and vaccinal antigens

    Manufatti metallici: cultura umanistica e scientifica strettamente interconnessi

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    Secondo Tucidide, lo scopo dell'archeologia era di "dimostrare di ricostruire il passato non solo attraverso le fonti ma anche attraverso prove scientifiche esatte” evidenziando, quindi, la stretta correlazione che esiste fra cultura umanistica e scientifica (Artioli, 2010). Ecco che i reperti archeologici rinvenuti in aree di scavo o in ritrovamenti subacquei, debitamente interrogati possono raccontarci, in maniera dettagliata, tradizioni, usi, itinerari di viaggio, scambi commerciali delle civiltà che hanno popolato in passato i territori (Parmeggiani, 2003). La presente ricerca si è focalizzata sullo studio di reperti metallici ritrovati duranti gli scavi archeologici nell’area Siris di Policoro (Matera) al fine di ottenere informazioni sulle caratteristiche chimico – fisiche degli oggetti, sulle tecnologie di realizzazione e sullo stato di degrado/corrosione. I reperti, consistenti in: specillo (Fig.1), punta di freccia, tappo di fiaschetta, bastoncino in piombo, arma in ferro, punta di giavellotto e fibula sono stati analizzati attraverso una sinergia di metodologie non distruttive quali Microscopia Ottica (MO), Fluorescenza dei Raggi X (XRF), Diffrazione di Raggi X (XRD), X-ray Photoelecton Spectroscopy (XPS) e Spettroscopia Raman. Sui reperti sono state anche condotte indagini microbiologiche per verificare la presenza di biodeteriogeni. I principali risultati possono essere così riassunti: le analisi XRD mostrano che i campioni sono costituiti essenzialmente da leghe di ferro e alluminio e ossidi di ferro e rame, sovente con incrostazioni di quarzo e calcite, le analisi XRF oltre a rivelare gli elementi maggiori quali Fe, Cu e Zn, rivelano per alcuni campioni tracce di Zn e Pb. Nello specifico, “Spec3” , la cui scheda museale riportava come composizione metallica 100% in ferro, è risultata essere una lega di Cu e Zn con tracce di Fe e Pb .Nessun biodeteriogeno risulta essere presente sugli oggetti analizzati. Fine ultimo della ricerca consisterà nell’identificazione e pianificazione di successivi interventi green di risanamento e consolidamento

    Clinical Features and Outcome of 79 Dogs With Digital Squamous Cell Carcinoma Undergoing Treatment: A SIONCOV Observational Study

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    In dogs, digit squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is uncommon. Clinical signs are frequently underestimated, leading to a diagnostic delay. The purpose of this retrospective study was to report our experience regarding the clinical presentation, diagnostic work-up, treatment and outcome of 79 client-owned dogs with SCC of the digit. The greatest majority (84.8%) of dogs was dark-coated. Schnauzers represented approximately one third of the study population, and had a poorer outcome compared with other breeds. The majority of SCCs occurred in the front limbs (61%), and bone lysis was frequently observed (92.4%). Approximately 9% of dogs had involvement of multiple digits, and this was associated with a shorter time to progression (TTP; P = 0.047). Similarly, a duration of clinical signs >90 days was associated with a shorter TTP (P = 0.02). Regional lymph node metastases were documented in 17.7% of dogs at admission and were significantly associated with tumor-related death (P < 0.001). At presentation, none of the dogs had evidence of distant metastasis. Digit amputation achieved adequate local tumor control in the majority of cases. Adjuvant chemotherapy and radiation therapy were carried out in 21.5% of cases, with uncertain benefit. Due to the relatively non-aggressive clinical behavior of digit SCC, chemotherapy should only be offered in the case of metastatic disease. Approximately one fourth of dogs developed de novo SCCs during the follow-up. Careful examination of the digits should be encouraged in breeds considered at high risk and in dogs with a previous history of digital SCC

    Feline large granular lymphocyte lymphoma: An Italian Society of Veterinary Oncology (SIONCOV) retrospective study

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    Feline large granular lymphocyte (LGL) lymphoma is an uncommon subtype of lymphoma characterized by a grave prognosis and scarce response to chemotherapy. There are limited reports on clinico-pathological and prognostic factors. One-hundred and 9 cats with newly diagnosed LGL lymphoma that underwent initial staging (including hematology, serum biochemistry, thoracic radiographs and abdominal ultrasound), and followed-up were retrospectively evaluated. LGL lymphoma was localized within the gastrointestinal tract with or without extra-intestinal involvement in 91.7% of the cases, and at extra-gastrointestinal sites in 8.3%. Symptoms were frequent. Anemia (31.2%) and neutrophilia (26.6%) were commonly observed, and 14 (12.8%) cats had neoplastic circulating cells. Frequent biochemistry abnormalities included elevated ALT (39.4%) and hypoalbuminemia (28.4%). Twenty (54.1%) of 37 cats had elevated serum LDH. Treatment varied among cats, and included surgery (11%), chemotherapy (23%), corticosteroids (38.5%) and no treatment (27.5%). Median time to progression (MTTP) was 5 days, and median survival time (MST) 21 days. MST was significantly shorter in the case of substage b, circulating neoplastic cells, lack of chemotherapy administration, and lack of treatment response. A small subset of cats (7.3%) survived more than 6 months, suggesting that a more favorable clinical course can be found among LGL lymphoma patients