31 research outputs found

    A Soft Computing Method for Efficient Modelling of Smart Cities Noise Pollution

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    Noise pollution is one of the most relevant problems in urban area. The main source of noise pollution is the number and type of motor vehicles, but other parameters depending on street configuration yield to a system hardly to be exactly modelled by classical mathematical methods. Smart cities are expected to dynamically control the urban traffic to reduce not just traffic jams, but also to ensure a comfortable noise level for inhabitants. This article gives a design method for efficient genetic fuzzy modelling of traffic generated smart cities noise pollution based on fuzzy logic, multi objective genetic algorithm, gradient descent optimisation and singular value decomposition in the MATLAB environment. Genetic algorithms with objectives to minimise the maximum absolute identification error, the root mean square of the identification error, reduce model complexity and ensure maximal numerical robustness are applied to Zadeh type fuzzy partition membership function parameters preliminary identification, and then gradient descent method is used for their fine-tuning optimization, while the fuzzy rule consequence linear parameters are calculated by singular value decomposition method to find the least squares optimal training data fitting of the model. The training data set is built from measured data, combined with carefully selected simulation data to ensure the completeness of the model and its numerical robustness. Detailed analysis of the method and results by computer simulation of the identification process show the validity of the proposed method

    When to sell the ill cow?

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    In Hungary hundreds of thousands of cows produce milk for us. A common disease of them is mastitis that influences their productivity and profitability substantially. The usual practice is to decide on a rule of thumb basis whether the ill cow should be kept or sold. E.g. they are kept till the fifth mastitis case occurs. The present study investigates this problem from a mathematical modelling point of view. The relative amount of the possible lost profit is in the order of magnitude of 10s of percentages, which is quite large, especially regarding the profitability outlooks of the dairy branch. The problem lies in the personal relationship of the farmers to the cows, and in the complexity of the estimation of the uncertain future scenarios. We present a model that is based on collected historical data on the distribution of several model parameters such as the length of the illness, the amount of medicine needed, the number of inseminations required to get into the next lactation cycle etc. The applied methodology is microsimulation (i.e. we simulate all possible events one-by-one) and stochastic optimization. Our typical result is a suggested decision on the basis of the expected value of the profit/loss for the given animal. We report on the first results that confirm our research expectations in terms of improvement of the business decision. The ongoing research will focus on a recommendation system type data mining technology that can utilize the local specialties of the actual dairy farm in question, and to validate the additional advantage involved in it

    Culti-sequence of village garden soils on the Great Hungarian Plain

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    A tanulmány az Alföldön jellemző településperemi talajsorok antropogén hatás erőssége szerint sorba rendezett jellegzetes talajsor tulajdonságait és WRB osztályozás szerinti jellemzőit mutatja be

    Város és reprezentáció = City, urbanity and representation

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    A 2004-ben induló, több önálló projektet magában foglaló kutatás középpontjában annak vizsgálata állt, hogy miképpen fonódik egybe egy város fizikai valósága kulturális képekkel, képzetekkel, történetekkel és társadalmi imaginációkkal. Azt vizsgáltuk meg, hogyan jelennek meg a városi terek irodalmi szövegekben, élettörténetekben, emlékezési rítusokban, a térhasználatban, különböző performance-okban. Elemeztük a térhasználat, azaz a terek kulturális jelentéssel telítésének folyamatait. Vizsgáltuk, hogy milyen térhasználati módok léteznek, ezek milyen összefüggéseket mutatnak konkrét történeti, társadalmi időszakokkal, a kollektív, vagy a személyes emlékezet síkjaival, az egyéni, vagy a közösségi identitás gyakorlataival. Célkitűzésünk kettős volt. Egyrészt azoknak az általános szimbolikus mechanizmusoknak és reprezentációs stratégiáknak a megmutatására törekedtünk, amelyek révén egy adott földrajzi térből belakott, bejárt, használt, leírt, eljátszott, emlékezett, azaz kulturálisan létrehozott tér, város lesz. Másrészt azt térképeztük föl, hogy milyen az a konkrét kulturális kontextus, melyek azok a sajátos tartalmak, képek és mítoszok, társadalmi és szimbolikus gyakorlatok, amelyek a szimbolikus értelemben vett Pécset megalkotják. Ez a kettős perspektíva az egyes projekteken belül, de azok egymásraépülésén, a különböző témák, módszerek és nézőpontok között létrejövő "dialógusban" is érvényesült. A támogatott időszakban a kutatómunka eredményeit konferenciákon, tanulmányokban, tanulmánykötetekben, és kiállítások létrehozásával prezentáltuk. | This project has been started in 2004. The project has focused on the issue of relationship between physical reality of cities and its cultural images, imaginations, histories. We have investigated how urban spaces appear in literary texts, biographies, rites of memories and in different performances. We analysed different processes of use of urban space, and of its cultural meanings. We dissect the different forms of use of urban space, and its relationships to given historical and social periods, to different aspects of collective and personal memory, to practices of collective and individual identity. The project had a double aim. We were going to describe those symbolic mechanisms and strategies of representations which turned geographical space into lived, used, memorized cultural space, into a city. At the same time we analysed and described the cultural context of contents, images, and myths, which create symbolically the city of Pécs. This double perspective in each parts of the project, its interconnection, the relationship between different themes, methods, and approaches has been expressed in "dialogs" between the projects. During this time we presented the products of our research on conferences, in volumes, books, and exhibitions

    When to sell the ill cow?

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    In Hungary hundreds of thousands of cows produce milk for us. A common disease of them is mastitis that influences their productivity and profitability substantially. The usual practice is to decide on a rule of thumb basis whether the ill cow should be kept or sold. E.g. they are kept till the fifth mastitis case occurs. The present study investigates this problem from a mathematical modelling point of view. The relative amount of the possible lost profit is in the order of magnitude of 10s of percentages, which is quite large, especially regarding the profitability outlooks of the dairy branch. The problem lies in the personal relationship of the farmers to the cows, and in the complexity of the estimation of the uncertain future scenarios. We present a model that is based on collected historical data on the distribution of several model parameters such as the length of the illness, the amount of medicine needed, the number of inseminations required to get into the next lactation cycle etc. The applied methodology is microsimulation (i.e. we simulate all possible events one-by-one) and stochastic optimization. Our typical result is a suggested decision on the basis of the expected value of the profit/loss for the given animal. We report on the first results that confirm our research expectations in terms of improvement of the business decision. The ongoing research will focus on a recommendation system type data mining technology that can utilize the local specialties of the actual dairy farm in question, and to validate the additional advantage involved in it

    Culti-sequence of village garden soils on the Great Hungarian Plain

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    A tanulmány az Alföldön jellemző településperemi talajsorok antropogén hatás erőssége szerint sorba rendezett jellegzetes talajsor tulajdonságait és WRB osztályozás szerinti jellemzőit mutatja be