101 research outputs found

    Prvi podaci o staništu, prehrani i dužinsko-masenom odnosu vrste Gobius incognitus Kovačić & Šanda, 2016 (Pisces: Gobiidae)

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    In this work, we present first data on biological and ecological aspects of Gobius incognitus from specimens from the Ionian Sea (central Mediterranean Sea). In particular, we provided first data on habitat preference, diet and length-weight relationship of G. incognitus on material with confirmed species identity. The species preferred “mixed bottom” (sand and rocks), where it reached relatively high abundances. The diet analysis showed that G. incognitus is a generalist and opportunistic feeder. However, small benthic crustaceans were the most important prey group. The mean total length of specimens was 6.72 ± 1.85 cm and the growth was positive allometric.U ovom radu iznose se prvi podatci o biološkim i ekološkim značajkama vrste Gobius incognitus na temelju uzoraka iz Jonskog mora (središnji dio Sredozemnog mora). Posebno se ističu podatci o staništu, prehrani i dužnsko - masenom odnosu. Vrsta Gobius incognituspreferirala je „miješano dno“ (pijesak i stijene), gdje je dostigla relativno veliku brojnost. Analiza prehrane pokazala je da G. incognitus slijedi oportunistički način prehrane. Međutim, mali bentoski rakovi bili su najvažniji plijen. Srednja ukupna dužina iznosila je 6,72 ± 1,85 cm, a rast je bio alometrijski pozitivan

    Novi zapisi dviju bitnica s jugoistočne obale Sicilije (Jonsko more) i razmatranja o njihovoj prisutnosti i obilju

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    New records of Pseudocaranx dentex (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) and Seriola fasciata (Bloch, 1793) are reported from the Mediterranean Sea. During the period 2013-2017, we have collected several records of both species from the south-east coast of Sicily (Ionian Sea). On the basis of our and published data, we can consider S. fasciata as a relatively common species in the area, commonly caught with purse seine around FADs in summer and autumn; while, P. dentex remains basically a rare species, occasionally caught with trammel nets or gillnets. This work represents the first well-documented records of both carangid species in the south-east coast of Sicily.U ovom radu se iznosi novi nalaz šnjurka Pseudocaranx dentex (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) i Seriola fasciata (Bloch, 1793) u Sredozemnom moru. Tijekom razdoblja 2013.-2017. autori su za obje vrste prikupili nekoliko zapisa o nalazu s jugoistočne obale Sicilije (Jonsko more). Na temelju autorskih i drugih objavljenih podataka, S. fasciata može se smatrati relativno čestom vrstom na tom području, obično uhvaćenom mrežom plivaricom oko FAD-ova u ljeto i jesen; dok je P. dentex rijetka vrsta povremeno ulovljena trostrukim ili jednostrukim mrežama stajaćicama. U ovom se radu iznose dokumentirani nalazi obje bitnice na jugoistočnoj obali Sicilije

    Prvi potvrđeni zapis o vrsti Pomatoschistus microps(Krøyer,1838) (Pisus: Gobiidae) iz Jonskog mora s bilješkama o staništu i rasprostranjenosti

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    Two specimens of the common goby (Pomatoschistus microps) were observed in the estuarine environment of the River Asinaro (Sicily). These records represent the easternmost and southernmost observations of the species in the Mediterranean Sea, and the first confirmed record in the Ionian Sea (central Mediterranean Sea). We also provide notes about its habitat and current distribution in the Mediterranean Sea.Dvije jedinke vrste Pomatoschistus microps zabilježene su u okolišu ušća rijeke Asinaro (Sicilija).Ovaj nalaz predstavlja najistočniji i najjužniji nalaz vrste u Sredozemnom moru i prvi potvrđeni nalaz u Jonskom moru. Također se navodi njegovo stanište kao i trenutna rasprostranjenost u Sre-dozemnom moru

    Design of power-blocks for medium-scale supercritical carbon dioxide plants

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    For power production, the emerging technologies of supercritical carbon dioxide (S-CO2) cycles show potential advantages if compared to conventional plants. The current bottleneck in exploiting such cycles is the development of novel components such as turbomachines and heat-exchangers. This paper focuses on the layout arrangement and machinery design of a novel power block for a 10 to 15 MW supercritical carbon dioxide plant. The applied design procedure involves 0D and 1D models implemented using an in-house Fortran code, and 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analyses using ANSYS-CFX. Novel configurations of the power block were designed, starting with the same primary thermal source. At nominal conditions, expected overall output powers from 13.2 to 16.2 MW were found. Finally, some qualitative considerations were included in the discussion to compare the analysed arrangements

    Continuity, Resilience, and Change in Rural Settlement Patterns from the Roman to Islamic Period in the Sicani Mountains (Central-Western Sicily)

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    This study aims to analyze the dynamics of change in settlement models from the Roman, late antique, and Byzantine periods, focusing on how these transformations influenced the formation of Islamic societies in the rural landscapes of western Sicily. The study is centered around the territory of Corleone in the Sicani Mountains (central-western Sicily). This region, strategically located between the significant cities of Palermo on the Tyrrhenian Sea and Agrigento on the Strait of Sicily, has been pivotal in the communication network spanning from the Roman era to the Middle Ages and beyond. The area has been subject to extensive surveys and excavations, revealing diverse dynamics of continuity, resilience, and innovation in settlement patterns from the Roman to the Islamic periods. Beyond presenting the results of archaeological fieldwork, this study employs GIS-based spatial and statistical analyses and utilizes a range of topographic (elevation, slope, aspect, topographic position index (TPI), and distance to water sources) and ecological factors (vegetation series). These analyses aim to assess the evolving relationships and site positioning within the territory over time. Combining archaeological data with topographic and ecological landscape analysis, this integrated approach elucidates the complex transition dynamics from the Roman settlement system to the Islamic age's landscape formation in western Sicily's rural areas. The study thereby contributes to a deeper understanding of the intricate interplay between historical developments and environmental factors in shaping rural settlement patterns

    MiR-200c-3p maintains stemness and proliferative potential in adipose-derived stem cells by counteracting senescence mechanisms

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    Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ASCs) are promising therapeutic tools in regenerative medicine because they possess self-renewal, differentiation and immunomodulatory capacities. After isolation, ASCs are passaged multiple times in vitro passages to obtain a sufficient amount of cells for clinical applications. During this time-consuming procedure, ASCs become senescent and less proliferative, compromising their clinical efficacy. Here, we sought to investigate how in vitro passages impact ASC proliferation/senescence and expression of immune regulatory proteins. MicroRNAs are pivotal regulators of ASC physiology. Particularly, miR-200c is known to maintain pluripotency and targets the immune checkpoint Programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1). We therefore investigated its involvement in these critical characteristics of ASCs during in vitro passages. We found that when transiently expressed, miR-200c-3p promotes proliferation, maintains stemness, and contrasts senescence in late passaged ASCs. Additionally, this miRNA modulates PD-L1 and Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase (IDO1) expression, thus most likely interfering with the immunoregulatory capacity of ASCs. Based on our results, we suggest that expression of miR-200c-3p may prime ASC towards a self-renewing phenotype by improving their in vitro expansion. Contrarily, its inhibition is associated with senescence, reduced proliferation and induction of immune regulators. Our data underline the potential use of miR-200c-3p as a switch for ASCs reprogramming and their clinical application

    VizieR Online Data Catalog: BR light curves of GJ1214b (Nascimbeni+, 2015)

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    We observed two complete transits of GJ1214b during the nights of March 29 and May 17, 2012 with the LBC camera mounted at the double 8.4m Large Binocular Telescope (LBT). We mounted a Bessel B and Bessel R filter on the blue and red channel, respectively. (4 data files)