40 research outputs found
Using Photovoice to Examine and Initiate Youth Empowerment in Community-Based Programs: A Picture of Process and Lessons Learned
Photovoice is a creative, participatory action research method that puts cameras in the hands of people whose voice is often hushed by the power elite, such as youth, to document issues and concerns as perceived by that group. Adult society provides youth few opportunities to positively influence the laws and regulations that govern their lives or the policies of programs in which they participate. Communitybased programs are one channel for youth to gain skills and opportunities for changing the community context in which they live. Mechanisms to facilitate youth empowerment in these programs, however, are currently vague and imprecise. Photovoice was implemented in two community-based youth programs in South Carolina to examine and initiate youth empowerment in those communities. This article details the process and lessons learned from conducting Photovoice with youth in out-of-school, community-based youth program settings. While roadblocks appeared for both the youth researchers and the universitybased investigative team, the Photovoice method was embraced by the youth who participated in the research process. Some challenges the investigative team experienced for implementation included geographic distance between the Photovoice project facilitator and the youth, challenges of working with youth and their competing commitments, an uncertainty of youth expectations, and underestimation of time and other resources
Acculturation, Body Mass Index, Waist Circumference, and Physical Activity in Mexican Origin Women
Purpose: Longer time in the United States (US) is associated with increased risk of obesity in Hispanic immigrants, particularly for women. Although previous research has established an association between nutrition and acculturation, little attention has focused on physical activity. In this study, we examine the associations between acculturation on Mexican origin women’s body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), and report of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA).
Method: Mexican origin women ≥18 years (n=120) from South Carolina (n=60) and Texas Lower Rio Grande Valley (n=60) completed a survey and anthropometric measures. Participants reported MVPA in hours per week, country of birth, age at migration (\u3c16\u3eyears, 16-25 years, and ≥26 years), and language use. Using these latter two as indicators of acculturation, we evaluated associations between acculturation and BMI, WC, and MVPA.
Results: Age standardized means for BMI indicated lowest BMI and waist circumference measures among women either with middle-range English language proficiency or who had immigrated to the US between the ages of 16-25; however, the relationship with BMI was more robust. Age standardized means for MVPA show that women who migrated at younger ages (\u3c16\u3eyears) had the lowest MVPA levels, followed by those migrating as younger adults (16-25 years), then adults (≥26 years). Similarly, women with lowest English proficiency levels had the lowest reported MVPA and those with highest English proficiency had highest reported MVPA.
Conclusions: The relationship between acculturation and obesity and MVPA is multifaceted. While the relationship between MVPA and the two indicators of acculturation appear to be linear, the direction of association varied by acculturation indicator. Moreover, the association with acculturation indicators and measures of obesity was not linear. The findings from this study have implications in how researchers interpret the relationship between acculturation, obesity and obesity risk factors
The health of women and girls determines the health and well-being of our modern world: A White Paper From the International Council on Women's Health Issues
The International Council on Women's Health Issues (ICOWHI) is an international nonprofit association dedicated to the goal of promoting health, health care, and well-being of women and girls throughout the world through participation, empowerment, advocacy, education, and research. We are a multidisciplinary network of women's health providers, planners, and advocates from all over the globe. We constitute an international professional and lay network of those committed to improving women and girl's health and quality of life. This document provides a description of our organization mission, vision, and commitment to improving the health and well-being of women and girls globally
Feminist Narrative Interpretations: Chachenges, Tensions and Opportunities for Nurse Researches
An affinity for narrative is shared by researchers across a broad range of disciplines. Narrative inquiry is an option for nurse researchers who are interested in using qualitative methods to explore experiences with nursing, health and illness. In this paper, we discuss the methodological and epistemological challenges, tensions and opportunities we encountered in the process of developing feminist narrative interpretations, an approach to narrative inquiry grounded in both nursing and feminist perspectives.La afinidad por la narrativa la comparten los investigadores de muchas disciplinas. Los estudios sobre narrativa son una opción para las enfermeras investigadoras interesadas en utilizar métodos cualitativos, para analizar sus experiencias en enfermería, salud y enfermedad. En este trabajo discutimos los retos metológicos y epistemológicos, las tensiones y oportunidades que hemos encontrado en el proceso para desarrollar interpretaciones de una narrativa feminista, y la aproximación de los estudios de narrativa, basados tanto en perspectivas feministas como en enfermería
Feminist Narrative Interpretations: Chachenges, Tensions and Opportunities for Nurse Researches
La afinidad por la narrativa la comparten los investigadores de muchas disciplinas. Los estudios sobre narrativa son una opción para las enfermeras investigadoras interesadas en utilizar métodos cualitativos, para analizar sus experiencias en enfermería, salud y enfermedad. En este trabajo discutimos los retos metológicos y epistemológicos, las tensiones y oportunidades que hemos encontrado en el proceso para desarrollar interpretaciones de una narrativa feminista, y la aproximación de los estudios de narrativa, basados tanto en perspectivas feministas como en enfermería
Feminist Narrative Interpretations: Chachenges, Tensions and Opportunities for Nurse Researches
La afinidad por la narrativa la comparten los investigadores de muchas disciplinas. Los estudios sobre narrativa son una opción para las enfermeras investigadoras interesadas en utilizar métodos cualitativos, para analizar sus experiencias en enfermería, salud y enfermedad. En este trabajo discutimos los retos metológicos y epistemológicos, las tensiones y oportunidades que hemos encontrado en el proceso para desarrollar interpretaciones de una narrativa feminista, y la aproximación de los estudios de narrativa, basados tanto en perspectivas feministas como en enfermería.An affinity for narrative is shared by researchers across a broad range of disciplines. Narrative inquiry is an option for nurse researchers who are interested in using qualitative methods to explore experiences with nursing, health and illness. In this paper, we discuss the methodological and epistemological challenges, tensions and opportunities we encountered in the process of developing feminist narrative interpretations, an approach to narrative inquiry grounded in both nursing and feminist perspectives
05. Feminist narrative(40-49)
ABSTRACT An affinity for narrative is shared by researchers across a broad range of disciplines. Narrative inquiry is an option for nurse researchers who are interested in using qualitative methods to explore experiences with nursing, health and illness. In this paper, we discuss the methodological and epistemological challenges, tensions and opportunities we encountered in the process of developing feminist narrative interpretations, an approach to narrative inquiry grounded in both nursing and feminist perspectives. KEY WORDS: Feminist research, narrative, narrative interpretation, nursing research, qualitative research methods RESUMEN La afinidad por la narrativa la comparten los investigadores de muchas disciplinas. Los estudios sobre narrativa son una opción para las enfermeras investigadoras interesadas en utilizar métodos cualitativos, para analizar sus experiencias en enfermería, salud y enfermedad. En este trabajo discutimos los retos metológicos y epistemológicos, las tensiones y oportunidades que hemos encontrado en el proceso para desarrollar interpretaciones de una narrativa feminista, y la aproximación de los estudios de narrativa, basados tanto en perspectivas feministas como en enfermería. PALABRAS CLAVE: Investigación feminista, narrativa, narrativa interpretativa, investigación en enfermería, métodos de investigación cualitativa * Ph.D., RN Associate Professor College of Nursing and Women's Studies Program University o
Patterns of Communication Technology Utilization for Health Information Among Hispanics in South Carolina: Implications for Health Equity
Background: Language, culture, geographic, social, and economic factors are associated with health disparities. Among more recent Hispanic immigrants, limited English proficiency and immigration status are barriers to health information and healthcare access. Improved access to culturally and linguistically tailored health information through technology could potentially enhance healthcare access and health outcomes. However, little is known about health information-seeking through technology among Hispanics in recent settlement areas.
Purpose: The aim of this exploratory study was to describe patterns of self-reported utilization of technology for health information-seeking among the growing Hispanic population in South Carolina (SC) over a period of 5 years.
Methods: Descriptive, community-based, cross-sectional survey of 361 Hispanic adults residing in SC, conducted in 2011 and 2015/2016.
Results: Reflective of reported national trends, self-reported accessibility and utilization of cellphones increased (89–96.6%) among this sample. Although computer ownership decreased (58–53.9%), internet utilization for health information-seeking increased (45–57.8%); more than 80% of participants indicated that they considered the internet a “good source of health information.” The majority of participants in both time periods conducted health information searches in Spanish, although the reported access to English-language information increased over time.
Conclusions: These findings illustrate the increasing access and utilization of technology for health information among Hispanics in SC, underscoring the need for broader dissemination of culturally and linguistically appropriate health information through accessible technology, including Spanish language websites. Recommendations for future research include examining relationships between technology access, health service access and utilization, and health behaviors among Hispanics in diverse geographic and social contexts