12 research outputs found

    Relativni udio kognitivnih čimbenika i osobina ličnosti u objaŔnjavanju praznovjerja

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati mogućnost objaÅ”njenja izraženosti praznovjerja kognitivnim faktorima i osobinama ličnosti. U skladu s ciljem postavljeni su sljedeći problemi: (1) Ispitati povezanost kognitivnih faktora (inteligencije, kognitivne refleksivnosti i racionalno ā€“ intuitivnog miÅ”ljenja) i praznovjerja; (2) ispitati povezanost osobina ličnosti (ekstraverzije, ugodnosti, savjesnosti, emocionalne stabilnosti i intelekta) s praznovjerjem; (3) Ispitati relativnu prediktivnu valjanost kognitivnih faktora i osobina ličnosti za praznovjerje. Istraživanje je provedeno na prigodnom uzorku od 86 studenata psihologije, od čega 75 žena, 10 muÅ”karaca te jedne osobe koja nije obilježila spol. Prosječna dob iznosila je M=20,9 godine (SD=1,34), a raspon dobi sudionika kretao se od 19-27 godina.Racionalno miÅ”ljenje, koje se odnosi na potrebu za spoznajom, negativno je povezano s praznovjerjem, a intuitivno miÅ”ljenje, koje se odnosi na vjerovanje intuiciji, pozitivno je povezano s praznovjerjem. Ostali kognitivni faktori nisu se pokazali povezanima s praznovjerjem. Nadalje, pokazalo se da je emocionalna stabilnost jedina od osobina ličnosti povezana s praznovjerjem, i to negativno. Iako su kognitivni faktori uspjeÅ”no predviđali praznovjerje, osobine ličnosti su ga slabo objaÅ”njavali. Izgleda da, osim emocionalnom stabilnoŔću, praznovjerje zaista ne možemo objasniti nečijom ličnoŔću te ovi nalazi stavljaju praznovjerje u domenu pretežno kognitivnog konstrukta. Osnovni nedostaci ovog istraživanja leže u uzorku koji je prigodan, relativno malen i rodno neujednačen. Nisu replicirane dobre metrijske karakteristike za neke mjere, Å”to upućuje na potrebu za dodatnom validacijom i(li) konstrukcijom mjera prikladnih za naÅ”u populaciju.The aim of this study was to investigate the predictability of superstious beliefs using some cognitive factors and personality traits. The following problems have been set: (1) Investigate the correlation between cognitive factors (intelligence, cognitive reflexivity and rational ā€“ intuitive thinking) and superstitious beliefs; (2) Investigate the correlation between personality traits (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability and intellect) and superstitious beliefs; (3) Investigate the predictive validity of cognitive factors and personality traits in predicting superstitious beliefs. The participants were selected occasionally ā€“ 86 psychology students (75 females; 10 men; 1 undefined); participants were considered regarding the criteria of all presented measures solved. The average age was 20,9 years (SD=1,34) and the age range was 19-27 years. Rational thinking, referring to need for cognition, correlates with superstitious beliefs negatively. Intuitive thinking, referring to faith in intuition, correlates with superstitious beliefs positively. It is shown that emotional stability, only of all the personality traits, correlates with superstitious beliefs, negatively. Although the cognitive factors successfully predict superstitious beliefs, the personal traits did it poorly. It appears that, beside the emotional stability, personality traits cannot predict superstitious beliefs. The results presented in this research place superstitious beliefs predominantly in the cognitive domain. This researchā€™s main deficiencies can be found in our participantsā€™ structure ā€“ occasional selection, relatively small number and gender unleveled participants. The quality metric characteristics have not been repeated in our research for all the measures, which addresses to necessity for further validation and/or construction the more appropriate measures for domestic population

    Cistični limfangiom mezenterija jejunuma koji oponaŔa akutni apendicitis: prikaz slučaja

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    Cystic lymphangiomas of the small bowel mesentery are rare manifestations of intra-abdominal tumors. Usually, they are discovered incidentally during examination for an unrelated abdominal illness. We present a case of a 4-year-old boy who was admitted to our hospital because of the right lower quadrant acute abdominal pain suspect of acute appendicitis. At laparotomy, a giant, cystic, encapsulated and lipomatous mesenterial mass was found, 15x15x10 cm in size, infiltrating the jejunum. The tumor was located 70 cm from Treitzā€™s ligament. Extirpation of tumor mass with intestinal resection of the involved loops was necessary. Pathologic examination confirmed the diagnosis of mesenteric cystic lymphangioma. Although they are rare, cystic mesenteric lymphangiomas should be considered as a possible cause of acute abdomen and treated with surgical resection. Prognosis after surgical removal is excellent.Cistični limfangiomi mezenterija tankog crijeva pripadaju rijetkim intraabdominalnim tumorima. Obično se nađu slučajno tijekom obrade zbog neodređene trbuÅ”ne boli. Prikazuje se slučaj četverogodiÅ”njeg dječaka hospitaliziranog zbog bolova u donjem desnom abdominalnom kvadrantu sumnjivih na akutnu upalu crvuljka. Nakon učinjene laparotomije naÅ”la se velika, cistična, inkapsulirana, lipomatozna mezenterijska masa veličine 15x15x10 cm koja je infiltrirala jejunum. Tumor je bio smjeÅ”ten oko 70 cm aboralno od Treitzova ligamenta. Učinjena je ekstirpacija tumora s infiltriranom jejunalnom vijugom. PatohistoloÅ”ki nalaz je potvrdio dijagnozu mezenterijskog cističnog limfangioma. Iako rijetki, cistični mezenterijski limfangiomi se mogu smatrati mogućim uzrokom akutne abdominalne boli i liječiti kirurÅ”kom resekcijom. Prognoza je nakon kirurÅ”kog odstranjenja odlična

    Coloanal anastomosis in the treatment of congenital megacolon in children: case report

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    Kongenitalni megakolon ili Hirschprungovu bolest prvi put je opisao Harold Hirschprung. To je urođena crijevna aganglioza kao rezultat poremećaja u fetalnom razvoju mienteričkog živčanog sustava. Normalan motilitet crijeva ovisi o koordiniranim segmentalnim kontrakcijskim valovima koji slijede neposredno nakon opuÅ”tanja glatkih miÅ”ića. Bolesnicima s Hirschprungovom boleŔću nedostaje funkcionalni mienterički živčani sustav u zahvaćenom distalnom crijevu pa imaju nedjelotvornu distalnu peristaltiku. Klinički rezultat je neuspjeÅ”no pasiranje mekonija ubrzo nakon rođenja, zatvor, distendiran trbuh, palpabilne vijuge crijeva, povraćanje, proljevaste vodenaste stolice, slabo napredovanje tjelesne mase, spor rast i malapsorpcija. Aganglionarni distalni segment crijeva je razlog dilatacije proksimalnog dijela debelog crijeva ili nesposobnosti otvaranja analnog sfi nkternog sustava. Hirschprungova bolest zahvaća između 1:5 000 do 1:8 000 živorođene djece. Većina slučajeva dijagnosticira se prije 10. godine života. Bolesnici se povremeno prezentiraju ovim tegobama u kasnijoj dobi. Nedavno smo operirali 12-godiÅ”njeg bolesnika s ovim stanjem. Najprije smo izveli kirurÅ”ku resekciju rektosigmoidnog kolona sa zatvaranjem bataljka rektuma i formiranjem kolostome, Hartmannov zahvat. Tri mjeseca nakon toga obavili smo ekstirpaciju rektuma i formirali koloanalnu anastomozu. Postoperativni tijek, stanje bolesnika i klinički testovi pokazali su da je ovakav način liječenja kongenitalnog megakolona bio uspjeÅ”an, Å”to je bila i svrha ovog prikaza bolesnika.Congenital megacolon or Hirschsprungā€™s disease was fi rst described by Harold Hirschsprung. It is a congenital intestinal aganglionosis as a result of arrested fetal development of the myenteric nervous system. Normal intestinal motility depends on a coordinated segmental contraction waves followed immediately by smooth muscle relaxation as it propagates caudally. Patients with Hirschsprungā€™s disease lack functional myenteric nervous system in the aff ected distal intestine and have ineff ective distal peristalsis. The clinical outcomes are failure to pass meconium shortly after birth, constipation, abdominal distension, palpable loops of bowel, vomiting, watery diarrhea in the newborn, poor weight gain, slow growth and malabsorption. The aganglionic distal segment of the bowel is the reason for dilatation of the proximal part of the colon or opening debility of the anal sphincter system. Hirschsprungā€™s disease is aff ecting 1:5000 to 1:8000 live births. Most cases are diagnosed before the patient is 10 years of age. Occasionally, patients present with this problem at a later age. Recently we operated on a 12-year-old patient with this condition. First we performed surgical resection of the rectosigmoid colon with closure of the rectal stump and formation of an end colostomy, also known as Hartmannā€™s procedure. Three months later, the rectum was extirpated and coloanal anastomosis formed. Based on the uneventful postoperative course, good patientā€™s condition and clinical tests, the treatment of congenital megacolon was successful


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    Inflamatorni miofibroblastični tumor (IMT) benigna je novotvorina koja uglavnom zahvaća pluća kod djece. Od svih tumora pluća javlja se u 0,7%.1 Brunn je tumor prvi opisao 1939. godine.2 Postavljanje sigurne dijagnoze veoma je teÅ”ko i često moguće tek nakon resekcije tumora. Mi želimo prikazati 13-godiÅ”nju bolesnicu s plućnim IMT-om koja je duže vrijeme kaÅ”ljala, imala zaduhu i osjećaj nelagode u prsnom koÅ”u. Rendgenska snimka, kao i kompjutorizirana tomografija pokazale su prisutnost tumorske mase u donjem plućnom režnju s desne strane. Njezini klinički i radioloÅ”ki nalazi nisu bili specifični da bi se mogla utvrditi dijagnoza pa se indicirao kirurÅ”ki zahvat. Sam zahvat i postoperativni tijek protekli su bez komplikacija. Tumor je odstranjen u cijelosti, histoloÅ”ki je potvrđen upalni miofibroblastični tumor pluća. Bolesnica je 2 godine nakon operacije bila bez kliničkih znakova recidiva bolesti.Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor (IMT) is a rare benign neoplasm, mainly involving the lungs of the children. It represents 0.7% of all lung tumors.1 It was first described by Brunn in 1939.2 Diagnosis is very difficult and often only possible after resection of the tumor. We would like to present a case of pulmonary IMT in a 13-year-old girl who presented with symptoms like cough, shortness of breath , and chest discomfort. Chest X ray and computed tomography revealed the presence of a right lower lobe lung mass. Its clinical and radiological findings were diverse and non specific. The mass was removed in toto, histopathology confirmed the inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor of the lung. Intraoperative and postoperative courses were uneventful. The patient has been without any signs of relapse 2 years after the surgery

    Anxiety and depression as a permanent threat to modern society

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    Uvod: Sve veći broj mentalnih poremećaja u populaciji dovodi se u vezu s urbanizacijom, tehnoloÅ”kim razvojem i modernim načinom života. Unatoč razlikama, simptomi anksioznosti i depresije mogu biti jednaki pa je važno pravilno dijagnosticirati bolest. S obzirom na sve viÅ”e pacijenata s anksioznoŔću i depresijom te na važnost pružanja adekvatne podrÅ”ke i sestrinske njege pacijentima s ovim mentalnim poremećajima, važna je prevencija i prepoznavanje ovih stanja kao vodećih mentalnih bolesti modernog vremena. Postupci: KoriÅ”tenje sekundarnih podataka za prikaz najvažnijih spoznaja o anksioznosti i depresiji iz stručne i znanstvene literature. Prikaz teme: Anksioznost je jedan od najčeŔćih mentalnih poremećaja u modernom druÅ”tvu, a najčeŔće se javlja nakon izrazito stresne situacije ili događaja koji stvara tugu i strah, poput gubitka voljene osobe. Depresija je drugačiji mentalni poremećaj od anksioznosti. Riječ je o poremećaju raspoloženja, dok je anksioznost živčani poremećaj. Mentalni poremećaji, među kojima i anksioznost i depresija, imaju značajan utjecaj na funkcioniranje ljudi, produktivnost, gubitak posla i smanjenje radne sposobnosti. Adekvatan status funkcioniranja je presudan za kvalitetu života, a održavanje produktivne radne snage, zapoÅ”ljavanje i zadržavanje najproduktivnijeg osoblja presudni su za poslovanje. Zaključak: Medicinske sestre uključene u njegu pacijenata s anksioznoŔću i depresijom imaju zadaću pratiti stanje pacijenata i upravljati tijekom liječenja, one prate uzimaju li pacijenti redovito propisanu terapiju te ako je to potrebno savjetuju pacijente o važnosti zdravog načina života. Sestrinska njega se temelji na individualnom i holističkom pristupu svakom pacijentu, ali i obitelji koja traži savjet o tome kako pomoći članu obitelji koji se bori s anksioznoŔću ili depresijom.Anxiety and depression as a permanent threat to modern society Introduction: An increasing number of mental disorders in the population is associated with urbanization, technological development, and the modern way of life. Despite the differences, symptoms of anxiety and depression can be the same, so it is important to diagnose them correctly. Given the growing number of patients with anxiety and depression, the importance of providing adequate support and nursing care to patients with these mental disorders, it is important to prevent and recognize these conditions as the leading mental illnesses of modern times. Procedure: Using secondary data to present the most important findings on anxiety and depression in the professional and scientific literature. Overview: Anxiety is one of the most common mental disorders in modern society and most commonly occurs after an extremely stressful situation or event that creates sadness and fear, such as the loss of a loved one. Depression is a different mental disorder than anxiety. It is a mood disorder while anxiety is a nervous disorder. Mental disorders including anxiety and depression have a significant impact on peopleā€™s functioning, productivity, job loss and it reduces work ability. Adequate status of functioning is crucial for quality of life, and maintaining a productive workforce, hiring, and retaining the most productive staff are crucial for business. Conclusion: Nurses involved in the care of patients with anxiety and depression have the task of monitoring the patient's condition and managing during treatment. Also, they monitor whether patients take the prescribed therapy regularly and, if necessary, advise patients on the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Nursing care is based on an individual and holistic approach to each patient but also family seeking advice on how to help a family member struggling with anxiety or depression

    Anxiety and depression as a permanent threat to modern society

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    Uvod: Sve veći broj mentalnih poremećaja u populaciji dovodi se u vezu s urbanizacijom, tehnoloÅ”kim razvojem i modernim načinom života. Unatoč razlikama, simptomi anksioznosti i depresije mogu biti jednaki pa je važno pravilno dijagnosticirati bolest. S obzirom na sve viÅ”e pacijenata s anksioznoŔću i depresijom te na važnost pružanja adekvatne podrÅ”ke i sestrinske njege pacijentima s ovim mentalnim poremećajima, važna je prevencija i prepoznavanje ovih stanja kao vodećih mentalnih bolesti modernog vremena. Postupci: KoriÅ”tenje sekundarnih podataka za prikaz najvažnijih spoznaja o anksioznosti i depresiji iz stručne i znanstvene literature. Prikaz teme: Anksioznost je jedan od najčeŔćih mentalnih poremećaja u modernom druÅ”tvu, a najčeŔće se javlja nakon izrazito stresne situacije ili događaja koji stvara tugu i strah, poput gubitka voljene osobe. Depresija je drugačiji mentalni poremećaj od anksioznosti. Riječ je o poremećaju raspoloženja, dok je anksioznost živčani poremećaj. Mentalni poremećaji, među kojima i anksioznost i depresija, imaju značajan utjecaj na funkcioniranje ljudi, produktivnost, gubitak posla i smanjenje radne sposobnosti. Adekvatan status funkcioniranja je presudan za kvalitetu života, a održavanje produktivne radne snage, zapoÅ”ljavanje i zadržavanje najproduktivnijeg osoblja presudni su za poslovanje. Zaključak: Medicinske sestre uključene u njegu pacijenata s anksioznoŔću i depresijom imaju zadaću pratiti stanje pacijenata i upravljati tijekom liječenja, one prate uzimaju li pacijenti redovito propisanu terapiju te ako je to potrebno savjetuju pacijente o važnosti zdravog načina života. Sestrinska njega se temelji na individualnom i holističkom pristupu svakom pacijentu, ali i obitelji koja traži savjet o tome kako pomoći članu obitelji koji se bori s anksioznoŔću ili depresijom.Anxiety and depression as a permanent threat to modern society Introduction: An increasing number of mental disorders in the population is associated with urbanization, technological development, and the modern way of life. Despite the differences, symptoms of anxiety and depression can be the same, so it is important to diagnose them correctly. Given the growing number of patients with anxiety and depression, the importance of providing adequate support and nursing care to patients with these mental disorders, it is important to prevent and recognize these conditions as the leading mental illnesses of modern times. Procedure: Using secondary data to present the most important findings on anxiety and depression in the professional and scientific literature. Overview: Anxiety is one of the most common mental disorders in modern society and most commonly occurs after an extremely stressful situation or event that creates sadness and fear, such as the loss of a loved one. Depression is a different mental disorder than anxiety. It is a mood disorder while anxiety is a nervous disorder. Mental disorders including anxiety and depression have a significant impact on peopleā€™s functioning, productivity, job loss and it reduces work ability. Adequate status of functioning is crucial for quality of life, and maintaining a productive workforce, hiring, and retaining the most productive staff are crucial for business. Conclusion: Nurses involved in the care of patients with anxiety and depression have the task of monitoring the patient's condition and managing during treatment. Also, they monitor whether patients take the prescribed therapy regularly and, if necessary, advise patients on the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Nursing care is based on an individual and holistic approach to each patient but also family seeking advice on how to help a family member struggling with anxiety or depression

    Prvostupnik sestrinstva kao član tima Hitne medicinske pomoći u zbrinjavanju politraumatiziranog bolesnika

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    U praksi hitne medicine vrlo su česte politraumatske ozljede, a od visoko obrazovane medicinske sestre u Timu 1 hitne medicinske pomoći (HMP) očekuje se brza i profesionalna reakcija kako bi se pacijent Å”to prije i kvalitetnije zbrinuo u bolničkoj ustanovi. Od preuzimanja poziva preko pregleda, transporta i konačno zbrinjavanja ozlijeđene osobe u bolničkom centru odgovornost, stručnost, znanje, psihička i fizička spremnost prvostupnika sestrinstva je od vitalnog značenja kako za pacijenta tako i za profesiju uzimajući u obzir moralni i etički aspekt. Poznavanje procesa trijažiranja kroz različite prihvaćene algoritme i skale daje prednost u odnosu na vrijeme i tako povećava Å”ansu za preživljavanjem unesrećenog. Dobro uvježban tim sa odlično educiranom medicinskom sestrom/tehničarom uz koordinaciju voditelja tima donosi kao rezultat brzo, efikasno i kvalitetno zbrinjavanje ozlijeđenog. Organizacija hitne medicinske pomoći je hijerarhijski ustrojena gdje svaki tim ima svog voditelja koji donosi najvažnije odluke. Uloga medicinske sestre ili tehničara u Timu 1 HMP-a jest mjerenje i održavanje vitalnih funkcija, zbrinjavanje pacijenta u vozilo hitne pomoći i tijekom transporta sve do predaje ozlijeđenog u bolničkom centru. Stres igra važnu ulogu u karijeri djelatnika HMP-a, stoga prevencija i psihologijski suport nakon stresnih događaja trebaju zauzimati visoko mjesto u brizi za medicinske sestre ili tehničare u zavodima za hitnu medicinu. Edukacija i trajno usavrÅ”avanje su zakonom propisani, ali i pored toga postoji prostor za viÅ”e i bolje. Organizacija vježbi i predavanja unutar svakog zavoda za hitnu medicinu unaprjeđuje kvalitetu i koordiniranost timova na terenu. Medicina kao znanost napreduje iz godine u godinu pa tako i tehnike i modeli u izvanbolničkoj hitnoj medicini stoga trajno usavrÅ”avanje je jedina opcija i predznak uspjeha.Multiple traumatic injuries are very common in practice of emergency medicine, and a quick and professional response is expected from a highly educated nurse in a rapid response team in order to take care of the patient in a hospital as soon as possible. From receiving the call through the inspection, transportation and ultimately taking care of the injured person at the hospital center, the responsibility, expertise, knowledge, psychological and physical abilities of the bachelor of nursing are vital for both the patient and the profession, taking into account the moral and ethical aspect. Knowledge of the triangulation process through different accepted algorithms and scales gives advantage over time and thus increases the chances of surviving of the injured person. A well-trained team with an excellently educated nurse including the team leader's coordination brings as a result the quick, efficient and quality care of the injured. Organization of the emergency medical care is hierarchical, where each team has its leader who makes the most important decisions. The role of a nurse in the rapid response team is measuring and maintaining the vital functions, getting the patient into the ambulance and taking care of them during transportation until the patient is admitted to the hospital. Stress plays an important role in the careers of emergency medical care staff, so prevention and psychological support after stressful events should take a high place in care for nurses at institutes of emergency medicine. Training and permanent education are prescribed by law, but there is always room for improvement. Organization of exercises and lectures within each institute for emergency medicine improves the quality and coordination of teams in the field. Medicine as science progresses from year to year as well as the techniques and models in outpatient medicine. Therefore, permanent education is the only option and a sign of success

    Rijetki tumor pluća u dječjoj dobi - inflamatorni miofibroblastični tumor [A rare tumor of the lung in childhood - inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor]

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    Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor (IMT) is a rare benign neoplasm, mainly involving the lungs of the children. It represents 0.7% of all lung tumors. It was first described by Brunn in 1939.2 Diagnosis is very difficult and often only possible after resection of the tumor. We would like to present a case of pulmonary IMT in a 13-year-old girl who presented with symptoms like cough, shortness of breath, and chest discomfort. Chest X ray and computed tomography revealed the presence of a right lower lobe lung mass. Its clinical and radiological findings were diverse and non specific. The mass was removed in toto, histopathology confirmed the inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor of the lung. Intraoperative and postoperative courses were uneventful. The patient has been without any signs of relapse 2 years after the surgery

    Cistični limfangiom mezenterija jejunuma koji oponaŔa akutni apendicitis: prikaz slučaja

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    Cystic lymphangiomas of the small bowel mesentery are rare manifestations of intra-abdominal tumors. Usually, they are discovered incidentally during examination for an unrelated abdominal illness. We present a case of a 4-year-old boy who was admitted to our hospital because of the right lower quadrant acute abdominal pain suspect of acute appendicitis. At laparotomy, a giant, cystic, encapsulated and lipomatous mesenterial mass was found, 15x15x10 cm in size, infiltrating the jejunum. The tumor was located 70 cm from Treitzā€™s ligament. Extirpation of tumor mass with intestinal resection of the involved loops was necessary. Pathologic examination confirmed the diagnosis of mesenteric cystic lymphangioma. Although they are rare, cystic mesenteric lymphangiomas should be considered as a possible cause of acute abdomen and treated with surgical resection. Prognosis after surgical removal is excellent.Cistični limfangiomi mezenterija tankog crijeva pripadaju rijetkim intraabdominalnim tumorima. Obično se nađu slučajno tijekom obrade zbog neodređene trbuÅ”ne boli. Prikazuje se slučaj četverogodiÅ”njeg dječaka hospitaliziranog zbog bolova u donjem desnom abdominalnom kvadrantu sumnjivih na akutnu upalu crvuljka. Nakon učinjene laparotomije naÅ”la se velika, cistična, inkapsulirana, lipomatozna mezenterijska masa veličine 15x15x10 cm koja je infiltrirala jejunum. Tumor je bio smjeÅ”ten oko 70 cm aboralno od Treitzova ligamenta. Učinjena je ekstirpacija tumora s infiltriranom jejunalnom vijugom. PatohistoloÅ”ki nalaz je potvrdio dijagnozu mezenterijskog cističnog limfangioma. Iako rijetki, cistični mezenterijski limfangiomi se mogu smatrati mogućim uzrokom akutne abdominalne boli i liječiti kirurÅ”kom resekcijom. Prognoza je nakon kirurÅ”kog odstranjenja odlična