455 research outputs found


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    Constructing over expansive soils often severely damage the structure due to high swell-shrinkage behaviour and loss of strength owing to fluctuating water content. Due to the above reasons construction on or using expansive soils is considered to be unsafe. The technique of such soil, improvement by installation of granular piles (also known as stone columns) is popular to marshy lands, marine clays, loose sand, silty or clayey sand, and compressible soils. Granular piles improve swelling properties of expansive soil. In the present study six expansive soils were used. The one of them was the naturally available black cotton soil and others were derived from it by mixing bentonite in different proportions. Test beds of these soils were prepared at different initial moisture contents and the granular pile of sand was installed in these beds by the method of removal. Besides initial moisture content, properties of expansive soils, the spacing between the piles (expressed by s/d ratio; s = spacing between the piles and d = diameter of a pile) and the relative density of granular pile forming material were the variables of the study. Multiple linear regression analysis on the test data has been performed and equations for predicting swelling pressure of soil bed without pile and inclusion with granular pile have been developed

    Hybrid Swarm Intelligence Method for Post Clustering Content Based Image Retrieval

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    AbstractContent Based Image Retrieval is one of the most promising method for image retrieval where searching and retrieving images from large scale image database is a critical task. In Content Based Image Retrieval many visual feature like color, shape, and texture are extracted in order to match query image with stored database images. Matching the query image with each image of large scale database results in large number of disc scans which in turns slows down the systems performance.The proposed work suggested an approach for post clustering Content Based Image Retrieval, in which the database images are clustered into optimized clusters for further retrieval process. Various clustering algorithms are implemented and results are compared. Among all, it is found that hybrid ACPSO algorithm performs better over basic algorithms like k-means, ACO, PSO etc. Hybrid ACPSO has the capability to produce good cluster initialization and form global clustering.This paper discusses work-in-progress where we have implemented till clustering module and intermediate results are produced. These resulted clusters will further be used for effective Content Based Image Retrieval

    Friction Stir Welding of Austenitic Stainless Steel (AISI- 316) To Ti-6Al-4V and Its Joint Analyses

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    In this project, possibility of joining dissimilar AISI-316 stainless steel to Ti-6Al-4V by friction stir welding was studied. Firstly, similar plates of AISI-316 stainless steel were welded using PCBN tool. Secondly similar plates of Ti-6Al-4V were welded using the same tool. All welds were mechanically tested by tensile strength, hardness measurement and microstructural studies had been carried using optical microscopy and EBSD analysis. A defect free weld of AISI-316 was obtained with welding parameters of rotation speed 1100 RPM and welding speed of 8 mm/min. Ultimate tensile strength of this welded sample was obtained just above the base material with an increase in hardness in the nugget zone. In EBSD analysis of stir zone C {001} shear component in the stir zone (except for B {hkl} partial fiber in Region 2) in the present low stacking fault stainless steel indicates predominant shear texture along the direction


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    W.H.O. guideline denotes hemoglobin level in healthy male below 13 g/dl is abnormal and in female below 12g/dl is abnormal. This condition refers as Anaemia. There are several types of anaemia. It develops mainly because of lack of proper food habits. Wheat grass juice is rich source of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids and many enzymes. It is significant nutritious and medicinal value with rich source of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll resembles with hemoglobin as both are chromo protein. Chemical component of both compounds are nearly same. Also the vital component of wheat grass helps in building hemoglobin in our body. The presence of 70% chlorophyll, which is almost chemically identical to hemoglobin. The only difference is that the central element in chlorophyll is magnesium and in hemoglobin it is iron. Chlorophyll in wheat grass is more useful in various clinical conditions involving hemoglobin deficiency and other chronic disorders ultimately considered as green blood. This study aims to evaluate the effect of wheatgrass fresh juice on hemoglobin level. Here 30 subjects were selected in the study and divided into 3 groups on basis of their hemoglobin level. Group A having Hb%, 13gm% to 16gm%, group B having Hb% 10gm% to 13gm% and group C having Hb% below 10gm%. After 21 days the symptomatic improvement and increase in hemoglobin level in group C was noticed as compared to group A and group B. No significant therapy is there for chronic anaemias in modern science. So an attempt has been made to evaluate the efficacy of wheat grass juice on hemoglobin level in the subjects having normal as well as abnormal hemoglobin level

    Hyaloid Vasculature and mmp2 Activity Play a Role during Optic Fissure Fusion in Zebrafish

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    Vertebrate retinal development requires timely and precise fusion of the optic fissure (OF). Failure of this event leads to congenital vision impairment in the form of coloboma. Recent studies have suggested hyaloid vasculature to be involved in OF fusion. In order to examine this link, we analyzed OF fusion and hyaloid vasculogenesis in the zebrafish pax2a noi mutant line. We first determined that pax2a−/− embryos fail to accumulate F-actin in the OF prior to basement membrane (BM) degradation. Furthermore, using 3D and live imaging we observed reduced OF hyaloid vascularization in pax2a−/− embryos. When examining the connection between pax2a loss of function and hyaloid vasculature, we observed significant reduction of talin1 expression, a regulator of hyaloid vasculature. In addition, cranial VEGF expression was found to be reduced in pax2a−/− embryos. Pharmacological inhibition of VEGF signaling phenocopied the pax2a−/− vasculature, F-actin and BM degradation phenotypes. Lastly, we determined that OF associated hyaloid vasculature is a source of mmp2, mmp14a and mmp14b expression and showed that mmp2 is functionally necessary for degradation of OF BM. Taken together we propose a pax2a driven mechanism that ensures proper and timely hyaloid vasculature invasion of the OF in order to facilitate availability of the BM remodeler mmp2


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    In Ayurvedic Samhita Niruddha Prakash (phimosis) vyadhi (disease) is described to be formed because of vitiated Vata Dosha where constricted Shishnacharma (prepuce) covers Mani (glans penis). This creates obstructed, slow urine flow and the prepuce could not be retracted. Treatment described in Ayurvedic epics is dilatation of preputial meatus by Niruddhaprakash Nadiyantra and Vatadosh Shamak medicated tail (oil) Parishek (fomentation). Surgery is advised if this measure fails. Niruddha prakash has similar features to that of phimosis described in modern medical science. Recent researches shows that glans penis and prepuce has common epithelium and its complete separation essential for complete prepitual retraction exposing whole of glans may normally occur up to the age of 17 years. This may lead to wrong diagnosis of phimosis. Circumcision is considered as treatment of choice for phimosis. In this review article efforts have made to analyze description of Niruddha prakash in Ayurved Epics, and recent researches regarding development and separation of prepuce, non surgical treatment of phimosis for bypass of surgical and anaesthetic complications, and surgical procedure with less complications compared to circumcision that will preserve prepuce as it is important structure protecting glans and urethral meatus and also for coital pleasure.

    TIRSPEC : TIFR Near Infrared Spectrometer and Imager

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    We describe the TIFR Near Infrared Spectrometer and Imager (TIRSPEC) designed and built in collaboration with M/s. Mauna Kea Infrared LLC, Hawaii, USA, now in operation on the side port of the 2-m Himalayan Chandra Telescope (HCT), Hanle (Ladakh), India at an altitude of 4500 meters above mean sea level. The TIRSPEC provides for various modes of operation which include photometry with broad and narrow band filters, spectrometry in single order mode with long slits of 300" length and different widths, with order sorter filters in the Y, J, H and K bands and a grism as the dispersing element as well as a cross dispersed mode to give a coverage of 1.0 to 2.5 microns at a resolving power R of ~1200. The TIRSPEC uses a Teledyne 1024 x 1024 pixel Hawaii-1 PACE array detector with a cutoff wavelength of 2.5 microns and on HCT, provides a field of view of 307" x 307" with a plate scale of 0.3"/pixel. The TIRSPEC was successfully commissioned in June 2013 and the subsequent characterization and astronomical observations are presented here. The TIRSPEC has been made available to the worldwide astronomical community for science observations from May 2014.Comment: 20 pages, 21 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Journal of Astronomical Instrumentatio

    Epidemiology of Burn Deaths in Aurangabad Region, India

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    Background: Amongst all discoveries by men, barely few like cultivation of soil, speech and writing, have borne such significant developments as has finding out how to make fire. From the discovery of fire and its tremendous force, manufacturing, transportation and practically all phases of modern industrial life emerged out. Burns are injuries often produced by contact with dry heat, such as flame, radiation, or some solid heated material like metal or glass to the body.Methods: This study was conducted prospectively on 325 cases of death due to burns in the period from January 2010 to December 2010.Results: Hindu married females belonging to rural background were most common victims of burns. Maximum cases were observed in the evening with involvement of cooking apparatus most of the time.Conclusion: The present study has findings more or less consistent with the findings of the other Indian studies. Rising incidences of burns can be prevented by awareness and education about the hazards of fire and safety measures also upgrade of social and educational standards of population