49 research outputs found

    Predicting stream baseflow using genetic programing

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    Developing reliable methods to estimate stream baseflow has been a subject of research over the past decades due to its importance in catchment response and sustainable watershed management (e.g. ground water recharge vs. extraction). Limitations and complexities of existing methods have been addressed by a number of researchers. For instance, physically based numerical models are complex, requiring substantial computational time and data which may not be always available. Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools such as Genetic Programming (GP) have been used widely to reduce the challenges associated with complex hydrological systems without losing the physical meanings. However, up to date, in the absence of complex numerical models, baseflow is frequently estimated using statistically derived empirical equations without significant physical insights. This study investigates the capability of GP in estimating baseflow for a small monitored semi-urban catchment (0.021 km2) located in Singapore. A Recursive Digital Filter (RDF) is first adopted to separate the baseflow from observed streamflow. GP is then used to derive an empirical equation to relate the filtered baseflow time series particularly with groundwater table fluctuations which are relatively easy to be measured and are physically related to baseflow generation. The equation is then validated with a longer time series of baseflow data from a groundwater numerical model. These results indicate that GP is an effective tool in determining baseflow.postprin

    Survey on fungal, parasites and epibionts infestation on the Astacus leptodactylus (Eschscholtz, 1823), in Aras Reservoir West Azarbaijan, Iran

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    A total of 394 (255 males, 139 females) live freshwater crayfish Astacus leptodactylus from four stations of Aras reservoir in West Azarbaijan Province (North-Western Iran) were studied during the winter until early autumn of 2009 for the presence of parasites, epibionts and fungal agents. Parasitological surveys were carried out on gills, exoskeleton and internal organs, mycological examinations on the exoskeleton (the legs, abdominal cuticle and the eggs). 9 epibionts and parasites peritrich protozoans including: Cothurnia sieboldii (68.5%), Zoothamnium spp. (56.6%), Vorticella similis (45.6%), Chilodonella spp. (0.5%), Podophrya fixa (7.8%), Epistylis chrysemidis (53.2%), Pyxicola annulata (66%), Opercularia articulata (19.8%), Tetrahymena pyriformis (0.5%) were recorded. From Metazoan parasites group, Branchiobdella kozarovi (71%) as the first observation was the only parasite recorded from exoskeleton with prevalence (100%) during spring and summer of the study year. Infected gills were heavily damaged with Aeolosoma hemprichi (Annelid) in winter with 90% prevalence. Other epibiont fouling organisms such as Rotatoria, free living Nematods were observed in this survey. Furthermore, on the mycotic agents identified Penicillium expansum, Aspergillus flavus, Alternaria sp., Fusarium sp. and Saprolegnia sp. were isolated in IM media and identified with slides cultured from cuticular melanized lesions and eggs of infected specimens. This is the first investigation on epibionts, parasites and fungal organisms of the endemic crayfish in Aras reservoir, Iran

    Rapid, low temperature synthesis of germanium nanowires from oligosilylgermane precursors

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    New oligosilylgermane compounds with weak Ge–H bonds have been used as precursors for the rapid synthesis of germanium (Ge) nanowires in high yields (>80%), via a solution–liquid–solid (SLS) mechanism, using indium (In) nanoparticles as a seeding agent over a temperature range between 180 and 380 °C. Even at low growth temperatures, milligram quantities of Ge nanowires could be synthesized over a reaction period of between 5 and 10 min. The speed of release of Ge(0) into the reaction environment can be tuned by altering the precursor type, synthesis temperature, and the presence or lack of an oxidizing agent, such as tri-n-octylphosphine oxide (TOPO). Energy-dispersive X-ray analysis showed that silicon atoms from the precursors were not incorporated into the structure of the Ge nanowires. As both In and Ge facilitate reversible alloying with Li, Li-ion battery anodes fabricated with these nanowires cycled efficiently with specific capacities, i.e., >1000 mAh g–

    Collection, identification of Iranian fish parasites for “Iranian parasitology Museum”

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    Abstract: Identification and classification of aquatic parasites are more important by the day. Aquaculture development are faced with parasites previously "not pathogenic in normal conditions, but under certain conditions bacame diseases and have caused heavy losses to the aquaculture farms. The results of these studies recognize the importance of parasites in fish production has clear economic value. Before any action for economic aquatic breeding the parasites that can infect the fish have been identified and methods of control will be drawn. The current project is a part (the fishes) of the project Parasitology Museum in the Faculty of Veterinary medicine of Tehran University. In the first phase of the project, it was planned the fish parasites from different regions of the country were collected and the Iranian Fish Parasites Data Base has also set up. Required experts and various specialties were organized for implementation an recognation of the collected parasitese. The province executive and coordination necessary and the methods of sampling were discussed after a day of training workshop was held at the Faculty of Veterinary medicine of Tehran University. Due to the lack of funds needed to coordinate the implementation, it was conducted that the parasite specimens collected from other projects. In the first phase of projects 261 parasites various have been sent. Collected samples received a temporary code and announced. In the laboratory the specimens categoried and the shape designed and finally the consultants send the final identification of the parasites. Posted parasites according to the latest international standards are maintained. Each parasite has a unique code that represents the name of the sender, verification of the final consultant, host and fishing region. Simultaneously, reported fish parasites from 1327 AD (1949 AD) were collected to create a database, they classified to be placed on the site inPersian and English. Fish parasites that have been reported are available in four types: final report of the research projects conducted at research centers and universities, student theses, abstracts published in scientific conferences and finally "published in national and international research journals. “Iranian fish parasitesd database” included: Founders and Pioneers Monument, Iranian fish parasite fauna, History, Search, Resources, Executive Committee, links, News. Researchers can search through the five “key words”: the name of the parasite, the parasite class branch, region or provincial fishing, infected of host organ. After achieving the desired list of parasites, descriptions, and specifications can be observe. The resource section lists some of the articles published and will be visible as a “pdf”

    DS-KCF: a real-time tracker for RGB-D data

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    © 2016 The Author(s) We propose an RGB-D single-object tracker, built upon the extremely fast RGB-only KCF tracker that is able to exploit depth information to handle scale changes, occlusions, and shape changes. Despite the computational demands of the extra functionalities, we still achieve real-time performance rates of 35–43 fps in MATLAB and 187 fps in our C++ implementation. Our proposed method includes fast depth-based target object segmentation that enables, (1) efficient scale change handling within the KCF core functionality in the Fourier domain, (2) the detection of occlusions by temporal analysis of the target’s depth distribution, and (3) the estimation of a target’s change of shape through the temporal evolution of its segmented silhouette allows. Finally, we provide an in-depth analysis of the factors affecting the throughput and precision of our proposed tracker and perform extensive comparative analysis. Both the MATLAB and C++ versions of our software are available in the public domain

    Determination of Diagnostic Antigens in Cattle Amphistomiasis Using Western Blotting

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    "nBackground: Mixed infection with amphistomes seems common in native cattle of Iran. The aim of this study was to determine diagnostic antigens in cattle mixed amphistomiasis."nMethods: Specific antigens of Cotylophoron cotylophorum, Gastrothylax crumenifer and Paramphisto­mum cervi (mixed infection), the most common species, were collected from cattle was deter­mined. Adult trematodes were collected from the rumen of naturally infected cattle at meat inspec­tion. After their homogenization and centrifugation, somatic antigens were prepared and ana­lyzed by SDS-PAGE. Specific antigens were determinated by western blot with homologous and heterolo­gous sera. SDS-PAGE of whole worms extract was performed at different concentrations and subse­quent gels staining. Immunoblotting analysis using sera from cattle naturally infected with am­phistomes, Dicrocoelium dendriticum, Fasciola spp. and hydatid cyst was performed."nResults: Electrophorese analysis of somatic antigens revealed the presence of 10 and 21 protein bands at 4 µgr/ml and 8 µgr/ml with molecular weights ranging from 25-120 and 25-150 kDa, respectively. The best result was taken at 8 mg/ml concentration. Although western blot of these proteins demon­strate 5 major antigenic polypeptides ranging from 50 to 100 kDa which were recognized by serum of cat­tle naturally infected with mixed amphistomes

    Determination of somatic and excretory-secretory antigens of Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantica using SDS-PAGE

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    Human fascioliasis due to unknown species and animal fascioliasis caused by both or one of Fasciola spp. are commonly seen in Iran. To compare electrophoretic patterns of somatic and excretory-secretory antigens of F. hepatica and F. gigantica by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), the adult flukes were collected from infected slaughtered bovine livers. E/S and somatic antigens were prepared by incubation and homogenizing of adult flukes, respectively. The antigens were electrophoresed using SDS-PAGE. Following SDS-PAGE, E/S proteins of F. hepatica and F. gigantica were characterized by the presence of 6 common major peptide bands with molecular weights of 15, 16, 20, 24, 33 and 42 kDa. Differences between F. hepatica and F. gigantica somatic proteins were noticed. F. gigantica had 11 major protein bands with molecular weights of 18, 22, 24, 33, 36, 42, 46, 57, 60, 62 and 68 kDa, whereas F. hepatica had proteins characterized by 8 distinct bands with molecular weights of 18, 22, 24, 33, 36, 42, 46 and 62 kDa.Meshgi, B., Eslami, A. and Hemmatzadeh, F