367 research outputs found

    Non-steady Phenomena in the Vibration of Viscous Cylindrical Long Liquid Bridges

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    This paper deals with the dynamic response of long cylindrical viscous liquid bridges subjected to an oscillatory microgravity field whose frequency varies linearly with time. The problem has been solved by using a one-dimensional model for the dynamics, derived from Cosserat theory for continuum, in which the axial velocity is considered to be constant over each cross-section of the liquid column. The dynamic response of the liquid bridge has been obtained by applying the Laplace transform to the problem formulation. The results obtained show that a variable -frequency excitation could give rise to erroneous measurements of the resonance frequencies of viscous liquid bridges

    Axisymmetric long liquid bridges in a time-dependent microgravity field

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    This paper deals with the dynamics of liquid bridges when subjected to an oscillatory microgravity field. The analysis has been performed by using a one-dimensional slice model, already used in liquid bridge problems, which allows to calculate not only the resonance frequencies of a wide range of such fluid configurations but also the dependence of the dynamic response of the liquid bridge on the frequency on the imposed perturbations. Theoretical results are compared with experimental ones obtained aboard Spacelab-Dl, the agreement between theoretical and experimental results being satisfactor

    Stability of slender, axisymmetric liquid bridges between unequal disks

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    The stability of slender, axisymmetric liquid bridges held by surface tension forces between two coaxial, parallel solid disks having different radii is studied by using standard perturbation techniques. The results obtained show that the behaviour of such configurations becomes similar to that of liquid bridges between equal disks when subject to small axial gravity forces

    The influence of axial microgravity on the breakage of axisymmetric slender liquid bridges

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    The dynamics of inviscid, axisymmetric liquid bridges permits a simplified treatment if the bridge is long enough. Under such condition the evolution of the liquid zone is satisfactorily explained through a non-linear one-dimensional model. In the case of breaking, the one-dimensional model fails when the neck radius of the liquid column is close to zero; however, the model allows the calculation of the time variation of the liquid-bridge interface as well as of the fluid velocity field and, because the last part of the evolution is not needed, the overall results such as the breaking time and the volume of each of the two drops resulting after breakage can be calculated. In this paper numerical results concerning the behavior of clinical liquid bridges subjected to a small axial gravitational field are presented

    The dynamics of axisymmetric slender liquid bridges between unequal disks

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    n this paper the influence of an axial microgravity on the dynamic stability of axisymmetric slender liquid bridges between unequal disks is numerically studied by using a one-dimensional theory. The breaking of such liquid configurations is analyzed and the dependence of some overall characteristics of the breaking process on the value of axial microgravity, the geometry and the volume of the liquid bridge, as well as stability limits are obtained

    The breaking of axisymmetric slender liquid bridges

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    Liquids held by surface tension forces can bridge the gap between two solid bodies placed not too far apart from each other. The equilibrium conditions and stability criteria for static, cylindrical liquid bridges are well known. However, the behaviour of an unstable liquid bridge, regarding both its transition toward breaking and the resulting configuration, is a matter for discussion. The dynamical problem of axisymmetric rupture of a long liquid bridge anchored at two equal coaxial disks is treated in this paper through the adoption of one-dimensional theories which are widely used in capillary jet problem

    A Theoretical Approach to Impulsive Motion of Viscous Liquid Bridges

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    This paper deals with the dynamics of isothermal, axisymmetric, viscous liquid columns held by capillary forces between two circular, concentric, solid disks. The transient response of the bridge to an excitation consisting of a small change in the value of the acceleration acting along its axis has been solved by using a linearised one-dimensional Cosserat model, which includes viscosity effects. The main hypothesis of this model is that the axial velocity is considered constant in each section of the liquid bridge. The analysis has been performed by using the Laplace transform

    Influence of Embankments with Parapets on the Cross-Wind Turbulence Intensity at the Contact Wire of Railway Overheads

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    Winds as an environmental factor can cause significant difficulties for the railway system operation. The railway overhead has been particularly vulnerable to cross-winds related problems, such as development of undamped oscillations due to galloping phenomenon. The installation of windbreaks to decrease the aerodynamic loads on the train can affect the loads on railway overheads triggering cable galloping. One essential parameter to indicate the influence of the parapet wake on the catenary contact wire is the turbulence intensity. In this paper the results of an experimental analysis of the turbulence intensity due to the presence of parapets carried out in a wind tunnel are reported. Embankments equipped with different parapets have been tested and turbulence intensity has been measured at both contact wire locations, windward and leeward. The relative influence of the parapets is measured through a reduced turbulence intensity, defined as the ratio between the turbulence intensity measured with parapet and the turbulence intensity in the case without any parapet on the embankment. In general the reduced turbulence intensity increases as the height of the parapet increases

    Experimental study for the determination of the turbulence onset in natural convection on inclined plates

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    In June, 8th, 2009 the balloon-borne solar telescope SUNRISE was launched from the Swedish Space Corporation balloon facility Esrange. A telescope with a mirror of 1 m in diameter ob-served the Sun during six days until the mission was terminated in Canada. The design process of SUNRISE and of any optical telescope requires the analysis of the effect of surrounding air on the quality of images. The turbulence encountered in the local telescope environment de-grades its optical performance. This phenomenon called `seeing' consists of optical aberrations produced by density non-homogeneities in the air along the optical path. The refraction index of air changes due to thermal non-uniformities so that the wavefront incident on the mirror is randomly distorted, and therefore, images are altered. When telescope mirrors are heated, as it happens in solar telescopes, and therefore they are at a temperature different from the environment's, natural convection occurs. It is then crucial to know whether the flow in front of the mirror is laminar or turbulent. After reviewing the literature, it was found that the scattering of results about the onset of the transition gives only rough orders of magnitude of the values of the critical Grashof numbers. Aiming to obtain more information about it, the problem of determination of the turbulence onset in natural convection on heated inclined plates in air environment was experimentally revisited. The transition has been determined from hot wire velocity measurements. The onset of turbulence has been considered to take place where velocity perturbations start to grow. Experiments have shown that the onset depends not only on the Grashof number, but also on other parameters as the temperature difference between the heated plate and the surrounding air. A correlation between dimensionless Grashof and Reynolds numbers has been obtained, fitting extraordinarily well the experimental data. The results are obtained in terms of non-dimensional numbers, this way they apply to any air pressure and therefore to any floating altitud

    Response of a liquid bridge to an acceleration varying sinusoidally with time

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    The response of a long cylindrical liquid column subjected to an axial microgravity field has been experimentally studied on a TEXUS sounding rocket flight to check with theoretical predictions. The expected response of the liquid bridge was a quasi-static amphora-type deformation of the cylindrical shape. However, the experimental results showed a more complex behaviour. Nevertheless it has been possible to find out the reasons of this discrepancy except for a mysterious 0.5% uncertainty in the stimuli
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