2,930 research outputs found

    Complexity-entropy analysis at different levels of organization in written language

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    Written language is complex. A written text can be considered an attempt to convey a meaningful message which ends up being constrained by language rules, context dependence and highly redundant in its use of resources. Despite all these constraints, unpredictability is an essential element of natural language. Here we present the use of entropic measures to assert the balance between predictability and surprise in written text. In short, it is possible to measure innovation and context preservation in a document. It is shown that this can also be done at the different levels of organization of a text. The type of analysis presented is reasonably general, and can also be used to analyze the same balance in other complex messages such as DNA, where a hierarchy of organizational levels are known to exist

    A statistical index of growth condition in an aquaculture experiment

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    A simple statistical index, for evaluating the condition of growth in an aquaculture experiment and indicating the extent of effect of any plausible rival hypothesis, is presented

    Intensive Multimodal Communication Intervention for People with Chronic Aphasia

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    The purpose of this study was to examine an intensive multimodal intervention for chronic aphasia. The intervention aimed to increase successful initial use of nonverbal communication modalities to prevent communication breakdowns and to improve switching among communication modalities to repair communication breakdowns. Two people with chronic aphasia completed 10 three-hour intervention sessions across a two-week period. Participant one demonstrated increased successful initial nonverbal modality use across three words lists and increased switching to repair breakdowns. Participant two showed limited success using nonverbal modalities initially or as a repair attempt. Clinical implications and future research directions will be discussed

    Quantum features derived from the classical model of a bouncer-walker coupled to a zero-point field

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    In our bouncer-walker model a quantum is a nonequilibrium steady-state maintained by a permanent throughput of energy. Specifically, we consider a "particle" as a bouncer whose oscillations are phase-locked with those of the energy-momentum reservoir of the zero-point field (ZPF), and we combine this with the random-walk model of the walker, again driven by the ZPF. Starting with this classical toy model of the bouncer-walker we were able to derive fundamental elements of quantum theory. Here this toy model is revisited with special emphasis on the mechanism of emergence. Especially the derivation of the total energy hbar.omega and the coupling to the ZPF are clarified. For this we make use of a sub-quantum equipartition theorem. It can further be shown that the couplings of both bouncer and walker to the ZPF are identical. Then we follow this path in accordance with previous work, expanding the view from the particle in its rest frame to a particle in motion. The basic features of ballistic diffusion are derived, especially the diffusion constant D, thus providing a missing link between the different approaches of our previous works.Comment: 14 pages, based on a talk given at "Emergent Quantum Mechanics (Heinz von Foerster Conference 2011)", see http://www.univie.ac.at/hvf11/congress/EmerQuM.htm

    The Chilean Pension Reform Turns 25: Lessons From the Social Protection Survey

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    In 1980, Chile dramatically reformed its retirement system, replacing what was an old insolvent PAYGO program with a new structure that relies heavily on funded defined contribution individual accounts. In addition, eligibility and benefit requirements were standardized, and a safety net for old-age poverty was strengthened. Twenty-five years after this reform, the Chilean model is being re-assessed, in terms of coverage, contribution, investment, and retirement benefit outcomes. This paper introduces a recently-developed longitudinal survey of individual respondents in Chile, the Social Protection Survey (or Encuesta de Previsión Social, EPS), and illustrates some uses of this survey for microeconomic analysis of key aspects of the Chilean system.

    A model for the sustainable selection of building envelope assemblies

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    The aim of this article is to define an evaluation model for the environmental impacts of building envelopes to support planners in the early phases of materials selection. The model is intended to estimate environmental impacts for different combinations of building envelope assemblies based on scientifically recognised sustainability indicators. These indicators will increase the amount of information that existing catalogues show to support planners in the selection of building assemblies.To define the model, first the environmental indicators were selected based on the specific aims of the intended sustainability assessment. Then, a simplified LCA methodology was developed to estimate the impacts applicable to three types of dwellings considering different envelope assemblies, building orientations and climate zones. This methodology takes into account the manufacturing, installation, maintenance and use phases of the building. Finally, the model was validated and a matrix in Excel was created as implementation of the model

    Osteoma osteoide de localización escapular: descripción de un caso

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    Presentamos el caso de un paciente, con dolor en el hombro de predominio nocturno y que diagnosticamos como Osteoma Osteoide localizado en la escápula izquierda. El tratamiento con salicilatos no fue efectivo para mejorar el dolor y se procedió a la resección abierta y cauterización de la lesión. El resultado fue satisfactorio y actualmente el paciente permanece asintomático.We report a case of a patient with pain worse at night, located at the elbow. Osteoid Osteoma of the scapula was diagnosed. Pain was not relieved by Salycilates. Open surgical treatment and cauterization were the treatment elected in our case. Pain regressed inmediatly after surgery and the patient was asimptomatic since the surgery

    Avances en la obtención de tableros de fibras a partir de mezclas de residuales lignocelulósicos de bagazo

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    El pretratamiento del bagazo resulta fundamental en el fraccionamiento de la biomasa en sus componentes principales: celulosa, hemicelulosa y lignina, en la reducción de la cristalinidad de la celulosa y en el aumento del área superficial accesible. El trabajo tiene como objetivo la obtención preliminar de tableros de fibras a partir de la utilización de mezclas de bagazo con residuales lignocelulósicos obtenidos en las etapas de pretratamiento del bagazo (hidrólisis ácida y enzimática). Se realiza un diseño de experimento de mezclas, enrejado simplex de Scheffe utilizando una prensa de calentamiento. Se caracterizan los residuales celulósicos utilizando la técnica analítica Pulsy se evalúa la resistencia a la flexión de los tableros de fibras obtenidos. Los resultados favorecen a la utilización de mezclas de bagazo y sólido de la hidrólisis enzimática para la obtención de los tableros. Como conclusión, se propone continuar con el estudio de mezclas con adición de aglutinante y/o resina de manera que favorezcan las propiedades mecánicas de los tableros.

    Assessment of coastal fish assemblages before the establishment of a new marine protected area in central Mediterranean: its role in formulating zoning proposal

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    The fish assemblages of the coastal area of the promontory of Cape Milazzo (Italy, Central Mediterranean), which has been recently designated by the Italian Law to become a national marine protected area (MPA), were characterized by visual censuses carried out over different habitats (rocky algal reef, Posidonia oceanica meadow and soft bottom) and depth ranges (0-3, 4-7, 12-16 and 24-30 m) to identify areas of major concern for the MPA zoning. The study area was divided into 6 sectors to assess spatial-related differences in the assemblage parameters, such as species composition and richness, and the size structure of species of recreational (e.g. SCUBA diving) interest. Fifty-eight taxa (56 species and 2 genera) and 20 families of fishes were totally recorded. Species composition was significantly affected by habitat and depth, whereas no significant changes were detected among sectors. Conversely, species richness and total density of fish showed no significant differences among sectors, habitat types and depth ranges. The majority of species of recreational value was recorded only off the northwestern part of the promontory. The implementation of fishing ban in such an area, characterized by the presence of a rocky bank, would contribute to the recovery of populations of some emblematic species (e.g. groupers and other large predator) and to the enhancement of environmentally sustainable activities such as scuba diving. Throughout the investigated area and, especially, in the eastern and southwestern coasts of the promontory, several species were almost exclusively represented by small and medium sized individuals, a likely consequence of an intense fishing pressure

    Age and Growth of Scotia Sea Icefish, Chaenocephalus aceratus, From the South Shetland Islands

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    Samples of Chaenocephalus aceratus (Lönnberg) were collected during a trawl survey carried out around the South Shetland Islands in January–February 2002. Fish were caught by commercial bottom trawl fishing down to 500 m depth, using a stratified randomized sampling design. As observed in other recent surveys within the same area, C. aceratus represented one of the predominant species. Overall, 357 specimens ranging from 13 and 67 cm (TL) were selected for the present study. Ages were estimated by counting annuli present in the sagittal otoliths, exposed by grinding and polishing along their sagittal plane. To estimate the precision of age data, we compared blind readings by readers from different institutions. The age range was 1–17 years for females and 1–15 years for males. Von Bertalanffy growth curves were fitted to the estimated age-length data for each sex. The estimated values of asymptotic length L∞ (cm) and K (year-1) were respectively 79.8 and 0.07 for females and 60.0 and 0.09 for males. The growth performance index ranged between 2 and 2.5, similar to that reported in other icefish. Sexual maturity was attained by females and males at about 10 and 9 years old respectively, at about 60% of their maximum estimated age. These results are compared with age and growth data available in the literature for C. aceratus, and discussed in the light of recent commercial exploitation