2,417 research outputs found

    Asset Ownership and Investment Incentives Revisited.

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    Previous work on the property rights theory of the firm suggests that in the presence of outside options, asset ownership may demotivate managers. This paper shows that this conclusion relies on the assumption that a manager's outside option only depends on her own investment.PROPERTY RIGHTS ; MANAGEMENT ; INVESTMENTS

    Rubidium and zirconium abundances in massive Galactic asymptotic giant branch stars revisited

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    Luminous Galactic OH/IR stars have been identified as massive (>4-5 M_s) AGB stars experiencing HBB and Li production. Their Rb abundances and [Rb/Zr] ratios derived from hydrostatic model atmospheres, are significantly higher than predictions from AGB nucleosynthesis models, posing a problem to our understanding of AGB evolution and nucleosynthesis. We report new Rb and Zr abundances in the full sample of massive Galactic AGB stars, previously studied with hydrostatic models, by using more realistic extended model atmospheres. We use a modified version of the spectral synthesis code Turbospectrum and consider the presence of a circumstellar envelope and radial wind. The Rb and Zr abundances are determined from the 7800 A Rb I resonant line and the 6474 A ZrO bandhead, respectively, and we explore the sensitivity of the derived abundances to variations of the stellar (Teff) and wind (M_loss, beta and vexp) parameters in the extended models. The Rb and Zr abundances derived from the best spectral fits are compared with the most recent AGB nucleosynthesis theoretical models. The new Rb abundances are much lower (even 1-2 dex) than those derived with the hydrostatic models, while the Zr abundances are similar. The Rb I line profile and Rb abundance are very sensitive to the M_loss rate but much less sensitive to variations of the wind velocity-law and the vexp(OH). We confirm the earlier preliminary results based on a smaller sample of massive O-rich AGB stars, that the use of extended atmosphere models can solve the discrepancy between the AGB nucleosynthesis theoretical models and the observations of Galactic massive AGB stars. The Rb abundances, however, are still strongly dependent of the M_loss, which is unknown in these AGB stars. Accurate M_loss rates in these massive Galactic AGB stars are needed in order to break the models degeneracy and get reliable Rb abundances in these stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 14 pages, 12 figures, 4 table

    A model for the sustainable selection of building envelope assemblies

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    The aim of this article is to define an evaluation model for the environmental impacts of building envelopes to support planners in the early phases of materials selection. The model is intended to estimate environmental impacts for different combinations of building envelope assemblies based on scientifically recognised sustainability indicators. These indicators will increase the amount of information that existing catalogues show to support planners in the selection of building assemblies.To define the model, first the environmental indicators were selected based on the specific aims of the intended sustainability assessment. Then, a simplified LCA methodology was developed to estimate the impacts applicable to three types of dwellings considering different envelope assemblies, building orientations and climate zones. This methodology takes into account the manufacturing, installation, maintenance and use phases of the building. Finally, the model was validated and a matrix in Excel was created as implementation of the model

    Review and Analysis of Models for a European Digital Building Logbook

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    The concept of a Digital Building Logbook (DBL) was first introduced with the European strategy ‘Renovation Wave’. It is considered as one of two fundamental parts of which the Building Renovation Passport is composed: the DBL and a Renovation Roadmap. As the implementation of the DBL is a European priority, this paper reviews the existing literature and analyses the most developed European Digital Building Logbook models. The analysis includes iBRoad, ALDREN, X-tendo, and the Study on the Development of a European Union Framework for Buildings’ Digital Logbook, from the perspective of seven key aspects: References used as a starting point for the model definition; Identification of the relevant stakeholders in the DBL; Identified potential user needs; Proposed structure of indicators; Data sources; Potential functionalities; and Operation and use. The results show that important advancement has been made, although there is still no consensus about crucial subjects, such as the indicators to be collected or how to collect and use them. This is probably due to the fact that the final functionalities (objective and scope) that the logbook should provide are not fully clear. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Metal-free visible-light-induced dithiol–ene clicking via carbon nitride to valorize 4-pentenoic acid as a functional monomer

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    The necessity for more bio-based building blocks and processes have led to utilizing new polymerization approaches with a lower carbon footprint. Here, we demonstrate the synthesis of a visible-light-induced dithiol–ene clicking reaction between lignocellulosic biomass-derivable 4-pentenoic acid (4-PEA) and different dithiols, i.e., 1,2-ethanedithiol (EDT), 2,2-(ethylenedioxy)diethanethiol (EDDT), and 1,4-benzenedimethanethiol (BDT), using graphitic carbon nitride (g-CN) as a metal-free photocatalyst. The formation of dicarboxylic acid functional monomers were confirmed using 1H NMR and FT-IR. Furthermore, polyamides were synthesized from the dicarboxylic acid functional monomers to demonstrate the applicability of the monomers yielding new polyamide end polymers

    Evaluating the efficacy of fertilisers derived from human excreta in agriculture and their perception in Antananarivo, Madagascar

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    Sustainable food production to achieve food security and increased access to safely managed sanitation are major global challenges. Treating human excreta and producing safe nutrient-rich soil amendments is an effective way of creating an incentive to tackle these two challenges. This research analysed the quality of fertilisers produced from human excreta and evaluated their acceptability within the local market. Antananarivo (Madagascar) was the field site for crop trial and three different fertilisers derived from human excreta were used to grow maize: digestate, compost and vermicompost, each derived from the previous one. The three fertilisers had different characteristics: nutrients were more concentrated in compost (23 g/kg) and vermicompost (11 g/kg) and mineralisation stages varied between them but did not cause any detrimental effect to crop yield. When compared to chemical fertilisers, the three human excreta derived fertilisers resulted in comparable yield which is encouraging. A series of 81 interviews were also carried out with farmers of the peri-urban area of Antananarivo, which highlighted the importance of characterising the market, identifying users’ perceived needs and developing a product responding to these. The majority of local farmers perceived human excreta derived fertilisers as acceptable and gave great importance to their texture and general appearance. In this study, both the field trials and interviews suggest that there is a good potential to produce fertilisers from human excreta, which have a positive effect on crops and can be adopted in the local market

    Directionally solidified Al2O3-Yb3Al5O12 eutectics for selective emitters

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    Al2O3-Yb3Al5O12 eutectic rods were directionally solidified using the laser floating zone method at rates between 25 and 750 mm/h. The microstructure consisted of an interpenetrated network of both eutectic phases for all the growth rates. The size of the phases was strongly dependent on the growth rate, the eutectic interspacing decreasing from 4.5 µm at the lowest growth rate to 600 nm at 750 mm/h. The optical transmission of the sample with coarser microstructure was measured and compared with that of an Yb3Al5O12 single crystal grown "ad hoc" using the same method. The apparent "oscillator strength" of the single 2F7/2¿2F5/2 Yb3+ absorption band was larger in the eutectic sample than in the single crystal, which was attributed to the increase in the light path caused by multiple refractions at the eutectic interphases. The thermal emission of the eutectic rod was studied between 1000 °C and 1500 °C. An intense and relatively narrow emission band at about 1 µm corresponding to the 2F5/2¿2F7/2 Yb3+ electronic transition was observed in the whole temperature range. The intensity of the band increased with the temperature up to about 1300 °C. At higher temperatures a saturation of the selective emission was observed which was attributed to the competition between the increase in the thermal population of the excited state and the enhancement of the non-radiative de-excitation channels with the temperature

    Teacher Questioning in Problem Solving in Community College Algebra Classrooms

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    In this chapter, we focus on the ways two community college instructors worked with students to demonstrate the solution of contextualized algebra problems in their college algebra lessons. We use two classroom episodes to illustrate how they sought to elicit students' mathematical ideas of algebraic topics, attending primarily to teachers' questioning approaches. We found that the instructors mostly asked questions of lower cognitive demand and used a variety of approaches to elicit the mathematical ideas of the problems, such as using examples relevant to the students and dividing the problems into smaller tasks, that together help identify a solution. We conclude by offering considerations for instruction at community colleges and potential areas for professional development