1,118 research outputs found

    Modulation der vagalen Aktivität durch Elektrokrampftherapie

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    Die Elektrokrampftherapie (EKT) ist eine etablierte und gut wirksame Therapieoption bei depressiven Episoden. Ihr Wirkungsmechanismus konnte bis heute nicht aufgeklärt werden. Unmittelbar nach Auslösen des Krampfanfalls im Rahmen der EKT folgt eine vagale Reaktion mit Abfall von Blutdruck und Herzfrequenz, dann nach wenigen Sekunden eine sympathische Reaktion mit einem ausgeprägten Anstieg dieser Parameter. In früheren Arbeiten wurde ein Zusammenhang zwischen dem sympathisch vermittelten Anstieg von Blutdruck und Herzfrequenz und dem Therapieerfolg beschrieben. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, erstmals den Zusammenhang zwischen der vagale Reaktion in Folge der EKT und dem klinischen Ansprechen auf die Therapie zu untersuchen. Wir gingen dabei von der Hypothese aus, dass eine ausgeprägte vagale Stimulation positiv mit dem Erfolg der Therapie korreliert. Als Marker für die vagale Stimulation wählten wir den Anstieg des pankreatischen Polypeptids (PP) im Serum, da es auf vagale Reize hin freigesetzt und nicht durch die sympathische Reaktion überlagert wird. Ausgewertet wurden die durch EKT ausgelösten vegetativen Reaktionen bei 20 depressiven Patienten. Dabei zeigte sich eine statistisch signifikante Korrelation zwischen dem Anstieg des PP unmittelbar nach EKT und der Reduktion des Wertes auf der Hamliton-Depression-Skala im Therapieverlauf. In unserer Arbeit konnten wir somit erstmals Hinweise auf einen möglichen Zusammenhang zwischen der vagalen Reaktion nach EKT und dem Erfolg der Therapie beschreiben. Die Diencephalon-Hypothese zur Wirkungungsweise der EKT besagt, dass eine Stimulation diencephaler Strukturen von wesentlicher Bedeutung ist. Auch der vagale Tonus unterliegt einer Steuerung durch diencephale Strukturen, so dass sich unsere Ergebnisse sehr gut in die Diencephalon-Hypothese integrieren ließen. Bei der derzeitigen Datenlage ist eine endgültige Aussage zum Wirkungsmechanismus der EKT jedoch nicht möglich und weitere Forschung auf dem Gebiet bleibt notwendig

    Gastrointestinal stromal tumors with pseudocystic change mimicking a pancreatic tumor: two case reports

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Cystic lesions of the upper abdomen normally develop from pancreatic tissue. The differential diagnoses include neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions. Pseudocystic tumors that secondarily involve the pancreas are very rare and may lead to diagnostic pitfalls.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 51-year-old woman and a 65-year-old man, both German, presented with abdominal cystic lesions suspected to be pancreatic pseudocysts. Both tumors were classified as gastrointestinal stromal tumors, epithelioid subtype. In one case, tumor origin in the gastric wall was confirmed by relaparotomy. In the other case, a point mutation in <it>PDGFRalpha</it> gene, exon 18 proved the diagnosis of gastrointestinal stromal tumor. The tumors were resected and both patients are still alive and disease-free.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The differential diagnosis of cystic lesions in the upper abdomen must include gastrointestinal stromal tumors with pseudocystic change. The origin of a large cystic gastrointestinal stromal tumor may be difficult to determine. Epithelioid tumor pattern, weak or absent KIT expression and detection of <it>PDGFRalpha</it> mutation are typical diagnostic parameters of gastric gastrointestinal stromal tumors.</p

    Krieg der Welten: Interview mit Hans J. Gießmann und Susanne Buckley-Zistel

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    Die gute Wissenschaft trägt gewonnene Erkenntnisse immer auch zu ihren Gegenständen zurück. Auch in der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung sind das die unmittelbar Betroffenen: Kriegsversehrte, Kriegsbedrohte, Kriegsberührte, Politiker, Militärs, Zivil-Gesellschaften. In einer Disziplin, deren Praxisbezug sie normativ mitbegründet, gilt es deshalb umso mehr, Lobbyist des Wissens, also relevant zu sein. Sich um die Vermittlung von Erkenntnissen zu mühen ist wissenschaftliche Bürgerpflicht. Wie die aussehen muss, darüber ist zu streiten, noch mehr, wenn man verschiedenen Forschergenerationen angehört und unterschiedlichen Forschungskulturen zugerechnet wird

    Primary NK/T cell lymphoma nasal type of the stomach with skin involvement: a case report

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    Since nasal NK/T cell lymphoma and NK/T cell lymphoma nasal type are rare diseases, gastric involvement has seldom been seen. We report a unique case of a patient with a primary NK/T cell lymphoma nasal type of the stomach with skin involvement. The patient had no history of malignant diseases and was diagnosed with hematemesis and intense bleeding from his gastric primary site. Shortly after this event, exanthemic skin lesions appeared with concordant histology to the primary site. Despite chemotherapy, the patient died one month after the first symptomatic appearance of disease

    Glyphosate and AMPA levels in human urine samples and their correlation with food consumption: results of the cross-sectional KarMeN study in Germany

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    Glyphosate (N-[phosphonomethyl]-glycine) is the most widely used herbicide worldwide. Due to health concerns about glyphosate exposure, its continued use is controversially discussed. Biomonitoring is an important tool in safety evaluation and this study aimed to determine exposure to glyphosate and its metabolite AMPA, in association with food consumption data, in participants of the cross-sectional KarMeN study (Germany). Glyphosate and AMPA levels were measured in 24-h urine samples from study participants (n = 301). For safety evaluation, the intake of glyphosate and AMPA was calculated based on urinary concentrations and checked against the EU acceptable daily intake (ADI) value for glyphosate. Urinary excretion of glyphosate and/or AMPA was correlated with food consumption data. 8.3% of the participants (n = 25) exhibited quantifiable concentrations (> 0.2 μg/L) of glyphosate and/or AMPA in their urine. In 66.5% of the samples, neither glyphosate (< 0.05 μg/L) nor AMPA (< 0.09 μg/L) was detected. The remaining subjects (n = 76) showed traces of glyphosate and/or AMPA. The calculated glyphosate and/or AMPA intake was far below the ADI of glyphosate. Significant, positive associations between urinary glyphosate excretion and consumption of pulses, or urinary AMPA excretion and mushroom intake were observed. Despite the widespread use of glyphosate, the exposure of the KarMeN population to glyphosate and AMPA was found to be very low. Based on the current risk assessment of glyphosate by EFSA, such exposure levels are not expected to pose any risk to human health. The detected associations with consuming certain foods are in line with reports on glyphosate and AMPA residues in food

    The online inverted classroom model (oICM): a blueprint to adapt the inverted classroom to an online learning setting in medical and health education [version 2]

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    This article was migrated. The article was marked as recommended. The idea of this paper is to offer a blueprint, to guide educators setting up a complete digital teaching scenario according to the latest insights of educational research. The COVID-19 pandemic forced higher education institutions all around the world to radically shift their curricula from a mix of face-to-face and remote teaching methods to a fully remote curriculum. Though challenging, this time provides opportunities to implement new educational methods and to improve the quality of digital teaching. The concept of the inverted classroom was modified to meet the special needs of the new online settings. The proposed online Inverted Classroom Model (oICM) includes the following phases: (1) pre-phase, (2) self-learning-phase, (3) synchronous online phase, (4) transfer-phase, and (5) evaluation. Recommendations and potential tools are provided for each phase. The oICM is an innovative and easy to use approach to shape digital teaching and learning processes during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. This blueprint is developed by the committee “Digitalization” of the German Association for Medical Education (GMA), mainly for educators who are familiar with the Inverted Classroom Model (ICM) or similar blended learning formats

    Influence of Surface Design on the Solid Lubricity of Carbon Nanotubes-Coated Steel Surfaces

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    Topographically designed surfaces are able to store solid lubricants, preventing their removal out of the tribological contact and thus significantly prolonging the lubrication lifetime of a surface. The present study provides a systematic evaluation of the influence of surface structure design on the solid lubrication effect of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) coated steel surfaces. For this purpose, direct laser writing using a femtosecond pulsed laser system is deployed to create surface structures, which are subsequently coated with MWCNT by electrophoretic deposition. The structural depth or aspect ratio of the structures and thus the lubricant storage volume of the solid lubricant is varied. The frictional behavior of the surfaces is recorded using a ball-on-disk tribometer and the surfaces are thoroughly characterized by complementary characterization techniques. Efficient lubrication is achieved for all MWCNT-coated surfaces. However, and in contrast to what would be expected, it is shown that deeper structures with larger lubricant storage volume do not lead to an extended lubrication lifetime and behave almost equally to the coated unstructured surfaces. This can be attributed, among other things, to differences in the final surface roughness of the structures and the slope steepness of the structures, which prevent efficient lubricant supply into the contact

    Enhancing precision in human neuroscience

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    Human neuroscience has always been pushing the boundary of what is measurable. During the last decade, concerns about statistical power and replicability - in science in general, but also specifically in human neuroscience - have fueled an extensive debate. One important insight from this discourse is the need for larger samples, which naturally increases statistical power. An alternative is to increase the precision of measurements, which is the focus of this review. This option is often overlooked, even though statistical power benefits from increasing precision as much as from increasing sample size. Nonetheless, precision has always been at the heart of good scientific practice in human neuroscience, with researchers relying on lab traditions or rules of thumb to ensure sufficient precision for their studies. In this review, we encourage a more systematic approach to precision. We start by introducing measurement precision and its importance for well-powered studies in human neuroscience. Then, determinants for precision in a range of neuroscientific methods (MRI, M/EEG, EDA, Eye-Tracking, and Endocrinology) are elaborated. We end by discussing how a more systematic evaluation of precision and the application of respective insights can lead to an increase in reproducibility in human neuroscience