283 research outputs found

    L’imagerie composite dans la communication scientifique

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    Cette étude porte sur les images dans la communication scientifique. Elle analyse, plus spécifiquement, le rôle des images microscopiques à l’échelle atomique dans les articles scientifiques avec, comme point de départ, le constat qu’une image n’apparaît que rarement seule – elle est souvent accompagnée d’autres représentations visuelles, le tout formant une composition de construction hétérogène et complexe : une figure composite. Il sera donc question de l’interaction entre les éléments (visuels) d’une telle figure composite et des rôles et fonctions qu’assument ces figures dans l’ensemble d’un article. Nous considérerons, comme cas de figure, la recherche en nanotechnologie dans la perspective d’une sociologie des sciences.This article features images in scientific communication. It analyzes, more specifically, the role of probe microscopy images in scientific publications based on the observation that an image rarely comes alone. Typically, an image is accompanied by other visual representations, which together constitute a heterogeneous and complex composition: a composite visual display. The paper investigates the interaction of the visual elements within such a composite figure, and the roles and functions that the figure assumes in the context of a research article. Based on a case study of nanotechnology research, this investigation is conducted from a science studies perspective

    The Topicality of the Difference Thesis

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    Within science and technology studies, constructivism has never existed as a single variant but under alternative interpretations. In this article it is argued that the different variants have maintained their topicality in unequal measure. It focuses on two variants of constructivism: The first emphasizes the isomorphism of scientific and other practices and insists that there are no epistemic particularities in scientific knowledge production ('analogy approach'); the second accounts for the success of contemporary science by relating it to the specifics of scientific laboratories ('difference approach'). In this paper it is argued that the second variant can provide a set of challenging research problems that have not, to date, been sufficiently addressed in the literature. The problems center on the relation between laboratories and contexts of application, as well as on the concept of the laboratory and its possible extensions. In contrast, the issues associated with the analogy approach have been well explored in previous bodies of work. This article develops a research agenda for a constructivist account of knowledge production that may be employed within other discourses in the social sciences.

    Multiplex and Unfolding: Computer Simulation in Particle Physics

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    What kind of objects are computer programs used for simulation purposes in scientific settings? The current investigation treats a special case. It focuses on "event generators,” the program packages that particle physicists construct and use to simulate mechanisms of particle production. The paper is an attempt to bring the multiplex and unfolding character of such knowledge objects to the fore: Multiple meanings and functions are embodied in the object and can be drawn out selectively according to the requirements of a work setting. The object's conceptual complexity governs its application in some contexts, while the object is considered a mere "black box,” transparent and ready-to-hand, in others. These two poles span a full spectrum of object aspects, functions, and conceptions. Event generators are ideas turned into software, testing grounds for models, just a tool to study the performance of a detector, etc. The object's multiplex nature is submitted to negotiation among different actor

    How Technological Platforms Reconfigure Science-Industry Relations: The Case of Micro- and Nanotechnology

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    With reference to the recent science studies debate on the nature of science-industry relationship, this article focuses on a novel organizational form: the technological platform. Considering the field of micro- and nanotechnology in Switzerland, it investigates how technological platforms participate in framing science-industry activities. On the basis of a comparative analysis of three technological platforms, it shows that the platforms relate distinctly to academic and to industrial users. It distinguishes three pairs of user models, one model in each pair pertaining to how platforms act toward and conceive of academic users, the other model regarding users from industry. The article then discusses how technological platforms reconfigure the science-economy divide. While the observed platforms provide new institutional contact and interaction between academia and industry, new research collaboration does not necessarily materialize in practice. In this respect, science-industry mediation by way of technological platforms does not make science-industry boundaries more porous. Instead, the declared openness of public research with respect to industry, in the case of technological platforms, may contribute to maintain public science's autonom

    Snapshots 'Wissenschaft': Geschlechterarrangements in Disziplinenbildern

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    Cyber-physische Produktion: Modelle und Inszenierung der Smart Factory

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    Der Artikel rekonstruiert die Entwicklung eines Smart Factory-Demonstrators in einem Großkonzern. Er zeigt auf, wie den dabei auftretenden Herausforderungen in der Praxis begegnet und eine bestimmte Vision der intelligenten Fabrik in Demonstrationen für ein Expertenpublikum inszeniert wurde. Der Demonstrator entspricht, in vereinfachter Form, der Vorstellung einer weitgehend automatisierten Fabrik, in der Roboter und andere "smarte" Produktionsmaschinen kleinteilige Geräte nach vorgegebenen "Rezepten" selbstorganisierend und dezentral produzieren. Aus Perspektive einer praxisorientierten Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung (STS) nimmt die zugrunde liegende ethnographische Untersuchung Aspekte der sozialen Organisation und technische Abläufe gleichermaßen in den Blick. Die Studie zeigt auf, dass Demonstratoren - hier als Modelle zukünftiger Smart Factories betrachtet - mehrere Zielsetzungen haben. Die identifizierten Zielsetzungen sind: die mit der Industrie 4.0-Vision assoziierten Versprechen in einer realen Produktionsumgebung auf Machbarkeit und Plausibilität zu prüfen; das Demonstrator-Projekt konzernintern als Lernumgebung zu begreifen; die Vision einer intelligenten Fabrik zu vergegenständlichen, wobei die Anliegen sowohl der Systementwickler als auch der potentiellen Abnehmer berücksichtigt werden.This paper reconstructs the development of a smart factory demonstrator in a large corporation. It shows how the associated social and technical challenges were dealt with in practice, and how a particular vision of the smart factory was staged and enacted in demonstrations that addressed an expert public. The demonstrator presents an attempt at prototyping a largely automated factory in which robots and other "smart" production machines assemble small devices by following product "recipes" in a self-organizing and decentralized manner. Conducted from the perspective of practice-oriented Science and Technology Studies (STS), our ethnographic investigation is equally concerned with issues of social organization and technical processes. We show that demonstrators, understood as models of future smart factories, have multiple purposes. The purposes identified are: to examine the promises associated with the Industry 4.0-vision in a real production environment in view of feasibility and plausibility; to exploit the demonstrator project as a learning environment within the corporation; and to render concrete the vision of a smart factory. This final purpose takes into account the concerns of both system developers and potential customers of intelligent production machines

    Wissenschaft, die Grenzen schafft : Geschlechterkonstellationen im disziplinären Vergleich

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    Anhand ethnographischer Fallstudien in vier Disziplinen - Architektur, Botanik, Pharmazie und Meteorologie - geht das Buch der Frage nach, ob und auf welche Weise sich die Geschlechterdifferenz im wissenschaftlichen Alltag artikuliert. Mit ihrer disziplinär vergleichenden Perspektive betritt die Studie Neuland: Sie vermittelt einen Blick auf die vielfältigen Unterschiede zwischen den Disziplinen und identifiziert damit die Konstellationen, unter denen geschlechtliche Zuschreibungen das wissenschaftliche Universalismusprinzip unterlaufen können. Damit stellt sie für die Geschlechter- wie auch für die Wissenschaftsforschung einen wichtigen und innovativen Beitrag dar

    Wissenschaft, die Grenzen schafft: Geschlechterkonstellationen im disziplinären Vergleich

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    Anhand ethnographischer Fallstudien in vier Disziplinen - Architektur, Botanik, Pharmazie und Meteorologie - geht das Buch der Frage nach, ob und auf welche Weise sich die Geschlechterdifferenz im wissenschaftlichen Alltag artikuliert. Mit ihrer disziplinär vergleichenden Perspektive betritt die Studie Neuland: Sie vermittelt einen Blick auf die vielfältigen Unterschiede zwischen den Disziplinen und identifiziert damit die Konstellationen, unter denen geschlechtliche Zuschreibungen das wissenschaftliche Universalismusprinzip unterlaufen können. Damit stellt sie für die Geschlechter- wie auch für die Wissenschaftsforschung einen wichtigen und innovativen Beitrag dar

    Wissenschaft, die Grenzen schafft

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    Anhand ethnographischer Fallstudien in vier Disziplinen - Architektur, Botanik, Pharmazie und Meteorologie - geht das Buch der Frage nach, ob und auf welche Weise sich die Geschlechterdifferenz im wissenschaftlichen Alltag artikuliert. Mit ihrer disziplinär vergleichenden Perspektive betritt die Studie Neuland: Sie vermittelt einen Blick auf die vielfältigen Unterschiede zwischen den Disziplinen und identifiziert damit die Konstellationen, unter denen geschlechtliche Zuschreibungen das wissenschaftliche Universalismusprinzip unterlaufen können. Damit stellt sie für die Geschlechter- wie auch für die Wissenschaftsforschung einen wichtigen und innovativen Beitrag dar

    Deep learning algorithms out-perform veterinary pathologists in detecting the mitotically most active tumor region

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    Manual count of mitotic figures, which is determined in the tumor region with the highest mitotic activity, is a key parameter of most tumor grading schemes. It can be, however, strongly dependent on the area selection due to uneven mitotic figure distribution in the tumor section. We aimed to assess the question, how significantly the area selection could impact the mitotic count, which has a known high inter-rater disagreement. On a data set of 32 whole slide images of H&E-stained canine cutaneous mast cell tumor, fully annotated for mitotic figures, we asked eight veterinary pathologists (five board-certified, three in training) to select a field of interest for the mitotic count. To assess the potential difference on the mitotic count, we compared the mitotic count of the selected regions to the overall distribution on the slide. Additionally, we evaluated three deep learning-based methods for the assessment of highest mitotic density: In one approach, the model would directly try to predict the mitotic count for the presented image patches as a regression task. The second method aims at deriving a segmentation mask for mitotic figures, which is then used to obtain a mitotic density. Finally, we evaluated a two-stage object-detection pipeline based on state-of-the-art architectures to identify individual mitotic figures. We found that the predictions by all models were, on average, better than those of the experts. The two-stage object detector performed best and outperformed most of the human pathologists on the majority of tumor cases. The correlation between the predicted and the ground truth mitotic count was also best for this approach (0.963-0.979). Further, we found considerable differences in position selection between pathologists, which could partially explain the high variance that has been reported for the manual mitotic count. To achieve better interrater agreement, we propose to use a computer-based area selection for support of the pathologist in the manual mitotic count
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