39 research outputs found


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    This article defined some informations about the total ammount of Koran Masuk Nagari (KMN) Padang Pariaman where this news is very famous for local people. It also has many functions such as to measure a main message on the news, to measure the level of content messages in distribution, and identify some problems, which will be happened on distribution.The research were implemented in Kecamatan South Pariaman and used 57 house hold samples. Hence, I used qualitaitive method which has category in descriptive analysis. The most favourite information is about religion (21,44%), and the capability of understanding content of messages has got the lowest point (2). Because of KMN had not some special cars and staffs to distribute the news, therefore the distribution from publisher to people always be late and this is a classic problem for KMN to expand. The conclusion from this research showed that KMN Padang Pariaman was effective to improve the local people interest to read it. And the fact KMN is always be waited by people in Padang Pariaman


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    This article describes students' perceptions on UT Online services, level of student participation in the UT Online services, and the influence of UT Online services to student's participation in 2012.1. Total tespondents was 120 students. Data analysis was done by using the frequency distribution and the average (mean). The influence to UT Online services was analyzed by using multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the descriptive and quantitative analysis, it can be concluded that: (1) the majority of UT students said that the quality of UT online bookstore online and TAP / online tutorial is good. (2) Participation of students to UT online services ( online bookstore or TAP / tutorials online ) good. (3) Quality of service Tutorial / TAP online significant effect on student participation.   Artikel ini menjelaskan persepsi mahasiswa terhadap layanan Universitas Terbuka online, tingkat partisipasi mahasiswa terhadap layanan UT online, dan pengaruh kualitas layanan UT online terhadap partisipasi mahasiswa program non pendidikan dasar UPBJJ-UT Palembang pada masa ujian 2012.1. Jumlah responden 120 orang mahasiswa. Analisis data akan dilakukan dengan menggunakan distribusi frekuensi dan nilai rata-rata (mean). Untuk melihat pengaruh kualitas layanan UT online terhadap partisipasi mahasiswa digunakan analisis regresi linier berganda. Berdasarkan hasil analisis deskriptif maupun kuantitatif dapat disimpulkan bahwa: (1) sebagian besar mahasiswa UT mengatakan bahwa kualitas layanan UT online baik toko buku online maupun TAP/tutorial onlinetergolong baik. (2) Partisipasi mahasiswa terhadap layanan UT online (toko buku online maupun TAP/tutorial online) secara keseluruhan baik. (3) Kualitas layanan Tutorial/TAP online berpengaruh signifikan terhadap partisipasi mahasiswa program non pendidikan dasar UPBJJ-UT Palembang

    Peluang & Tantangan Dalam Penataan Ruang Smart City Dalam Pandangan Budaya Melayu

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    Pembangunan berkelanjutan mensyaratkan suatu komitmen (keterlibatan) penyediaan berbagai macam barang dan jasa agar manusia dapat hidup sehat dan produktif, melalui penggunaan berbagai proses dan teknologi untuk memanfaatkan sumber daya alam (SDA) seminimal mungkin, membatasi dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan dan kehidupan sosial yang mudah timbul akibat berbagai kegiatan manusia tersebut. Provinsi Riau merupakan salah satu wilayah di Indonesia yang di anugrahi kekayaan Sumberdaya Alam yang cukup besar, baik kekayaan yang terkandung di perut bumi, berupa minyak dan gas bumi, mineral, batubara dan sebagainya, kekayaan hutan dan perkebunannya, serta kekayaan sungai, danau dan lautnya. Seiring dengan otonomi daerah, tentunya akan membuat masa depan negeri ini menjadi Cemerlang, Gemilang dan Terbilang, namun sangat tergantung upaya Pemerintah Daerah serta peran swasta dalam memanfaatkan sumberdaya yang melimpah itu, dan sebagai Negeri yang ingin mewujudkan Provinsi Riau Sebagai Pusat Perekonomian dan Kebudayaan Melayu dalam Lingkungan Masyarakat yang Agamis, Sejahtera, Lahir dan Batin di Asia Tenggara, dan merupakan kristalisasi komitmen seluruh lapisan masyarakat Riau sudah sepatutnya memasukan nilai-nilai budaya dalam mewarnai kebijakan pembangunan di berbagai bidang

    Financial Inclusion and Poverty Alleviation in Rejang Lebong Regency

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    Financial inclusion is a condition of products or services from formal financial institutions that can be accessed and relished by various groups of society. Inclusive financial conditions can propel economic growths of the poor through formal financial institutions by forming business groups in each village. This article aims to address how the implementation of financial inclusion programs as a form of concrete efforts in the context of alleviating poverty in Rejang Lebong Regency. Moreover, this study uses a qualitative analysis method with a non-parametric qualitative approach. It shows that the presence of a financial inclusion programs in Rejang Lebong Regency can reduce the poverty level. This poverty alleviation effort is carried out through the pattern of providing venture capital to each Joint Business Group (KUBE) by raising regional superior products as its business, so as it can improve the economy of the local community. The distribution of venture capital assistance is also provided to Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (UMKM) and religious organizations by maximizing the role and function of the Zakat Collecting Unit (UPZ) in each mosque for productive activities. Therefore, it is necessary to facilitate the granting of permits for the establishment of microfinance institutions such as Islamic cooperatives and savings and loan cooperatives as well as the synergy between the government, Islamic scholars, and the community in order to alleviate poverty through financial inclusion programs

    Development of Webtoon non-test instrument as education media

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    The objective of this research was to develop non-test instrument or questionnaire to measure the evaluation of the use of Webtoon among the students of Open University in Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia and to obtain the instrument’s validity and reliability. This research employed the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation (ADDIE) instructional model. The data were collected using online questionnaire. There were 55 respondents participated in this research. The data collected were analyzed descriptively using SPSS program version 23.00 for windows. The result of the data analysis indicated that the instrument has the percentage of agreement result of 82.75% (valid) and Cronbach alpha with score 0.942 (reliable). The data proved that the instrument has very feasible. This result showed that this research and development produced Webtoon non-test instrument which is valid and reliable

    Pengembangan modul matematika berbasis kearifan lokal budaya kampar

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    The learning module is an independent learning medium for students to better understand a material. This study aims to produce a product in the form of a Mathematics learning module based on local wisdom of Kampar culture in increasing students' understanding of mathematical concepts. This research is a research and development (R&D) study using the Borg & Gall model. data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis. This study involved 12 certified teachers and 60 grade 4 students. The average score obtained for the material expert validator was 89%, the media expert validator was 90.3% and student assessment as a practicality test was 90.8%, if averaged from the three validators, the average value of material experts, media experts and practicality test with an average value of 90%, it means that the developed module is very feasible to be tested on students

    Instruments development for measuring student worksheet media based on scientific approaches

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    Student Worksheets a media in the form of sheets containing tasks and activities that students must carry out, which are useful in supporting the learning process, one of which is in the material on the Structure and Function of Plant Tissues so that students can be active in the learning process. An assessment instrument is needed for the Student Worksheets. For this reason, this study aimed to measure the instrument's validity and reliability for using Student Worksheets as a learning media. This study used Research and Development (RND) methodology with an instrument in the form of a Student Worksheets measurement questionnaire consisting of three constructs: product design, material feasibility, and language feasibility. This research was carried out by involving seven teachers from several schools. Data were obtained by distributing the questionnaire via a Google form from September to October 2022 by obtaining prior consent from the respondents. The data obtained were quantitative, then analyzed using SPSS version 29 in the form of Alpha Cronbach analysis. The results of the test show that the validity of the instrument data meets the valid and reliable criteria with each Cronbach Alpha value per construct, namely Product Design (0.795), Material Feasibility (0.712), and Language Feasibility (0.712). Therefore, this study shows that the developed instrument meets the use requirements in developing Student Worksheets media students. Thus, stakeholders and teachers can use this instrument to develop media, particularly Student Worksheets, whereas further researchers can use this instrument to measure media before the study

    Evaluation of the Usage of SSCS-Based E-Module Among Students

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    Knowledge is an ability that students must possess in solving various problems and applying them in everyday life. This study aimed to determine how far the Effectiveness of knowledge variables for students in the learning process. This study uses the ADDIE development model. with the instrument in the form of a questionnaire consisting of 2 constructs. The survey study was carried out by involving ten teachers from various schools. Data collection techniques were carried out by filling out online questionnaires, which were then analyzed with the help of the SPSS program. The results of the research prove that: 1) the preparation and development of the evaluation of the problem variable instrument in the media for students in this study was carried out by testing two research constructs, namely 1) the accuracy of the variable and 2) the Effectiveness of the variable. As well as the results of testing the validity and reliability indicate that the data validity of the evaluation instrument meets the valid criteria. This research shows that the developed instrument meets the requirements for use in media development in the form of an e-module

    Analisis Produksi, Biaya dan Pendapatan Usahatani Padi Pola Sri (System Of Rice Intensification) (Studi Kasus di Embawang dan Tanjung Bulan Kecamatan Tanjung Agung Kabupaten Muara Enim)

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    Kebutuhan dan keamanan pangan yang berkesinambungan banyak menghadapi tantangan antara lain jumlah penduduk yang terus bertambah, luas lahan pertanian yang subur semakin berkurang untuk keperluan perumahan, industri khususnya di Jawa, Bali, ke lain pulau, juga lapangan pekerjaan pertanian kurang menarik bagi generasi muda. Oleh sebab itu salah satu cara untuk memenuhi tantangan tersebut dengan “Sistem Usahatani padi Pola SRI.” Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui besarnya produksi, pendapatan, dan kontribusi usahatani pola SRI. Penelitian dilakukan di desa Embawang, Tanjung Bulan kecamatan Tanjung Agung Kabupaten Muara Enim propinsi Sumatera Selatan, yang dilaksanakan mulai bulan Juni sampai dengan bulan Juli 2013 Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan studi kasus. Penentuan contoh secara acak berlapis tidak berimbang (disproportionate stratified random sampling) dengan jumlah petani contoh 110 orang untuk pola SRI, dan 195 orang petani Non SRI. Data primer diperoleh dari petani contoh melalui wawancara, observasi, yang dituntun dengan daftar pertanyaan yang telah dipersiapkan sebelumnya, sedangkan data sekunder berasal dari seketaris desa yang terkait. Hasil penelitian dan analisis produksi padi pola SRI sebesar 9.160,17 kg GKG/1,215, Non SRI sebesar 5.746,83 kg GKG/1,23. Pendapatan SRI sebesar Rp.59.052.882,5, non SRI sebesar Rp.17.939.861,67, sedangkan besarnya pendapatan keluarga usahatani pola SRI sebesar Rp.60.471.382,5, dan pola Non SRI sebesar Rp 19.175.438,67,- Hasil analisis Uji keuntungan (R/C), (B/C), NPV pada tingkat “discount factor” 12% dalam jangka waktu 4 bulan pada pola SRI, R/C, B/C 5,099, NPV Rp. 47.289.079,-, dan Non SRI R/C, B/C 2,084, NPV Rp.14.227.085,-, mempunyai arti bahwa semua usahatani padi menguntungkan baik SRI maupun Non SRI Disarankan peningkatan penyuluhan tentang usahatani pola SRI, mendukung kebijakan pemerintah Kabupaten Muara Enim untuk menggalakan perluasan pola SRI melalui riset dan penelitian