80 research outputs found

    Improving users’ comprehension of changes with animation and sound: an empirical assessment

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    Animation or sound is often used in user interfaces as an attempt to improve users' perception and comprehension of evolving situations and support them in decision-making. However, empirical data establishing their real effectiveness on the comprehension of changes are still lacking. We have carried out an experiment using four combinations of visual and auditory feedback in a split attention task. The results not only confirm that such feedback improves the perception of changes, but they also demonstrate that animation and sound used alone or combined bring major improvements on the comprehension of a changing situation. Based on these results, we propose design guidelines about the most efficient combinations to be used in user interfaces

    A nested land uses–landscapes–livelihoods approach to assess the real costs of land-use transitions: Insights from southeast Asia

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    Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) is viewed as an effective way to mitigate climate change by compensating stewards of forested areas for minimizing forestland conversion and protecting forest services. Opportunity costs assess the cost of foregone opportunity when preserving the forest instead of investing in an alternative activity or resource use. This paper questions the calculation method of opportunity costs using averaged economic benefits and co-benefits of different land-use transitions. We propose a nested approach to land-use transitions at the interface between landscapes and livelihoods and assessing a wide range of potential socio-ecological costs and benefits. Combining household surveys and focus groups with participatory mapping, we applied the approach in villages of Laos, Vietnam and China positioned along a broad transition trajectory from subsistence shifting cultivation to intensive commercial agriculture. By looking beyond the economics of land use, we highlight important linkages between land-use changes and livelihood differentiation, vulnerability and inequalities. Our results show the importance of addressing the impacts of land-use transitions on a wide range of potential ecological and socioeconomic costs and benefits at multiple levels

    Ivy : un bus logiciel au service du développement de prototypes de systèmes interactifs

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    Ce document présente l'expérience acquise au cours du développement et de l'utilisation du bus logiciel Ivy, dans un cadre de prototypage de systèmes interactifs pour le contrôle du trafic aérien. Après une description du principe de fonctionnement de ce système, nous verrons comment cet outil a pu influer sur notre approche de problématiques IHM spécifiques comme la multimodalité, l'interaction répartie ou la mobilité. L'accent est porté sur les services rendus par ce bus pour le développement rapide de systèmes interactifs " légers ", facilement intégrables dans un banc de démonstration et basés sur la logique des langages de script. En présentant cet outil que nous utilisons depuis maintenant cinq ans, nous espérons partager ici une expérience utile pour la conception de futures architectures de systèmes interactifs à des fins de recherche prospective

    Использование препаратов магния в комплексной терапии атопического дерматита

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    Обоснована необходимость нормализации баланса магния и кальция крови при атопическом дерматите, изучено действие метаболического препарата магнерот при этом заболевании. Показано, что применение магния оротата в комплексном лечении дерматоза способствует улучшению клинического течения болезни и нормализации большинства лабораторных показателей. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о патогенетической обоснованности препаратов, содержащих магний, в лечении атопического дерматита.The necessity to normalize the balance of the blood magnesium and calcium in atopic dermatitis was substantiated. The effect of Magnerot (a metabolic medication) in this disease was investigated. The use of magnesium orotate in complex treatment of the dermatosis was shown to improve the clinical course of the disease and normalize the majority of the laboratory findings. The obtained findings suggest that the use of magnesium−containing medication in treatment of atopic dermatitis is pathogenetically substantiated


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    Executive Summary: Daily NM recap. Public Catholic masses resume. Chaplains stand down. Food delivered to tribal communities. Governors order face coverings use. Campfires restricted. NY hospitalizations fall. Nursing home probe in NJ. GOP call WHO Chief resignation. Africa cases up 51% and deaths up 60%. Sub-Saharan Africa prediction. Resurgence in Japan. UK conditions to reopen. France deaths up. UNMH protests over PPE. Med center financial stress. Hospitals bailout insufficient. 55% US healthcare worker cases hospital spread. Cruise ship transmission. Essential contact tracing. JAMA editors discuss policy. Guideline updates: treatment, emergency dep, ophthalmology, cath lab, telemedicine, liver disease, caregiver, health care facilities, FEMA, homeless services. Calcium channel blocker reduces fatality. Interferon lambda treatment. No benefit for lopinavir/ritonavir or arbidol in RCT. Donate plasma. Mixed results for antivirals on clearance. 37 new trials. Population-scale testing proposed. New rapid assay. Serology + RT-PCR needed. Hemoglobin monitoring. Co-infection of SARS-CoV-2. Urine glucose and proteinuria predict severity. Use damp cloth covers


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    Executive Summary: UNM drug repurposing. NM cases. Doctors Without Borders. SNAP benefits online. NM 7th highest unemployment. Virtual LemonAid tonight. New N98 masks. Healthcare supply chain challenge. EMS lack resources. Infection risk in healthcare workers. COVID-19 on medical education. Human disinfectant chambers. Evidence of seroconversion. Dangers of considering herd immunity. Wastewater-based surveillance. More youths infected. Reconstructing ship spread. Pharmacoepidemiologic analysis. Clinicopathologic characteristics. Cancer treatment impact. Reduced voluntary psychiatric admission in Italy. Operating room management. Humidifiers reduce transmission. Phone contact tracing ethics. Call for patient database. Immunity certification program. Guidelines on tracheostomy, IBD, nose bleeding, pituitary tumors, and hematopoietic stem cells transplantation, benefits of low-PEEP, and of molecular diagnostics. FDA authorizes at-home test. Cephid Xpert test. MRSA nasal swabs. NIH remdesivir+barictinib RCT. Corticosteroid caution. Arbidol active in vitro. ACE/ARB systematic review. In silico phytochemical and virus protease candidates. Potential zinc benefit. 31 new clinical trials. Glycemic control benefit. Psychological effects meta-analysis and survey. Disease course model. Liver injury. Environmental and health perspectives. Olfactory and gustatory dysfunction. Vitamin D. Disease map


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    Executive Summary: NYT praises NM. NM Governor update. NM cases. NM antibody tests. State hiring freeze. Navajo Nation sues. Navajo Nation CA doctors. Mental health funding. Balloon Fiesta proceeding. Trump Lysol remarks. $484B business relief. 50k US deaths. US no to WHO initiatives. US crime reductions. Moscow 10% infections. Quebec elderly deaths. Italy psychiatric sequelae. Global vaccines summit. French nicotine sales restrictions. Adaptive cyclic exit strategies. Mask reuse techniques. Mask steaming method. Legionnaire’s reopening risks. Youth mental health. US disease models. Covid phobia treatment avoidance. Nursing home testing. Home nursing demand. CDC home cleaning. Guidelines on: convalescent plasma transfusion, H2O2 nasal use, pre-op testing, respiratory distress, ophthalmological practice, GI department reopening. FDA hydroxychloroquine cautions. Chloroquine high-dose mortality. HCQ+azithromycin long-QT. Iron reduction adjuvant. Repurposing prioritization. Pediatric HCQ dosing. HCQ enrollment up. 107 trials registered. PPE skin injuries. LDL and severity. 32 ECMO patients. Worse outcomes older monkeys


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    Executive Summary: More NM cases. Free Shiprock testing. Prison release demands. 8 state parks reopen. Higher US deaths. NY PPE case dismissed. Orthopedic Tx down. European deaths down. UK mortality factors. People leaving large cities. Ending lockdown strategies. Public mask impact. Taiwan tracing. Homeless shelter prevalence. Homeless shelter outbreak. 50-state R0. COVID-19 decades later. US county tracking site. Hospital management model. COVID-19 behavioral transformation. Practice guidelines for: cardiology, IBD surgery, and rheumatic physical inactivity. Roche antibody test approved. Abbott antibody test EU-certified. Home anosmia assessment. CVD and ACE/ARBs. Tocilizumab early evidence. Tocilizumab systematic review. WHO vaccines trial. HCQ slower viral clearance. CBC predicts severity. Kidney disease meta-analysis. Innate/adaptive immunity timing. Combating misinformation. Mental health living reviews


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    Executive Summary: NM residential facility deaths. NM case update. NM TriCore testing antibodies. Navajo nation cases. May 10 Navajo peak. Udall funding push. El Paso shopping discouraged. NM budget shortfall. Santa Fe furlough. Ethanol sanitizer safety. LA free testing for all. Michigan protest. NM Batelle N95 decontamination. Hospital revenue decline. Wastewater early detection. German herd immunity. 60-day viral shedding possible. Temporary infected “ark”. Prison release preparedness. Low quality research. Phased long-term care. Suicide prevention. Corticosteroid tradeoffs. Cloth mask guidelines. SARS-CoV-2 assays compared. IgG and viral loads. Better testing reporting. Dubious testing vendors. Promising oral drug. Hydroxychloroquine prophylaxis dosing. Umifenovir ineffective. Multi-drug nanoparticles. Drug discovery new targets. 38 new COVID-19 trials. Cancer research review. Attenuated SARS-CoV-2