
Executive Summary: UNM drug repurposing. NM cases. Doctors Without Borders. SNAP benefits online. NM 7th highest unemployment. Virtual LemonAid tonight. New N98 masks. Healthcare supply chain challenge. EMS lack resources. Infection risk in healthcare workers. COVID-19 on medical education. Human disinfectant chambers. Evidence of seroconversion. Dangers of considering herd immunity. Wastewater-based surveillance. More youths infected. Reconstructing ship spread. Pharmacoepidemiologic analysis. Clinicopathologic characteristics. Cancer treatment impact. Reduced voluntary psychiatric admission in Italy. Operating room management. Humidifiers reduce transmission. Phone contact tracing ethics. Call for patient database. Immunity certification program. Guidelines on tracheostomy, IBD, nose bleeding, pituitary tumors, and hematopoietic stem cells transplantation, benefits of low-PEEP, and of molecular diagnostics. FDA authorizes at-home test. Cephid Xpert test. MRSA nasal swabs. NIH remdesivir+barictinib RCT. Corticosteroid caution. Arbidol active in vitro. ACE/ARB systematic review. In silico phytochemical and virus protease candidates. Potential zinc benefit. 31 new clinical trials. Glycemic control benefit. Psychological effects meta-analysis and survey. Disease course model. Liver injury. Environmental and health perspectives. Olfactory and gustatory dysfunction. Vitamin D. Disease map

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