67 research outputs found

    Did evolution create a flexible ligand-binding cavity in the urokinase receptor through deletion of a plesiotypic disulfide bond?

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    The urokinase receptor (uPAR) is a founding member of a small protein family with multiple Ly6/uPAR (LU) domains. The motif defining these LU domains contains five plesiotypic disulfide bonds stabilizing its prototypical three-fingered fold having three protruding loops. Notwithstanding the detailed knowledge on structure-function relationships in uPAR, one puzzling enigma remains unexplored. Why does the first LU domain in uPAR (DI) lack one of its consensus disulfide bonds, when the absence of this particular disulfide bond impairs the correct folding of other single LU domain-containing proteins? Here, using a variety of contemporary biophysical methods, we found that reintroducing the two missing half-cystines in uPAR DI caused the spontaneous formation of the corresponding consensus 7–8 LU domain disulfide bond. Importantly, constraints due to this cross-link impaired (i) the binding of uPAR to its primary ligand urokinase and (ii) the flexible interdomain assembly of the three LU domains in uPAR. We conclude that the evolutionary deletion of this particular disulfide bond in uPAR DI may have enabled the assembly of a high-affinity urokinase-binding cavity involving all three LU domains in uPAR. Of note, an analogous neofunctionalization occurred in snake venom α-neurotoxins upon loss of another pair of the plesiotypic LU domain half-cystines. In summary, elimination of the 7–8 consensus disulfide bond in the first LU domain of uPAR did have significant functional and structural consequences

    Intramolecular Structural Heterogeneity altered by Long-range Contacts in an Intrinsically Disordered Protein

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    Short-range interactions and long-range contacts drive the 3D folding of structured proteins. The proteins' structure has a direct impact on their biological function. However, nearly 40% of the eukaryotes proteome is composed of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) and protein regions that fluctuate between ensembles of numerous conformations. Therefore, to understand their biological function, it is critical to depict how the structural ensemble statistics correlate to the IDPs' amino acid sequence. Here, using small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) and time-resolved F\"orster resonance energy transfer (trFRET), we study the intra-molecular structural heterogeneity of the neurofilament low intrinsically disordered tail domain (NFLt). Using theoretical results of polymer physics, we find that the Flory scaling exponent of NFLt sub-segments correlates linearly with their net charge, ranging from statistics of ideal to self-avoiding chains. Surprisingly, measuring the same segments in the context of the whole NFLt protein, we find that regardless of the peptide sequence, the segments' structural statistics are more expanded than when measured independently. Our findings show that while polymer physics can, to some level, relate the IDP's sequence to its ensemble conformations, long-range contacts between distant amino acids play a crucial role in determining intra-molecular structures. This emphasizes the necessity of advanced polymer theories to fully describe IDPs ensembles with the hope it will allow us to model their biological function

    Lack of Evidence from Studies of Soluble Protein Fragments that Knops Blood Group Polymorphisms in Complement Receptor-Type 1 Are Driven by Malaria

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    Complement receptor-type 1 (CR1, CD35) is the immune-adherence receptor, a complement regulator, and an erythroid receptor for Plasmodium falciparum during merozoite invasion and subsequent rosette formation involving parasitized and non-infected erythrocytes. The non-uniform geographical distribution of Knops blood group CR1 alleles Sl1/2 and McCa/b may result from selective pressures exerted by differential exposure to infectious hazards. Here, four variant short recombinant versions of CR1 were produced and analyzed, focusing on complement control protein modules (CCPs) 15–25 of its ectodomain. These eleven modules encompass a region (CCPs 15–17) key to rosetting, opsonin recognition and complement regulation, as well as the Knops blood group polymorphisms in CCPs 24–25. All four CR1 15–25 variants were monomeric and had similar axial ratios. Modules 21 and 22, despite their double-length inter-modular linker, did not lie side-by-side so as to stabilize a bent-back architecture that would facilitate cooperation between key functional modules and Knops blood group antigens. Indeed, the four CR1 15–25 variants had virtually indistinguishable affinities for immobilized complement fragments C3b (KD = 0.8–1.1 µM) and C4b (KD = 5.0–5.3 µM). They were all equally good co-factors for factor I-catalysed cleavage of C3b and C4b, and they bound equally within a narrow affinity range, to immobilized C1q. No differences between the variants were observed in assays for inhibition of erythrocyte invasion by P. falciparum or for rosette disruption. Neither differences in complement-regulatory functionality, nor interactions with P. falciparum proteins tested here, appear to have driven the non-uniform geographic distribution of these alleles

    Structural model of human dUTPase in complex with a novel proteinaceous inhibitor

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    Human deoxyuridine 5'-triphosphate nucleotidohydrolase (dUTPase), essential for DNA integrity, acts as a survival factor for tumor cells and is a target for cancer chemotherapy. Here we report that the Staphylococcal repressor protein StlSaPIBov1 (Stl) forms strong complex with human dUTPase. Functional analysis reveals that this interaction results in significant reduction of both dUTPase enzymatic activity and DNA binding capability of Stl. We conducted structural studies to understand the mechanism of this mutual inhibition. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) complemented with hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) data allowed us to obtain 3D structural models comprising a trimeric dUTPase complexed with separate Stl monomers. These models thus reveal that upon dUTPase-Stl complex formation the functional homodimer of Stl repressor dissociates, which abolishes the DNA binding ability of the protein. Active site forming dUTPase segments were directly identified to be involved in the dUTPase-Stl interaction by HDX-MS, explaining the loss of dUTPase activity upon complexation. Our results provide key novel structural insights that pave the way for further applications of the first potent proteinaceous inhibitor of human dUTPase

    An automated data processing and analysis pipeline for transmembrane proteins in detergent solutions

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    The application of small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) to the structural characterization of transmembrane proteins (MPs) in detergent solutions has become a routine procedure at synchrotron BioSAXS beamlines around the world. SAXS provides overall parameters and low resolution shapes of solubilized MPs, but is also meaningfully employed in hybrid modeling procedures that combine scattering data with information provided by high-resolution techniques (eg. macromolecular crystallography, nuclear magnetic resonance and cryo-electron microscopy). Structural modeling of MPs from SAXS data is non-trivial, and the necessary computational procedures require further formalization and facilitation. We propose an automated pipeline integrated with the laboratory-information management system ISPyB, aimed at preliminary SAXS analysis and the first-step reconstruction of MPs in detergent solutions, in order to streamline high-throughput studies, especially at synchrotron beamlines. The pipeline queries an ISPyB database for available a priori information via dedicated services, estimates model-free SAXS parameters and generates preliminary models utilizing either ab initio, high-resolution-based, or mixed/hybrid methods. The results of the automated analysis can be inspected online using the standard ISPyB interface and the estimated modeling parameters may be utilized for further in-depth modeling beyond the pipeline. Examples of the pipeline results for the modelling of the tetrameric alpha-helical membrane channel Aquaporin0 and mechanosensitive channel T2, solubilized by n-Dodecyl β-D-maltoside are presented. We demonstrate how increasing the amount of a priori information improves model resolution and enables deeper insights into the molecular structure of protein-detergent complexes

    Restoring structural parameters of lipid mixtures from small-angle X-ray scattering data

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    Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) is widely utilized to study soluble macromolecules, including those embedded into lipid carriers and delivery systems such as surfactant micelles, phospholipid vesicles and bilayered nanodiscs. To adequately describe the scattering from such systems, one needs to account for both the form factor (overall structure) and long-range-order Bragg reflections emerging from the organization of bilayers, which is a nontrivial task. Presently existing methods separate the analysis of lipid mixtures into distinct procedures using form-factor fitting and the fitting of the Bragg peak regions. This article describes a general approach for the computation and analysis of SAXS data from lipid mixtures over the entire angular range of an experiment. The approach allows one to restore the electron density of a lipid bilayer and simultaneously recover the corresponding size distribution and multilamellar organization of the vesicles. The method is implemented in a computer program, LIPMIX, and its performance is demonstrated on an aqueous solution of layered lipid vesicles undergoing an extrusion process. The approach is expected to be useful for the analysis of various types of lipid-based systems, e.g. for the characterization of interactions between target drug molecules and potential carrier/delivery systems

    Small oligomers of ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) Activase are required for biological activity

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    Ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) activase uses the energy from ATP hydrolysis to remove tight binding inhibitors from Rubisco, thus playing a key role in regulating photosynthesis in plants. Although several structures have recently added much needed structural information for different Rubisco activase enzymes, the arrangement of these subunits in solution remains unclear. In this study, we use a variety of techniques to show that Rubisco activase forms a wide range of structures in solution, ranging from monomers to much higher order species, and that the distribution of these species is highly dependent on protein concentration. The data support a model in which Rubisco activase forms an open spiraling structure rather than a closed hexameric structure. At protein concentrations of 1 μm, corresponding to the maximal activity of the enzyme, Rubisco activase has an oligomeric state of 2–4 subunits. We propose a model in which Rubisco activase requires at least 1 neighboring subunit for hydrolysis of ATP

    Impact of Fluorinated Ionic Liquids on Human Phenylalanine Hydroxylase—A Potential Drug Delivery System

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    Phenylketonuria (PKU) is an autosomal recessive disease caused by deficient activity of human phenylalanine hydroxylase (hPAH), which can lead to neurologic impairments in untreated patients. Although some therapies are already available for PKU, these are not without drawbacks. Enzyme-replacement therapy through the delivery of functional hPAH could be a promising strategy. In this work, biophysical methods were used to evaluate the potential of [N1112(OH)][C4F9SO3], a biocompatible fluorinated ionic liquid (FIL), as a delivery system of hPAH. The results herein presented show that [N1112(OH)][C4F9SO3] spontaneously forms micelles in a solution that can encapsulate hPAH. This FIL has no significant effect on the secondary structure of hPAH and is able to increase its enzymatic activity, despite the negative impact on protein thermostability. The influence of [N1112(OH)][C4F9SO3] on the complex oligomerization equilibrium of hPAH was also assessed

    Studies on the Interaction between Model Proteins and Fluorinated Ionic Liquids

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    Proteins are inherently unstable, which limits their use as therapeutic agents. However, the use of biocompatible cosolvents or surfactants can help to circumvent this problem through the stabilization of intramolecular and solvent-mediated interactions. Ionic liquids (ILs) have been known to act as cosolvents or surface-active compounds. In the presence of proteins, ILs can have a beneficial effect on their refolding, shelf life, stability, and enzymatic activities. In the work described herein, we used small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) to monitor the aggregation of different concentrations of ILs with protein models, lysozyme (Lys) and bovine serum albumin (BSA), and fluorescence microscopy to assess micelle formation of fluorinated ILs (FILs) with Lys. Furthermore, coarse-grained molecular dynamics (CG-MD) simulations provided a better understanding of Lys–FIL interactions. The results showed that the proteins maintain their globular structures in the presence of FILs, with signs of partial unfolding for Lys and compaction for BSA with increased flexibility at higher FIL concentrations. Lys was encapsulated by FIL, thus reinforcing the potential of ILs to be used in the formulation of protein-based pharmaceuticals

    Studies on the Interaction between Model Proteins and Fluorinated Ionic Liquids

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    Proteins are inherently unstable, which limits their use as therapeutic agents. However, the use of biocompatible cosolvents or surfactants can help to circumvent this problem through the stabilization of intramolecular and solvent-mediated interactions. Ionic liquids (ILs) have been known to act as cosolvents or surface-active compounds. In the presence of proteins, ILs can have a beneficial effect on their refolding, shelf life, stability, and enzymatic activities. In the work described herein, we used small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) to monitor the aggregation of different concentrations of ILs with protein models, lysozyme (Lys) and bovine serum albumin (BSA), and fluorescence microscopy to assess micelle formation of fluorinated ILs (FILs) with Lys. Furthermore, coarse-grained molecular dynamics (CG-MD) simulations provided a better understanding of Lys–FIL interactions. The results showed that the proteins maintain their globular structures in the presence of FILs, with signs of partial unfolding for Lys and compaction for BSA with increased flexibility at higher FIL concentrations. Lys was encapsulated by FIL, thus reinforcing the potential of ILs to be used in the formulation of protein-based pharmaceuticals
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