163 research outputs found

    Literary Experiences of Encyclopedist of 18th Century: Jean-Francois Marmontel

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    The article is devoted to identifying the features of the formation of Jean-Francois Marmontel as a writer, journalist and encyclopedist who made a significant contribution to the literary education of the French society. The relevance of the research topic is due to the study of the views of the scientist that influenced the reception of established and new literary genres of the 18th century. The research methodology is based on a narrative approach in the historiographical perspective, as well as a biographical (cultural-anthropocentric) method that reveals the writer's biography as a typical manifestation of the socio-cultural processes of the age of the Enlightenment. The use of these methods determined the novelty of the study, as it contributed to the consideration of the dynamics of the views of the French educator J.-F. Marmontel and the determination of the degree of his literary contribution to the development of new genres of the moralizing novel and the epic novel, as well as the French Encyclopedia (Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des metiers). It is proved that for J. F. Marmontel the task of the writer was to educate the reader through his introduction to “belle literacy” (belles lettres). The material of the study was the literary works of J. F. Marmontel in French and Russian: poetic works, moralizing stories, novels, including his articles on literature, published in the first edition of the Encyclopedia. An analysis of the content of the French writer's works shows that they are educational and critical in nature, since their author skillfully mastered many literary genres in practice

    ARole of political, economic and cultural factors in development of tourist relations between China and South Korea in the late 20th — beginning of 21st centuries

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    The article presents issues of political, economic and cultural factors influencing tourist relations between China and South Korea at the turn of the 20th–21st centuries (since the beginning of 1990s till 2017). The authors of the given article examine the premises, dynamics and peculiarities of cooperation between both countries in the sphere of tourism in this period. In particular, when considering the cultural aspects, we tried to place emphasis on the role of the “Korean Wave” in this process. Among the political factors, special attention is paid to the close interconnection of foreign policy developments and the dynamics of growth or decline of the bilateral tourism flows between China and South Korea.Рассматриваются вопросы влияния политических, экономических и культурных факторов на развитие туристических связей между КНР и Южной Кореей на рубеже ХХ–ХХI вв. (с начала 1990‑х до 2017 г.). Авторы исследуют предпосылки, динамику и особенности сотрудничества обеих стран в сфере туризма в указанный период. В частности, в рамках культурных аспектов делается акцент на роли «корейской волны» в этом процессе. Среди политических факторов обращается особое внимание на тесную взаимосвязь внешнеполитических событий и динамику роста или спада в сегменте взаимного туризма обоих государств


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    We performed a comprehensive analysis of the characteristics of self‐similarity of seismicity and the fault network within the Sikhote Alin orogenic belt and the adjacent areas. It has been established that the main features of seismicity are controlled by the crustal earthquakes. Differentiation of the study area according to the density of earthquake epicenters and the fractal dimension of the epicentral field of earthquakes (De) shows that the most active crustal areas are linked to the Kharpi‐Kur‐Priamurye zone, the northern Bureya massif and the Mongol‐Okhotsk folded system. The analysis of the earthquake recurrence plot slope values reveals that the highest b‐values correlate with the areas of the highest seismic activity of the northern part of the Bureya massif and, to a less extent, of the Mongol‐Okhotsk folded system. The increased fractal dimension values for the fault network (Df) correlate with the folded systems (Sikhote Alin and Mongol‐Okhotsk), while the decreased values conform to the depressions and troughs (Middle Amur, Uda and Torom). A comparison of the fractal analysis results for the fault network with the recent stress‐strain data gives evidence of their general confineness to the contemporary areas of intense compression. The correspondence between the field of the parameter b‐value for the upper crustal earthquakes and the fractal dimension value for the fault network (Df) suggests a general consistency between the self‐similar earthquake magnitude (energy) distribution and the fractal distribution of the fault sizes. The analysis results demonstrate that the selfsimilarity parameters provide an important quantitative characteristic in seismotectonics and can be used for the neotectonic and geodynamic analyses.Проведен комплексный анализ характеристик самоподобия сейсмичности и сети разломов в пределах Сихотэ‐Алиньского орогенного пояса и прилегающих территорий. Установлено, что основные осо‐ бенности сейсмичности определяются коровыми землетрясениями. Дифференциация исследуемой территории по плотности эпицентров и величине фрактальной размерности поля эпицентров (De) показывает, что наиболее активные участки земной коры связаны с Харпийско‐Курско‐Приамурской зоной, с северной частью Буреинского массива и Монголо‐Охотской складчатой системой. Анализ значений наклона графика повторяемости землетрясений (b) показывает, что наибольшие его величины соответствует районам наибольшей сейсмической активности: северной части Буреинского массива и, в меньшей степени, – Монголо‐Охотской системе. Повышенные значения фрактальной размерности разломной сети (Df) соответствуют складчатым системам (Сихотэ‐Алиньской и Монголо‐Охотской), а пониженные – впадинам и прогибам (Среднеамурская, Удский и Торомский). Сопоставление результатов фрактального анализа сети разломов с данными по современному напряженно‐деформированному состоянию показывает их общую приуроченность к областям интенсивного современного сжатия. Соответствие поля параметра b для верхнекоровых землетрясений и поля размерности сети разломов Df указывает на общую согласованность самоподобного распределения магнитуды (энергии) землетрясений и фрактального распределения размеров разрывных нарушений. Полученные результаты показывают, что параметры самоподобия являются важной количественной характеристикой в сейсмотектонике и могут использоваться при неотектоническом и геодинамическом анализе

    Efficacy and safety of left atrial appendage closure in patients with atrial fibrillation and high thromboembolic and bleeding risk

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    Aim. To compare the incidence of thromboembolic and hemorrhagic events after left atrial appendage occlusion (LAAO) or without prevention of thromboembolic events (TEEs) during prospective follow-up of patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) and a high risk of ischemic stroke (IS) who have contraindications to long-term anticoagulant therapy.Material and methods. The study included 134 patients with AF, a high risk of IS, and contraindications to long-term anticoagulation. Patients were divided into 2 groups as follows: the first group included patients who underwent LAAO (n=74), while the second one — those who did not undergo any TEE prevention (n=60). The follow-up period was 3 years. The cumulative rate of all-cause mortality, IS, transient ischemic attacks (TIA), and systemic embolism (SE) was taken as the primary efficacy endpoint. The primary safety endpoint included major bleeding according to GARFIELD registry criteria.Results.  The rate of composite efficacy endpoint in the LAAO group was significantly lower than in the group without thromboembolic prophylaxis (5,2 vs 17,4 per 100 patient-years; adjusted odds ratio (OR), 4,08; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1,7-9,5; p=0,001). The rate of major bleeding was comparable in both groups (2,4 in the LAAO group vs 1,3 per 100 patient-years in the group without thromboembolic prophylaxis; adjusted OR, 0,55; 95% CI: 0,1-3,09; p=0,509). In addition, the event rate of net clinical benefit (all-cause mortality + ischemic stroke/TIA/SE + major bleeding) in the LAAO group was also significantly lower (5,9 vs 18,2 per 100 patient-years; adjusted OR, 3,0; 95% CI: 1,47-6,36; p=0,003).Conclusion. Among patients with AF and contraindications to long-term anticoagulation after 3 years of follow-up, LAAO demonstrated the significant reduction of cumulative rate of all-cause mortality and non-fatal thromboembolic events. At the same time, the frequency of major bleeding was comparable between the groups, even taking into account access-site bleeding and postoperative antithrombotic therapy (ATT)-associated bleeding in the LAAO group. Further randomized clinical trials are required to confirm these data

    Study of the structure and kinematics of the NGC 7465/64/63 triplet galaxies

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    This paper is devoted to the analysis of new observational data for the group of galaxies NGC 7465/64/63, which were obtained at the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SAO RAS) with the multimode instrument SCORPIO and the Multi Pupil Fiber Spectrograph. For one of group members (NGC 7465) the presence of a polar ring was suspected. Large-scale brightness distributions, velocity and velocity dispersion fields of the ionized gas for all three galaxies as well as line-of-sight velocity curves on the basis of emission and absorption lines and a stellar velocity field in the central region for NGC 7465 were constructed. As a result of the analysis of the obtained information, we revealed an inner stellar disk (r ~ 0.5 kpc) and a warped gaseous disk in addition to the main stellar disk, in NGC 7465. On the basis of the joint study of photometric and spectral data it was ascertained that NGC 7464 is the irregular galaxy of the IrrI type, whose structural and kinematic peculiarities resulted most likely from the gravitational interaction with NGC 7465. The velocity field of the ionized gas of NGC 7463 turned out typical for spiral galaxies with a bar, and the bending of outer parts of its disk could arise owing to the close encounter with one of galaxies of the environment.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    A Spectroscopic and Photometric Study of Short-Timescale Variability in NGC5548

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    Results of a ground-based optical monitoring campaign on NGC5548 in June 1998 are presented. The broad-band fluxes (U,B,V), and the spectrophotometric optical continuum flux F_lambda(5100 A) monotonically decreased in flux while the broad-band R and I fluxes and the integrated emission-line fluxes of Halpha and Hbeta remained constant to within 5%. On June 22, a short continuum flare was detected in the broad band fluxes. It had an amplitude of about ~18% and it lasted only ~90 min. The broad band fluxes and the optical continuum F_lambda(5100 A) appear to vary simultaneously with the EUV variations. No reliable delay was detected for the broad optical emission lines in response to the EUVE variations. Narrow Hbeta emission features predicted as a signature of an accretion disk were not detected during this campaign. However, there is marginal evidence for a faint feature at lambda = 4962 A with FWHM=~6 A redshifted by Delta v = 1100 km/s with respect to Hbeta_narrow.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publishing in A&


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    The aim of the work – to analyze the features of hemostasis disorders in patients with coronavirus infection. Materials and methods. 78 medical records of inpatients hospitalized in the Regional Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital of Kharkiv for the period from May to September 2020 were analyzed. To assess the state of the hemostasis system and the risk of thrombohemorrhagic complications, the level of platelets, fibrinogen, D-dimer, active partial thromboplastic time (APTT), international normalized ratio (INR) was monitored. Results. During the study, disorders of cellular and plasma indicators of hemostasis were analyzed. Patients were divided into groups, depending on the severity of respiratory failure. Coagulation tests were monitored every 48 hours. Conclusion. In patients with moderate severity, disorders of the hemostasis system in the form of hypercoagulation prevailed. Prolonged course of the disease for more than 21 days or in patients with severe, extremely severe course, hypercoagulation changed to hypocoagulation and DIC syndrome occurred. There is a direct relationship with the state of hemostasis and the severity of coronavirus infection.Мета роботи – проаналізувати особливості порушення системи гемостазу у хворих на коронавірусну інфекцію. Матеріали та методи. Проаналізовано 78 медичних карт стаціонарних хворих, госпіталізованих в обласну клінічну інфекційну лікарню м. Харкова за період з травня по вересень 2020 р. Для оцінки стану системи гемостазу та ризику виникнення тромбогеморагічних ускладнень проводили моніторинг рівня тромбоцитів, фібриногену, D-димеру, активного часткового тромбопластинового часу (АЧТЧ), міжнародного нормалізованого відношення (МНВ). Результати дослідження. Під час дослідження були проаналізовані порушення клітинних і плазматичних показників гемостазу. Хворі були поділені на групи, залежно від ступеня тяжкості дихальної недостатності. Моніторинг коагуляційних тестів проводили кожні 48 год. Висновок. У пацієнтів із середнім ступенем тяжкості переважали порушення системи гемостазу у вигляді гіперкоагуляції. Тривалий перебіг хвороби понад 21 добу або у хворих із тяжким чи вкрай тяжким ступенем гіперкоагуляція змінювалася на гіпокоагуляцію та виникав ДВЗ-синдром. Показники гемостазу прямо корелювали зі ступенем тяжкості коронавірусної інфекції

    Prevention of Cardioembolic Complications in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: Efficacy and Safety of Left Atrial Appendage Isolation and Oral Anticoagulants

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    Aim. To study the outcomes frequency and structure in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) depending on the cardioembolic events preventing method: left atrial appendage (LAA) isolation, direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) or warfarin.Material and methods. A prospective observational study included patients with AF and high risk of cardioembolic complications and without contraindications to anticoagulants. Patients who refused long-term oral anticoagulants taking underwent LAA isolation, the rest of the patients received DOACs or warfarin. The observation period was 3 years. Mortality, cardioembolic complications and major bleeding (according to GARFIELD criteria) cumulative incidence was assessed.Results. We included 245 patients: 46 patients were treated with LAA isolation, 100 with warfarin, and 99 with DOACs. Multivariate regression analysis demonstrated a statistically significant advantage of LAA occluder in terms of combined endpoint achieving frequency compared to warfarin (hazard ratio [HR] 3.10; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.01-9.54; p=0.049), and to DOACs (HR 3.44, 95% CI 1.15-10.29; p=0.027). A similar result was obtained for all-cause mortality (HR 5.24; 95% CI 1.12-24.55; p=0.036 and HR 5.58; 95% CI 1.22-25.49; p=0.027, respectively). There were no significant differences in bleeding rates between the groups.Conclusion. This observational study demonstrates the superiority of LAA isolation as a first-line therapy over DOACs and warfarin in patients with AF and high risk of cardioembolic complications. Randomized trials are required to confirm these observations