966 research outputs found

    Argentina’s foreign policy in Kirchner’s second term

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    Since the return to democracy in 1983, Argentina’s foreign policy has been tied to the changing patterns of its political system and development model. In the 80’s, the main problem was the country’s democratic stability and the political control of the military. Foreign policy reflected these concerns, seeking to increase regional cooperation to strengthen democracy and seeking to diminish conflict hypotheses to reduce the weight off the military. In the 90’s, the aim was more focused on state and market reform, leaving aside state interventionism and protectionism in order to move to a strategy of openness, stability and privatization. Foreign policy became in part a strategy to secure domestic changes and to project Argentina as a “normal” country fully integrated to the world. The 2002 crisis put an end to the political and economic cycle. Foreign policy was again a manifestation of this domestic transformation. Nestor Kirchner sought to regain presidential power, recover state power, and put Argentina back into the South American concert. Foreign policy reflected these changes, seeking enhance Argentina’s autonomy from the International Monetary Fund, adopting a position rather distant from the United States and rebuilding ties with South America, particularly with Brazil’s Lula and Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez. The ‘return’ of the state, however, placed natural resources back again in the agenda. Uruguay and Bolivia entered through this window, the first starting a conflict with Argentina over the installation of a pulp paper mill on the banks of the Rio Uruguay, the second becoming simultaneously a problem (for its political instability) and a solution ( for its rich gas resources)

    Argentina in a Changing Nuclear Order: An Appraisal

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    This chapter examines Argentina´s nucleary policy regarding non-proliferation and how it fits into its more general foreign policy. It argues that Argentina?s nuclear preferences have evolved to focus on lines of dialogue,confidence building, and incremental engagement with the global nuclear order.Fil: Merke, Mario Federico. Universidad de San Andrés; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Psychiatric characterization of children with genetic causes of hyperandrogenism

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    Objective: Very little is known about the mental health status in children with genetic causes of hyperandrogenism. This study sought to characterize psychiatric morbidity in this group. Design/methods: Children (8-18 years) with the diagnosis of classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) or familial male precocious puberty (FMPP) underwent a semi-structured psychiatric interview, the Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia-Present and Lifetime Version. According to sex and the literature, incidence of identified psychopathology was compared between the two endocrinological groups. We evaluated 72 patients: 54 CAH (21 females) and 18 FMPP. Results: Twenty-four (44.4%) CAH patients and 10 (55.6%) FMPP patients met the criteria for at least one lifetime psychiatric diagnosis. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) was present in 18.2% of CAH males, 44.4% of FMPP males, and one case (4.8%) in CAH females. A high rate of anxiety disorders was also found in all the three groups (17-21%). Relative to females with CAH, the FMPP patients exhibited higher rates of ADHD. Age at diagnosis and the treatment modalities were not associated with psychopathology. Rates of psychiatric disorder, specifically ADHD and anxiety disorders, were higher than in the general population. Conclusion: Although anxiety disorders may occur at an increased rate in children with chronic illness, androgens may contribute to higher risk for psychopathology in pediatric patients with genetic cause of excess androgen. Early diagnosis and treatment of childhood hyperandrogenism is essential for optimal development. The results suggest that assessment for psychiatric disorders should be part of the routine evaluation of these patients

    Effects of additions to independent silent reading on students’ reading proficiency, motivation, and behavior:Results of a meta-analysis

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    One often used approach to increase students' reading frequency is investing in independent silent reading (ISR) at schools: regularly scheduling time during which students read silently in books of their own choice. However, evidence for the impact of ISR is inconclusive and there appear to be important barriers to its effects on students' reading frequency, motivation, and proficiency: particularly struggling readers have difficulties choosing appropriate books, simply allotting time for reading does not guarantee that students read, ISR lacks accountability, and students are not always given the opportunity to interact about what they read. The aim of the current meta-analysis was to test whether additions to ISR that aim to overcome these barriers contribute to the effects of ISR on students' reading. Using outcomes of 51 effect studies covering 56 samples of students in primary and secondary education, we established a small but significant positive short-term intervention effect on overall reading proficiency (Cohen's d = 0.27). We additionally found that additions to ISR were particularly effective for students at risk of reading failure; for stronger readers, effects were absent. Finally, we found a negative effect of help or instruction by the teacher, which suggests that activities during reading might interfere with students' engagement with texts.</p

    Grey matter volume correlates with virtual water maze task performance in boys with androgen excess

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    Major questions remain about the specific role of testosterone in human spatial navigation. We tested 10 boys (mean age 11.65 years) with an extremely rare disorder of androgen excess (Familial Male Precocious Puberty, FMPP) and 40 healthy boys (mean age 12.81 years) on a virtual version of the Morris Water Maze task. In addition, anatomical magnetic resonance images were collected for all patients and a subsample of the controls (n=21) after task completion. Behaviourally, no significant differences were found between both groups. However, in the MRI analyses, grey matter volume (GMV) was correlated with performance using voxel-based morphometry (VBM). Group differences in correlations of performance with GMV were apparent in medial regions of the prefrontal cortex as well as the middle occipital gyrus and the cuneus. By comparison, similar correlations for both groups were found in the inferior parietal lobule. These data provide novel insight into the relation between testosterone and brain development and suggest that morphological differences in a spatial navigation network covary with performance in spatial ability. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of IBRO

    Opiskelijoiden aloittamat kysymyssekvenssit suomi vieraana kielenä -oppitunnin voimavarana

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    Student-initiated question sequences as learning potential in Finnish-as-foreign-language classes This dissertation examines sequences of student-initiated questions in classes of Finnish-as-a-foreign-language at a French university. The data were videotaped during two two-week periods separated by five years. During each session, two different student groups were videotaped, both a beginners group and one of advanced learners of Finnish. The data were videotaped and recorded by two cameras, one capturing the student group and the other filming the teacher and the blackboard. The research method adopted was ethnomethodological conversation analysis. The analysis focuses on sequences in which students express their surprise concerning a grammatical detail. The student s question is connected to a noticing that is based on mutually shared grammatical knowledge. By posing a question the student can take the floor and introduce a topic that is personally relevant. Student questions interrupt the on-going classroom activity so that they simultaneously engage in individual epistemic search sequences and a collective knowledge co-construction. The specific question sequences identified were those initiated by negatively formatted declaratives, adversative declaratives and question-word question that imply a contrast. A detailed sequential analysis demonstrated that these questions also activated issues of right and wrong that were connected to social and moral order. The question formulations related to previous norm violations and in this sense, to moral issues. Concretely, when a student asked a question, the other participants considered issues of epistemic primacy and territory, and evaluated the legitimacy of the question. This research offers new information on the construction of intersubjectivity and its relationship to learning opportunities. The analysis demonstrates that intersubjective understanding is at first under-mined when the students notice unexpected and contradictory grammatical details that are investigated in terms of the question. The study illustrates how these questions acquire a challenging quality and morality. Nonetheless, the question sequences constitute a positive potential for the ongoing collective learning activity. The re-examination of expectations regarding linguistic issues creates opportunities to test and re-establish linguistic knowledge. The question sequences also provide tools that aid the students in structuring their personal linguistic understanding and in advancing their collective language learning. A central result is that the emotional and moral dimension of asking a question in a language classroom simultaneously challenges the foreign language, the teacher and intersubjective understanding. The interactional dynamics in epistemicity, affectivity and morality creates shared learning spaces. Keywords: question-answer sequences, Finnish-as-foreign-language, classroom interaction, conversa-tion analysis, moral communicationOpiskelijoiden aloittamat kysymyssekvenssit suomi vieraana kielenä -oppitunnin voimavarana Tutkimus käsittelee opiskelijoiden aloittamia kysymyssekvenssejä suomi vieraana kielenä -oppitunneilla. Aineisto on kerätty ranskalaisessa yliopistossa suomen kielen alkeis- ja jatkokursseilla. Otoskausia oli kaksi ja ryhmiä yhteensä neljä. Tutkimusmetodi on etnometodologinen keskustelunanalyysi. Analyysin keskiössä ovat sekvenssit, joissa opiskelijat ottavat esille hämmentävän tai epäselvän kieliopillisen yksityiskohdan. Yksityiskohta suhteutetaan tavallisesti aiemmin opittuun eli yhteiseen tietoon. Kysymyksellä opiskelija osallistuu keskusteluun ja tuo esille itselleen tärkeitä asioita. Opiskelijan kysymys keskeyttää meneillään olevan toiminnan, luo tilanteeseen tiedollisen epäsymmetrian ja aloittaa samalla yhteisen tiedon rakentamisen. Analyysi keskittyy kausaalisiin, adversatiivisiin sekä kielteisesti muotoiltuihin kysymysrakenteisiin. Analyysi osoittaa, että kysymykset aktivoivat episteemisen epäsymmetrian lisäksi väärän ja oikean tuntemuksia, joihin liittyy sosiaalinen ja moraalinen ulottuvuus. Osallistujat arvioivat kysymyksiä niiden legitiimiyden ja relevanssin kannalta, jolloin osallistujat arvioivat myös asiantuntijuutta sekä tietämisen mahdollisuuksia ja oikeutusta. Tutkimus tuo uutta tietoa oppimistilanteiden ja intersubjektiivisuuden yhteydestä. Opiskelijan kysymys kyseenalaistaa osallistujien yhteistä arviointia kontekstista eli opiskeltavasta asiasta, tietämisen tarpeesta ja yhteisen tiedon pohjasta. Kysymyksiä käsitellään osittain haastavina, mikä näyttäytyy moraalisena kommunikaationa. Kysymyssekvenssit ovat ympäristö, jossa osallistujat voivat testata omia odotuksiaan ja kielioppikäsityksiään sekä saavuttaa uutta ymmärrystä jostakin kieliopin yksityiskohdasta. Kysymyssekvenssit tarjoavat opiskelijoille mahdollisuuden jäsentää kielellistä tietämystään sekä osoittaa affektiivista asennoitumistaan. Siten ne tukevat yhdessä koettua oppimisprosessia. Vuorovaikutuksen dynamiikka, johon kuuluvat episteemisyys, tunteet ja moraali, luo oppimismahdollisuuksia kytkemällä kielen opiskelun sosiaaliseen toimintaan. Avainsanat: kysymys vastaus -sekvenssi, suomi vieraana -kielenä, luokkahuone, keskustelunanalyysi, moraalinen kommunikaati

    Exprimer et gérer des désaccords en cours de langue : La question causale et l’interrogation totale adversative

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    La présente analyse porte sur les questions posées par les étudiants lors de cours de langue étrangère donnés dans une université française. Nous comparerons deux formes interrogatives différentes : la question causale (mais +) pourquoi et l’interrogation totale introduite par le connecteur mais, nommée question adversative. La méthode utilisée dans ce travail est l’analyse conversationnelle.Nous nous intéresserons à la capacité qu’ont les questions causales négatives et les questions adversatives de signaler l’émergence d’une vue contrastive. Ces questions ont en effet pour fonction d’initier une négociation concernant la validité et l’acceptabilité d’une règle grammaticale ou d’une explication concurrente. Elles ont souvent pour conséquence un changement du cadre de participation. Nous montrerons que la question causale peut fonctionner comme une protestation et incite d’autres participants à entrer en compétition. La question adversative quant à elle sert à tester la fiabilité d’une ancienne explication et renvoie à un savoir antérieur. Elle peut impliquer une critique envers l’enseignant. Ces formulations sont toutes deux un moyen d’exprimer un désaccord plus ou moins explicite et permettent de diriger la discussion vers une séquence latérale où sont livrées des explications supplémentaires détaillées.This conversation analytic study investigates student-initiated question sequences in Finnish as a foreign language lessons held at a French university. Two different question forms are compared, the causal question (mais) + pourquoi ‘(but +) why’ and the assertive declarative initiated with mais ‘but’, named adversative.We focus on the quality of questions to evoke a contrastive vantage point. The questions in the data launch negotiations concerning the validity or the acceptability of a grammatical rule or a competing explanation. They very often are associated with changes in the participation framework. The analysis shows that the causal question can function as protest and invites student peers to enter into competition. The assertive question is used more to test the reliability of a prior explanation and can be interpreted as a critical stance-taking towards the teacher. Both forms are a means to express more or less explicit disagreements and help to initiate side sequences where the teacher provides more detailed information