5,818 research outputs found

    Discrete variational integrators and optimal control theory

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    A geometric derivation of numerical integrators for optimal control problems is proposed. It is based in the classical technique of generating functions adapted to the special features of optimal control problems.Comment: 17 page

    Geometric numerical integration of nonholonomic systems and optimal control problems

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    A geometric derivation of numerical integrators for nonholonomic systems and optimal control problems is obtained. It is based in the classical technique of generating functions adapted to the special features of nonholonomic systems and optimal control problems.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure. Submitted to IFAC Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Nonlinear Control, Sevilla 200

    Tulczyjew's triples and lagrangian submanifolds in classical field theories

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    In this paper the notion of Tulczyjew's triples in classical mechanics is extended to classical field theories, using the so-called multisymplectic formalism, and a convenient notion of lagrangian submanifold in multisymplectic geometry. Accordingly, the dynamical equations are interpreted as the local equations defining these lagrangian submanifolds.Comment: 29 page

    El profesor como fuente de inspiración de los alumnos: Un estudio cualitativo en una escuela de Negocios

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    Teachers are an important source of inspiration for their students. Although educational research considers inspiration to be an important motivational construct that generates positive results for students, the different conceptual interpretations of the construct have made its study difficult. This situation is accentuated in the context of Latin America, due to the scarcity of empirical studies that contribute to its understanding. Considering the teacher as a source of inspiration and based on the inspiration model of Thrash & Elliot (2003, 2004), this study seeks to understand how students experience inspiration. Twenty university students were interviewed about their experiences of inspiration about their professors. The interviews were evaluated through thematic analysis. The results revealed 5 themes that highlight the characteristics of the inspiring teacher. Additionally, the thematic analyzes verified the existence of the three characteristics of the inspiration model (evocation: 1 theme, transcendence: 3 themes, and motivation: 4 themes). The study contributes by laying the foundations for formulating a guide that characterizes the inspiring teacher. As well as formulate positive insights focused on the characteristics of inspiration that allow students to transcend professionally through their university studies.Los profesores son una importante fuente de inspiración para sus alumnos. Si bien la investigación en educación considera que la inspiración es un constructo motivacional importante que genera resultados positivos para los estudiantes, las diferentes interpretaciones conceptuales del constructo han dificultado su estudio. Esta situación se acentúa en el contexto de América Latina, debido a la escasez de estudios empíricos que contribuyan a su comprensión. Considerando al docente como fuente de inspiración y con base en el modelo de inspiración de Thrash & Elliot (2003, 2004), este estudio busca comprender cómo los estudiantes experimentan la inspiración. Veinte estudiantes universitarios fueron entrevistados sobre sus experiencias de inspiración sobre sus profesores. Las entrevistas fueron evaluadas a través del análisis temático. Los resultados revelaron 5 temas que destacan las características del profesor inspirador. Además, los análisis temáticos verificaron la existencia de las tres características del modelo de inspiración (evocación: 1 tema, trascendencia: 3 temas y motivación: 4 temas). El estudio contribuye sentando las bases para formular una guía que caracterice al docente inspirador. Así como para formular reflexiones positivas enfocadas en las características de inspiración que permitan a los estudiantes trascender profesionalmente a través de sus estudios universitarios

    Validation of a Scale for the Evaluation of the Dimensions of Short Break Tourist Destination

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    The present study’s aim is to design, construct and validate an instrument that allows for the measurement of the dimensions for short break tourist destination. The instrument was comprised of 29 items that were applied to 400 university students from diverse undergraduate in Lima, Peru through a convenience sampling. The analysis of the psychometric properties of the instruments and the construction of the perception scale of the short break destinations was carried out through application of Exploratory Factor Analysis and the Graduated Response Model from Item Response Theory. The results show a valid and reliable scale to measure a short break tourist destination. Moreover, show that evaluated individuals tend to positively rate the attributes of the short break destinations they have visited and that tourist perceive the measured attributes as expected characteristic when they visit that destination.  The scale proposed fills the gap to measure the dimensions that the visitor would like to find in a short break destination, to group the perception of the attributes that tourists seek in a holistic way. In so doing, the tourist will visit a place that is capable of meeting their expectations and that allows them to establish a link with the destination

    Perspectives on short break destinations and their contribution to local-regional economic development: a literature review

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    Globalization and changing lifestyles are generating new forms of tourism, including visits to short break destinations. The objective of this study is to propose a definition of short break destinations and to present the dimensions of the attractiveness of tourist destinations. The methodology consisted of reviewing the literature of 64 academic publications. The result shows the determinants that should be considered in the definition of short break destination and the following dimension are proposed: 1) naturals resources, 2) cultural and historical resources, 3) social factors, 4) tourist services and 5) infrastructure.La globalización y los cambios en los estilos de vida están generando nuevas formas de turismo, entre las que se encuentran las visitas a destinos de corta estadía. El objetivo de este estudio es proponer una definición de los destinos de corta estadía y presenter las dimensiones del atractivo de los destinos turísticos. La metodología consistió en la revision de literatura de 64 publicaciones académicas. Los resultados muestran los determinantes que se deben considerar en la definición del destino de corta estadía y se proponen las siguientes dimensiones: 1) recursos naturales, 2) recursos culturales e históricos, 3) factores sociales, 4) servicios turísticos y 5) infraestructura

    An Approach for the Personalization of Exercises Based on Contextualized Attention Metadata and Semantic Web technologies

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    Proocedings of: 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2010). Sousse, Tunisia, 5-7 July 2010.The generation of Contextualized Attention Metadata (CAM) allows to retrieve information about the different actions that users execute over different resources in a specific context. This paper presents how CAM is used within a learning system to personalize help provided to students while working on online exercises. We outline our approach and present two application examples within this framework for the personalization of exercises with hints.Work partially funded by the Learn3 project TIN2008-05163/TSI within the Spanish “Plan Nacional de I+D+I”, and the Madrid regional community project eMadrid S2009/TIC-1650. This research was partially supported by the European Commission within the Role IP (Grant agreement no.:231396).Publicad

    Therapeutic potential of extracellular vesicles

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    Extracellular vesicles (EV) have emerged as important mediators of intercellular communication. By their origin, we can find vesicles derived from plasma membrane such as microvesicles, ectosomes, and membrane particles or exosomes, which originate in the endosomal membrane compartment. They contain numerous proteins, lipids, and even nucleic acids like mRNA and miRNA that can affect the cells that encounter these structures in complex ways. The EV have recently gained interest for their therapeutic potential both as a treatment itself and as a biomarker of several pathologies. The research lines involving EV cover a wide range of aspects from basic research on the EV biology to the manipulation or monitoring of EV for therapeutic purposes

    Evapotranspiration of Partially Vegetated Surfaces

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    Los Sistemas de Información Geográfica Participativos como herramientas para el desarrollo rural sostenible: Análisis conceptual y revisión de experiencias

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    El concepto de SIGP está referido al uso de la tecnología para integrar el conocimiento experto con el conocimiento experimentado en el ámbito de un proyecto. La tecnología permite la gestión, análisis y representación de grandes volúmenes de datos con proyección territorial, facilitando la comprensión de las múltiples variables que influyen en los procesos de toma de decisiones. Los SIGP presentan fortalezas y riesgos que han generado estudios de mejora de la práctica, asociados frecuentemente a aplicaciones online. El elemento fundamental de éxito es la participación, definida atendiendo al propósito, personas involucradas y forma de aplicación. En los proyectos de desarrollo rural, la aplicación de los SIGP debe tener como objetivo el desarrollo sostenible. Para ello la participación debe estar presente en cada una de las etapas del proceso, organizado según el esquema del Ciclo del Proyecto. La revisión de múltiples experiencias de SIGP en proyectos de desarrollo rural indica que en la mayoría de los casos no se analiza la participación y uso de esta tecnología en cada fase del proyecto. Esto justifica la definición de una metodología que integre el conocimiento experto y experimentado en la aplicación de los SIGP en las fases del Ciclo del Proyecto