7,683 research outputs found

    Dynamical reduction of the dimensionality of exchange interactions and the "spin-liquid" phase of κ\kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2X_2X

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    We show that the anisotropy of the effective spin model for the dimer Mott insulator phase of κ\kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2X_2X salts is dramatically different from that of the underlying tight-binding model. Intra-dimer quantum interference results in a model of coupled spin chains, where frustrated interchain interactions suppress long-range magnetic order. Thus, we argue, the "spin liquid" phase observed in some of these materials is a remnant of the Tomonaga-Luttinger physics of a single chain. This is consistent with previous experiments and resolves some outstanding puzzles. An erratum [Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 199901 (2018).] is added as an appendix.Comment: Accepted by PRL, 6 pages, 5 figure

    Role of surface states in STM spectroscopy of (111) metal surfaces with Kondo adsorbates

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    A nearly-free-electron (NFE) model to describe STM spectroscopy of (111) metal surfaces with Kondo impurities is presented. Surface states are found to play an important role giving a larger contribution to the conductance in the case of Cu(111) and Au(111) than Ag(111) surfaces. This difference arises from the farther extension of the Ag(111) surface state into the substrate. The different line shapes observed when Co is adsorbed on different substrates can be explained from the position of the surface band onset relative to the Fermi energy. The lateral dependence of the line shape amplitude is found to be bulk-like for R|| < 4 Amstrongs and surface-like at larger distances, in agreement with experimental data.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figure

    Interplay of frustration, magnetism, charge ordering, and covalency in a model of Na0.5CoO2

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    We investigate an effective Hamiltonian for Na0.5CoO2 that includes the electrostatic potential due to the ordered Na ions and strong electronic correlations. This model displays a subtle interplay between metallic and insulating phases and between charge and magnetic order. For realistic parameters, the model predicts an insulating phase with similarities to a covalent insulator. We show that this interpretation gives a consistent explanation of experiments on Na0.5CoO2, including the small degree of charge ordering, the small charge gap, the large moment, and the optical conductivity.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Text revised making more emphasis on model properties. Figures compacte

    Effects of anisotropy in spin molecular-orbital coupling on effective spin models of trinuclear organometallic complexes

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    We consider layered decorated honeycomb lattices at two-thirds filling, as realized in some trinuclear organometallic complexes. Localized S=1S=1 moments with a single-spin anisotropy emerge from the interplay of Coulomb repulsion and spin molecular-orbit coupling (SMOC). Magnetic anisotropies with bond dependent exchange couplings occur in the honeycomb layers when the direct intracluster exchange and the spin molecular-orbital coupling are both present. We find that the effective spin exchange model within the layers is an XXZ + 120∘^\circ honeycomb quantum compass model. The intrinsic non-spherical symmetry of the multinuclear complexes leads to very different transverse and longitudinal spin molecular-orbital couplings, which greatly enhances the single-spin and exchange coupling anisotropies. The interlayer coupling is described by a XXZ model with anisotropic biquadratic terms. As the correlation strength increases the systems becomes increasingly one-dimensional. Thus, if the ratio of SMOC to the interlayer hopping is small this stabilizes the Haldane phase. However, as the ratio increases there is a quantum phase transition to the topologically trivial `DD-phase'. We also predict a quantum phase transition from a Haldane phase to a magnetically ordered phase at sufficiently strong external magnetic fields.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures. Final version of paper to be published in PRB. Important corrections to appendix

    Heisenberg and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions controlled by molecular packing in tri-nuclear organometallic clusters

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    Motivated by recent synthetic and theoretical progress we consider magnetism in crystals of multi-nuclear organometallic complexes. We calculate the Heisenberg symmetric exchange and the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya antisymmetric exchange. We show how, in the absence of spin-orbit coupling, the interplay of electronic correlations and quantum interference leads to a quasi-one dimensional effective spin model in a typical tri-nuclear complex, Mo3_3S7_7(dmit)3_3, despite its underlying three dimensional band structure. We show that both intra- and inter-molecular spin-orbit coupling can cause an effective Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. Furthermore, we show that, even for an isolated pair of molecules the relative orientation of the molecules controls the nature of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya coupling. We show that interference effects also play a crucial role in determining the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. Thus, we argue, that multi-nuclear organometallic complexes represent an ideal platform to investigate the effects of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions on quantum magnets.Comment: This update incorporates the corrections described in a recently submitted erratum. Changes are confined to sections IV.A and B. The conclusions of the paper are unchanged. 12 + 4 pages, 9 figure

    Spin-orbit coupling in {Mo3_3S7_7(dmit)3_3}

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    Spin-orbit coupling in crystals is known to lead to unusual direction dependent exchange interactions, however understanding of the consequeces of such effects in molecular crystals is incomplete. Here we perform four component relativistic density functional theory computations on the multi-nuclear molecular crystal {Mo3_3S7_7(dmit)3_3} and show that both intra- and inter-molecular spin-orbit coupling are significant. We determine a long-range relativistic single electron Hamiltonian from first principles by constructing Wannier spin-orbitals. We analyse the various contributions through the lens of group theory. Intermolecular spin-orbit couplings like those found here are known to lead to quantum spin-Hall and topological insulator phases on the 2D lattice formed by the tight-binding model predicted for a single layer of {Mo3_3S7_7(dmit)3_3}

    Electronic and magnetic properties of the ionic Hubbard model on the striped triangular lattice at 3/4 filling

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    We report a detailed study of a model Hamiltonian which exhibits a rich interplay of geometrical spin frustration, strong electronic correlations, and charge ordering. The character of the insulating phase depends on the magnitude of Delta/|t| and on the sign of t. We find a Mott insulator for Delta >> U >> |t|; a charge transfer insulator for U >> \Delta >> |t|; and a correlated covalent insulator for U >> \Delta ~ |t|. The charge transfer insulating state is investigated using a strong coupling expansion. The frustration of the triangular lattice can lead to antiferromagnetism or ferromagnetism depending on the sign of the hopping matrix element, t. We identify the "ring" exchange process around a triangular plaquette which determines the sign of the magnetic interactions. Exact diagonalization calculations are performed on the model for a wide range of parameters and compared to the strong coupling expansion. The regime U >> \Delta ~ |t| and t<0 is relevant to Na05CoO2. The calculated optical conductivity and the spectral density are discussed in the light of recent experiments on Na05CoO2.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figure
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