1,525 research outputs found

    Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports

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    The purpose of this thesis is to examine the history, characteristics, and efficacy of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) as a substitution for traditional exclusionary discipline practices in response to negative and disruptive behavior in schools. Disruptive behavior is a significant concern for classroom teachers; effective solutions for minimizing disruptions are necessary to curb teacher burnout and improve attrition rates. PBIS relates to an implementation framework as opposed to a singular behavior program, therefore schools have a multitude of intervention options when adopting a PBIS approach to behavior. Three PBIS strategies (restorative circles, token economy, self-monitoring of performance) are described and evaluated in this paper to illustrate PBIS principles in action. Results of the review of literature indicate a strong association between PBIS and improved outcomes for students both in academic achievement and behavior, which in turn have a positive impact on teacher perceptions of self-efficacy

    George MacDonald to James Meredith (3 October 1962)

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    The consequences of a mismatch between employee needs and job attributes in the information systems field : an empirical survey

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    Includes bibliography.The high turnover of IS staff in South Africa continues to be a source of concern to organisations relying on Information Technology. Such turnover is costly, and leads to delays in project completion; loss of valuable experience; and reductions in IS department productivity. One of the suggestions for reducing turnover that is frequently encountered in the literature is for organisations to implement a dual-career path for their IT staff. This advice is based on the assumption that IT personnel hold either a Managerial or Technical Career Orientation, and that the dual-career path will, therefore, meet the needs of all IT personnel. This study shows that such an assumption is invalid. As a group, IT professionals in South Africa are shown to have a wide diversity of career orientations. In addition, professionals with different career orientations are shown to be very different types of employee, having different needs and values, and exhibiting different levels of performance in the job. As expected, professionals also tend to occupy jobs that are most likely to fulfil their career orientations. Furthermore, IT professionals whose jobs are congruent with their orientations show significantly greater job and career satisfaction, higher organisational commitment, and less intention to leave their organisations, than their counterparts who experience a mismatch. In contrast, the matched group as a whole did not show superior perceived performance in the mismatched group, although certain orientations did exhibit such differences. It is critical that organisations take cognisance of the diversity of IT personnel in their employ, and adopt career planning and motivational strategies flexible enough to accommodate each orientation. This study has shown that the implementation of a dual-career path will satisfy a scant 10.2% of the individuals surveyed. Thus, greater focus by organisations on understanding the individual, and less on seeking to manage the IT profession as a group, will result in personnel experiencing greater satisfaction, as well as more commitment to, and less likelihood of leaving, their employing organisations. It is recommended that research is continued into the career orientations of IS personnel. Specifically, it would be valuable to improve and refine the instrument assembled in this study, the aim of producing a measure that researchers and, moreover, employers can utilise to assess how various jobs match the different career orientations known to exist. Also, it would be beneficial to examine further the performance levels of individuals in positions incompatible with their orientations, and to examine why different levels of performance between matched and mismatched individuals were exhibited by only certain of the orientations. Finally, research should be performed into the different career paths, positions and assignments most suited to the individual orientations, in order to enable organisations to achieve a better fit between the needs of the organisation, and the needs of the IT employee. It is recommended that research is continued into the career of IS personnel. Specifically, it would be valuable to improve and refine the instrument assembled in this study, with aim of producing a measure that researchers and, moreover, employers can utilise to assess how various jobs match the different career orientations known to it would be beneficial to examine further the performance levels of individuals positions incompatible with orientations, and to examine different levels of between matched and mismatched individuals were by only certain of the orientations. Finally, research should performed into the different career paths, positions and assignments most suited to the individual in order to enable organisations to achieve a between the needs of the and the needs of the employee

    The Use of Computer Vision to Combat Losses from Disease in Grapevines

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    The use of computer vision to support and automate agriculture and viticulture is increasing. Therefore, it is important to continuously test new technologies and equipment. Management of pests and diseases in viticulture is a labour-intensive task. This study aims to investigate current technologies in computer vision that could be applied to disease and pest detection in viticulture and the application of transfer learning on segmentation networks. This study also implements a case study and applies computer vision for disease and pest detection. Observation of limitations in the network's performance on testing images, after training on the limited data set, suggests that careful control is needed over lighting conditions in the image capture environment. Although initial results are positive, a larger training dataset is recommended to achieve a greater level of accuracy. Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Computer Visions, Viticulture, Sensors DOI: 10.7176/CEIS/14-3-01 Publication date:August 31st 202

    The Coming War with Japan

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    Sexual behaviour of men and women within age-disparate partnerships in South Africa: implications for young women's HIV risk

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    BACKGROUND: Age-disparate partnerships are hypothesized to increase HIV-risk for young women. However, the evidence base remains mixed. Most studies have focused only on unprotected sex among women in the partnership. Consequently, little is known about other risky behaviours, such as transactional sex, alcohol use, and concurrency, as well as the behaviours of the men who partner with young women. We therefore examined differences in various sexual behaviours of both young women and their male partners by partnership age difference. METHODS: We used nationally representative data from South Africa (2012) on partnerships reported by 16-24 year old black African women (n = 818) and by black African men in partnerships with 16-24 year old women (n = 985). We compared sexual behaviours in age-disparate partnerships and age-similar partnerships, using multiple logistic regression to control for potential confounders and to assess rural/urban differences. RESULTS: Young women in age-disparate partnerships were more likely to report unprotected sex than young women in similar-aged partnerships (aOR:1.51; p = 0.014; 95%CI:1.09-2.11). Men in partnerships with young women were more likely to report unprotected sex (aOR:1.92; p<0.01; 95%CI:1.31-2.81), transactional sex (aOR:2.73; p<0.01; 95%CI:1.64-4.56), drinking alcohol before sex (aOR:1.60; p = 0.062; 95%CI:0.98-2.61), and concurrency (aOR:1.39; p = 0.097; 95%CI:0.94-2.07) when their partners were five or more years younger. The association between age-disparate partnerships and transactional sex (aOR:4.14; p<0.01; 95%CI: 2.03-8.46) and alcohol use (aOR:2.24; p<0.013; 95%CI:1.20-4.19) was only found in urban areas. CONCLUSIONS: Results provide evidence that young women's age-disparate partnerships involve greater sexual risk, particularly through the risky behaviours of their male partners, with the risk amplified for young women in urban areas

    Reference to the index of the Meredith Family Papers

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    Index to the papers of George and Mary Ann Meredith and family and of John and Maria (Hammond) Meredith and family of Cambria, Swansea Tasmania. The Meredith family arrived in March 1821 and, having heard there was good land at Oyster Bay, a small party set out in a boat to explore the district of Oyster Bay. They found the land not as good as reported but made selections which were granted. George was granted 2000 acres on a rivulet of the Swan River and another 1000 acres at Jericho. With a large family to support, and more expected, Meredith developed many business interests and spent much of his time travelling between Swansea, Jericho and Hobart, leaving his family to tend the property. He also took an interest in public affairs and was connected with a newspaper for settlers The Colonist : Private Deposit G

    The Phoenix Pluto Probe

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    A design proposal for an unmanned probe to Pluto is presented. The topics covered include: (1) scientific instrumentation; (2) mission management, planning, and costing; (3) power and propulsion system; (4) structural subsystem; (5) command, control, and communication; and (6) attitude and articulation control

    George Meredith diaries Index: Royal Society Collection

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    George Meredith (l777 - 1856) was born near Birmingham, U.K. & served as a Lieutenant in the Marines until 1806 when he retired on half pay. He arrived in Hobart in March 1821 with his second wife Mary (nee Evans, d. 1842) and five children, and settled at Oyster Bay on the East Coast. Meredith established grazing stock and crops and also a flour mill and tannery at the Meredith River. In 1827 they moved to Belmont, a mile inland and in 18.36 Meredith built a new home, Cambria, near their original settlement. Includes notes of Meredith's exploration of the coast from Newtown to Oyster Bay. They reached Meredith's Creek about 10th October. Here the Surveyor measured grants and they dug foundations, planted fruit trees etc. Meredith records a description of the surrounding countryside and notes about future clearing and planting etc. - RS 3

    George Meredith correspondence Index: Royal Society Collection

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    George Meredith (l777 - 1856) was born near Birmingham, U.K. & served as a Lieutenant in the Marines until 1806 when he retired on half pay. He arrived in Hobart in March 1821 with his second wife Mary (nee Evans, d. 1842) and five children, and settled at Oyster Bay on the East Coast. Meredith established grazing stock and crops and also a flour mill and tannery at the Meredith River. In 1827 they moved to Belmont, a mile inland and in 18.36 Meredith built a new home, Cambria, near their original settlement. Includes letters to his wife describing the journey via Prossers Plains and Richmond. - RS 3