77 research outputs found

    On the Solutions Fractional Riccati Differential Equation with Modified Riemann-Liouville Derivative

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    Fractional variational iteration method (FVIM) is performed to give an approximate analytical solution of nonlinear fractional Riccati differential equation. Fractional derivatives are described in the Riemann-Liouville derivative. A new application of fractional variational iteration method (FVIM) was extended to derive analytical solutions in the form of a series for these equations. The behavior of the solutions and the effects of different values of fractional order are indicated graphically. The results obtained by the FVIM reveal that the method is very reliable, convenient, and effective method for nonlinear differential equations with modified Riemann-Liouville derivativ

    Experimental Rat Flap Models

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    Experimental flap surgery aims to increase our understanding of flap physiology and to test new surgical techniques to increase flap viability. Many experimental flap models have been described with the advancement of flap surgery and research. Most commonly used experimental flaps used in rats, including dorsal skin, flank, epigastric, oblique groin, pectoral, latissimus dorsi, rectus abdominis and fibula flaps, will be described

    Wong-Zakai method for stochastic differential equations in engineering

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    In this paper, Wong-Zakai approximation methods are presented for some stochastic differential equations in engineering sciences. Wong-Zakai approximate solutions of the equations are analyzed and the numerical results are compared with results from popular approximation schemes for stochastic differential equations such as Euler-Alartiyama and Milstein methods. Several differential equations from engineering problems containing stochastic noise are investigated as numerical examples. Results show that Wong-Zakai method is a reliable tool for studying stochastic differential equations and can he used as an alternative for the known approximation techniques for stochastic models

    Quality and reliability of trigger finger youtube videos

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    Introduction. Orthopedic video contents published on YouTube are not scanned and do not go through an editorial evaluation process. It is important to determine the quality and content accuracy of health-related videos. Trigger finger is a common disease and the deterioration in quality of life. However, the quality, content and adequacy of YouTube videos as a source of information about this disease have not been evaluated. The aim of this study is to investigate the quality and adequacy of the medical content of the videos on YouTube about trigger finger disease. Methods. In September 2022, the phrase “trigger finger” was entered in the YouTube search bar and the 50 most watched videos were included in the study, provided that the language of the video was English. Who uploaded the videos, real or animated content, number of views, upload date, number of comments, number of like-dislikes and video length were recorded. 3 orthopedic surgeons and 1 hand surgeon watched the videos simultaneously and separately. JAMA, DISCERN and GQS scores were calculated. Results. Average length of 50 videos is 321 seconds, number of views is 244,150, number of days from upload date to evaluation date is 1,789 days, VPI was 94, view ratio was 300. The average scores of 4 different surgeons from the parameters used for the quality and relevance analysis of the videos: JAMA 2, DISCERN 36, and GQS 2. The scores of 4 different surgeons were statistically compatible with each other (p = 0.000). The interclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was 0.906 for the JAMA score, 0.889 for the DISCERN score, and 0.831 for the GQS score. Conclusions. YouTube videos about trigger finger were low quality and unreliable. In the light of our study and other studies, the possibility of high-quality and reliable videos for patients can be increased by the evaluation and inspection of videos present-ed by YouTube

    Structural and electronic properties of BiOF with two-dimensional layered structure under high pressure: Ab initio study

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    WOS: 000454538900007In this work, the crystal structure of the BiOF is studied under high hydrostatic pressure using ab initio calculations. Pressure-volume relationships and structural transitions are investigated using Siesta method. A first-order phase transition from the tetragonal matlockite PbFCl-type structure with space group P4/nmm to the orthorhombic structure with space group Cmcm is successfully observed for BiOF. This phase transition which occur around 19.6 GPa is also analyzed from the total energy and enthalpy calculations. In addition, electronic properties of BiOF are researched during the pressure. By analyzing the energy band structures, it is found that the band gaps P4/nmm and Cmcm phases for the BiOF are 2.74 and 2.47 eV, respectively

    Modeling disease transmission dynamics with random data and heavy tailed random effects: the Zika case

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    This work was supported by Research Fund of the Recep Tayyip Erdogan University.In this study, we investigate a compartmental model of Zika Virus transmission under random effects. Random effects enable the analysis of random numerical characteristics of transmission, which cannot be modeled through deterministic equations. Data obtained from Zika studies in the literature are used along with heavy tailed random effects to obtain new random variables for the parameters of the deterministic model. Finally, simulations of the model are carried out to analyze the random dynamics of Zika Virus transmission. Deterministic results are compared with results from the simulations of the random system to underline the advantages of a random modeling approach. It is shown that the random model provides additional results for disease transmission dynamics such as results for standard deviation and coefficients of variation, making it a valuable alternative to deterministic modeling. Random results suggest around 90% - 120% coefficient of variation for the random model underlining the fact that the randomness should not be ignored for the transmission of this disease.Publisher's Versio

    Numerical Simulation of Fractional Fornberg-Whitham Equation by Differential Transformation Method

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    An approximate analytical solution of fractional Fornberg-Whitham equation was obtained with the help of the two-dimensional differential transformation method (DTM). It is indicated that the solutions obtained by the two-dimensional DTM are reliable and present an effective method for strongly nonlinear partial equations. Exact solutions can also be obtained from the known forms of the series solutions

    Üç Canlı Türünün oluşturduğu besin zinciri modelinin varyasyonel iterasyon ve homotopy perturbation yöntemi ile çözümü

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    In this article, homotopy perturbation method and variational iteration method are implemented to give approximate and analytical solutions of nonlinear ordinary differential equation systems such as a three- species food chain model. Homotopy perturbation is compared the variational iteration method for a three- species food chain model. The variational iteration method is predominant than the other non-linear methods, such as perturbation method. In this method, in general Lagrange multipliers are constructed by correction functionals for the systems. Multipliers can be identified by the variational theory. Some plots are presented to show the reliability and simplicity of the methods.Bu makalede, üç canlı türünün oluşturduğu besin zincri modeli gibi lineer olmayan adi diferensiyel denklem sistemlerinin yaklaşık analitik çözümlerini elde edebilmek için homotopy perturbation ve varyasyonel iterasyon yöntemleri uygulandı. Homotopy perturbation yöntemi varyasyonel iterasyon yöntemi ile mukayese edildi. Varyasyonel iterasyon yöntemi perturbation yöntemi olarak bilinen diğer non lineer yöntemlerden daha üstündür. Bu yöntemde genelde Lagrange çarpanları sistemler için düzeltme fonksiyoneli ile elde edildi. Çarpanlar varyasyonel teori ile belirlendi. Yöntemlerin doğruluğunu göstermek için birkaç tane grafik sunuldu