160 research outputs found

    Productivity and R&D sources in manufacturing and service firms in Catalonia: a regional approach

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    This paper draws on a sample of innovative Catalan firms to identify the effects of the two main sources of innovation ñ€”internal R&D and external R&D acquisitionñ€” on productivity in the manufacturing and service industries. The sample comprises a 3,267 firms from the CIS-4 for the years 2002-2004. We compare empirical results when applying usual OLS and quantile regression techniques. Our results suggest the different patterns attributable to the two sources of innovation as we move up from lower to higher conditional quantiles. First, the effect of the marginal effect of internal R&D on productivity in both sectors decreased as we moved up to higher productivity levels. Second, the marginal effect of external R&D acquisition increased as we moved up to higher productivity levels, especially in high-tech manufacturing industries. Our empirical results suggest that the link between internal and external R&D is complex, varying between firms’ productivity levels and between industries.

    Determinants of high-growth firms

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    High-growth firms have been shown to be a key factor for economic growth and structural change. This paper analyses the determinants of the number of highgrowth firms in a country for 17 OECD countries between 1999 and 2005, using the Amadeus data set, the GEM data set, and others. The first contribution of this paper is that it is - as far as we know - the first empirical analysis of highgrowth firms at the country level on the basis of actual measured growth. Second, we find indicative empirical evidence for three driving forces of high growth, viz. entrepreneurship, institutional settings, and opportunities for growth, all in accordance with theory and empirical findings in related fields of research. Third, the paper gives a tentative explanation of the differences in the average percentage of high-growth firms between countries. Finally, the paper gives some clues for policy makers how to promote high-growth firms. ïżœ

    Productivity growth and competition in spanish manufacturing firms: What has happened in recent years?

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    This paper addresses the issue of the relationship between productivity and market competition. In comparison to the economies of other European countries, the Spanish economy has been growing, while productivity growth has stagnated. Here we provide empirical evidence about the relationship between productivity and market competition from Spanish manufacturing firms at firm level between 1994 and 2004. Correcting for selection bias, our study pays special attention to the patterns of productivity growth between openness and non-openness firms. When market competition increases the effect on firms operating in domestic markets is positive but when the level of competition is high incentives to invest in innovation and productivity gains disappear. The empirical relationship between competition and productivity is an inverted U-shape, where productivity growth is highest at intermediate levels of competition. The productivity growth of firms operating in international markets is higher than that of non-openness firms, but when market competition rises they moderate their productivity growth. Our empirical results suggest that the correct competition policy in the Spanish economy should remove the barriers to competition in internal markets in order to increase the incentives for manufacturing firms to invest in innovation and productivity growth.Manufacturing industries, innovation, competitiveness, international trade, Heckman equation

    Like milk or wine: Does firm performance improve with age?

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    Our empirical literature review shows that little is known about how firm performance changes with age, presumably because of the paucity of data on firm age. For Spanish manufacturing firms, we analyse the firm performance related to firm age between 1998 and 2006. We find evidence that firms improve with age, because ageing firms are observed to have steadily increasing levels of productivity, higher profits, larger size, lower debt ratios, and higher equity ratios. Furthermore, older firms are better able to convert sales growth into subsequent growth of profits and productivity. On the other hand, we also found evidence that firm performance deteriorates with age. Older firms have lower expected growth rates of sales, profits and productivity, they have lower profitability levels (when other variables such as size are controlled for), and also that they appear to be less capable to convert employment growth into growth of sales, profits and productivity.firm age, firm growth, LAD, financial structure, vector autoregression

    Firm growth, persistence and multiplicity of equilibria: an analysis of Spanish manufacturing and service industries.

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    This thesis examines to what extent the firm size influences on firm growth and their behaviour of Spanish manufactures and service industries between 1994 and 2002 from the stochastic growth theory. The study has not only responded to the need of considering firm size as a key variable for future firm growth, but it has also examined the impacts of different industries for the development of firms, the learning process and the impact of internal and external firm characteristics. The firm growth is the process affecting firms while they remain active in the market. While some theories justify the firm growth as an adjustment of size due to internal or external environment, others have justified the change of size as a response to luck factors.To analyse it we have based on Gibrat's Law or Law of Proportionate Effects. Gibrat's Law suggests that all firms have the same probability to grow independently of their size. Although the researcher's interest to analyse it there are some mix results in the literature and there are still some lacks in the literature. According to the empirical review of the Gibrat's Law, several are the results to be stood out. Firstly, the firm growth is a complex process affected by internal and external characteristics which may be due to deterministic or random factors. Secondly, there appear some outstanding lacks of empirical studies. On the one hand, there are few empirical studies analysing the service industries. On the other hand, there is a scarcity of researchers incorporating the spatial dimension in their analysis.Our results refuse Gibrat's Law both for manufactures and service industries and, more interestingly, those results do not vary when introducing the firm learning process in the market. In reference to the differences between each individual sector, there appear different growth behaviours depending on the industry. It is well known that the firm growth pattern depends on the characteristics of industry and our results show a different behaviour depending on the industry. Therefore, if we consider different sectors, the firm growth pattern presents a heterogeneous trend. Each industry has quite different technologies and perhaps different growth processes, which might explain the mixed nature of the results.The persistence of firm growth offers a dynamic approach to the growth pattern. The relationship between past and current growth rates have been another aspect related with Gibrat's Law. The persistence of firm growth is highly important for policy-makers and managers, who should consider the pattern driving firm growth in order to increase the profitability of their investments, the job creation and the economic growth. As it was expected, the effect of the persistence depends on the proximity of the growth. In other words, a positive growth will have more impact on the following period than two periods later. Related to the analysis of the presence of different equilibria of firm growth, our results show that there is a significant difference in growth between manufacturing and service sector firms which persist when controlling for other firm specific characteristics. Nevertheless, the introduction of the location variables generates that those different trends are not significant. In order to know how important the differentiation between manufactures and service industries is, we estimate Gibrat's Law for manufactures and service industries in separate equations. When we separate the estimation of both industries, our results accept that the equilibria are different including the locational variables.In reference to the determinants of firm growth, variables such as the territorial R&D and the growth of GDP have positive externalities to firm growth. On the other hand, the industrial diversity or specialisation present different results depending on the sector. Finally, barriers to entry such as capital intensity and minimum efficient size behave as barriers to grow. That means that sectors which are highly capital intensive, they will prevent firms from growing. Conversely, sectors with low barriers to entry have low barriers to grow. However, those barriers to grow may be surpassed with internal characteristics such as innovation, cooperation, increase of human capital, etc.Aquesta tesis examina la influĂšncia de la dimensiĂł de l'empresa en el creixement empresarial, aixĂ­ com el comportament de les manufactures i els serveis d'Espanya entre 1994 i 2002 des d'una perspectiva estocĂ stica. Aquesta tesis no nomĂ©s respon a la necessitat de considerar el tamany de l'empresa com una variable crucial per al futur de l'empresa sinĂł tambĂ© les caracterĂ­stiques sectorials, el procĂ©s d'aprenentatge i les caracterĂ­stiques internes i externes. El creixement empresarial Ă©s el procĂ©s que afecta a les empreses mentre estan actives en el mercat. Mentre que algunes teories justifiquen el creixement de l'empresa com un procĂ©s d'ajust cap al tamany ĂČptim, altres teories justifiquen el creixement a un conjunt de factors aleatoris. Per tal d'analitzar el creixement empresarial, ens basem en la Llei de Gibrat o Llei dels Efectes Proporcionals. Llei de Gibrat suggereix que totes les empreses tenen la mateixa probabilitat per crĂ©ixer independentment del seu tamany. Tot i l'interĂšs del tema, els resultats en la literatura empĂ­rica sĂłn contradictoris i existeixen encara alguns buits. D'acord amb la revisiĂł empĂ­rica de la Llei de Gibrat, diferents resultants poden ser destacats. En primer lloc, el creixement empresarial Ă©s un procĂ©s complex que depĂ©n de caracterĂ­stiques internes i externes que poden afecten de forma determinĂ­stica o aleatĂČria. En segon lloc, hi ha varies buits en la literatura. Per una banda, pocs estudis empĂ­rica analitzen els serveis. Per altra banda, hi ha una escassetat d'investigadors que incorporen la dimensiĂł locacional.Els nostres resultats refusen la Llei de Gibrat per les manufactures I els serveis i, a mĂ©s a mĂ©s, aquests resultats no varien quan introduĂŻm el procĂ©s d'aprenentatge de l'empresa en el mercat. Quant a les diferĂšncies entre cada sector individual, apareixen comportaments de creixement diferents en funciĂł de la indĂșstria. És un fet conegut que el creixement de l'empresa depĂšn de les caracterĂ­stiques de la indĂșstria i els nostres resultats mostren un comportament diferent en funciĂł del sector industrial. Per tant, cada indĂșstria tĂ© diferents caracterĂ­stiques tecnolĂČgiques i diferent processos de creixement, els quals poden explicar els resultats contradictoris de la literatura.La persistĂšncia del creixement empresarial ofereix una perspectiva dinĂ mica del creixement de l'empresa. La relaciĂł entre creixement passat i actual Ă©s un alter aspecte relacionat amb la Llei de Gibrat. La persistĂšncia del creixement empresarial Ă©s molt important per als agents pĂșblics i directors, els quals hauries de tenen compte el comportament que dirigeix el creixement empresarial per tal d'incrementar els beneficis de les seves inversions, la creaciĂł de l'ocupaciĂł i el creixement econĂČmic. Com era d'esperar, l'efecte de la persistĂšncia depĂšn de la proximitat temporal del creixement. En altres paraules, un creixement positiu tindrĂ  mĂ©s impacte en el perĂ­ode segĂŒent que dos perĂ­odes desprĂ©s. Quant a l'anĂ lisi de la presĂšncia de diferents equilibris de creixement empresarial, els nostres resultats mostren que hi ha una diferĂšncia significativa en el creixement entre els sectors manufacturers i els serveis la qual persisteix quan controlem per altres caracterĂ­stiques especĂ­fiques de l'empresa. No obstant, la introducciĂł de les variables locacionals generata que aquesta tendĂšncia sigui no significativa. Per tal de saber com d'important Ă©s la diferenciaciĂł entre manufactures i serveis s'estima la Llei de Gibrat per a les indĂșstries manufactureres i els serveis en equacions separades. En separar les estimacions d'ambdues indĂșstries, els nostres resultats accepten l'existĂšncia de diferents equilibris quan s'inclouen les variables locacionals. Quant als determinants dels creixement empresarial, variables com la intensitat tecnolĂČgica territorial i el creixement del PIB presenten externalitats positives sobre el creixement empresarial. Per altra banda, la diversitat o especialitzaciĂł industrial tenen impactes diferents en funciĂł del sector a analitzar. Finalment, barreres d'entrada com la intensitat del capital i el tamany mĂ­nim eficient es comporten com barreres al creixement. AixĂČ vol dir que sectors que sĂłn intensiu en capital dificultaran el creixement de les empreses. Pel contrari, sectors amb baixes barreres d'entrada tenen baixes barreres al creixement. No obstant, aquestes barreres al creixement poden ser superades amb caracterĂ­stiques internes com la innovaciĂł, la cooperaciĂł, l'increment del capital humĂ , etc

    On the heterogeneity of the long-term leverage-growth relationship: A cross-country analysis of manufacturing firms

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    Despite a great deal of studies, the relationship between firm leverage and its impact on growth remains still unclear. We offer an analytical framework, which based on a comprehensive literature review and of related empirical reasoning, helps explaining the long-term leverage and firm growth nexus. Both the theoretical views and empirical evidence are mixed, and the lack of consensus may be the result of inconsistent estimation techniques and of the dual interpretation that firm leverage has. Analysing debt from credit institutions to firms in France, Italy, and Spain, and observed from 2010 to 2016, we bring a selection framework to trial. The comparative perspective seeks the establishment of regularities, while the use of a dynamic quantile panel estimator unravels its heterogeneity. Strong non-linearities are detected, but the selection framework finds no support. On the contrary, only firms in the lowest-growing deciles of the growth distributions benefit consistently from leverage

    Barriers to Innovation and Public Policy in Catalonia.

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    The present paper analyses the link between firms’ decisions to innovate and the barriers that prevent them from being innovative. The aim is twofold. First, it analyses three groups of barriers to innovation: the cost of innovation projects, lack of knowledge and market conditions. Second, it presents the main steps taken by Catalan Government to promote the creation of new firms and to reduce barriers to innovation. The data set used is based on the 2004 official innovation survey of Catalonia which was taken from the Spanish CIS-4 sample. This sample includes individual information on 2,954 Catalan firms in manufacturing industries and knowledge-intensive services (KIS). The empirical analysis reveals pronounced differences regarding a firm’s propensity to innovate and its perception of barriers. Moreover, the results show that cost and knowledge barriers seem to be the most important and that there are substantial sectoral differences in the way that firms react to barriers. The results of this paper have important implications for the design of future public policy to promote entrepreneurship and innovation together.Obstacles to innovation, Industrial policy, Innovation system

    High-growth firms and innovation in European countries

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    Este artĂ­culo analiza el efecto de la innovaciĂłn en una empresa de rĂĄpido crecimiento (HGF). Los microdatos pertenecen a la Community Innovation Survey 2008, facilitada por Eurostat, y cubre el perĂ­odo 2006-2008 para 15 paĂ­ses europeos. Clasificamos estos paĂ­ses en dos grupos de acuerdo al gasto empresarial en I+D sobre el PIB: los lĂ­deres (Alemania, Eslovenia, RepĂșblica Checa, Noruega, Portugal, España e Italia) y los rezagados (Estonia, HungrĂ­a, Eslovaquia, Lituania, RumanĂ­a, Bulgaria, Letonia y Chipre). Las empresas en los paĂ­ses lĂ­deres invierten mĂĄs en I+D, pero la presencia de HGF es mĂĄs moderada que en los paĂ­ses rezagados. Nuestros principales resultados muestran que los determinantes de la innovaciĂłn y de ser una empresa HGF son diferentes entre los paĂ­ses europeos. En los paĂ­ses lĂ­deres, la presencia de empresas HGF estĂĄ relacionada con las inversiones en I+D y la innovaciĂłn, mientras que, en los paĂ­ses rezagados, depende directamente del tamaño de la empresa y la tasa de turbulencia del conjunto de la economĂ­a. En una visiĂłn de conjunto, nuestros resultados arrojan luz sobre los diferentes ecosistemas empresariales en los paĂ­ses de la UniĂłn Europea.This paper analyses the effect of innovation on a high-growth firm (HGF). The micro-data belongs to the Community Innovation Survey 2008 provided by Eurostat covering the period 2006-2008 for 15 European countries. We classify the EU countries in two groups according to the share of business R&D on GDP: leader countries (Germany, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Norway, Portugal, Spain and Italy) and laggard countries (Estonia, Hungary, Slovakia, Lithuania, Romania, Bulgaria, Latvia and Cyprus). Firms in leader countries are more prone to invest in R&D but the presence of HGFs is more moderated than firms in laggard countries. Our main results show that the drivers to innovate and become a HGF differ across European countries. In leader countries, the HGF firms presence is related to R+D inversions and innovation, whereas in laggard countries depend directly on the size of the firm, as well as the turbulence rate in the economy as a whole. All in all, our results show light on the different entrepreneurial ecosystems of the European Union member countries

    Immigration and Firm Performance: a city-level approach

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    This article analyses the effect of immigration flows on the growthand efficiency of manufacturing firms in Spanish cities. While most studies werefocusing on the effect immigrants have on labour markets at an aggregate level,here, we argue that the impact of immigration on firm performance should not onlybe considered in terms of the labour market, but also in terms of how city’s amenitiescan affect the performance of firms. Implementing a panel data methodology,we show that the immigrants’ increasing pressure has a positive effect on labourproductivity and wages and a negative effect on the job evolution of these manufacturingfirms. In addition, both small and new firms are more sensitive to thepressures of immigrant inflow, while foreign market oriented firms report higherproductivity levels and a less marked impact of immigration than their counterparts.We also present a set of instruments to control for endogeneity. It allows us toconfirm the effect of local immigration flows on the performance of manufacturingfirms

    Antonio BergĂłn LĂłpez i la pintura cerĂ mica de la fĂ brica valenciana de Gastaldo

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    L’evoluciĂł de la pintura sobre taulell, o rajola, al segle XIX valenciĂ  es caracteritza per la recerca de nous efectes pictĂČrics i el desenvolupament de la tradicional tĂšcnica cerĂ mica. Les fĂ briques s’obren als productes i modes de l’exterior del paĂ­s, i els professionals, formats en les acadĂšmies de Belles Arts, provoquen la transformaciĂł de la producciĂł cerĂ mica valenciana. La troballa en els fons de la Biblioteca Museu VĂ­ctor Balaguer de dues plaques signades per l’artista BergĂłn i realitzades a la fĂ brica de Gastaldo, com aixĂ­ llegim en la rĂșbrica, proporciona una excel·lent oportunitat d’estudi.Les dades sobre la vida del pintor Antonio BergĂłn LĂłpez no abunden, encara que les seves obres estiguen realitzades amb totes les tĂšcniques que va tenir a l’abast i repartides per tots els centres artĂ­stics del moment. Sabem que va nĂ©ixer el 1830 i va morir el 1920
