344 research outputs found

    The use of real-time-ultrasound to predict genetic attributes of body composition traits in live beef cattle

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    Body composition traits (BCT) records from 1003 beef cattle were collected from 1991-1995. Data collected in the longissimus dorsi (ld) muscle included, 12th-13th rib carcass fat thickness (FAT), USDA marbling score (MS) and chemical percentage of intramuscular fat (PIFAT). Before slaughter, a cross-sectional ultrasound ld image between the 12th-13th ribs was collected to calculate ultrasound fat thickness (UFAT). A longitudinal ld image across 11th-12th-13th ribs was used to calculate image analysis parameter including: histogram, Fourier and texture. Multiple regression and cluster analysis were used to develop prediction models for ultrasound percentage intramuscular fat (UPIFAT) from the image parameters. An independent data set was used to validate the prediction models. BCT genetic variance and covariance parameters were computed at age- and weight-constant end points for bulls, steers, and both sexes combined using computer algorithms of MTDFREML for variance component estimation. Sire breeding values (BV) were ranked for ultrasound traits and corresponding carcass traits. Prediction accuracy for PIFAT values ranging from.5% to 13% resulted in a robust and unbiased model with a root mean square error (RMSE) of 1.43% and a coefficient of determination (R-square) of.59. This model included exclusively image analysis parameters. For actual PIFAT values between.5% and 6% PIFAT can be predicted with an average error of ±.9%. This PIFAT interval includes the majority of the scanned animals. The use of cluster analysis slightly reduced RMSE in the lower PIFAT classes to 1.13%. Genetic parameters were significantly different for bulls and steers. Genetic parameters adjusted to a weight-constant end point were smaller than those adjusted to an age-constant end point. The genetic correlations between FAT and UFAT and between PIFAT and UPIFAT indicate that these paired traits are controlled by the same genes. The correlation between PIFAT sire BV and UPIFAT sire BV increases when the prediction error variance is reduced by increasing the number of progeny per sire. It is concluded that UPIFAT can be used to accurately rank sires BV for PIFAT by using progeny testing. When there are more than 8 progeny per sire, RTU determined BV are correlated with carcass determined BV at a level of.80

    Sustainable construction: construction and demolition waste reconsidered

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    Although the construction sector has suffered a great increase and development in later decades acting as the main economic leading force in many European countries, it has produced, nevertheless, a great problem regarding the increase in the generation of construction and demolition waste (C&DW). This, together with the fact that in many European countries the amount of recycled and reused C&DW is still quite low has engendered a serious environmental problem and an urge to develop strategies and management plans to solve it. As it is well known, demolition waste has quite a potential for reuse, although a correct and available development within the construction industry is, to a great extend, still missing due to the lack of sustainable and practical mechanisms provided. This article summarizes the different applications that are presently prospering in the elaboration of alternative uses for C&DW and proposes various measures and strategies to improve the processing of this waste. In order to be environmentally more effective, a conscious and thoughtful management plan needs to be implemented. More precisely, this study unfolds a holistic approach towards waste, in which ethical, and environmental as well as new applications in construction issues interact in order to improve the situation in an attempt to come closer to the future goal of achieving a sustainable growth

    Gestión sostenible y responsabilidad por daños ambientales en el sector de la edificación. Últimas tendencias legislativas y jurisprudenciales en materia de RCD.

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    La tutela de la gestión sostenible en la edificación es una obligación que se impone a los distintos órganos de la Administración desde la propia Constitución que en su artículo 45 establece que los poderes públicos velarán por la utilización racional de todos los recursos naturales, con el fin de proteger y mejorar la calidad de la vida y defender y restaurar el medio ambiente, apoyándose en la indispensable solidaridad colectiva, determinando además que para quienes violen lo anteriormente dispuesto se establecerán sanciones penales o, en su caso, administrativas, así como la obligación de reparar el daño causado. La responsabilidad ambiental tiene por objeto obligar al causante de daños al medio ambiente la reparación de tales daños (teniendo siempre presente los principios ambientales básicos, entre ellos el principio de prevención, el de corrección de los daños ocasionados al medio ambiente, así como el de que quien contamina paga), haciéndose efectiva a través de dos vías, la administrativa (que se traduce normalmente en la imposición de sanciones pecuniarias al infractor) y para los casos más graves de atentados contra el Medio Ambiente, la penal, que puede traducirse en las sanciones más duras que se prevén en nuestro ordenamiento jurídico, las de privación de libertad. En la línea de lo anteriormente expuesto, mediante la presente ponencia se analiza el alcance y las repercusiones de las últimas novedades legales introducidas materia de Gestión Sostenible en materia de Residuos de Construcción y demolición , así como la responsabilidad por daños ambientales en el sector de la edificació

    Sex neutralization of heavy pigs from Iberian Peninsula breeds: solutions and limitations

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    This report gives an overview of the production system with Alentejano and Iberian swine breeds, the need for sexual neutralization of these pigs and the possible limitations related to the use of immunocastration (IC). The Alentejano (AL, in Portugal) and Iberian (IB, in Spain) pig breeds are genetically related and are produced under the same free-range system. For the certification of high grade dry-cured products like the ‘Pata Negra’ ham, the animals are slaughtered with an age of at least 14 months and a body weight range of 145-210 kg. During the fattening period pigs have access to acorns and grass from the Mediterranean forest. Until now the gonadectomy of both males (avoid boar taint and aggressive and sexual behaviour) and females (avoid mating by wild boars) is a common practice. The foreseen voluntary end of surgical castration (SC) without pain relief in the EU requires the use of alternatives in these swine breeds management. Taking into account that age and weight are key factors for the final products, the only options are SC with pain relief or IC. However, IC in these systems entails various difficulties and raise questions regarding effectiveness, practicability and effects. Studies in IB pig have shown that for females a 3 dose protocol starting before puberty is effective until the usual slaughter age, suppressing ovarian cyclicity. For males a 3 dose protocol is also needed but in this case the immunisation efficacy has been variable, although a 100% efficacy was recently reached with a protocol in which the 3rd dose was administrated before the acorn-feeding. The effects of IC on male meat quality seem limited, but no information is available regarding cured products. Also, no scientific studies on IC vaccine are available for AL breed. Further studies for protocol optimization and impact of IC on final high grade products from AL and IB pigs are needed


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    Los asideros existenciales de César Vallejo quedan fratesados en la agónica esfera que sin parar van a dar siempre al mismo número, a un tiempo y a un espacio que cercena cualquier posibilidad de salida. El destino incrusta en los hombros del hombre el peso del 4, que portará toda su vida; así, el ser humano se convierte en un eterno preso en la cárcel de su mundo

    A secondary mathematics teacher’s practice perspective on the derivate teaching. Relations between teacher’s perspective and practice

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    El objetivo de esta investigación es caracterizar la translación de la perspectiva del profesor sobre la enseñanza y aprendizaje de las matemáticas a la práctica de la enseñanza. El contexto es la introducción del concepto de derivada en bachillerato (16-18 años). Mediante la noción “modelación de un mecanismo de construcción de conocimiento” se describe y explica cómo el profesor genera oportunidades de aprendizaje para sus estudiantes derivadas de su perspectiva sobre la enseñanza y el aprendizaje. La traslación de la perspectiva del profesor a la práctica se describe a través de cómo el contenido matemático es organizado y cómo el profesor modela los mecanismos de construcción del conocimiento mediante la gestión de distintos sistemas de representación y del discurso matemático en el aula.This study aims to describe and explain teacher´s practice. The teaching context was the introduction of derivative concept in secondary high school (16-18 year-old students). We introduce and use the notion «modeling a mechanism of construction of knowledge» to explain how the teacher generated learning opportunities to his pupils derived from his perspective. The relation between teacher’s perspective and his/her practice is describe by how mathematical content was organized, how were modeled the construction mechanisms of knowledge by the management of different representations systems and mathematical discourse in the classroom and it is explained by the complementarity between cognitive and sociocultural references

    Nivel de dominio de las habilidades psicológicas en Jóvenes jugadores de tenis de mesa, bádminton y fútbol

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    The objective of this study was to establish the level of control over psychological skills possessed by young table tennis, badminton and football players in different categories of sports for young people and to study its possible association with their experience in sport and competition (years playing and years competing). 12 table tennis players from the beginners category (age: M= 11.09, sd= 1.38), 4 badminton players from the juniors category (age: M= 16.25, sd= 0.5) and 25 football players, 13 from the beginners category (age: M= 11.31, sd= 0.48) and 12 from the juniors category (age: M= 17.00, sd= 0.85), all of whom belong to sports federations, participated in this study. The participants answered the Questionnaire on Psychological Skills and Behaviours in Young Children's Sport Competitions Scale (Godoy-Izquierdo et al., 2006 a, b). Young athletes' level of control over psychological skills is generally deficient, and no significant differences were found between racquet-sport athletes and football players, although significant differences in some psychological skills did exist in the case of lower-ranking categories. No significant differences were found as regards experience with sport and competition. The results indicate the appropriateness of considering psychological training so as to complete players' preparation in order to improve the psychological skills that allow them to adequately tackle the increasing demands of participating in a sport as their level of involvement progresses in both individual and group sports

    La implementación del ingreso mínimo vital (imv) en tiempo de covid19 : implicaciones para los servicios sociales de España

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    Minimum income policies are one of the social measures that have the greatest impact on social protection systems. After a year and a half since the implementation of the Guaranteed Minimum Income (IMV in Spanish) in Spain, this article aims at analyzing the perception of social workers on the effects of this new economic benefit on public Social Services. For this purpose, a qualitative methodology is followed, through a total number of six rounds of interviews in fifty-two social services centers located in different territories of the Spanish context. A total of 364 telephone interviews of 52 social service centers were conducted between July 20200 and September 2021. The results of this research point out to the unfulfilled expectations generated, the subordination of the social services to other institutional spheres, the bureaucratization of tasks and oversight in the social intervention processes, as well as the lack of recognition of social services’ professionals regarding the management of this provision.Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar el impacto del Ingreso Mínimo Vital (IMV) en los Servicios Sociales públicos en España. Parte de una reflexión sobre el desarrollo, las complejidades y las limitaciones del sistema de garantía de rentas en el contexto español y se continúa con un análisis en profundidad de las implicaciones de esta nueva prestación para la práctica profesional de las trabajadoras sociales. El artículo se enmarca en una investigación nacional que cuenta con la participación de cinco universidades públicas, cuyo propósito ha sido la realización de un seguimiento longitudinal sobre el impacto de la Covid19 en Servicios Sociales. Entre los temas ejes identificados en los discursos de las más de 350 entrevistas realizadas a trabajadoras sociales, se identifican los intensos efectos generados por la aprobación del IMV en tiempos de emergencia sanitaria y social. Todos estos efectos ponen de manifiesto, una vez más, la función de cajón desastre de los Servicios Sociales, esto es, su tendencia a colaborar en la información, tramitación y gestión de un recurso de garantía de ingresos que pertenece a otro sistema, así como el incremento de los procesos burocráticos, la falta de coordinación entre instituciones o la imposición de tareas de fiscalización sobre las vidas de las personas usuarias

    The entomological collection of the Spanish Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales of Madrid (CSIC)

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    [ES] En el presente trabajo se aporta información sobre el volumen y la composición taxonómica y faunística de la colección de Entomología del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN) de Madrid, España. Se ofrece un extracto de su inventario, aportando el número de ejemplares y géneros, número de especímenes tipo y táxones representados por ellos, revisores, consultores, etc. También se comentan diversos aspectos de la utilización de la colección y las vías de acceso a la misma. En un Apéndice se listan algunos catálogos y publicaciones elaboradas sobre material depositado en la colección de Entomología.[EN] The present paper gives information on the volume and taxonomic and faunistic composition of the Entomology Collection of the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN) in Madrid, Spain. An abstract of the inventory, including number of specimens and genera, number of type specimens and taxa represented by them, revisors, consultants, etc. is displayed. Different aspects of the facilities for consulting the collection and contact ways are commented. Several catalogues and publications on the housed materials in the Entomology Collection are listed as an Appendix.Peer reviewe