79 research outputs found

    Unpacking Entrepreneurial Education: Learning Activities, Students’ Gender, and Attitude Toward Entrepreneurship.

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    To promote entrepreneurship among students, academic institutions should focus on developing a positive entrepreneurial personal attitude (EPA), since it is a strong antecedent of entrepreneurial intentions, which in turn predict actual entrepreneurship. Previous research finds that EPA is lower for women than men, which is related to the acknowledged gap between women and men in entrepreneurial activity. The present work builds on the elaboration likelihood model (ELM) to examine how nine different entrepreneurship-focused academic activities in school impact on students’ EPA, paying special attention to gender differences. We use a sample of 918 students from a French business school to analyse gender differences in the mechanisms based on ELM central and peripheral routes to promote EPA through academic activities. Post hoc tests are also performed to explore differences by gender at different academic levels. The results have important implications for academic institutions wishing to promote entrepreneurship since we unpack entrepreneurial education into individual academic activities. In particular, results suggest that students’ gender and academic level should be considered when designing activities to promote entrepreneurship

    Immigrants’ entrepreneurial motivation in europe: liabilities and assets.

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    Política de acceso abierto tomada de: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research © Emerald Publishing LimitedPurpose: This paper examines how the institutional distance between immigrants’ country of residence and country of origin, as well as the regulative and normative aspects of institutions in immigrants’ country of residence, social context variables and individual psycho-behavioural factors, condition immigrants’ entrepreneurial motivation (i.e., mainly by necessity, by a combination of necessity and opportunity, or mainly by opportunity), which is in contrast to the previous literature on immigrant entrepreneurship that mainly focuses on micro-level factors. Design/methodology/approach: By using hierarchical linear regression models to test our hypotheses, we analyse 468 first-generation immigrant entrepreneurs settled in 31 European countries using data from the European Working Conditions Survey (6th EWCS; Eurofound, 2015 database) combined with other datasets to derive the macro-level variables (i.e., the Doing Business Project; Hofstede, Hofstede and Minkov, 2010). Findings: We find that distance in the normative aspects of institutions harms entrepreneurial opportunity motivation. At the same time, however, opportunity motivation is likely to benefit from both the normative aspects of institutions that reduce locals’ opportunity motivation and the distance in the regulative aspects of institutions. Originality/value: This article analyses immigrant entrepreneurship in Europe, which has been underexamined in the extant literature, and takes into account the micro-, meso- and macro-level factors affecting the entrepreneurial motivation of immigrants in Europe. This analysis responds to the need already highlighted by previous research to include not only micro-level factors but also meso- and macro-level factors in the analysis of immigrant entrepreneurship (Aliaga-Isla and Rialp, 2013)

    Análisis de estereotipos sexistas en una muestra de estudiantes de CC. de la Educación

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    Con esta investigación se pretende conocer las concepciones que nuestro alumnado de CC. de la Educación tiene sobre el hombre y la mujer, a fin de detectar si existen estereotipos sexistas en las mismas. Se ha aplicado un cuestionario, consistente en diferentes listados de adjetivos (características cognitivas, socio-afectivas y de roles y relaciones en el aula) a 437 sujetos. Los datos han sido analizados a través de diferentes técnicas: comparación de la frecuencia de atribuciones de cada adjetivo a uno u otro sexo con el número de atribuciones esperable por azar, a fin de determinar la tendencia a asociar ciertos adjetivos con un sexo; análisis de correspondencias múltiples, para comprobar cómo se agrupan los adjetivos considerados; análisis cluster, para clasificar a los sujetos en función de sus opiniones. Los resultados finales apuntan a la existencia de opiniones estereotipadas en un porcentaje considerable de casoThe purpose of this work is to analyze the students of Sciences of Education concepctions about man and woman, in order to detect the existence of possible sexist stereotypes. A questionnaire —composed by several adjectives lists (cognitive, socio-affective and rolls and relationships in classroom characteristics)— has been applied to 437 participants. Data have been analysed through different techniques: count of frequency in which each adjective is assigned to one sex or another, and comparison with the hoped at random frecuency, in order to determine the trend to associate certain adjectives to one of the sexs; multiple correspondences analysis, to verify how adjectives are grouped; and cluster analysis, in order to group students according with their opinions. Final results point out the existence of stereotyped opinions in a considerable proportion of case

    Turismo y transversalidad. Propuesta operativa para el gabinete turístico de México

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    Uno de los principales instrumentos colegiados para la capacidad actuación transversal al interior de la administración pública del turismo es el Gabinete Turístico de México, cuya instalación responde a las necesidades de articulación de las competencias que parten del ámbito de atribuciones, de los encargados de la actuación de las institucionales públicas de gobierno; aunque en el terreno de la práctica, se han desestimado las funciones correspondientes, fundamentalmente por el desconocimiento del alcance de las atribuciones de los actores, lo que ha generado que las agendas de atención de política pública turística, no atiendan con carácter prioritario sus funciones inherentes al turismo, y que por el contrario, generen diferencias en los planteamientos intencionales. En este sentido, el presente trabajo presenta un análisis cualitativo utilizando la técnica de triangulación de información documental, a fin de identificar las bases y los alcances legales, administrativos y operativos con carácter vinculante que ha tenido el Gabinete a lo largo de la historia, a fin de establecer una propuesta practica de delimitación de funciones desde la perspectiva transversal del sector, atendiendo con ello las inconsistencias previamente delimitadas, contribuyendo además, con la ampliación del objeto de estudio.2023-2

    Na+-dependent D-mannose transport at the apical membrane of rat small intestine and kidney cortex

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    The presence of a Na+/D-mannose cotransport activity in brush-border membrane vesicles (BBMV), isolated from either rat small intestine or rat kidney cortex, is examined. In the presence of an electrochemical Na+ gradient, but not in its absence, D-mannose was transiently accumulated by the BBMV. D-Mannose uptake into the BBMV was energized by both the electrical membrane potential and the Na+ chemical gradient. D-Mannose transport vs. external D-mannose concentration can be described by an equation that represents a superposition of a saturable component and another component that cannot be saturated up to 50 μM D-mannose. D-Mannose uptake was inhibited by D-mannose ≫ D-glucose > phlorizin, whereas for α-methyl glucopyranoside the order was D-glucose = phlorizin ≫ D-mannose. The initial rate of D-mannose uptake increased as the extravesicular Na+ concentration increased, with a Hill coefficient of 1, suggesting that the Na+ :D-mannose cotransport stoichiometry is 1:1. It is concluded that both rat intestinal and renal apical membrane have a concentrative, saturable, electrogenic and Na+-dependent D-mannose transport mechanism, which is different from SGLT1.Dirección General de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas PM99-012

    ¿Es posible incrementar la motivación por oportunidad de los inmigrantes emprendedores?

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    This study examines factors that condition opportunity motivation of immigrant entrepreneurs in 31 European countries. We find that distance in language between immigrants’ country of residence and country of origin harms entrepreneurial opportunity motivation and that, at the same time, opportunity motivation is likely to benefit from both the normative aspects of institutions that reduce locals’ opportunity motivation (cultural values of uncertainty avoidance) and the regulative distance (the dissimilarity between the laws and regulations). Implications for the formulation of public policies and actions of private associations to promote immigrant entrepreneurs’ opportunity motivation derive from our work.Este estudio analiza los factores que condicionan la motivación por oportunidad del inmigrante emprendedor establecido en 31 países europeos. Se encuentra que la distancia lingüística existente entre los países de residencia y de origen del inmigrante socava su motivación emprendedora por oportunidad. El trabajo también encuentra que tal motivación aumenta cuando: (1) la cultura del país de acogida se caracteriza por la presencia de valores culturales de elevada aversión a la incertidumbre, que habitualmente reduce el comportamiento emprendedor de la población local; y (2) las leyes y regulaciones vigentes en su país de origen y su país residencia difieren

    The KINDRA project. Sharing and evaluating groundwater research and knowledge in Europe

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    Groundwater knowledge and research in the European Union is often scattered and non-standardised, because of different subjects involved and different approaches from Member States. The Horizon2020 project KINDRA has conducted an EU-wide assessment of existing groundwater-related practical and scientific knowledge based on a new Hydrogeological Research Classification System, identifying more than 280 keywords related to three main categories (namely Operational Actions, Research topics and Societal Challenges) to be intersected in a 3D-diagram approach. The classification is supported by a web-service, the European Inventory of Groundwater Research, which acts not only as knowledge repository but also as a tool to help identify relevant researchm topics, existing research trends and critical research challenges. The records have been uploaded during the project by 20 national experts from National Associations of Geologists, under the umbrella of the European Federation of Geologists. The total number of metadata included in the inventory at the end of the project are about 2300, and the analysis of the results is considered useful for producing synergies, implementing policies and optimising water management in Europe. By the use of additional indicators, the database content has been analysed by occurrence of keywords, type of document, level of innovation. Using the three-axes classification, more easily understandable by 2D diagrams as bubble plots, occurrence and relationship of different topics (main categories) in groundwater research have been highlighted. This article summarizes the activities realized in relation to the common classification system and to the metadata included in the EIGR, showing the distribution of thecollected information in different categories and attributes identified by the classification


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    En la formación del profesional de la educación se incluye la asignatura Informática Educativa con el propósito de preparar a los estudiantes para la búsqueda de soluciones a los problemas pedagógicos y didácticos relacionados con la aplicación de la Tecnología de la Información y las Comunicaciones al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Su incorporación genera problemáticas en el plano didáctico, que precisan soluciones necesarias para perfeccionar la enseñanza de la asignatura, por la singular importancia y actualidad, que tienen especialmente, las aplicaciones informáticas como contenido de dicha disciplina. En el presente artículo se socializa un modelo didáctico que contribuye al perfeccionamiento del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del sistema de aplicaciones informáticas en la formación inicial del profesional de la educación superior. Para su constatación empírica se consideró la ejecución de una alternativa didáctica, la que permitió demostrar la validez del modelo didáctico propuesto en la práctica pedagógica


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    La agenda 20-30, entre sus objetivos de desarrollo, establece garantizar una educación inclusiva, equitativa y de calidad. A ello debe contribuir la utilización creciente de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC) lo que conlleva el aprovechamiento de todos sus recursos en función de perfeccionar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Estudios exploratorios realizados desde el Proyecto “El fortalecimiento de las Ciencias de la Educación” en la Universidad de Sancti Spíritus “José Martí”, permitieron determinar el uso actual y las perspectivas de aplicación de los dispositivos móviles inteligentes en dicho proceso.  Los resultados de este estudio se han decidido socializar en la presente investigación. Ellos corroboraron la necesidad de proyectar estrategias didácticas y recursos digitales para el aprendizaje que incentiven y posibiliten la utilización de estos dispositivos como respuesta a uno de los grandes retos que enfrenta la educación superior cubana, en particular en esta institución