718 research outputs found

    A probabilistic approach to early communication performance estimation for electronic system-level design

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    Today\u27s embedded system designers face the challenges of ever increasing complexity and shorter time-to-market deadlines. System-level methodologies emerge to meet these challenges. Refinement-based methodologies, such as the SpecC methodology and Transaction Level Modeling, continue to gain popularity in the embedded system designers\u27 community. However, as more communication-dominated applications and architectures appear in the market, designers find that the lack of models allowing system-level communication analysis is a major limiting factor in current system-level design methodologies. Thus, modeling for system-level communication analysis is key for a design methodology to thrive with today\u27s embedded system designers. This work presents a new approach to system-level modeling that allows better communication analysis earlier in the design process. This approach defines a new model that utilizes random variables to include the communication details at higher abstraction levels. This work proposes a probabilistic model to include and evaluate the system communication features in the higher abstraction level. Guidelines to include the proposed model into a refinement-based methodology are presented, and methods for performance estimation are shown

    Macroeconomic Policies to Increase Social Mobility and Growth in Bolivia

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    Poverty in Bolivia continues to be among the highest in Latin America despite decades of concerted national and international efforts to reduce it. Bolivia has meticulously followed the recommendations of the Washington consensus at the same time as external aid has been generous and foreign direct investment has boomed. Nevertheless, average productivity and incomes remain at the same low level as they were 50 years ago. This paper suggests that the failure of previous development policies is due to a lack of social mobility in the country. Without social mobility, there is little incentive for people to invest in human and physical capital, and without investment there cannot be productivity growth. In addition, the lack of social mobility implies an inefficient use of human capital, and it hinders the construction of efficient social mechanisms for redistribution and consumption smoothing over the life-cycle.Social Mobility, Development, Public Policy, Bolivia

    Estrategias de valorización vía el diseño y la certificación ambiental. Estudio comparativo del Distrito Industrial de Tlaquepaque y Tonalá y el Sistema de Integración Vertical de la comunidad de Ixtlán en Oaxaca

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    Para enfrentar la competencia global, algunos productores mexicanos que cuentan con poca tecnología buscan generar ventajas competitivas por medio del uso de recursos locales; estéticos y sociales, tales como sus tradiciones artesanales, la cooperación entre las empresas, certificaciones de estándares ambientales y sociales. En este artículo se analizan las estrategias competitivas implícitas entre dos redes de producción de muebles en México. La primera, en Tlaquepaque y Tonalá, en el Estado de Jalisco, comprende un distrito industrial dinámico de industrias artesanales compuesto por pequeñas empresas productoras artesanías y artículos de decoración así como de muebles de estilos rústico y mexicano. La segunda red, en Oaxaca, está compuesta por tres comunidades indígenas dueñas de su propia reserva forestal que con sus respectivas fábricas de muebles constituyeron una empresa de riesgo compartido, o integradora, en la cual los diseños y los costos de producción son compartidos, y son dueños de varios puntos de venta y una marca propia. Para los productores en ambas redes, el fracaso para competir en una economía cultural implica caer en una competencia de precios bajos, ingresos restringidos, y por lo tanto en crecientes condiciones de vida marginales para los trabajadores y escasas posibilidades de conservación ambiental. En este artículo se afirma que las redes de producción sostenible deberían aumentar por un lado la generación de valor, y por el otro lado la captura de valor para los trabajadores y para la naturaleza. Es necesario no perder de vista que la realización de este doble objetivo pasa forzosamente por la prueba del mercado; lo producido debe de ser competitivo y apelar al consumidor internacional, de otra manera los esfuerzos locales no serán retribuidos

    Notas generales para un debate de la democratización de la política exterior

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    O I Encontro Internacional de Política Externa Latino-Americana, aconteceu nos dias 14, 15 e 16 de setembro de 2015 em Foz do Iguaçu/PR, a partir de uma iniciativa do Núcleo de Pesquisa de Política Externa Latino-Americana (NUPELA), formado por professores e estudantes da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA).El artículo realiza un trayecto sobre las concepciones respecto a la política exterior, sus modos de análisis desde el enfoque tradicionalista y pluralista, y la tensión que han generado actores no tradicionales en su formulación práctica, interpelando la democratización de la política externa, considerada como exclusiva del estado. Mediante presentación y análisis del caso de las movilizaciones contra la instalación de fábricas de celulosa en el Rio Uruguay, se pretende problematizar sobre el rol de los movimientos sociales y su influencia, explicando que la simple inclusión y consulta de actores en los espacios institucionales donde se desarrollan los procesos respecto a la política externa, no implica una democratización real y concreta. Palabras clave: Política exterior; Enfoque Tradicionalista; Enfoque pluralista; Democratización; Actores no tradicionalesNúcleo de Pesquisa de Política Externa Latino-Americana (NUPELA); Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA

    Designer's Education to User's Definition Process

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    AbstractCorrect identification of human capabilities and limitations is essential when designing objects, activities or environments that must facilitate the accomplishment of User's activities. Such identification task is performed routinely in the disciplines of human factors, particularly Ergonomics in Design, given the relevance of that aspect in the correct definition of the characteristics that mediate between users and the system in which is immersed. Day by day numerous technologies, methods, strategies and techniques are developed, that in addition to existing ones, are intended to facilitate the approach to define who the User is, by detecting and analyzing her or his skills and limitations, ways of thinking and behaving when exposed to various stimuli and circumstances leading to an expansion of human knowledge and provides invaluable input to Designing but such tools, techniques and technologies are often quite distant from design practitioner, meaning, it requires working with other fields specialists to usefully incorporate information for design process. Design education should be transdisciplinary

    Historia Y Evolución De La Industria De Semiconductores Y La Integración De México En El Sector

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    Semiconductors and their applications, represent one of the technological revolutions with greatest impact on society, generating Industrial changes, new companies, jobs, professional careers and development of new products that have given a twist in the way of life of people around the world. This has produced an industrial war between developed countries, which dispute the first place in terms of production, import and export of semiconductors. The semiconductors industry has given way to agreements and alliances between countries; allowing México to participate on the import, export and the formation of research and development in the industry. The present research, have as an objective to review theoretically the historical evolution of the semiconductor industry and the incorporation of México in the sector

    La Toma de Decisiones del Consumidor en Línea como Estrategias de Innovación por Mercadotecnia para la Nueva Normalidad

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    Purpose. This research contributed to the customer decision-making style (CDMS) theory in the online framework (eCDMS) to unravel new orientations and segmentation to generate marketing innovation strategies for the new normal firms. Methodology. It is based on a literature review designing a model and questionnaire applied to 400 Mexican online customers (May-Aug, 2021). The dataset is analyzed under Covariance-Based Structural Equation Modelling (CB-SEM), Cluster Analysis, and one-way-ANOVA multivariate methods. Findings and Originality. The obtention of an empirical model with 9 factors, 24 indicators as new online customer decision-making styles orientations (eCDMS orientation), being quality, brand, and customer experience the most relevant. Besides, we obtained four new online customer groups (eCDMS Segmentation) that we called: marketing followers, price searchers, convenience shoppers, ethics& reputation keepers. The originality is based on a framework proposal about the discussion of new online consumers after the COVID-19 pandemic as the first insights to conform to an online customer decision-making style (eCDMS) theory.Objetivo. Esta investigación contribuye a la teoría del estilo de toma de decisiones del consumidor (CDMS) en línea (eCDMS) para descubir nuevas orientaciones y segmentaciones de los msmos y generar estrategias de innovación de marketing para las empresas, en la nueva normalidad. Metodología. Se basa en una revisión de la literatura diseñando un modelo y un cuestionario aplicado a 400 consumidores mexicanos en línea (Mayo-Agosto de 2021). El conjunto de datos se analiza bajo el modelado de ecuaciones estructurales basado en covarianza (CB-SEM), elanálisis de conglomerados y el métodos multivariados ANOVA de un factor. Resultados. Se obtiene un modelo empírico con 9 factores, 24 indicadores como nuevas orientaciones de estilos de toma de decisiones del cliente online (orientación eCDMS), siendo la calidad, la marca y la experiencia del cliente los más relevantes. Además, se obtuvo cuatro nuevos grupos de clientes en línea (segmentación eCDMS) a los que denominamos: seguidores de marketing, buscadores de precios, compradores de conveniencia, encargados de la ética y la reputación. La originalidad se basa en una propuesta marco, basada en consumidores en línea después de la pandemia COVID-19, como primeros hallazgs para conformar una teoría de toma de decisiones del consumidor en línea (eCDMS)

    Analysis of the contractive tendency of an instrumented field deposit

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    This paper implements an identification technique to characterize the pore pressure behavior of a fully instrumented wildlife site located in the Imperial Valley of Southern California. A 12-year seismic history of the site was analyzed. The technique estimates shear stresses and strains based on acceleration and pore pressure recorded using a vertical array of sensors in the deposit. A constitutive model was implemented to identify optimal material parameters controlling the contractive behavior of the soil based on the recorded response of all seismic events. The relationship between the maximum acceleration and pore pressure ratio was analyzed, as well as the relationship between the maximum acceleration and a parameter controlling the contraction of the soil. It was found that the seismic history of the deposits affects the contractive tendency of the material, which significantly influences the pore pressure response of the deposit

    Dinámica de integración y diferenciación económica regional: el caso de San Diego y Tijuana

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