151 research outputs found

    La concepción aristotélica de la inducción

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    La despersonalización de la conciencia en el liberalismo

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    Mandeville llevó al extremo algunas tesis de Hobbes, afirmando que el egoísmo es desagradable, pero provechoso para el progreso social. Hume y Adam Smith criticaron esta posición y propusieron alternativas en la línea del sentimiento moral y de la necesidad de pensar la moral con despego. Sentimientos importantes como la simpatía, son completamente distintos del egoísmo o interés personal. Además, la razón y la experiencia enseñan que es mejor fomentar el desinterés hasta crear una especie de espectador imparcial que juzga sin involucrarse en las acciones. Aunque Smith se acerca a la noción tradicional de conciencia, las propuestas de los dos autores escoceses se quedan en un modelo abstracto, que resulta poco aplicable en la moral personal

    Tiempo, tarea y satisfacción. De la sindéresis a la medición de resultados

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    Polo explains synderesis as a proactive principle. Human effusiveness needs personal discipline and formal organisation to be constructive. A harmonic relationship between intelligence and emotions constitutes a platform for hope and gratification. Feelings indicate that positive activities and good productions bring satisfaction and perfect the working person. Managers must exercise and promote activities to realise the company’s goals. Goal-setting structures human time with a wide variety of means so that people can give more and keep on giving, i.e. without wearing themselves out unnecessarily. The OKR methodology concretises some of Polo’s fundamental anthropological notions. Objective setting and instruments to measure results support workers’ autonomy and initiative. The feedback given with this work system promotes trust and the internalisation of the gratifications for the results achieved.Polo explica la sindéresis como un principio proactivo. Para ser constructiva, la efusividad humana requiere disciplina individual y estructuras organizativas. Una relación armónica entre la inteligencia y las emociones constituye una plataforma para la esperanza y la gratificación. Las emociones indican que las acciones y las producciones positivas producen satisfacción y perfeccionan a los trabajadores. Los directivos deben promover actividades que lleven a cumplir los objetivos. Fijar objetivos estructura el tiempo a través de instrumentos muy variados, para que los trabajadores puedan dar más y seguir dando, es decir, sin desgastarse innecesariamente. La metodología OKR concreta algunas nociones antropológicas fundamentales de Polo, a través del establecimiento de objetivos y estrategias para medir los resultados de modo que los trabajadores crezcan en autonomía e iniciativa. La retroalimentación que se da con este sistema de trabajo promueve la confianza y la asimilación de las gratificaciones por los resultados alcanzados

    El futuro y la racionalidad de las promesas: Elizabeth Anscombe y Philippa Foot

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    Somatic embryogenesis in explants of adult wild olive trees

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    In this investigation, somatic embryogenesis in explants of adult wild olive trees, using the protocol developed by Mazri et al. (2013, Sci. Hort. 159: 88-95), was induced. Four genotypes differring in the level of resistance to the fungal pathogen Verticillium dahliae were used: Ac18, StopVert and OutVert (symptomless resistant genotypes, Jiménez-Fernández et al. 2015, Plant Pathology, in press) and Ac15 (susceptible genotype, Jiménez-Díaz, IAS-CSIC, Córdoba, personal communication). Three types of explants from actively growing cultures were used: first pair of leaves, petioles and shoot apex. Firstly, all explants were cultured on a liquid induction medium with MS mineral elements at 0.5X and 30 μM TDZ-0.5 μM NAA, for 4 days at 80rpm. Afterwards, explants were transferred to basal MS with 0.5X macroelements, for 8 weeks. Finally, calli were cultured on expression ECO medium supplemented with 0.25 μM IBA, 0.5 μM 2ip and 0.44 μM BA, for several subcultures. Cultures were incubated under darkness at 25 degrees. Embryogenic calli were observed on shoot apex (StopVert) or leaf primordia (Ac18) explants.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Transformación genética de olivo con el gen OeHPL para el análisis funcional del papel de la enzima 13-hidroperóxido liasa (13-HPL) en la producción de compuestos volátiles.

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    La 13-hidroperóxido liasa es una enzima implicada en la biosíntesis de compues- tos volátiles y tiene un papel fundamental sobre la composición y propiedades del aceite de oliva virgen. La expresión del gen OeHPL muestra una regulación temporal durante la maduración y desarrollo del fruto; además, la expresión es alta en hojas y tejido de mesocarpo y baja en semillas. En este trabajo se aborda el análisis funcional de este gen mediante su sobreexpresión y silenciamiento en plantas transgénicas de olivo. La transformación se llevó a cabo vía Agrobac- terium. Se utilizó la cepa AGL-1 con tres construcciones distintas: pHPLs para sobreexpresión (orientación sentido), pHPLas (orientación antisentido) y pHPLi (ARN-interferente) para silenciamiento. Se recuperaron plantas procedentes de 27 líneas transgénicas independientes, 6 HPLs, 10 HPLas y 11 HPLi. El análisis de la expresión del gen OeHPL en hojas de estas líneas mostró los siguientes resultados, a) líneas sentido: en una de ellas aumentó la expresión 24 veces mien- tras que en otras tres, aumentó en el rango 4-7X; b) líneas antisentido: sólo en dos de ellas disminuyó su expresión un 20% y c) líneas RNAi: en tres de ellas, se redujo la expresión entre 25-35% mientras que en otras dos, disminuyó un 50%. Estas líneas RNAi muestran un crecimiento ralentizado y, en general, presen- tan menor vigor que las controles. Próximamente, se iniciarán los trabajos para cuantificar la actividad enzimática 13-HPL y el contenido de volátiles en hojas con diferentes perfiles de expresión del gen. Asimismo, dado el papel que los vo- látiles de hoja verde, formados vía HPL, juegan en la resistencia a estrés también se evaluará la tolerancia a verticilosis en las plantas de las líneas seleccionadas.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucia Tech

    Downregulation of NAC transcription factors modifies cell wall composition and increases strawberry fruit firmness

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    The strawberry is a soft fruit with a very short post-harvest shelf life. The changes in texture during fruit ripening are mainly due to the dissolution of the middle lamellae, reducing cell-to-cell adhesion, and the weakening of parenchymal cell walls as result of the action of cell wall modifying enzymes. At present, no master regulator of this process has been discovered yet. NAC transcription factors have been involved in numerous physiological processes, including fruit ripening. In strawberry, the NAC family comprises more than 110 genes, and at least 6 of them are expressed during fruit development. In this research, we performed a functional analysis of two ripening-related NAC genes, FaNAC2 and FaNAC3, in Fragaria x ananassa Duch. cv. Chandler. Several RNAi transgenic lines showing low FaNAC2 or FaNAC3 mRNA levels in fruit were obtained through Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. These lines produced fruits significantly firmer than control at the ripe stage, being the increase in firmness higher in FaNAC2 silenced plants. Cell walls were extracted from ripe transgenic fruits and characterized by ELISA and Epitope Detection Chromatography (EDC), using monoclonal antibodies against different polysaccharide epitopes. FaNAC2 transgenic lines showed more extensive changes than FaNAC3; these modifications involved increased amounts of demethylated pectins (LM19) in water and CDTA fractions and an alteration of the lateral branches of RG-I, decreasing the amount of arabinan epitopes and increasing galactan epitopes detected by LM6 and LM5, respectively. The amount of arabinogalactan proteins recognized by the JIM13 antibody was also affected, decreasing in the Na2CO3 fraction and increasing in the 4M KOH and cellulase fraction of the transgenic lines.The results obtained indicate that NAC genes could be involved in the regulation of cell wall disassembly associated to strawberry fruit softening.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Hedonic perception and preference analysis of double cream cheeses formulated with raw and pasteurized milk

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    Objective: To compare the characteristics of double cream cheeses made with raw and pasteurized milk per liking and preference level. Design/Methodology/Approach: Cheeses from three brands were evaluated: Santa Teresa, Montero, and Colegio de Postgraduados (CP). The first two cheeses were formulated with raw milk, while the CP cheese was formulated with pasteurized milk inoculated with lactic cultures. The hedonic perception study was carried out in monadic series with 19 volunteers who blind tasted the three types of cheese. The evaluation attributes were: appearance, taste, aroma, and general acceptability on a 9-point scale; and saltiness, acidity, and creaminess on a 3-point scale (JAR). Preferences were evaluated by rank and multiple comparison tests. Results: No differences were found in the aroma, taste, and texture liking level of the cheeses (p>0.05); nevertheless, there were differences in the appearance and general acceptance (p˂0.05). The general acceptance of the CP cheese was significantly lower than that of the two raw milk cheeses (p˂0.05). The penalty analysis showed that low acidity and low creaminess attributes are related to a low general acceptance (p˂0.05). Limitations/Implications: The study has enough evaluations for statistical tests. Findings/Conclusions: Raw milk cheeses obtained the highest marks in all attributes. Determining if there are other sensory attributes —in addition to those that were the subject of this study— will help to explain the greater preference and global acceptance of raw milk cheeses

    Cell wall disassembly is delayed by rhamnogalacturonate lyase gene silencing: potential role in fruit firmness

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    Strawberry fruits greatly reduce their quality due to softening during ripening with economically important losses. Texture changes of fleshy fruits during ripening are mainly due to middle lamellae dissolution, cell-to-cell adhesion losses and wall weakening of parenchyma cells by the coordinated action of several cell wall enzymes. Pectin degradation has been proven a key factor in strawberry softening by functional analysis of several pectinase genes (polygalacturonase, pectate lyase and -galactosidase). The complexity and highly dynamic nature of pectins remains a challenge to fully elucidate structure-function relationships of pectins. In this work, we present the functional analysis of two independent strawberry transgenic lines with more than 95% silencing of a rhamnogalacturonate lyase gene (FaRGLyase1). Firmness of ripe fruit was significantly higher in both transgenic lines than in the control. Cell walls from these fruits were extracted and analyzed by glycan microarray profiling. This high‐throughput technique allows a wide screening of cell-wall glycan occurrence based on the detection of specific cell wall oligosaccharide epitopes by monoclonal antibodies and reveals profiles which can be used as potential fingerprints specific for a singular organ and/or developmental stage. Our microarray results showed that the silencing of FaRGLyase1 reduced degradation of several rhamnogalacturonan-I related epitopes, as expected. Additionally, comparison of transgenic cell walls from ripe fruits with those extracted from control fruits at different developmental stages (green, white and red) by hierarchical clustering, demonstrated a higher similarity of transgenic fruit cell walls with the control cell walls from fruits at the white stage. Glycan microarray profiles revealed less degraded fruit cell walls as result of FaRGLyase1 down-regulation which could contribute to the increased firmness of transgenic fruitsUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Partial Activation of SA- and JA-Defensive Pathways in Strawberry upon Colletotrichum acutatum Interaction

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    [EN] Understanding the nature of pathogen host interaction may help improve strawberry (Fragaria x anahassa) cultivars. Plant resistance to pathogenic agents usually operates through a complex network of defense mechanisms mediated by a diverse array of signaling molecules. In strawberry, resistance to a variety of pathogens has been reported to be mostly polygenic and quantitatively inherited, making it difficult to associate molecular markers with disease resistance genes. Colletotrichum acutaturn spp. is a major strawberry pathogen, and completely resistant cultivars have not been reported. Moreover, strawberry defense network components and mechanisms remain largely unknown and poorly understood. Assessment of the strawberry response to C. acutatum included a global transcript analysis, and acidic hormones SA and JA measurements were analyzed after challenge with the pathogen. Induction of transcripts corresponding to the SA and JA signaling pathways and key genes controlling major steps within these defense pathways was detected. Accordingly, SA and JA accumulated in strawberry after infection. Contrastingly, induction of several important SA, JA, and oxidative stress-responsive defense genes, including FaPR1-1, FaLOX2, FaJAR1, FaPDF1, and FaGST1, was not detected, which suggests that specific branches in these defense pathways (those leading to FaPR1-2, FaPR2-1, FaPR2-2, FaAOS, FaPR5, and FaPR10) were activated. Our results reveal that specific aspects in SA and JA dependent signaling pathways are activated in strawberry upon interaction with C. acutatum. Certain described defense-associated transcripts related to these two known signaling pathways do not increase in abundance following infection. This finding suggests new insight into a specific putative molecular strategy for defense against this pathogen.Authors are grateful to Dr. JM Lopez-Aranda (IFAPA-Centro de Churriana) for providing micropropagated strawberry plants and to Nicolas Garcia-Caparros for technical assistance. Authors also want to thank Kevin M. Folta for his insightful comments on the paper. This work was supported by Junta de Andalucia, Spain [Proyectos de Excelencia P07-AGR-02482/P12-AGR-2174, and grants to Grupo-BIO278].Amil-Ruiz, F.; Garrido-Gala, J.; Gadea Vacas, J.; Blanco-Portales, R.; Munoz-Merida, A.; Trelles, O.; De Los Santos, B.... (2016). Partial Activation of SA- and JA-Defensive Pathways in Strawberry upon Colletotrichum acutatum Interaction. Frontiers in Plant Science. 7(1036). https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2016.01036S71036Acosta, I. F., & Farmer, E. E. (2010). Jasmonates. The Arabidopsis Book, 8, e0129. doi:10.1199/tab.0129Al-Shahrour, F., Diaz-Uriarte, R., & Dopazo, J. (2004). 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