62 research outputs found

    Waterfall Resort Di Talawaan (Transformasi Konsep Falling Water Frank Lloyd Wright)

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    Kabupaten Minahasa Utara merupakan salah satu bagian dari wilayah di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara yang sangat kaya akan kehidupan sosial-budaya serta sumber daya alam yang potensial untuk dijadikan sebagai objek wisata. Salah satunya adalah Air Terjun Tunan (Tunan Waterfall) yang merupakan objek wisata andalan Kabupaten Minahasa Utara. Namun aksesbilitas jarak yang jauh, infrastruktur yang belum optimal dan fasilitas penunjang yang belum memadai menyebabkan para wisatawan lokal, nusantara, dan mancanegara hanya sekedar berkunjung saja tanpa menginap untuk menikmati lebih lama keindahan Air Terjun Tunan yang ada. Oleh karena itu, kehadiran resort di kawasan Air Terjun Tunan di Desa Talawaan ini diharapkan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan wisatawan dalam beristirahat, berekreasi, serta menikmati keindahan alam yang ada disekitar objek wisata Air Terjun. Transformasi Konsep Falling Water F.L. Wright merupakan tema yang diangkat dalam perencanaan Waterfall Resort tersebut. Pemahaman konsep Falling Water oleh Frank Lloyd Wright adalah bahwa bangunan merupakan bagian dari alam, terkesan seolah-olah muncul dari alam dimana F.L. Wright tidak menyukai simetris yang statis dengan memanfaatkan kedinamisan alam. Dengan mentransformasikan konsep Falling Water, penulis menggunakan teori transformasi oleh F.D.K. Ching dimana setiap bentuk ruang yang dihasilkan mengalami Perubahan-Perubahan, baik secara dimensional, Perubahan akibat pengurangan, dan Perubahan akibat penambahan. Pemahaman konsep Falling Water dan teori transformasi dirampung menjadi satu kesatuan sehingga bisa menghasilkan suatu perancangan yang diinginkan. Melalui perencanaan resort ini diharapkan bisa menjadi contoh untuk pengembangan fasilitas-fasilitas pariwisata di Kabupaten Minahasa Utara serta bisa meningkatkan kualitas serta kuantitas kerja Pemerintah Kabupaten Minahasa Utara dalam upaya pelestarian objek-objek wisata di Minahasa Utara

    Étude de la contamination par les métaux lourds du champ d'épandage des eaux usées de la ville de Marrakech (Maroc)

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    La bioconcentration du Zn, Cu et Cd a été étudiée chez Melanopsis praemorsa L. (Gastéropode prosobranche) provenant de deux sites d'une khettara située dans le champ d'épandage des eaux usées de la ville de Marrakech. Les khettaras représentent un système d'irrigation traditionnel que l'on trouve dans certaines zones arides et semi-arides de la région ouest-paléarctique. L'eau est mise à jour par drainage de la nappe phréatique. Le degré de contamination de ce gastéropode s'avère très élevé et les teneurs métalliques augmentent de l'hiver à l'été. Les causes de la variabilité des concentrations métalliques chez les gastéropodes des deux stations ont été recherchées par des expériences de transplantation, et par des dosages de métaux au niveau du sédiment, de la spirogyre et du périphyton installé sur des substrats artificiels. Les résultats obtenus montrent que les différences entre les concentrations métalliques accumulées par les Melanopsis dans les deux stations pourraient être attribuées à la spéciation du métal dans l'eau. D'autres facteurs peuvent être mis en cause et méritent d'être précisés.Molluscs are well known for their capacity to bioaccumulate heavy metals from water or sediments. This study involves an evaluation of the contamination level of the undergroud and surface waters from a specific irrigation system known as a « khetarra », located near the town of Marrakech (Morocco). Khettaras represent a traditional systern by means ofwhich the ground water is drained to the surface and then can be used as drinking water or for irrigation in some arid and semi-arid areas. The bioindicator chosen was the gasteropod Melanopsispraemorca L. Two stations (Kl and K2) were investigated in a khettara located in spreading Marrakech waste water. The contamination of soils and water by heavy metals, eipecially Zn, Cu and Cd was first described by EL MEZD1 (1985) and SEDKI(1990).The studied khettara (1500 m. in length) is contaminated in two different ways: first by infiltration of waste water from the Seguia system and secondly directly by over-flow and escape of a main common sewer which crosses over the khetarra between the Kl andK2 stations.At each station, sediment peripbyton, Spirogyra and M. praemorsa were sampled in different seasons. Each sample was prepared for analysis (S.A.A. varian 475.AA) according to the method described by COSSON (1987). Flame atomization was chosen for Zn and Cu, the grafite furnace for Cd.The main results concern the level of contamination, with a comparison between Kl and K2 stations, the variation in contamination according to the seasons, the dilferent routes of contamination, namely through water or by the trophic chaîn (periphfion and Spirogyra).The degree of contamination in M. praemona is signifïcatively higher at the Kl station, with the following ranking: Zn> Cu> Cd (fig. 2, 3 and 4). Compared with other literature data: FORSTNER et al., 1981; RADA, 1985; COSSON, 1987; PIP, 1992, the upper concentrations are the highest.The metal concentrations increase from winter to summer, with significant differences between winter and spring or summer values at Kl for Zn, Cu, Cd; the same distinction, but only for Zn and Cd at K2 station.The causes of variation in metal concentrations in the gasteropods from the two sites were investigated,by in situ cotransplantation experiences and by measuring metaflic concentrations in sediments, periphyton and Spirogyra. Results show that differences in gasteropod metal concentrations between sites appear to be related to differences in aqueous metal speciation. The data concerning the food chain show that metallic concentrations are higher for periphyton and, Spirogyra living at Kl station, this according to the data for M. praemorsa.In contrast, the level of contamination in sediments is higher at K2 station. The most probable hypothesis is that organic and suspended matter, present at a higher level in this station, bind the heary metals and reduce their bioavailability.The cotransplantation between Kl and K2 stations shows that the individuals transferred from Kl to K2 station for 15 days cease to bioaccumulate Zn and Cd. A detoxification process occurs for these two metals but not for Cu, which continues to increase; thus, bioavailability of different metals at the same station is not equivalent. On the other hand the individuals transferred from K2 to Kl station do not increase their Zn, Cu or Cd concentrations even after 30 days. Concerning this fact FRAZIER and GEORGE (1983) suggest the possibility of an adaptation to initial conditions.It seems that many other factors influence metal bioaccumulation and merit further study, e.g.: the size and the age of individuals, the biological cycle with the period of reproduction ; the interaction of abiotic factors: T°, salinity, dissolved orygen, turbidity, lighting

    The Partition Function of Multicomponent Log-Gases

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    We give an expression for the partition function of a one-dimensional log-gas comprised of particles of (possibly) different integer charge at inverse temperature {\beta} = 1 (restricted to the line in the presence of a neutralizing field) in terms of the Berezin integral of an associated non- homogeneous alternating tensor. This is the analog of the de Bruijn integral identities [3] (for {\beta} = 1 and {\beta} = 4) ensembles extended to multicomponent ensembles.Comment: 14 page

    The impact of the E46K mutation on the properties of alpha-synuclein in its monomeric and oligomeric states

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    The third and most recently identified Parkinson's disease-linked variant of the neuronal protein alpha-synuclein to be identified (E46K) results in widespread brain pathology and early onset Parkinson symptoms (Zarranz et al. (2004) Ann. Neurol. 55, 164-173). Herein, we present biochemical and biophysical characterization of E46K alpha-synuclein in various states of aggregation. Circular dichroism and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy illustrate that the E46K mutation results in subtle changes in the conformation of the monomeric protein both free in solution and in the presence of SDS micelles. However, it does not alter the overall helical propensity of the protein in the presence of phospholipids. E46K alpha-synuclein formed insoluble fibrils in vitro more rapidly than the wild type protein, and electron microscopy revealed that E46K alpha-synuclein fibrils possess a typical amyloid ultrastructure. E46K alpha-synuclein protofibrils, soluble aggregates that form during the transition from the monomeric form to the fibrillar form of alpha-synuclein, were characterized by electron microscopy and gel filtration and were found to include annular species. The unique ability of a subfraction of E46K and wild type alpha-synuclein protofibrils containing porelike species to permeabilize lipid vesicles was demonstrated in vitro using a real-time chromatographic method. In contrast to simplistic expectations, the total amount of protofibrils and the amount of permeabilizing activity per mole protein in the protofibril fraction were reduced by the E46K mutation. These results suggest that if the porelike activity of alpha-synuclein is important for neurotoxicity, there must be factors in the neuronal cytoplasm that reverse the trends in the intrinsic properties of E46K versus WT alpha-synuclein that are observed in vitro

    Linking databases on perinatal health: a review of the literature and current practices in Europe

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    BACKGROUND: International comparisons of perinatal health indicators are complicated by the heterogeneity of data sources on pregnancy, maternal and neonatal outcomes. Record linkage can extend the range of data items available and thus can improve the validity and quality of routine data. We sought to assess the extent to which data are linked routinely for perinatal health research and reporting. METHODS: We conducted a systematic review of the literature by searching PubMed for perinatal health studies from 2001 to 2011 based on linkage of routine data (data collected continuously at various time intervals). We also surveyed European health monitoring professionals about use of linkage for national perinatal health surveillance. RESULTS: 516 studies fit our inclusion criteria. Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, the US and the UK contributed 76% of the publications; a further 29 countries contributed at least one publication. Most studies linked vital statistics, hospital records, medical birth registries and cohort data. Other sources were specific registers for: cancer (70), congenital anomalies (56), ART (19), census (19), health professionals (37), insurance (22) prescription (31), and level of education (18). Eighteen of 29 countries (62%) reported linking data for routine perinatal health monitoring. CONCLUSION: Research using linkage is concentrated in a few countries and is not widely practiced in Europe. Broader adoption of data linkage could yield substantial gains for perinatal health research and surveillance

    The Ubiquitin Peptidase UCHL1 Induces G0/G1 Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis Through Stabilizing p53 and Is Frequently Silenced in Breast Cancer

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    Background: Breast cancer (BrCa) is a complex disease driven by aberrant gene alterations and environmental factors. Recent studies reveal that abnormal epigenetic gene regulation also plays an important role in its pathogenesis. Ubiquitin carboxyl- terminal esterase L1 (UCHL1) is a tumor suppressor silenced by promoter methylation in multiple cancers, but its role and alterations in breast tumorigenesis remain unclear. Methodology/Principal Findings: We found that UCHL1 was frequently downregulated or silenced in breast cancer cell lines and tumor tissues, but readily expressed in normal breast tissues and mammary epithelial cells. Promoter methylation of UCHL1 was detected in 9 of 10 breast cancer cell lines (90%) and 53 of 66 (80%) primary tumors, but rarely in normal breast tissues, which was statistically correlated with advanced clinical stage and progesterone receptor status. Pharmacologic demethylation reactivated UCHL1 expression along with concomitant promoter demethylation. Ectopic expression of UCHL1 significantly suppressed the colony formation and proliferation of breast tumor cells, through inducing G0/G1 cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Subcellular localization study showed that UCHL1 increased cytoplasmic abundance of p53. We further found that UCHL1 induced p53 accumulation and reduced MDM2 protein level, and subsequently upregulated the expression of p21, as well as cleavage of caspase3 and PARP, but not in catalytic mutant UCHL1 C90Sexpressed cells

    Sequencing of \u3ci\u3eAspergillus nidulans\u3c/i\u3e and comparative analysis with \u3ci\u3eA. fumigatus\u3c/i\u3e and \u3ci\u3eA. oryzae\u3c/i\u3e

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    The aspergilli comprise a diverse group of filamentous fungi spanning over 200 million years of evolution. Here we report the genome sequence of the model organism Aspergillus nidulans, and a comparative study with Aspergillus fumigatus, a serious human pathogen, and Aspergillus oryzae, used in the production of sake, miso, and soy sauce. Our analysis of genome structure provided a quantitative evaluation of forces driving long-term eukaryotic genome evolution. It also led to an experimentally validated model of mating-type locus evolution, suggesting the potential for sexual reproduction in A. fumigatus and A. oryzae. Our analysis of sequence conservation revealed over 5,000 non-coding regions actively conserved across all three species. Within these regions, we identified potential functional elements including a previously uncharacterized TPP riboswitch and motifs suggesting regulation in filamentous fungi by Puf family genes. We further obtained comparative and experimental evidence indicating widespread translational regulation by upstream open reading frames. These results enhance our understanding of these widely studied fungi as well as provide new insight into eukaryotic genome evolution and gene regulation. Document includes all supplementary information (820 pages). Supplementary files are also attached below as Related files. THERE IS NO SUPPLEMENTARY FILE #7. PDF file size (with supplementary files included) is 10 Mbytes. An optimized version of the ARTICLE ONLY is attached as a Related File and is 1.9 Mbytes

    Regional perinatal mortality differences in the Netherlands; care is the question

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    Background. Perinatal mortality is an important indicator of health. European comparisons of perinatal mortality show an unfavourable position for the Netherlands. Our objective was to study regional variation in perinatal mortality within the Netherlands and to identify possible explanatory factors for the found differences. Methods. Our study population comprised of all singleton births (904,003) derived from the Netherlands Perinatal Registry for the period 2000-2004. Perinatal mortality including stillbirth from 22+0weeks gestation and early neonatal death (0-6 days) was our main outcome measure. Differences in perinatal mortality were calculated between 4 distinct geographical regions North-East-South-West. We tried to explain regional differences by adjustment for the demographic factors maternal age, parity and ethnicity and by socio-economic status and urbanisation degree using logistic modelling. In addition, regional differences in mode of delivery and risk selection were analysed as health care factors. Finally, perinatal mortality was analysed among five distinct clinical risk groups based on the mediating risk factors gestational age and congenital anomalies. Results. Overall perinatal mortality was 10.1 per 1,000 total births over the period 2000-2004. Perinatal mortality was elevated in the northern region (11.2 per 1,000 total births). Perinatal mortality in the eastern, western and southern region was 10.2, 10.1 and 9.6 per 1,000 total births respectively. Adjustment for demographic factors increased the perinatal mortality risk in the northern region (odds ratio 1.20, 95% CI 1.12-1.28, compared to reference western region), subsequent adjustment for socio-economic status and urbanisation explained a small part of the elevated risk (odds ratio 1.11, 95% CI 1.03-1.20). Risk group analysis showed that regional differences were absent among very preterm births (22+0- 25+6weeks gestation) and most prominent among births from 32+0gestation weeks onwards and among children with severe congenital anomalies. Among term births (37+0weeks) regional mortality differences were largest for births in women transferred from low to high risk during delivery. Conclusion. Regional differences in perinatal mortality exist in the Netherlands. These differences could not be explained by demographic or socio-economic factors, however clinical risk group analysis showed indications for a role of health care factors